This page intentionally left blank A NATIONAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC. -- '--------'\ The Gol1ege of lVIusie of Cineino&ti . • ~OOOOOOO~OOOOOOOOO~O~OOOO~400000000~~OOOOOO~~OOOOOOO~~OOOOOOO~. Endowed by R. R. Springer, Jos. Longworth, J~hn Shillito, David Sinton, ann others; is not a school con­ ducted for profit, but is a public institution, WHOSE ENTIRE INCOME IS. DEVOTED TO INSTRUCTION AND CUL' I , TIVATIONIN' THE ART' OF MUSIC ann collateral branches, , , such as dra~atic action mod~'rn languages, and elocution. ".>\:1 It is open thro~ghout the year, and pupils marenter any ""- .' , , " , . .; ,I day The College -Buildings adjoin the magnificent Music ~' 4- , l Hall, and contain forty class and study rooms, libraries, waiting rooms, offices, etc .. ·They also comprise two ad­ mirable Concert an9. Recital Halls, the Odeon and Lyceum. STRICTI,Y EDUCATIONAL. [ncorporated by the Gen­ eral Assembly of the State of Ohio. No DIVIDEND CAN BE DECLARED to stockholders. eo 000000000000000000000000 0 o~~ 00 0-0 I)~ ~OOoOO 00 owooo 0 0 0 0 0 o~. BOEltrd of Tl"ustees. PETER RUDOLPH NEFF, Pres't. LARZ ANDERSON, A. T. GOSHORN, WILLIAM McALPIN, -Vice-Pres't J D. Cox, ALEX. McDoNALD, LEOPOLD MARKBREIT, Sec'y, H. S. FECHHEIMER, WM. A. PROCTER, J. G. SCHMIDLAPP, Treas. CHAS FLEISCHMANN, I. BURNET RESOR, Fred H. ALMS, R. H. GALBREATH, DR W W. SEELEY F RANK VAN DER STUCKEN, Dean of the Faculty. -------------~, Catalogue sent upon application. Those desiring to enter, or to gain further information about the College of Music of Cincinnati, will please address PETE~ ~UDOl.tP"1. NEFF, Pt'esident. INTERIOR VIEW OF THE ODEON, COLLEGE OF MUSIC. The Odeon, or College Theatre, is a part of the sJ?acious buildings which belong to and are occupied by the College of Music of Cmcinnati for educational purposes. The Odeon has been constructed for Concerts, Lectures, Recitals, and for Dramatic and Operatic performances These edifices adjoin, and are sit­ uated between Elm, Plum, Grant, and Fourteenth Streets. in an orderly and highly respectable neighborhood Three lines of street-cars pass its doors, and within one and two blocks are several other lines of street-cars On special oc­ casions all the lines in the city pass the Odeon. The main entrance of the Odeon is from Elm Street by passageway leading to three entrances (within the gates) to the Auditorium, and two entrances to the Dress Circle. In addition to these, as exits, there are three large double doors opening to the corridor, which may be thrown open to dismiss the audience. In every respect the building has been constructed with regard to safety and comfort. The acoustic properties of the house are admirable. Like its noble neighbor, Music Hall, the Odeon is lined with wood. - The Auditorium consists of a parquette and dress circles Near the stage are twelve private boxes, six on each side. In the house there are some twelve hundred seats, of the latest improvements, roomy and comfortable. The pitch of the parquette is seven feet and six inches in a length of eighty-five feet ten inches, which gives every spectator an uninterrupted view of the stage. The Stage is thoroughly equipped with scenery, furniiure, etc., thus afford­ ing the Operatic and Elocutionary Departments every possible facility both