West Lake Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Record of Decision and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix A Appendix A. Document Supporting Information March 2018 West Lake Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Record of Decision and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix A This page is intentionally left blank. March 2018 West Lake Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Record of Decision and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix A1 Appendix A1. References March 2018 A1-1 West Lake Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Record of Decision and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix A1 This page is intentionally left blank. March 2018 A1-2 West Lake Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Record of Decision and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix A1 AASHTO. 2000. 5-Year Data. http://ctpp.transportation.org/Pages/5-Year-Data.aspx. Amtrak. 2017. Amtrak. Accessed July 17, 2017. http://www.amtrak.com. Bell, T., M. Bowles, J. McBride, K. Havens, P. Vitt, and K. 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