ESS DECEMBER 7, 1961 IO4 publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. JUHANON OF MALABAR Copyright METROPOLITAN of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of South India and one of five presidents of the World Council of Churches says the Assembly has shown that in Christ there is no East and West ARTICLE BY JOSEPH WITTKOFSKI SERVICES The WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches For Christ anzd His Church THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; CAMBRnIDGE, MAne. Mornn Prayer. Holy Communion and Sermon, 11; Evensong and The Rev. Gasrdinser M. Day, Reeler sermon, 4. EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday Services:8:00, 9:30 med Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 11:15 a.m. Wed. and Hoy Days: 8:00 7:15 (and 10 Wed.); Evensong, 5. W. B. Svovs'oun Sin., Managing Editor and 12:10 p.m. KENNuETHs R. FORBES; Roacoa T. Pager; THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK GomooN C. GR.uAHAM ROBERT Hsupsnmu; 5th Avenue at 90th Street CHARLES S. MAwRNs RoBUna F. McGazoz; CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT Rev'. John, Ellis Large, D.D., Rector GEORGE MACMURHAY; CHARL.ES F. PENNIMAN, SUNDAYS: Family Eucharist 9:00 a-ua W. NORMANe PlrrsoasR; Josav H. Trrus. 976 East Jefferson Avenue rigMorningPrayer and Sermon 11:00 The Rev. William B. Sperry, Reeler a.m. (Choral Eucharist, first Sun- lThe Rev. Robert C. W. Ward, AsSN WEIiAYS: Wednesdays: Holy Comn- 81 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion mnunion 7:30 a.m.;- Thuradays, Holy CONTRIBUTING EDITORS (breakfast served following 9 am. Communion and Healing Service publication. service.) 11 a.m. Church School and 12:00 noon. Healing Service 6:00 THOMAS V. BARRETTr; Jours PArmAN BxowsN; urn a (Holy Communion, firs GARINUX M. DAY; JOSEPH F. FLETCEUX; Morning Service Holy Days, 6 p.m. and FREDERICx C. GRANTr; C Nzs~hJ. Kaw; Joass Iloly Communion. HOLY DAIS: Holy Communion 12:00 ELLIS LARoE; RonErT MILLER; Bzswmn L. noon. PAasosus; FnE~Inm A. ScmIwao; MAv=Y H. reuse SHEaPHERD JR.; WILIAM B. SPOrPORDs JR. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH 18th and Church Streets for Park Avenue and 5st Street Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. Near Dupont Circle B and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion THE WITNESS is published weekly from WASHINGYON, D. C. 9:30 and 11 a.m. ChurchlSchool. September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with 11 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon. The Rev. John T. Golding, Rector required the exception of one week in January and 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. bi-weekly from June 15th to September 15th The Rev. Walter Marsh field Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at by she Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on Sundays: 8:00 a.m. Holy Conmmunion. 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. Days at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 11:00 a. m. Service and Sermon. p.m. Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, 7:10 p.m. Evening Prayer. 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p. (8:00 in Advent and 6:15 in Lent) Permission CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in 316 East 88th Street bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells Naw Youz CITY for loc a copy, we will bill quartely at 7c a TRINITY CHURCH copy. Entered as Second Class Matter August DFMS. Sundays; Holy Communion 8; Church / School 9:30; Morning Prayer and 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunk iannock, MIAMsI, FLA. Sermon 11:00. Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in Rev. G. Irvine Hiller, STD., Rector Month) Sonday Services 8, 9, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CHAPEL PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE Chelsea Square, 9th Ave. & 20th St. Naw Youx SERVICES1 H4OLY TRINITY Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Com- 23 Avenue, George V Episcopal munion, 7; Choral Evensong, 6. In Leading Churches PAIS, FRANCE the COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Services:8:30, 10:30 (S.S.),10:45 of SAINTr PAUL'S CHAPEL Boulevard Raspail Naw Yani ST. STEPHEN'S CH-URCH Student and Artists Center The Rev. John M. Kruamm, Ph.D., Tenth Street, above Chestnut Chaplain PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Bishop Daily (except Saturday), 12 noon; The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean Archives Sunday, Holy Comunion, 9 and The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. 12:30, Morning Prayer & Sermon, Minister to the Hard of Hearing 11 a.m.; Wednesday, Holy Com- Sundav: 9 and 11 a.m., 7:30 phr.m. CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL 2020. munion, 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thr., AND ST. GEORGE Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. SAINTq Louis, Massouml Services of Spiritual Heaing, Thurs., ST. THOMAS 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. 