for study and performance. To the rear of the stage is a large two-manual pipe organ, which, in addition to its- use for teaching and practice, affords excellent service in the performance of oratorios, and in the numerous entertainments and recitals given in this hall during the season. - PETER RUDOLPH NEF~ President College of Music of Cincinnati. + rr1HE +. + OB + GlnClnn]fTDI, AND VICI'QIfl1Y, BO~ 1896· --- Containing the Names and Adriresses of Musicians, Teachers of Music, Colleges and Schools, :Dealers in Musical Instru­ ments, Pianos and Organs) Members of Clubs, Societies, Etc, Together with Portraits and Eiographical Sketches of Parsons Prominent in -the World of Music, PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSAL PUBLISHING CO. N. E. Cor. Fourth and Horne Sts. CINCINNATI, O. -- COLLEGE OF MUSIC OF CINCINNATI.-- THE FACULTY PIA.NO. GUITAR. MA.NDOLIN AND BANJO;. DOERNER, ARMIN W. MISS ADDIE SKEELS.' EBBKRT, MISS BLANCHE G. ELSENHEIMER. NICHOLAS J. SCHOOL FOR"rHE OPERA, GANTVOORT. A. J. Dramatic Expression. GORNO, ALBlNO. GORNO, RUMEO. VIGNA, SIGNORINA TEKLA. GRANINGEK, CHAS. A. HEMMERSBACH, BERNARD, CHAMBER MUSIU. PHILLIPS. THOS. WENDELL. Ensemble Classes . VINCENT. AT,MON W. CAMPANARI, LEANDRO. "OIUE. SIGHT·READING OR SOLFEGGIO DE:\Ioss. MRS. MnHE H. CLA.SSES FOR VOUALISTS. ELSENHEIMER, NICHOLAS J. GANTVOORT, A. J. HEMMERSBACH, BERNAltD. STERLING, W. S. l\l ATTIOLI, LINO YINCENT, A. W. STERLING. W. ~. VIGNA, ~IGNORINA TEKI,A. NORMA.L (JLASSES FOR INS·rRUMENTALISTS. ORGAN. HROEKHOVEN, JOHN A. ARKEJ,L, MISS LILLIAN. GANTVOORT A. J. STERLING, W. S. VINCENT, A W. 'rHEORY. MODERN LANGUAGES. BROEKHOVEN, JOHN A. It~lian. German. Frencb, Spanisb. Er,SENHEIMER, NICHOLAS J. GANTVOOKT, _L J. LE(JTURER ON THE HISTORY 8TJo:RLTNG, W. S. AND ESTHE'rICS OF M'(JSIC. VINCE~T, A. W. ELSENHEIMER, NICHOLAS. VIOLIN AND ORUHES'rRAL DEPT. GANTVOORT, A. J. VAN CLE\'E, JOHN S. CAMPANARI, LEANDRO, Head oj the Depa1·tment, ELOCUTION . WITH AS8IS'i'ANT TEACHERS. PINKLEY. VIRGIL A. VIOLONUELLO. BA.SS VIOL. PINKLEY, MRS. \tIl:tGIL A. MATTIOU LINO., STORCH, FR, ENGLISH LITERATURE. OBOE. FLU'rE. VAN CLEVE, JOHN S. Ross, WM. HAHN, 1HEODORE. CHORAL AND ORATORIO DEPA.RTMENT. CORNET AND FRENCH HORN. ELSENHEIM-ER, N J. BURDO, JOSEPH. HEMMERSBACH, BERNARD. STERLING, W. S. 'rROMBONE. BRAND, LOUIS. TRA,NING DEPARTMENT BA.SSOON. CLARIONET. for Tt'acbers of Music in tbe Pub. WOEST, H. SCHUETT, CARL. lie Scbools. GANTVOORT, A. J. HARP. PINKLEY, VIRGIL A. HOI,BROOK, MISS JOSEPHINE. VINCENT, A. W. Board of Examiners for 1896. ARKELL, MISS LILLIAN, GRANINGER,CHAS.A. BROEKHOVEN, JOHN A. HKMMERSBACH, BERNARD. CAMPANARI, LEANDRO. MATTIOLI, LINO. DOERNER, ARMIN W. PHILUPS, THOS. W. ELSENHEIMER, N. J. PINKNEY, VIRGIL A. GANTVOORT, A, J. STERLING, W. S. GORNU, ALBINO. VIGNA, SIGNORINA TEKJ,A, GORNO, ROMJW. VINCENT, ALMON W. WM. How ARD NEl<'F, Secretary. LOUIS E. AIKEN, Member Music Department of the Public Schools of Cincinnati. ~., T~E Jl1lJ51~fl[ pE~SO~~El. Names marked * are members of The Cincinnati Musicians' Protective Association, No. i. Abernathey Miss Nora, Teacher of Piano, 82 W Fourth St.. Covington, Ky. *AFFEL HENRY Manufacturer and Dealer in Mu­ sical Instruinents;Leader of Affel's Band, 211 Pike St., Covington, Ky. Adams Miss Jeannette C., Teacher of Piano and