April 11, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E385 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO BARB JORGENSEN Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. constituents who has demonstrated for nearly On Sunday, April 17, 2016 prayers will be of- a half-century what it means to serve their HON. DAVID YOUNG fered for the souls of the 96 crash victims and neighbor. Earl Grigsby will be retiring on April OF IOWA honor those who served their country. 1st as Superintendent of Public Works for Loudoun County after 44 years of dedication IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f to the community. COMMEMORATING WORLD HEALTH Monday, April 11, 2016 Mr. Grigsby began his public service 44 DAY Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise years ago as a laborer at the county’s landfill. today to recognize and congratulate Barb Over the years, his hard work and positive Jorgensen of Harlan, Iowa, as one of Iowa’s HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE outlook led him on a path to retiring as Super- 2016 Heroes of the Heartland, sponsored by OF TEXAS intendent of public works. His time with the the American Red Cross of Greater Iowa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES county has been marked by efficiently leading Each year, the American Red Cross serving Monday, April 11, 2016 his workforce, as well as guiding the county greater Iowa honors individuals for their acts operations in emergency situations. Mr. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise of great bravery, dedication and service to the Grigsby leaves office not only receiving honors today to recognize and commemorate World community. The winners are nominated by from the Board of Supervisors, but also a Health Day. their peers, highlighting Iowa’s most compas- standing ovation from colleagues and kin World Health Day is celebrated every year sionate and caring individuals. These extraor- alike. on the founding day of the World Health Orga- dinary people commit actions which dem- nization (‘‘WHO’’), which was established in Mr. Speaker, having already been honored onstrate the potential heroism and kindness 1950. by family and coworkers, I ask that my col- which is in all of us. Heroes of the Heartland WHO puts together regional, local, and leagues join me in recognizing Mr. Grigsby’s reflect the values and vision of the American international events to shed light on a specific public work, and implore each of us to imitate Red Cross, leaving a positive impact on cen- world health issue. his dedication to duty. I wish Mr. Grigsby the tral Iowa. Under the leadership of United Nations Sec- best in his future endeavors. On December 28, 2015, Barb went outside retary-General Ban Ki-moon, this year the to shovel snow when she noticed thick black WHO is focusing efforts and attention to com- f smoke pouring from her neighbor’s front win- bat the rise in diabetes and improve the lives dow. She ran to the side of the house with the HONORING THE WEST POINT of those living with this preventable and treat- bedrooms and alerted her neighbor and occu- JEWISH CHAPEL CADET CHOIR able disease. pants to leave the burning home. Because of Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs Barb’s actions and persistence, the neighbor when the pancreas does not produce enough HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH and his son were able to escape the home insulin or when the body is unable to utilize OF FLORIDA safely. the insulin produced. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Barb is an Iowan who has We need to focus on increasing preventa- made central Iowa citizens very proud. She tive healthcare policies in America by pro- Monday, April 11, 2016 has dedicated her life to doing what is right viding the public and healthcare providers with Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in and not seeking much attention. But it is with innovative prevention strategies. honor of the West Point Jewish Chapel Cadet great honor that I recognize her today. I ask Diabetes can be controlled by increasing ac- Choir, who will soon perform at the B’nai that my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- cess to the following: diagnosis, self-manage- Torah Congregation in Boca Raton, Florida. resentatives join me in honoring Barb for her ment education, and affordable treatment. courage. I thank her for her service and wish From the over half a million Jewish Ameri- In 2008, approximately 347 million people in cans have served in the armed services since her continued success in all her future en- the world had diabetes. deavors. World War II to Simon Levy who was one of The number of cases have grown exponen- the two original West Point Class of 1802, f tially over the years. Jewish Americans have a rich history of serv- 6TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Eighty percent of approximately 1.5 million ice in our Armed Forces. The West Point Jew- SMOLENSK DISASTER deaths, attributed to this disease, occurred in ish Chapel Cadet Choir honors that history low- and middle-income countries. and ensures that the contributions of Jewish By 2030, the World Health Organization Americans are not overlooked. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading OF PENNSYLVANIA The choir consists of members from all four cause of death. classes at the academy and has both men IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We need to acknowledge this as an epi- and women participants. The choir is an ex- demic and increase awareness towards the Monday, April 11, 2016 tension of the active Jewish body at the Acad- staggering burdens/consequences associated emy; there are between 70 and 80 Jewish ca- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, it is with with diabetes. dets at West Point. Next year, West Point is sadness that I join in acknowledging the sixth I support this World Health Day’s 2016 goal set to graduate its 1,000th Jewish cadet. anniversary of the Smolensk Disaster, a trag- to scale up prevention, strengthen care, and edy that claimed the lives of Polish President enhance surveillance through the launch of For more than 65 years, the choir has per- Lech Kaczynski, his wife, Maria, and 94 others the first Global report on diabetes. formed at West Point community services and, aboard a government aircraft on April 10, by invitation, to congregations throughout the f 2010. Among the victims were high-ranking United States. Since its inception in 1947, ca- generals and government officials, clergy, anti- HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF dets have had the opportunity to experience communist leaders and the family members of EARL GRIGSBY other facets of Judaism through participation victims enroute to a ceremony for the 1940 in other congregations and events around the Katyn Forest Massacre. Also on the plane was HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK country. Every year they perform at the White one American citizen on an official mission for OF VIRGINIA House during the Holiday festivities, and most recently, performed at the United Nations the City of Chicago. The crash at Smolensk IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES North Military Airfield in western Russia is cen- ceremony commemorating the Holocaust. tral to the event sponsored by the Commemo- Monday, April 11, 2016 I join the B’nai Torah Congregation in wel- ration Committee for the Smolensk Disaster Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I would like coming these twenty five extraordinary men and held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of to use this time to acknowledge one of my and women to the synagogue on April 8th. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:56 Apr 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11AP8.001 E11APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 11, 2016 TRIBUTE TO JOE HOGAN staff as a field representative, overseeing latory and oversight program activities. From issues affecting Los Angeles’ Black commu- 1990 through 1992, Tim managed the Office HON. DAVID YOUNG nity. He faithfully served the community until of Insurance Services responsible for admin- OF IOWA his retirement in 2014. istering the delivery of crop insurance pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Pinkney founded the Black American grams to America’s producers through the Political Association of California (BAPAC) in Standard Reinsurance Agreement. In 1992, he Monday, April 11, 2016 1979. The organization has since become one returned to Kansas City and serves as the Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise of the largest political grassroots organizations Deputy Administrator for Product Management today to recognize and congratulate Joe in the state, with 60 chapters and more than responsible for the administration and man- Hogan of Altoona, Iowa, as one of Iowa’s 40,000 active members. Since its founding, agement of corporate policies, underwriting 2016 Heroes of the Heartland, sponsored by BAPAC has continued its mission of devel- standards and actuarial structures related to the American Red Cross of Greater Iowa. oping, documenting, and identifying the re- the various risk management programs rein- Each year, the American Red Cross serving sources necessary to achieve cultural, eco- sured by FCIC. greater Iowa honors individuals for their acts nomic, and educational goals of underserved Tim has had a long and distinguished ca- of great bravery, dedication and service to the citizens in California. The organization has reer, and his contributions to the Department community.
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