DJREO'l'OBY •) NOTTINGHAMSHIRE •. TEVEBSAL. ~49 Ford H. Rosa (Miss), young ladiPs' Honlt.on John, householder rate collector & clerk t.o the Parish · school, The Elms Jackson Joseph, Nag's Head P.H. & frmr Council, Manor house .Forshaw James & SO!ls, stud proprietors Johnson Gf"'rge, grocer Smith Henry, farmer & carrier (shire), St.ud farm; nearest station, Jobnson ~John, farmPr, Stemthorpe Stevetu1on Joseph, shopkeeper & sexton Carlton-upon-Trent, G. N. Railway; Hall farm Stowe .Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer le-Uers received through Carlt-on- Lea Arthur, manager to James Black- Summers Arthur, butcher . .upon-Trent, Newark; telegrams, bum, nurseryman Summers Thos. basket ma. & r9d mer "" H 5. Forshaw, ~utton-npon-Trent, Longmaite George, ~ottage farmer Summers Thomas, jun. baskf't maker ~ewark" Maples John, builder, Laneham cottage Taylor William, jun. basket manufactr Forshaw James, hor:o<e breedf'r (prinC'ipa! :\larshall Tho.'i. farmer & basket maket Wakefield Thomas, farmer · of James Forshaw & Son<~), Stud farm Midwinter Emest, rod & basket maker Wal~ Thomas, Lord Nelson P.H. &; (letters through Carlfon-on-Trent) Moore William, boat owner wheelwright J<'orshaw.J:unes, jun. (of Jam~ Forshaw Naylor Arthur Grove M.R.,. C.M.Edin. \Vallhead Arthur E. yeast merchant & Sons), & secretary, Hillside surgeon & medical 'officer & publie Wallhead Edmund, baker .Forshaw Thomas (of James Forshaw & vaccinator for Sutt.on-upon-Trent dis· Walster Brothers, cycle al!ents .Sons), manager of Stud farm, Scot- triet., Southwell union · Walster Geo~e, blackimith field (letters received through Carlton- Neep James Watkin, butcher & farmer Warburton William & Son, grocers & on-Trent, Newark) Pennington Joseph, farmer coal dealers Freeman David, rod merchant Pilkingt9n Henry, Holme inn P.H Watkins JoSt"ph, chimney sweeper 'Grandorge John Cree, baker & grocer Price Jobn Robert, beer retailer Widnall Alfred Lee, plumber Harrison .Tames, farmer Robb George, farmer Wilson Charles, cott<\ge farmer Harvey Gf'Orge, insurance agent Saul Charle'l, builde-r Winter Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper fferrod Thomas & SoiL'i, joiners Scott John, Old y •. lunteer P.H. &·boat Woods William, basket maker Hinchcliff Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper . owner Woolfitt William, ,.,.ocer & draper Hollingsworth Waiter, Induel, jeweller Selby Benjamin George, auctioneer, Working Men's Institute (Thomai .E. iliomby George Edward, shoe maker tenant right. valuer, insurance agent, Day, sec) BYERSTON is a parochial chapelry, near the Fossway, well, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Anthony Winter .:5! miles south-west from Newark station on the Great Bailey H.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, who Northern and Midland railways, and is in the Newark resides at East Stoke. Syerston Hall, the residence of division of the county, southern division of the wapentake Mrs. Fillingham, lady of the manor and chief landowner, ()f Newark, Southwell union, Newark petty sessional is a red .brick mansion, about a quarter of a mile from division and oounty court district, rural deanery of Newark, the village, approached by a carriage drive, and commanding 'archdeaconry of Nottingham and diocese of Southwell. a fine view of the surroundin~ country. The soil is loamy; The church of All Saints is a small and ancient edifice of subsoil, principally sand and clay. The crops are chiefly srone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, cereals and roots. The area is 770 acres ; rateable value, mave, south porch and low embattled western tower of the £1,240; the population in 1901 was 120. In 1884, by Local 13th century, containing 2 bells, .one bearing the in'lcription Government Board Order, a detached part of this parish •• Ave Maria": in the church are mural tablets to the was amalgamated with Elston. family of Fillingham, dating from 1796 to 1877, and in the Sub-Post Office.-George Adcock, sub-p-ostmaster. Letters chancel a piscina : in 1896 the church was thoroughly arrive through Newark about 7.25 a.m.; dispatched restored and re-seated in oak, and a stained east window at 5.35 p.m. on week days only. Postal Orders are issued erected as a memorial to the late George Henry Fillingham & paid here. Flintham is the nearest money order office. -esq. d. 1895. The earliest dates {)f the parish register, Telegraph office at Elston, 2 miles distant whicli is in fair condition, are marriages, 1,567 ; baptisms and burials, 1,569. The living is a chapelry, annexed The children of this place attend the schools at Flintham ll:o the vicarage of East Stoke, joint net yearly value £185, & Elston including 91 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of South- Carrier to Newark.