USSVI Thresher Base News September 2011 July 2011 Minutes The July meeting of Thresher Base Tom Young commented on the Peter also brought 4 cards for mem- was held at the American Legion Bath 4th of July parade. Four or Five bers who are on the Binnacle List. Hall in Seabrook, NH on July 16. The members of the base attended and he Please let him know if there are any meeting was called to order followed hoped that more members would have other Thresher base members who by a silent prayer and pledge of al- attended. We were treated very well should be placed on the list. The four legiance. The Tolling of the Bells was by the Maine base members and look- cards are for Mike Remmington, Irvin conducted for those boats lost in July ing forward to next year’s event. Searl, Norman Gilmore and Legs and August. A silent prayer was said Tom Young discussed the upcom- Legare. A round of applause was given for those on eternal patrol. ing September meeting and how the as soon as everyone realized that Legs A sound off of those present was Maine base has been interested in was at the Lobsterbake. conducted. having a joint meeting. Their next Peter Joy made a request for a dona- meeting is also in September in tion to a muscial group in Sanford Secretary’s Report - Minutes from Augusta. They are also holding their Maine that puts on a show called the May 2011 meeting were read and Holland Club induction and hosting USO Dames. He requests a donation approved. Vice Admiral Emery. It is a long drive of $25 be made to help them with so he was looking to see how many their expenses. A motion is made and Treasurer’s Report - people would be interested in having it is passed. $3618.90 opening balance a joint meeting in Augusta. A number Sherley Abrams, the wife of Philip $3702.63 current balance of people indicated an interest so he Abrams, a PNS employee who per- $3711.85 Memorial Service balance stated our next meeting would be on ished aboard USS Thresher, passed Sunday, September 18 in Augusta. away at her home in Kittery. Mrs. Holland Club Induction- Tom More details would follow. Abrams deeply appreciated all the Shannon presented Norman Gilmore, Received call from another base continued on page 2 Joseph Palmer and Alfred Page with for a donation to the Pinup for Vets their Holland Club certificates. Project. Money goes towards disabled Upcoming Events Tom Shannon also extended a thank vets and $50000 has been raised. A September 17 - 1200 - Meeting/Lun- you to Gary Hildreth and his wife for $50 donation was made on behalf of cheon at Newick’s, Dover, NH attending Marblehead Base’s birthday the base. ball. Peter Joy received a thank you note November 19 - Meeting/Luncheon at Following the Holland Club Induc- from Bob Bryant’s wife who was ap- Newick’s, Dover, NH tion, special recognition was given to preciative of the Final Patrol plaque all Holland Club members in atten- and certificate. He also received letters dance followed by all WWII Subvets from National recognizing the passing in attendance. A special welcome of John Czajkowski and Jack Mc- Table of Contents was made to Jill Robinson and Lori Nally. July Meeting Minutes ........................ 1 Arsenault. Lost Boats ............................................... 1 Upcoming Events ................................ 1 Boats Lost in July and August To Perpetuate the Memory ............. 3 USS Bullhead (SS-332) Lobsterbake and Holland Club ...4/5 USS S-28 (SS-133) USS Flier (SS-250) USSVI Conventions ..........Back Page USS Robalo (SS-273) USS S-39 (SS-144) Next Meeting .......................Back Page USS Grunion (SS-216) USS Harder (SS-257) USS Cochino (SS-345) USS Pompano (SS-181) Page 1 Thresher Base News July 2011 Minutes (continued from page 1) work SubVets and PNS have done of the Boats” ceremony. Keep up the feedback from John Carcioppolo, Gro- over the past 48 years to perpetuate great work. ton Base, that National is not doing the memories of those lost aboard enough to cover the Thresher and the USS Thresher. Mrs. Abrams donated Victoria Sallade, granddaughter of Memorial Service. Tom Shannon put $1000 to the Thresher Memorial Charles Wiggins and Robin Galeaz the base in for a Meritorious Award Fund, and purchased everything auc- have set up a Facebook account to but there were 37 other submissions. tioned off at last year’s lobster bake. locate new family members. Kevin thanks Tom for the nomina- In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Abrams has tion. Kevin has lots of plans for the requested that donations be made to Thresher Memorial Service - 50th. He is looking for corporate the Thresher Memorial Fund. Mrs. sponsorship to help with AT&T Con- Abrams and Carol Norton specified 48th - Thank you to Gary Hildreth nect