E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003 No. 84 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one Nation under hotlining later today a time tomorrow called to order by the President pro God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for people would have to give us a list of tempore (Mr. STEVENS). all. their amendments, that we would have The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- f a finite list. As I indicated, Senator day’s prayer will be offered by our RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY MCCONNELL and I and the two man- guest Chaplain, Dr. Keith Wright, exec- LEADER agers of the bill would immediately utive director of the National Center The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The begin working through that to see for Leadership. majority leader is recognized. what we can do to expedite passage of the Energy bill. We are on track to do PRAYER f that sometime tomorrow. We have the The guest Chaplain offered the fol- SCHEDULE ranking member of the Finance Com- lowing prayer: Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- mittee here today to deal with the Gracious God, we are grateful for this ing the Senate will resume consider- matter about which Senator MCCON- day and all the possibilities it holds. ation of S. 14, the Energy bill. Under NELL is going to shortly make a unani- Throughout this day, we determine to the order from last night, Senator DOR- mous consent request. live with joy, gratitude, integrity, and GAN’s amendment regarding hydrogen The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The purpose. We are elated to live in the fuel cells will be debated under a 30- Senator from Kentucky. United States of America which offers minute time limit. A vote will occur in f so many freedoms, opportunities, and relation to that amendment at some- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— riches. We humbly acknowledge that time this morning before the recess for S. 182 our many blessings are gifts of Your the policy luncheons. The Senate will grace. recess for the policy meetings from Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I We affirm with the Scriptures that 12:30 to 2:15 today. Other Energy will take very little time. You are more concerned with the con- amendments will be debated during to- To underscore where we are on the dition of our inner lives than our posi- day’s session, and therefore Senators Burma sanctions issue, I tried to get tion, accomplishments, or reputations. can expect votes throughout the day. this bill cleared for this morning for an ‘‘The Lord does not look at the things Again, I will state that each day we hour equally divided and a rollcall people look at. People look at the out- continue to work towards a filing dead- vote, but there was an objection on the ward appearance, but the Lord looks at line or a list of amendments to the En- other side with the suggestion that we the heart.’’ Help us to see life from ergy bill. I will be consulting with the modify the bill to have the sanctions Your perspective and to walk in Your Democratic leadership to see when we end in 1 year. Of course, that is exactly ways. May our hearts find joy in the might lock in a list of amendments to the wrong message to send to the mili- things that bring You joy, and be bro- this bill. I am very hopeful we can do tary junta in Burma. That is not ac- ken by the things that break Your that as soon as possible. It is also our ceptable to this side. heart. hope to reach a consent agreement to The Washington Post, in this morn- Enable each Senator to hear Your allow the Senate to consider the ing’s editorial, gets it right by saying: call, instill within them the character Burma sanctions bill introduced by the Senators supportive of democracy in to match their high calling. Grant distinguished Senator from Kentucky, Burma should vote for the bill without them true wisdom at each decision- the majority whip. He will want to condition for expiration dates. That is making moment. speak on this issue shortly. We will the way the bill ought to pass. That is May these Senators be molded by continue to press for a consent agree- the way the bill was introduced. That Your authority, inspire people with a ment on this measure. is the way I hope we will be able to sense of purpose, practice servant lead- At this juncture, I will withhold a reach consent to take it up in the near ership, and model good stewardship of few of the comments I want to make on future. Your creation. Amen. an issue we will be addressing in 2 In that regard, I ask unanimous con- f weeks on Medicare and strengthening sent that the Foreign Relations Com- Medicare, but at this juncture I will mittee be discharged from further ac- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE yield to the assistant minority leader tion of S. 182, the Burma sanctions leg- The President pro tempore led the for comments and then the Senator islation; that the Senate proceed to its Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: from Kentucky. immediate consideration; further that I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. REID. Mr. President, responding there be 1 hour of debate equally di- United States of America, and to the Repub- to the majority leader, we are vided in the usual form and that no ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7561 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:11 Jun 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.000 S10PT1 S7562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2003 amendments be in order; that upon the lations Committee and both the chair- It is time to act. Aung San Suu Kyi, use or yielding back of time, the bill be man of the Foreign Relations Com- we hope, is still alive. There is some read the third time, and the Senate mittee and the ranking member sup- urgency about this. This is an unusual proceed to a vote in relation to the port the bill, as do the majority and situation. The U.S. needs to send a measure, with no intervening action or minority leaders of the Senate. message about this now and lead the debate. I know the majority leader is waiting rest of the world into a policy of multi- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is to speak on another issue. If I could, I lateral sanctions that truly squeeze there objection? will proceed to try to get this on the this regime. I hope we can continue our Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, reserv- calendar. I understand S. 1215 is at the discussion and get this bill up for a ing the right to object, this is obvi- desk and is due for its second reading. vote no later than sometime today. ously a very important matter, and we The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is I thank the majority leader. should address this in a very careful there objection? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The and appropriate way. I might say to Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- majority leader is recognized. Senators, this matter has not been re- ject, Mr. President, I know the deep- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I wish to ferred to the Senate Finance Com- ness of the feelings of the Senator from make a few comments on Medicare and mittee. The committee has jurisdiction Kentucky. I want the record to reflect the importance of strengthening and on it. Rather, it is coming straight to that this is bipartisan legislation. One improving Medicare. We are addressing the floor with a request that there be of the chief cosponsors is the Senator this in the Finance Committee cur- no amendments, which I think is a lit- from California. This was not an objec- rently and will have it on the floor of tle bit bizarre. tion made on the other side; it was an the Senate. I want to take this oppor- I might also point out that in other objection made by the chairman and tunity first to comment on the ex- sanctions areas, for example, China, we ranking member of the Finance Com- change that we heard on the floor. had a long, deep, involved debate a few mittee. I hope this most important As my friend and distinguished col- years ago and agreed to how we should issue can be resolved along the lines league from Kentucky stated, both the address sanctions, particularly trade suggested by the ranking member and majority leader and the minority lead- sanctions against China. the chairman of the Finance Com- er are sponsors and strongly support I might also inform Senators, I have mittee, that this resolution will be the legislation on Burma. Burma’s bru- been in consultation with the chairman passed and that each year it would stay tal military regime is perpetrating a of the Finance Committee who agrees in effect until both Houses of Congress wave of crackdowns, including incar- with me that it would be inappropriate say it should stay in effect. I think cerating the Nobel Prize winner, Aung to proceed at this time, certainly in that would be a reasonable resolution San Suu Kyi.
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