Washington, Boston and New THE EVENING •• layovers STAR Washington, D. C. York. His at the wxniresDAt. August tX. ism A-7 Don't Try to Deduct Eastern terminals range from Holdup Victim Shoots RALEIGH HABERDASHER, WASHINGTON two to 33 hours, he said, and AND CHIVY CHAU he wanted to deduct $8.50 daily for expenses for every Thursday Hours: Downtown, Noon to 9 PM.; Chevy Chase, 10 AM. to 9:30 PM. That Tax Lawyer's Fee day he worked. The court Suspect, 5 Bystanders noted that the company fur- By JOHN A. GILES cution for Income tax fraud" KANSAS CITY, Aug. 20 (API., policeman. Then Centimano expenses nished meals and lodging for .] Star BUS Writer | and held that fees and trips —Robbed of $255, a ring and I clouted the man with the shot- mmbmirrrnmhhrrhrrmINNHBNNMMMMKMNMMNHQNBRMNMNMNNNMBHHMMMMNMRMN the lawyer the long layover but that employer 'of were not neces- the petitioner "merely stated a pistol, Joseph Centimano i gun. breaking the stock. If your comes ' sary for their business within that he did not alwavs” take grabbed a shotgun and charged Police took Joseph Edward through with some money to meaning of the law. out of his East Side liquor store 'Jtbe advantage of such facilities. Brinkley. Jr., 23, Denver, help you out of your tax diffi- However, there was some in pursuit of the bandit. 1 of to It then held he was not en- a hospital, where culties, Uncle Sam can't come 1 sweetness left in the cup for titled to the trip expense de- Spotting a fleeing man 50 ! numerous feet away, shotgun pellets were removed back and say It was taxable In- the couple. That $25 they de- duction for meals on turn- Centimano hastily trips “when elapsed triggered his 12-gauge pump , from his skin and a cut on his come. posited Christmas savings around in time of trip did involve gun three times. Down went , head was treated. He was But, hand, i not on the other If• accounts for each of the chll- staying at a hotel in the East- his target—and five bystand- booked for investigation. tax final you get a glimpse of a agent Centimano said the robber, reductions ¦, dren of employes in their auto- ern terminals.” ers. brandishing noseylng around and. In antici- motive supply store can be con- An electrical supervisor in No one was wounded seri- an automatic pation, hirt yourself a lawyer, ously, least all bandit pistol, took the cash, a diamond ; sidered a business expense. Portsmouth, Ohio, maintained of the ring worth don’t expect to be able to de- who jumped to his feet | $450 and a ,22-cal-l deposits in question a home for his wife fam- and duct such costs from your in- ‘'The and scampered into an alley. tber pistol from him. Police were proximately related to ily Richmond, found only Brinkley. come tax. the in to which he back $l3O on carrying out of the petitioners’ upon Centimano. 4s. ran in- Os the other five victims of of yesterday's returned completion of got Those are two ’ business and are deductible as the Portsmouth job. He fig- side his store, another shot- Centimano's shooting, 11-year- opinions by the United States gun and again took up the _ ordinary and necessary ex- ured he spent $2,743 ; old Matthew Alip the Court, which receives hun- for board Chpse. a patrol was most Tax penses incurred in carrying and room, laundry, He hailed car seriously Injured. Hospital petitions on sales tax got help at- dreds of from irate—- the business" within the mean- and automobile expanses and the of Policemen tendants removed 20 pellets contrite—taxpayers every \' in Gary Francis and ing of the law, the court Ohio and should and Herbert from skin. held. be allowed Gardner. his Also shot were day. Travel expenses always seem credit for it. young Matthew’s 14-year-old The court held that an em- ' to be a bone of contention be- I However, the court dis- A few minutes later, the of- brother, Henry; Altroy Talley. ployer's contribution to an em- tween taxpayers and the In- agreed. It found that the out- ficers grabbed a young man 8; Johnnie L. Young, 12, and 1 ploye was not taxable in a case : temal Revenue Service and the lay was not traveling expenses behind a hotel a block from Barton Patterson, 58. involving a research associate : latest decisions indicate there’s paid in connection with the the store. They found him Police said they were stand- California, stripping at the University of ' been no letup in such argu- performance of services as an oil a blood-stained ing on the sidewalk about 15 which forked out SI,OOO to held * ments. ! employe or in the pursuit of a shirt. feet beyond the fleeing man pay off the tax collector. A pilot out West figured he’d trade or business while away "That’s the