5th Ave. & 53rd Street The Rev. J. Francis Sant Rector NEw Yonx CITY The Rev. David S. dsray, Copyright Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. ST. PAUL'S Associate Rector Sunday: HC 8, 9.30, 11 (1st Sun.) 13 Vick Park B The Rev. Jack E. Schsweizer, MP 11; Ep Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC RocarsTuRu, N. Y. Assistant Rectar 8:15, Thur. 11 HD, 12:10; Noon. 'Sundays, 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. day ex. Sat. 12:10. The Rev. T. Chester Bater, Rector Noted for boy choir; great reredos The Rev. Frederick P. Taft, Assistant and windows. Sunday: 8, 9:20 and 11. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Holy Days 11; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Lafayette Square WASHINGTON, D. C. THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY ST. PAUL'S NIEMORIAL York Avenue at 74th Street Grayson and Willow Sts. rise Rev. Donald W. Mayberry, Rel Near New York Memoral Hospitals S$le ANTrONIO, TEXAS Weekday Services: Man., Tues., Thugs., Hugh McCandless, Lee Belford, David The Rev. James Joseph, Rector Saturday, Holy Comunion at noon. Waynse, Philip Zabriskie, clergy The Rev. George N. Trtlor, Associate WVed.and Fn., Holy Communions at Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC Sunda% - Matins and Holy Euchsarst 7:30 a.m.; Morning Prayr at nom. 3S) 11 MP (HC IS). Sunday Services: 8 and 9:3 a.m., Ht Wed. HC 7:20 a.m.; Thura. HC enedy:30,7 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Comimunion; 11, Morning PISyw= II a.m. 10 w.Holy AEuhami. Sermon; 4 pm. SeviceinPe6 One of New York's Sacrament of Forgivensess - Saturday 7:30, Evening i'ayer. maostbeautiful public buildings. I11:30 to 1 p.m. VOL. 46, NO. 40 The WITNESS DECEMBER 7, 1961 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. Story of the Week to the "awful materialistic en- Communion Service Celebrated vironment we live in" and called on Christians to become "meek With All Baptized Receiving torchbearers to the Light of the World." * More than 1,500 persons Both at the earlier meetings publication. Assembly delegates have been participated in the first official and at the New Delhi As- invited to participate in a com- and World Council of Churches sembly provisions were made munion service arranged by the communion service celebrated for separate communion serv- Federation of Evangelical Lu- reuse according to the Anglican rite. ices for those groups that did India. They for theran Churches in The service was an "open" not participate in the open have also been invited to attend one since the host Church, the service. but not to receive the sacrament required Anglican Church of India, Bur- Some 30 archbishops, bishops, at communion services con- ma, Pakistan, and Ceylon, in- metropolitans, and priests ad- ducted according to the Syrian vited "all who are baptized com- ministered the sacrament at and Greek Orthodox rites. municant members of Churches" the service held in the multi- Permission to take part in the communion. colored tent adjoining the con- ARCHBISHOP STRESSES Most delegates to the As- ference hall where the Assembly HOLINESS AND TRUTH sembly received the sacrament, is being held. DFMS. * The Archbishop of Canter- / but the Eastern Orthodox and Anglican Bishop Frederick bury warned that the Church some of the Lutheran dele- Willis of Delhi was the cele- must be wary of accepting the Church gates did not. brant with Metropolitan Ara- world's conception of unity - Orthodox churchmen believe bindo Nath Mukerui of the host a conception that leaves out that there is only one true C h u r c h presiding. Presiding both truth and holiness. Episcopal Church, one communion, and Bishop Arthur Lichtenberger Speaking to the assembly at therefore there can be no was one of the churchmen who the one of the public meetings, he of "inter-communion." Some Lu- administered the communion. said that a world which is long- therans, especially the more con- Among other officiants were ing for unity is "shocked when servative groups, teach that metropolitans of the Mar Thoma the Church fails to manifest it." Archives doctrinal agreement between Syrian Church of Malabar and The world's criticism "must Church groups is a prerequisite the Orthodox Syrian Church of rightly humble us," he said. 2020. to inter-communion. Malabar. But the Archbishop declared Although traditionally An- The Archbishop of Canter- that Christians should not "ac- glicanism has not favored open bury was present in the chancel cept the world's conception of Copyright communion, there have been but did not administer. the matter." Anglican-sponsored open com- In the sermon, Anglican "The world does not hear the munion services at ecumenical Bishop Lakdasa de Mel of call to holiness and does not gatherings in recent years.
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