3apckp08.p 33-4 Wheeling School Dist 21 08/18/20 Page:1 Check Summary 11:49 AM Check Nbr Vendor Name Check Date Invoice Number Invoice Desc PO Number Invoice Amount Check Amount 89540 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89541 1ST METROPOLITAN TRANSLATION S 08/20/2020 07-16-20-01 Inv 07-16-20-01 962100060 35.00 6,663.30 Polish translation for English document. 10E096 2510 3190 43 000000 Educational Fund/Business Office/Dirctn Business Suppt 35.00 07-31-20-01 Curriculum: 9542100000 380.80 Professional Services - Translations for Discovery Science Lessons - Invoice: #07-31-20-01 10E095 1110 3190 94 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/Elem General 380.80 08-05-20-01 TRANSLATION OF 992100011 6,247.50 2020-2021 DISTANCE LEARNING REOPENING OF SCHOOL PLAN - JULY 10 FINAL VERSION 10E099 2310 3190 90 000000 Educational Fund/District Administration/Brd Ed Service 6,247.50 89542 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89543 A T & T 08/20/2020 847520270007072220 Complete Link 2.0 7002100065 1,022.14 1,365.23 for 847 520-2700 July 22 20E700 2540 3400 00 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Information Services/Oper 1,022.14 847520576007072220 Complete Link 2.0 7002100068 108.88 Monthly Charge for 847 520-5760 July 22 20E700 2540 3400 00 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Information Services/Oper 108.88 847803872003031620 Complete Link 2.0 7002100066 113.04 Monthly Service for 847 803-8720 March 16 20E700 2540 3400 00 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Information Services/Oper 113.04 847803872007071620 Complete Link 2.0 7002100051 121.17 Monthly Charge for 847 803-8720 052 4 July 16 20E700 2540 3400 00 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Information Services/Oper 121.17 3apckp08.p 33-4 Wheeling School Dist 21 08/18/20 Page:2 Check Summary 11:49 AM Check Nbr Vendor Name Check Date Invoice Number Invoice Desc PO Number Invoice Amount Check Amount 89544 A T & T 08/20/2020 S666007007-20201 WAN monthly 7002100069 11,584.67 11,584.67 charge for 217 S66-6007 July 19 20E700 2540 3430 00 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Information Services/Oper 11,584.67 89545 ABT 08/20/2020 0811001DPYL Washer & dryer 982100062 1,467.00 1,467.00 for shop 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 1,467.00 89546 ACS ENTERPRISES INC 08/20/2020 185167 Filters for HVAC 1002100063 2,397.50 2,572.70 20E098 2540 4750 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 2,397.50 185178 HVAC Filters 1002100070 175.20 20E098 2540 4750 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 175.20 89547 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 08/20/2020 J007719 Installation of 1002100064 425.00 425.00 salt spreader on truck 20E098 2540 3740 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 425.00 89548 AIMS 08/20/2020 2194 Annual school 52100004 300.00 300.00 dues for 2021 Network Membership for the Association of Illinois Middle-Grade Schools 10E005 2410 6400 00 000000 Educational Fund/London Middle School/Office Of Princip 300.00 89549 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89550 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89551 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89552 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89553 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89554 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89555 Vendor Continued Void 08/20/2020 0.00 89556 AMAZON CAPITAL SVCS INC 08/20/2020 14MF-X7RW-96WM Sanding discs 1012100012 119.92 30,547.45 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 119.92 16GT-HQMF-RPLX Chairs for St. 402100001 449.97 Alphonsus additional health and holding area 10E099 3700 4100 00 499800 Educational Fund/District Administration/Non Public Sch 449.97 16LH-N4KX-THNP Self Cleaning 962100033 9,877.68 Bottleless Water Cooler Dispenser, 5-year warranty, 3apckp08.p 33-4 Wheeling School Dist 21 08/18/20 Page:3 Check Summary 11:49 AM Check Nbr Vendor Name Check Date Invoice Number Invoice Desc PO Number Invoice Amount Check Amount and replacement filters (50) 10E096 2540 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Business Office/Operation & Maintenanc 9,877.68 17JK-V6PM-WCLJ Internet adapter 1002100106 162.80 cables and splitter cables for the boardrooms 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 62.90 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 99.90 1C96-M3MF-FLPV GENERAL SUPPLIES- 92100004 92.99 DRY ERASE BOARD 48X36 FOR PRINCIPALS OFFICE 10E009 2410 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Holmes Middle School/Office Of Princip 92.99 1C96-M3MF-HPTD Sanding discs 1012100012 74.95 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 