man,” shouted when Centimano fired. Centi- I ifrom home. • Centimano, step Travel Expense Denied spent $519 more than the $244 a behind the' mano said he didn’t see them. American Airlines gave him In the same opinion, how- | for meals and beverages during RALEIGH HABERDASHER, WASHINGTON AND CHEVY CHASE ever, the tribunal agreed that 1 layovers of from 20 to 30 hours the internal revenue commis- '; during 82 round trips from Los sioner was correct in disallow- Angeles. The commissioner Thursday Hours: Downtown, Noon to 9 P.M.; Chevy Chase, 10 AM. to 9.30 PM. ing more than $6,500 in deduc- couldn’t see it that way, and for European travel tions ex- | the pilot took his case to the penses by the researcher. She ‘ I court. contended it ‘‘incidental’' was The tribunal "rea- . held became Buy Now . Later This Fall to her work, but the court | sonably satisfied” the claim was Pay university the did not order ’ just and added that "there was the travel and that she was not nothing in the evidence to sug- studying higher degree. c for a gest that the beverages were Free Until Fall A couple in Bristol. Va., ad- ¦ other than might be consumed Mothproof Storage vised by a tax agent that there ! as part of meals and that were certain questions that had petitioner testified they were ‘ 1 to be answered about (heir tax [ nonalcoholic.” returns, hired an attorney on advice of their accountant. Another Pilot Loses Entire Stock The court found that "the at- Not so fortunate was another • torney was employed primarily 1 American pilot whose case was of saving the ; decided the l for the purpose at same time. He petitioners from criminal prose- ¦ flies between Chicago and | Highway Boom Spurs Summer Suits March of Ragweed ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Aug. They found as many as 50 20 (NANA). The Federal I different species of grasses, highway program may be the ‘ trees and flowers on some sites *45 Raleigh Lightweight, biggest boon to ragweed—and 1 —but no ragweed. On eliminat- Cool Tropicals bane to hay fever sufferers—in i ing the other plants, however, the history of the United 1 the adaptable weed almost ln- States, according to a team of ! variably would take root. scientists at the University of “It’s strange,” Prof. Wagner Michigan. said, "but even if an animal 29“ Prof. Warren H. Wagner, the 1 like a gopher turns up some botanist on the team, explained 1 earth In digging a hole, rag- Nubby in textured "silken look" tropicals of dacron-rayon, and dacron-rayon- that ragweed thrives fresh- weed always seems ready to -Ml ? ly exposed soil and that bil- move In.” silk blends. Excellently tailored single breasted models in handsomg lions of tons of soil are being Scientists now believe, he medium and dark tones. plowed up in the construction said, that ragweed originally •Except Palm Beach of new Federal highways from spread to the interior of Amer- coast to coast. ica through highway construc- Although ragweed often is i tion. The plant is thought to first on the scene in a newly have originated in the Wash- 5 exposed plot of earth, the in- ington area, then spread along IP I M 57 ”to 65 Raleigh Quality vestigators found that it does > the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts Sm Fine Tropicals not stand a chance in fields i and then across the continent where other plants are long es- via the soft shoulders of new % tablished. roads. |M RALEIGH HABERDASHER 39“ accredited campus fashions Summer's most wanted fabrics: dacron-worsteds, dacron-worsted-silks and lightweiqbt all-wool tropicals in new darker shadings; plains and pattern*. •Except Nor East and Coronado ..v.v... v.vrniMrf i ... ’65 and 68” Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits I ADVANCE FALL SALE 49“ HS&M Dixie Weave Bengalines, America's most popular all-wool tropical and fine dacron-worsteds expertly tailored in medium and dark tones; a . H vr v solids and preferred patterns. Suits, Outercoats and Sportswear by 72” to *BS Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits Hart Schaffner & Marx, Raleigh, Brookstreet Each summer, Raleigh makes it possible to purchase your Fall-Winter apparel at pre-season savings. We make these clothing purchases well in 59“ advance of the season, giving the manufacturers an opportunity to a Our exclusive summer suits of lightweight dacron-worsted and dacron- steady flow of work in their shops. For this we receive a price concession worsted-silk blends. Famous HS&M styling and tailoring in dark colorings which we pass on to you, our customers. Add to this our policy of "close and patterns.
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