-William House, wed. & sat ' Bl~g Mrs. :Montague house Gilbert William, farlllilr Houst> William, carrier Fillingham :Mrs. Elyerst.(m hall Hawkin'l Fred. thrashing machine owner Sim!'IBdward & Son, farmers, Crofthome Adcock Geo.joiner& wheelwright, Post off Hawkins Thomas, farmer· Wade William, farmer ":rEVERSAL is ·a parish and pleasant retired village, ties amount to about £2 13s. yearly. Teversal Manor 'seated on a height, near the source of the river Meden, House, now unoccupied, is a fine modem stone building, 'Rnd extending to Derbyshire, with a station on the Maus- standing on an eminence, upon the site of the very ancient 11eld and Alfreton branch of the Midland railway, 4 miles house now demolished, commanding a fine view, and ia west from Mansfield and 135! by r:Jil from London, in the the property of Elizabeth, CounteSs of Camarvon, lady . 'l\{ansfield division of the county, Northern division of of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is sandy: sub­ the wapentake of Broxtow, Mansfield petty sessional divi­ soil, magnesian limestone. The chief crops are wheat, sion, union and county court district, rural deanery of barley, oats and turnips. The area is 2, 723 acres : assess­ Mausfield, archdeaconry of N ott.ingham and diocese of able value, £9,228 ; the population in 1001 was 473. 'Southwell. The church of St. Catherine is of stone, Norwood is 1 mile north, and Dunsill is a hamlet 1 :aile chiefly in the Norman style, of which the doorway fur­ north-we<~t, and Stanley a haYfllet 1! miles west, on the nishe.'l an excellent example, and consists of chancel, nave, road from Southwell to Chesterfield ; Fackley is also a 'aisles, south porch, and a western· embattled tower with place in the parish. pinnacles containing 5 bPU<! : there . are three stained Sexton, J oseph Wells. windows, all erected in 1877, as memorials to the Dowager Countess of Camarvon, and in the chancel some ancient Post Office.-John Mosley, sub-postmaster. Letters ar­ monuments to the family of Molyneux, dating from the rive through Mausfield at 7.45 a.m.; dispatched at 16th century : the church plate, of silver, is of early date : 4.30 p.m. & 6.50 p~rn- Postal Orders are issued & there are 160 sittings, the greater part appropriated. paid here. The nearest money order office is at Sbntou 'The register dates from the year 1571 and is in fair con­ Hill ; the telegraph office is at the railway station dition. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £310, Letters for St.anley should be addressed Mansfield with 44 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1882. for 75 'Countess of Carnarvon, and held since 1903 by the Rev. children: a\'erage attendance, 53; Miss Elizabeth George Edward Eaton B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Clark, mistress 'There are collieries at Silverhill and Teversal. The chaDi- Railway St.atiofl, James King, station master {Letters for names marked thus * *Bower Bemard, farmer, St.an!ey Pargom Riehard, farm bailiff to St.anton should be addressed Mansfield.) Bower George, farmer, Newbound lane Iron Works Co. Urn IJJameron John Cameron ·John, r~>.sident agent to the Pig~ford Jonathan, manager to Tevf"rsal Eaton Rev. George Edward B.A. (rector), - Countess of Carnarvon & Silverhill collieries & agent to Rectory Caudw~ll John, farmer, Norwood Plcasley colliery, The Grange Lawton Thomas Arthur, The Firs Caud\tf'll Joseph, farmer, Whiteborough Renshaw Benjamin, miller (water), Pi2gford Jonathan, ThP. GraJl.ge Froggart Matthias, farmer Newbound mill 'Wardell Richard, The Dunsil - Gla5by George, farmer, Manor farm Saunders Josepb, farmer COHMERCIU. Harri'lon William, blackswjth, Fackley Stanton Iron Works 01. Lim. (John Al!e.ock Chas. Hen<;Jhaw, hrmer, Uowli'lh *Hill Ja:mes, fam•~r, Stanlf'y Alfred Longden, managing director), -.Allcock Geo. Henshaw, farmer, Stanley Huslci.'lon John, farmer, Wild hill Teversal collieries • .Aileock John Hemhaw, farmer, Facldey JaPklin William, farmer ~tilges Wm. Henry, Carnarvon Arms P.K _o\J.Jsebrook Robert, farmer, Silver bill King James, statioo. master Warner William James, under manag~r '*i\shmore John, farmer & assistant Levert.on l\Iary (Miss), fanner to Teversal colliery . 'overseer, Stanley :\!achinThos.unde-r managr.Silverhill pit'l Weh~ter Harry, farmer.\: ::attle deab:: .
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