' .. Top Secretaries House, Disher Win Of Soviet Embassy Language Grants Appear On Cm;npus lark In Graduate Study Page Two Page Five - - '.t.. * * ., NUMBER 2t ~egislature Creates '.Ewo New Committees Parties Fill Slates For WF Elections Junior class candidates for Stu­ Honor Council. dents' Party are as follows: Char­ The following m-e running for of­ les Winberry, president; Bill fices on petitions, without the aid Straughan, vice president; Claudia of either political party: Ed Gas­ - Saunders, secretary; Dick Beale, lkins, seniQr Men's Honor Council; Ed Bowles, and Bob Yelton, junior David Zacks, junior class vice - legislature; David Zacks, Richard president; Frank Wood, junior Carmichael, and Ron Mcintyre, class vice president; Ronnie BllDD, Men's Honor Council; Thea sophomore Men's Honor Council; Schultze and Joyce Groome, Wo­ and Jo De Young, sophomore Wo­ man's Honor Council. man's Honor Council. Sophomore nom.inees are Danny David Zacks was· away with the Loftin, president; Tommy Mar­ debating team during both party shall, vice president; Jo Honeycutt, caucuses and was unavailable for secretary; Carlton Prickett and comment on whether he will seek Bill Shackleford, sophomore legis­ an Honor Council position with the lature; im Speas allld Don Donadio, Student's Party or seek t'he vice­ Men's Honor Council; Alice Mc­ presidency of the junior class as Neil and Nancy Hoffman, Woman's an independent. Campus* Groups* * Are Rules Listed For Campaign Equally Represented Students campaigning for office :;; will not be allowed to diSplay pos­ ~:·ters·before 9 a. m. Wtidnesclay, ac­ cording to the Elections Committee. :r All candidates must meet at '1 p. m. tomorrow in the student government room in Reynolda Hall. Instructions and information, on campaigning will be explained. The Elections Committee also meets tomorrow ·at 5 p. m. in the student government room. - UN Official· To Speak I . -oDKEvent­ Is Scheduled Dr. Fr.an!k: P. Graham, United Nations mediator ·and former presi­ dent oif the Consolidated Umversity of North Carolina, will ~eak here aJt 8:15 p. m. Thtu"sday in the courtroom of the 'law :building. Open To Public . The speech, which is open to the public, will follow •a banquet and initliation ceremonies for the college chapter of Omicron Delta K~pa • •~.national leadership group far men. ·" Tassels, local coed leadership group; •. also is sponsoring the program. ,~: Graham who also was U. S. ··~SeDator kom North carolina, will ~ak on "The Role of lthe United Nations in World Affairs.'' The banquet, wbi.ch is for ODK aDill 'llassels members and their guests, will be held at '1 IP· m. in the Kwgnoli.a RooD1 of Reynolda Concert IHall. The ODK mitiation will be held at 6:30 p. 1111. in Davis Olapel Of Wingate Hall ·and is open to the FRANK P. GBAJIA.M .On Lawn public. ------------------------------------------------- Grah:~::e:at!:Cof~.:ttevme, 'Gree·k Holi·day' Is Scheduled was president of UNC :from. 1930 to 1!M9 when :he was lljppointed to the By WALT PETTIT staff Reporter Senate by Gov. Kerr Scott to f1ll a '1/'acancy created .by the death Theine Of w eek E n d Many songs in foreign languages of Sen. J. Mel'Ville Brougbton. Gra- will provide the international Davor ham was defeated when he ran for . of the Hill Singers' Lawn concert election in 1950 by Willis Smith. He inted to the United Nations The Intenfraternity Spring weelk- The weekend was planned by ·the April 16 on the Wake Forest Plaza. was appo f' IndJ,a end, ealled this year "Greek Holi- Interir:altemlity Council, Tem-y lr1v!ln The event will be sponsored by the in 1951 ~s ·representatlive or day," will be held Aprill3-14. Two and 1Fired Smith, past ·and present major functions committee of the and ~akistan- pqpular !recording grolJlPS will be social chairmen of the cOIUilcil. Student Union. featured. Final plans were released_ by Fred Source of much ol the Bill Sing­ . .·en 0n Friday night Aprill3, .the lfra- smith. ers' repertoire is a library of 30,- ltemity men will each gather for 000 folk songs belonging to Dave Dr. R. Howr Guard, leader of the new group. 