Revised 1965 "RED ~TARS" - TRACT THE REDS.ARE BACK IN HOLLYWOOD! ! ! --•-- AMERICANS ... To save America from the Communist Conspiracy - DON' PATRONIZE REDS!!! Keep Them OUT of Your (TV) Living Rooms - Out of Radio - Off the Screen --•-- This Tract tells how YOU can do it! - -•- - In 1947, in a speech in Hollywood, Myron C. Fagan, famous Playright-Director-Producer, charged that the REDS had acquired absolute control of Holly­ wood and Broadway - and transformed our Stage, Screen and Radio into the Communist Conspiracy's most effective Fifth Column in America . .. that the RED Stars, Directors, Write rs and Produce rs of Holly­ wood were the chief supporters, financial and other­ wise, of Communist propaganda in America ... that many films made by the Hollywood REDS were being used by Moscow in Asia, Africa and through­ out the world to cre ate hatred of America and Ame ricans . that other films were made to craftily g lorify COMMUN ISM and ONE-WORLD­ ISM ... and still other films that deliberately created dissensions and hatreds betwee n Negroes and Whites, between North and South, between Minority Groups and Ame ricans. That speech startled the nation. The Hollywood Moguls frantically denied everything. That brought the House Committee on Un-American Activities into action. The ir Hearings in Hollywood and Washington fully confirmed all the (Fagan) charges against the MYRON McCORMICK PETE SEEGER industry and all the named Stars - and Hnt the BURGESS MEREDITH LISA SERGIO notorious "Hollywood Ten" to iail. Th at ROCKED the HENRY MORGAN SYLVIA SIDNEY ZERO MOSTEL FRANK SINATRA nation! The people, infuriated, began to " blacklist" MEG MUNDY • GALE SONDERGARD the theatres showing those REDS and the Red Films. PAUL MUN I LIONEL STANDER Panic swept through the entire industry-it chased EDWARD R. MURROW HELEN TAMIRIS JESSICA TANDY Charl ie Chaplin out of the co untry-it drove SCORES ~ I FRANCHOT TONE of other REDS off the Screen .. and, far more im­ HILDA VAUGHN ANTHONY QUINN J. RAYMOND WALSH portant, it closed THOUSANDS of theatres! ANNE REVERE FREDI WASHINGTON QUENTIN REYNOLDS ORSON WELLES THAT did the job ! .. it hit the Moguls in their EARL ROBINSON JOSH WHITE most vulnerable spot: their pocketbookl-and all their EDWARD G. ROBINSON SHELLEY WINTERS SELENA ROYLE KEENAN WYNN "self-r ighteous" denials changed to piteous pleas ROBERT RYAN SAM ZIMBALIST for fo rg iveness. They piously promised that "never HAZEL SCOTT again would they employ any REDS" - that "never WRITERS, DIRECTORS, PRODUCERS, COMPOSERS again would they produce RED-propaganda films" HARMON (HY) ALEXANDER ALBERT HACKETT SY BARTLETT MOSS HART and for a time they seemingly kept their promises­ LEONARD BERNSTEIN E. Y. (Y IP) HARBURG they even barred all tainted Stars from "Oscar" WALTER BERNSTEIN BEN HECHT ALVAH BE SSIE HAROLD HECHT honors. HERBERT BIBERMAN LILLIAN HELLMAN MICHAEL BLANKFORT NAT HIKEN But actually they were merely waiting for the MARC BLITZSTEIN JOHN HOUSEMAN people to forget. And even while "waiting" they KERMIT BLOOMGARDEN SOL HUROK RICHARD BROOKS LEO HURWITZ were scheming and conniving how to keep those SIDNEY BUCHMAN JOHN HUSTON REDS "alive" - and finally bring them back into ABE BURROUGHS CHARLIE ISAACS public favor ... they contin ued to employ RED VERA CASPARY GARSON KANIN EDWARD CHODOROV MICHAEL KANIN writers, (even the "Hollywood Ten") under fictitious JEROME CHODOROV ELIA KAZAN names . .. they secretly financed pictures made in HAROLD CLURMAN ARTHUR KOBER LESTER COLE N. S. (HY) KRAFT Europe by banished American REDS . other RED BETTY COMDEN STANLEY KRAMER Stars were "taken care of" in Broadway plays .. MARC CONNELLY MILLARD LAMPELL AARON COPELAND RI NG LARDNER, JR. then, as it grew in stature and importance, TELE­ NORMAN CORWIN FRITZ LANG VISI ON became their greatest sanctuary! CHERY L CRAWFORD EMMETT LAVERY KY LE CHRICHTON JOHN HOWARD LAWSON And, tragically, the people did begin to "forget". JU LES DASSIN ALAN LOMAX AGNES DE MILLE AVON LONG And, gradually, the Marches, the Robinsons, the I. A . L. DIAMOND PETER LYON Mi lestones and a ll the other REDS began to creep WILLIAM DIETERLE ARCHIBALD MacLEISH DEAN DIXON NORMAN MAILER back into Holl ywood . .. and once again our theatre PHILIP DUNNE ALBERT MALTZ Screens are showing films that sanctify MARXISM­ GUY ENDORE DAN IEL (DANNY) MANN CAR L FOREMAN MARY McCALL ONE-WOR LD ISM-RACIAL DISSENSIONS! MELVIN FRANK LEWIS MILESTONE In short, TODAY the REDS are back in Hollywood KETTI FRINGS ARTH UR MILLER MARTIN GABEL V INCE NTE MINELLI stronger and more brazen than ever - even the in­ IRA GERSHWIN ROBERT NATHAN famous "HOLLYWOOD TEN" are back again!