The- ory; Organist St. Joseph Church, Covington, Ky. * Ahlers Fred H., 209 E. Liberty St. *Ahlers F. W 209 E. Liberty.St. AHRENS LAURA, Teacher Piano at College of Mu­ sic of Cincinnati, 1335 Sycamore St. AIKEN LOUIS E., Member Music Department Pub­ lic Schools of Cincinnati. Residence, College Hill, Hamilton Co., O. Aiken Walter H., Member Music'Department Public Schools of Cincinnati. Residence, College Hill, Hamilton Co., O. Alberger Miss Helen, Teacher of Piano, 13 W. Court. ~ __-- _5=-___A -- THE .MUSICAL PERSONNEL -- Alchin Carrie, Teacher, 46 E. Auburn Ave. Allen Miss Alice W., Teacher Piano, 96 Auburn Ave. Allen Miss Carrie W., Teacher of Piano, Member of the May Festival Chorus, 96 Auburn Ave. Allen Miss Lucia, Teacher of Theory and Normal Class at the Edwin W Glover Piano Sch,ool, 222 W. Fourth St. ANDERSON MISS LAURA, Teacher of Voice, Mem­ ber of the Faculty of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, s. e. c. Fourth and Lawrence Sts. Resi­ dence, 423 Laurel St. ANDRES H. G., Teacher 01 Piano; Organist Mound Street Temple. Residence, s. e. c. McMillan and Copeland Sts.; Office, 24 E. Fourth St. Andres Louise F., Teacher of Piano and Voice, 950 Jefferson Ave. Andrews Miss Marguerite, Teacher of Piano, 337 Lind- say St., Newport, Ky. *Androit M., 55 Longworth St. *Angert D., 1616 Race St. Appelmann George, Teacher, 1917 Elm St. ARKELL MISS LILLIAN, Teacher of Organ, Mem- ber of the Faculty of the College of Music of Cin­ cinnati. Residence 457 (old No.) McMillan St. Ashford 'Emily Z., Teacher, Maxwell Place, Twenty- first .Ward. Aston Ida M., Teacher 502 E. Fifth St. *Aston James, 502 E. Fifth St. *Averbeck Theo., 654 Kenyon Ave.; Telephone 7553. A vedick Gertrucle C., Teacher, 645 Bakewell St., Cov- ington, Ky. Axtmann Carl, Teacher Piano. and Violin; W. Clifton Ave. bet. Emming and WarnerSts. -6- EMIL BALLHAUS. Vice President of the Cincinnati Musicians' Protective Association No. I . -- THE MUSICAL PERSONNEL. -- BACHMAN EDITH, Teacher Piano; Member Sym­ phony Club and member Choir German Lutheran Church, 1812 Elm St. Bahr A. E., Teacher, 740 W - McMicken Ave. Baird 'Miss Luella, Teacher Piano, 109 (old No.) W. _Liberty St. *BALLENBERG LOUIS M., Manager Bellstedt-Bal­ lenberg Orchestra. Office, Pike BUilding. *BALLHAUS EMIL, 1020 Freeman Ave.; Tele­ phone 7122. Mr. Emil Ballhaus was one of the founders of the Cincinnati Musicians' Protective Association NO.1, and has ever since been closely identified with its work, and greatly interested in its progress. He served as the President of this association three consecutive terms, was chosen as one of i,ts dele­ gates to the National League for four years, and is at present Vice President of the association. Mt. Ballhaus was founder of the famous Lick Run Balld seen so frequently on the streets of Cin_ cinnati in former years, which was the fi.rst subur­ ban band to enter the Cincinnati Musicians)' Pro­ tective Association. He acted in the capacity of teacher and leader of this band. He is at present also a delegate to the Central Labor Council of the C. M. P A., and a faithful and energetic worker for the promotion of its welfare. *Ballhaus Louis H., Banton, O. Baltimore Ann E., Teacher of Piano and Voice, Streng St., east of Colerain Ave.
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