1ndivildual parll.es. L d TT 6- d U d The first official Interfraternity o, ro,e .nea Portions of Guard's collection are Leave WF· the original manuscripts dating To . function will be held Satm-day af- Ql-1" C l' TT. • Dr. Robert•R. Bowren Jr., ·assist. ternoon from 2:30-4-30: an outdoor 'J 0 f,ege t.JRIOR back hundreds uf years. ant professor of English, has resign-· concert featuring Maurice Williams In addition to the familiar folk eel ,to accept a position .as associate and the Zodiacs. The concert will ~ Lord, ~unior of Richmond, songs, the Bill Singers will oHer a professor of English at the Unl- be held at Miller Puk wea!lher Va., was elected president of the program of French chansons, Ger- versity of Iowa. pcrmittmg. Otherwke, it will be College Union d.n last Tuesday's man Ieider, and English ma\irigals. H d ltw th fes n held in the rvarsity gymnasium. voting. Elected ,along with Lord The quartet was formed several l. ,, b 0~.ansel :;: : :ObU: a The Zoiddacs are lklnown for :theJr were David Forsythe, sophomore of months after t!he departure of Dave U:~cs a::ate rog~ra! at the !POPular recording, "Stay." Dress Richmond, Va., as IVII.ce;president Guard from a well-known musical DAVE (left) Ills Bill Singers of soop a lawn eODOeri on plan 16 insti~ ~ field is How- for the afternoon eoncert will be allld Joyce Groome, sqphoJDDre of group, The Kingston T.rlo. GUARD and will present a medley folk at the ~a . _on. casual Bligh Point, as secretarY. Wide Baace Ez~~erfence AprB 16. The laWD eoaceri will be the first oae of the year and Is bein&" spoD80l'fJI) by the 8t1ltlent u.la& ren 5 -speclalit)-.. The ·m.afn event ·df the weekend The student body approved the Guard immediately began to re- Howren, his wife and their daugh· w111 00 held Saturday nJght. The change in the name Qf the organ!- cruit a group whose qualifications were reared together in HawaU. group, Judy Henske, left her as- are excelled only by those of. file ter will: leave Wak£· Forest follow- Greeks and their dates wll1 gather zation. The new !I18Dle will be the include wide range backgrounds as After Guard left Honolulu to go piration for an operatic career to leader of the Hill SfDgera bjm•Jf mg the end of this semester. They at the Coliseum lor a combined College Union of Wake !Forest Col- professional entertainers, a know­ to Stanford University, Faryar re- enter into the folk music field. Born in BollolUlu, Gnaa:d eu'lr· Hve m the Faculty Apartments. dance. lege. P.ast president George Rag- ledge and appreciation of an types mained on the island and managed After leaving college, Miss Ben· learned tbe lyrics and words 411 iHowren received the B. A. de- Two musical groups wiD. ·alter- land, senior of Falls Church, Va., of music, ability as instrumen­ and performed 1n his own coffee ske toured the Mid-West coHee the natives and beach boys at Wal- gree at Wake ·Forest. the master's nate with one another throughout gave two reasons for the change. talists, enthusiasm and especially house, "the Greensleeves." house circuit. While performing ill ld1d.. at the University of Connecticut the evening. Maurice W:llllam.s .and The National Association of Col- an interest in genuine folk music. Faryar also performed in coffee Oklahoma City. she decided to Show BulllneBII a!llld the Ph. D. -at Indiana Univer- the Zodiacs will be heard once lege Unions ·to which Wake Forest Cyrus Faryar, singer and instru­ houses within . the continental! join the Hill Singers. Guard continued to incree.se Ida sity. He has been on the Wake For- &gain ·alternalting hourly with the belongs had requested that ·all parti- mentalist with the Hill Sirigers has United Sta~s before he was en- , Miss Henske performs on the six musical activities after he enroJle41· est faculty since 1956. Olympics. cipating schools conform with rthe brought an exotic Poly'nesian-Mid- listed to perform with the new string guitar, banjo, tambourine, at Stanford University. He liN" During 1960-61 Howren studied The Olympics .are known for their national name, he said. die Eastern musical background to foursome. .. and autoharp. ceeded to build up his own l'ei*'­ and taught in Burma aifter !l."eceiv- recording of "Hully-Gully.'' The other reason given by Rag. the quartet. He plays the baritone, the The most recent addition to the toire of songs from other count:rlee, ing a Fulbright Grant. Be taught The evening function will last land is that a ~eat deal of con­ Faryar Spanish guitar, the :five string group is Davi~uck" Wheat who many of them picked up from a ~en English ·and American and from 8-12. Dress will lbe informal, fuSion had arisen between the for­ Faryar grew up in Honolulu and banjo, mandolin, recorder, and was formerly with the Kingston wide circle of friends among Sta.­ Eriglish literature .at the Unlver-,that is, skirts and sweaters for the mer name of the Student Union and was thus able to absorb ·the Mid­ various percussion instruments. Trio. , ford's groups of foreign exchaD&a · sity of Mandalay. ! girls .and coats, ties forfortb.eboys. that of !the Baptist Student Union. Pacific melodies. He and Gaurd The feminine m~mber of the The talents otuard's colleagues (Continued on page 51 \ - I I PAGE TWO Mollda;,-.
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