- and SHERIDAN GIBNEY DUDLEY NICHOLS FRANCES GOODRICH CLIFFORD ODETS a ll the honors, including the "Oscar'', have bee n MORTON GOULD JESS OPPENHEIMER restored to them ... 111 because the people have ADOLPH GREEN NORMAN PANAMA JOHNNY GREEN DOROTHY PARKER forgotten I industry and all the named Stars - and sent the TV AN EVEN GREATER MENACE with you ALWAYS! . .. When one of them appears notorious "Hollywood Ten" to iail. That ROCKED the Today, virtually 11 11 fil ms for TV are made in on your SET send a copy of this Tract to the SPON­ nation! The peop le, infuria ted, began to " blacklist" Hollywood ~ by the Hollywood Reds! RIGHT NOW SOR immediately-and WARN him that if he w ill the the atres showing those REDS and the Red Films. all the Ho llywood Lo ts a re making thousands of TV bring another RED into your Li ving Roo m you w il l Pa nic swe pt through the entire industry-it chased fil ms fu ll of craft ily camouflaged RED p ropaganda, never again buy his products-and then fulfill your Charli e Chapli n o ut of the co untry-it drove SCORES a nd, via your TV Set, they are being piped into your warning! ... Give this Tract to your Groce r, your of other REDS off the Screen . and, far more im­ Li vi ng Room-and are brainwashing and poisoning Butcher, to ALL Dealers you patronize - and warn portant, it closed THOUSANDS of theatres! your children right under your very eyes I I . them - so they can warn the Sponsors - a lso send TH AT d id the jo b! ... it hit the Moguls in the ir YOU ca n stop all thatl-by shunning the theatres copies to yo ur local TV and Radio Stations . .. USE most vu lnerab le spot: their pocketbook!- and all their that show the REDS- by refusi ng to buy the products THE SAME METHOD WITH YOUR MOVIE THEAT RE. "se lf-righteo us" denia ls changed to piteous pleas of the Sponsors w ho bring the REDS into your Li ving THAT is the only way w e w ill drive the REDS out for forg iveness. They p iously promised that "never Room! You did it once-you can do it again! of Hollyw ood - Rad io - Television . .. Hit the again would they employ any REDS" - that "never WORST RENEGADES OF ALLI pocketbooks of the Sponsor I I ! REMEMBER : every again would they produce RED-propaganda films" The Racial Upheava l is, today, the most vicious ti me you buy the products of a Sponso r who e m:' and for a time they seemingly kept their promises­ weapon of a ll to destroy o ur country, to transform ploys REDS you a re hurting YOUR COUNTRY I I I they e ven ba rred all tainted Stars from "Oscar" it into a Negro Soviet America. Natura lly, the Holly­ ACTORS, SINGERS, DANCERS, COMMENTATORS w ood Reds know it- the y are SUPPORTI NG it- they honors. LARRY ADLER BETTY GARRETT lead the Negro ma rche rs in o rder to g ive them pres­ LUTHER ADLER W ILL GEE R But actually they were merely w aiting fo r the ti ge. The "March on Washington" was designed to STE LLA A DLER JACK GUILFORD people to forget. And even while "waiting" they STEVE ALLEN PA ULETTE GODDA RD intimid ate Co ngress into passing Kennedy's Civi l EDITH ATWATER LLOYD GOUGH were scheming and conniving how to keep those Ri ghts Bil l. Among the Leade rs in that "March" were LAURE N BACALL BEN GR A UER RED S "alive " - and fi na ll y bring them back into Marlo n Bra ndo, Burt Lancaster, Paul New man, Joanne LUCILLE BALL UTA HAGEN Wood ward, Joseph Ma nkiewicz and many know n JOHN BEAL JUNE HA VOC pu b lic favor .. they continued to employ RED GERTR UD E (MOLLY) BERG RITA HAYWORTH writers, (even the " Ho ll yw ood Te n") under fictitious Ho llywood a nd TV Reds . .. Not o nly that, b ut, im­ JOAN BEN N ETT VAN HEFLIN names . they secre tly fin anced pictures made in med iately after the "March," they called o n all t he BETSY BLAIR PAUL HEN RE ID Ho llywood Stars (the Reds) to jo in in a "performers' MARLON BRANDO KATH ERINE HEPBURN Europe by banished American REDS .. othe r RED LLOYD BR IDGES ROSE HOBART boycott" of all segregated theatres, nig ht cl ubs a nd EDDIE CANTOR JUDY HOLLIDAY Sta rs were "taken care of" in Broadw ay plays .. Concert Halls . .. "If every composer, every musician , BE NNETT CERF LENA HORNE then, as it gre w in stature and importa nce, TELE­ every actor, EVERYONE in our profession refused to CHARLIE CH APLIN M A RSHA HUNT LEE J. COBB CHET HUNTLEY VISION became their greatest sanctuary! allow his contributions to be displayed in any segre­ RI CHARD CONTE JOHN IRELAND And, tragical ly, the people did begin to "forget".
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