internet video to Family/Former that these donations, along with the & the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard crew who cannot attend due to age or $1000 she has already donated, are to Staff and Volunteers and to the illness. be used to perpetuate the USS Thresh- volunteers from Thresher Base who Bob McAlpine has flag stars for any- er memorial services, not exclusively made this memorial service a success. one who wants them. for the 50th. She also bequeathed to 49th - April 14th, the week after Albacore Park 25th Anniversary Cel- Kevin Galeaz a 53 inch stone sculp- Easter with an anticipated number ebration on August 20. Free admis- ture of the USS Thresher. He is in of attendees of ~ 300. It will be back sion. Many activities for kids, tours, negotiona with Albacore Park to put at Traip Academy and former USS book signings and talks by former in on display. Thresher Crew LCDR Fern Wagner crew. The town of Kittery has requested will be a speaker. Fern is a Thresher Tom Young brings up the Kaps for input on a project to create a USS Base member. Kids program which is being done at Thresher Memorial at the Kittery 50th - April 6th, 2013, also the week many bases. If anyone is interested in traffic circle. This memorial would be after Easter with an anticipated num- taking on this project, contact Tom. a lit 129 foot flag pole to commemo- ber of attendees of 750. It will be at He has more information that he will rate each of the men lost on the USS Traip Academy. Committee member bring to the next meeting. Thresher. It would be visible from Bob McAlpine has researched the The meeting was adjourned follow- Route 95. Kevin Galeaz has discussed occupancy limits at Traip which is ing a closing prayer. a need to spruce up the area. He has aroung 800. We can expect to receive As soon as the meeting was ad- also been in contact with the USS international coverage. An invita- journed, all subvets went outside for Thresher family members and former tion will be sent to Admiral Jonathan group photos. This was followed by a crew members and he has received Greenert, currently serving as the great lobster meal. positive feedback. Vice Chief of Naval Operations, a sub- mariner with senior experience in the Website continues to attract atten- U.S Navy’s Pacific and Atlantic fleets tion. Received contact from Dennis to be the keynote speaker. Admiral Hill who was on the commissioning Greenert has been recommended for crew of the Thresher. nomination by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to become the next chief Newsletter feedback from Robert of naval operations (CNO) Miller, Thresher Base member and Western Region District 6 Com- Bob Flannery brought up the current mander. “Great newsletter. One issue of Submariner in which there comment. You talk of a “Tolling of is an article about the Thresher, but the Bells” ceremony, USSVI officially there is no mention of our Memorial refers to the ceremony as the “Tolling Service. Kevin Galeaz has also received Page 2 To Perpetuate the Memory Edward Albert Johnson was born on Upon completion of recruit training, He returned to the Jallao for another May 30, 1929, in Hardwick, Vt. he volunteered for submarine duty, tour of duty before assignment to the He attended Gocham High School in and successfully completed Submarine U.S.S. Thresher (SSN 593), in February Hardwick where he School at New London, 1961. was active in athlet- Conn. During his 15 years in the Navy, ics, and was captain Edward served his Edward was awarded the Good Con- of the basketball entire career in subma- duct Medal, United National Service team. rines beginning with Medal, Korean Service Medal, National Edward enlisted in the U.S.S. Pomfret (SS Defense Service Medal, and the China the naval service in 391) in which he was Service Medal. January, 1948. He designated qualified in Edward is survived by two brothers, was assigned to the submarines. Duty in Harold and Robert of North Jay, Maine. U.S. Naval Train- the submarines U.S.S. ing Center, Great Jallao (SS 368) and Lakes, Ill., where he U.S.S. Archerfish (SS received his basic 311) followed. training. Edward Albert Johnson Chief Engineman United States Navy Edmund Joseph Kaluza was born on received his basic training at the U.S. silver dolphins. Edmund saw service February 4, 1941, in Holyoke, Mass., Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, in the submarines U.S.S. Picuda (SS the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ill., and attended 382) and U.S.S. Kaluza. In 1957, his family moved the Navy’s Fleet Barracuda (SST to Williamansett where he attended Sonar School at Key 3) , prior to being Chapin Elementary School.
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