Please patronize our advertisers. BEACHCLUB BISTRO HOLIDAY BAZAAR DEC 16 TAKEFREE ONE! Proud Member of the Observer Media Family of Community-Owned and Written Newspapers & Websites Volume 3 • Issue 11 December 2012 A Culture of The Cleveland Browns’ “Play 60 Challenge” Caring at comes to Forest Park Middle School Ss. Robert & by Audrey Holtzman Here we go Brownies; here we go! William Cheers echoed through the halls of Forest Park Middle School, as seven by Ellen Ivory Cleveland Browns football play- Over the past 2+ years, both the ers dashed down the aisles of the Ss. Robert & William School and the auditorium. Jabaal Sheard, Johnson Parish School of Religion have been Bademosi, Christian Yount, Craig Rob- participating in a student “Stewardship ertson, Emmanuel Acho, John Hughes, Giving Project.” Each student receives Jordan Cameron and Chomps spent the a box of Children’s envelopes at the afternoon sharing healthy lifestyle tips beginning of each school year and are and playing with Forest Park students. encouraged to participate by donating For the 344 kids who logged over 1.7 funds to help those who are less fortu- million minutes (or 29,213 hours) of nate and in need. physical activity in a four-week period, This project has realized an aver- it was an unbelievable reward. The after- age of $3,000 in donations per year. noon was jam-packed with a Browns Jabaal Sheard, Johnson Bademosi, Christian Yount, Craig Robertson, Emmanuel Acho, John Hughes, Jordan School students bring their enve- question and answer session, touchdown Cameron and Chomps spent the afternoon sharing healthy lifestyle tips and playing with Forest Park students. lopes to the weekly school Mass and dance competition and “ultimate gym the PSR students bring their donation class,” where 25 students got to show off to any weekend Mass or to class. The their skills in the gym with the players. money is combined and then donated Players and students raised chocolate to a specific charity (chosen by the milk bottles to toast their achievement, an excellent nightcap for all. students) each month. Monroe states, Physical Education teacher, John “Students pay attention in class and Yuha began the “Play 60” program with at Mass. They learn about the needs his 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes last that are here locally, as well as those fall. Forest Park Middle School logged far beyond the walls of this city. Dis- the most hours out of all of the partici- cussions take place in classrooms and pating schools in Northeast Ohio. With Forest Park students learn from the pros. Student athletes pose with the players. an organization is chosen as a result of over 25,000 minutes logged, Brianna this dialogue.” Roberts (7th grade) was named the top- and staff at Forest Park Middle School! 60 Challenge” is in partnership with The impressive list of recipients performing girl. Roberts and Yuha were A special thanks to Fox 8 News, The the American Heart Association, Med- include: Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, recognized on the field at the Browns vs. News-Herald, and News Channel 5 for ical Mutual, Cleveland Clinic and the St. Jude’s Hospital, Hospice of the Steelers game in November. coming out to support the Euclid City American Dairy Association Mideast Western Reserve, Food for the Poor, Congratulations to all of the students Schools. The Cleveland Browns “Play and Fuel Up to Play 60. Schools for Water in Africa, Catho- lic Charities to the Rosemary Center, Akron Children’s Hospital, 40 Days for Life, a mission in El Salvador, The Leu- Euclid residents participate in roller derby charity bout kemia & Lymphoma Society, Catholic Relief Services, Birthright, the parish’s by Dana Schaffer Outreach Program and the Sr. Dorothy Two athletes with Euclid roots will Kazel Scholarship Fund, and the Dio- strap on skates December 1 for a wild cese of Cleveland’s “Rooted in Faith night of roller derby action, all while Campaign.” Their giving is rounded helping a local charity. out by a donation made in memory of a The Burning River Roller Girls, Cleve- relative of a faculty member. land’s first flat track roller derby league, will present Black & Blue 7, the group’s “The amount donated is not impor- seventh annual charity bout at the Ohio tant,” states Monroe. She goes on to Nets Sports Complex in Parma. say, “What is important is to teach our All of the teams of the Burning River children - at a young age - to be gen- Roller Girls will regroup into Team erous with their many blessings. By Black and Team Blue for one of the doing so, they become “good stewards” most popular roller derby events of the of their God-given gifts. We want them year. Among the skaters will be Euclid to appreciate what they have, and to be Euclid resident Action Jackson (left) grabs a fallen chair during full-contact musical chairs at last year’s Black resident Cyndee Jackson, who skates & Blue charity event. able to recognize the needs of those less under the name Action Jackson, repre- fortunate.” senting Team Blue. ing a portion of every ticket sale to pertickets.com/event/292991. Tickets In the classroom adjacent to Mrs. But the highlight of night will be Beech Brook, a Northeast Ohio agency are $15 at the door for adults. Dis- Monroe, faculty member, Mrs. Karol the halftime show, in which the new designed to provide prevention, inter- counted tickets available for children Pfeifer, is busy organizing a holiday recruits of the Burning River Roller vention and treatment programs for 12 and younger. food drive for The Euclid Hunger Cen- Girls will engage in a battle of full-con- some of the area’s most vulnerable For more information, visit www.burnin- ter. This is the second year Pfeifer and tact musical chairs—on skates! Euclid children, teens and families. For 160 griverrollergirls.com. the 5th and 6th graders involved in the High School alumna Dani Reagan will years, Beech Brook has been providing National Elementary Honor society be proving what she’s made of as she services ranging from mentoring and Dana Shaffer is a local writer and edi- have taken on this project. These stu- joins the rest of the first-year skaters in counseling to fostering and adoption. tor, covering topics ranging from tires to the brutal battle for the last chair. Tickets are available for $12 in windows, roller derby to jewelry. Continued on Page 10 This year, the league will be donat- advance for adults at www.brownpa- Page 2 The Euclid Observer Volume 3 • Issue 11 December 2012 December 2012 The Euclid Observer Volume 3 • Issue 11 Page 3 Inside Cover Community Mayor’s Corner Holiday Fire and Life Safety Tips Euclid Kiwanis brings “Boots and Shoes” to Euclid children by Kari Cunningham normal business hours to allow the from the Euclid Fire Department The LameThe annual “Boots and guests of the Kiwanis Club of Euclid to Proud Member Of The Observer Media Family Of Community Owned Newspapers & Websites Shoes” community outreach program purchase boots and shoes for the winter by Will Anderson 3. Do not connect too many light sets of the Kiwanis Club of Euclid took months. Each family who participated Hello, Euclid! The Euclid Fire Depart- together and never use extension YOUR INDEPENDENT SOURCE FOR EUCLID place on November 11th and 18th at expressed their sincere gratitude for the ment and the State Fire Marshal would cords that are worn or cracked. Do NEWS & OPINION Payless ShoeSource located at 22388 opportunity to receive boots and shoes like to take a moment of your time to not run them under rugs or over Published monthly with a current circulation of remind you to be safe during this fes- sharp objects. Lakeshore Boulevard in Euclid, OH. in preparation for the winter season. 10,000+ copies. The paper is made available Over 70 children from Euclid A special thanks is extended to the tive season. In order to protect yourself, 4. Turn off the lights when you go to free of charge and can be found at business your family, and your home we’d like PCP ADs sizes_Layout 1 8/24/12 12:53 PM Page 27 City Schools were selected by school Lakeshore Boulevard Payless Shoe- locations within the City of Euclid and on our bed or leave the house. to warn you of three factors which pose administrators and the Euclid Board Source team for another successful web site. The views and opinions expressed in of Education to receive a $25 gift cer- event. “The Payless staff is so kind and this publication do not necessarily reflect the an increased fire risk during the holi- CHRISTMAS TREE SAFETY TIPS views and opinions of the publisher and staff. days: decorative lighting, live Christmas 1. Live Christmas trees should be as tificate to Payless ShoeSource. For this helpful in making sure we get the most fresh as possible. Make a fresh cut at Brothers helping each other find the perfect boots special event, the staff at Payless Shoe- out of our gift certificate,” said a parent trees, and unattended candles. and shoes for the season. Copyright 2012—The Euclid Observer, Inc. All “Used properly, these can be impor- the base of the trunk, and place the Source kept the store open outside of of a child who participated in the Boots rights reserved. Any reproduction is forbidden tant family traditions,” says Marshal tree in a sturdy stand; water it daily. and Shoes program. The Kiwanis Club without written permission. by Mayor Bill Cervenik Flowers, “and while Christmas tree When the tree becomes dry remem- of Euclid would like to recognize Marie Dear Friends: Euclid siblings posing with their new pair of shoes.
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