74.95 1F1C-TVKR-D9HL Supplies for 802100001 1,222.95 Resilience Teams 10E093 2210 4100 74 499900 Educational Fund/Student Services/Improvement of Instru 1,124.50 10E093 2210 4100 74 499900 Educational Fund/Student Services/Improvement of Instru 23.46 10E093 2210 4100 74 499900 Educational Fund/Student Services/Improvement of Instru 74.99 1GJT-13LQ-1FKP Stencils for 982100046 307.17 parking lots 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 78.25 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 228.92 1GMY-4KMT-3G1F Curriculum - 952100003 4,026.35 Summer Reading and Math Boot Camp Teaching Materials 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 101.09 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 230.67 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 54.89 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 1,859.34 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 55.00 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 148.39 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 50.97 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 114.18 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 27.81 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 869.99 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 514.02 1HGF-FTHX-RT9L Timers 1012100015 38.97 3apckp08.p 33-4 Wheeling School Dist 21 08/18/20 Page:4 Check Summary 11:49 AM Check Nbr Vendor Name Check Date Invoice Number Invoice Desc PO Number Invoice Amount Check Amount 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 38.97 1J4F-NHTH-T7MD Front Desk 62100010 43.98 Supplies (clear desk pad) 10E006 2410 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Field Elementary School/Office Of Prin 43.98 1MCN-PYRV-TNCV Title III LIPLEP 332100004 388.92 - Supplemental reading materials for literacy instruction - Dual Reading Mentor Texts 10E088 1800 4120 00 490900 Educational Fund/Bilingual Education/Bilingual ESL Prog 315.00 10E088 1800 4120 00 490900 Educational Fund/Bilingual Education/Bilingual ESL Prog 44.85 10E088 1800 4120 00 490900 Educational Fund/Bilingual Education/Bilingual ESL Prog 29.07 1MKD-TLYW-6YRF IDEA - 902100017 481.67 Occupational Therapy & Social Work Supplies 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 27.90 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 52.58 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 14.79 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 41.96 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 23.90 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 12.99 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 50.97 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 33.98 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 32.94 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 23.96 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 19.96 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 15.95 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 68.97 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 12.90 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 33.98 10E093 2110 4100 00 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Attendance & Social W 7.99 10E093 2130 4100 24 462000 Educational Fund/Student Services/Health Services-RN,CS 5.95 1NFV-N76T-69NN TITLE III LIPLEPS 332000002 22.16 - TEACHING AIDS - BOOKS FOR K-5 LITERACY 10E088 1800 4120 00 490900 Educational Fund/Bilingual Education/Bilingual ESL Prog 21.90 10E088 1800 4120 00 490900 Educational Fund/Bilingual Education/Bilingual ESL Prog 0.26 1NKX-N6C1-HVKT Electronic parts 1002100072 80.90 for maintenance. 20E098 2540 4100 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 80.90 3apckp08.p 33-4 Wheeling School Dist 21 08/18/20 Page:5 Check Summary 11:49 AM Check Nbr Vendor Name Check Date Invoice Number Invoice Desc PO Number Invoice Amount Check Amount 1NT4-C1X4-1RJL Stand up desks 982100043 1,485.00 20E098 2530 4170 79 000000 Operations & Maintenance Fund/Operations & Maintenance/ 1,485.00 1QCP-WN7G-FHNN Curriculum - 952100003 39.54 Summer Reading and Math Boot Camp Teaching Materials 10E095 1600 4100 55 000000 Educational Fund/Curriculum & Instruction/General Ed Su 39.54 1QQT-P4WQ-CJCN Self Cleaning 962100033 10,390.82 Bottleless Water Cooler Dispenser, 5-year warranty, and replacement filters (50) 10E096 2540 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Business Office/Operation & Maintenanc 3,841.32 10E096 2540 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Business Office/Operation & Maintenanc 1,849.50 10E096 2540 4100 00 000000 Educational Fund/Business Office/Operation & Maintenanc 4,700.00 1RHC-GN9D-TKY1 Chair for St.
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