Cathy began her program with "Ala­ bamy Bound" and ended with the "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2," with many of the old "goodies" in between , proving that the really good music will continue on from generation to gen­ eration. Cathy is a very talented young lady, having begun her organ study at the age of six. She has played several eHAPTERNOTE~ concerts at the Kirk of Dunedin in Florida. We predict a bright future for this lovely girl. Further indication that 1974 is off to a good start is the way our work ALABAMA crew has grown. Both in January and February, we had approxirna tely "STARS FELL ON ALABAMA twenty workers with just about as CHAPTER, ATOS ONE YEAR AGO. many women as men turning up in HAPPY BIRTHDAY" said the sign work clothes. Larry always manages to held by Danny Keil as he led us in the find enough work for all of us. Happy Birthday Song at our February In January, the work crew along meeting. Norville Hall accompanied with Cathy Hoffman and her parents, him at the Mighty Wurlitzer. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman and The Alabama Chapter was one year some other special guests were invited old in February, and we celebrated to the home of Lee and Joan Aured with a surprise birthday party. The for refreshments and a jam session on surprise continued when Larry the beautiful Schoeber organ which Donaldson doused the house lights, Joan and Lee built. One of our special leaving us literally as well as actually in guests was Judd Walton of California the dark. The curtain opened and the who was on his way home from Spain only light was the glow of one candle Cathy Hoffman at Ala Wurlitzer at January meeting. - (Photo by Thomas L. Hatter) and stopped off in Birmingham to be on the huge birthday cake center with us. Judd started our jam session stage. excitement of forming a new chapter, off on the Schoeber and wound up on The program continued with open obtaining a charter, and tax exempt the piano later. console, while cake and coffee was status, good programs and was cli­ Another very special and most wel­ served. Norville Hall began the pro­ maxed with complete coverage in the come guest was President Erwin gram by playing "Stars Fell on Ala­ December THEATRE ORGAN - Young. bama" while pictures were taken and topped off with our beautiful Wur­ A current project is the repairs the cake was cut. Others playing on litzer in color on the cover. How could needed to make the piano in the the program were Joan Aured, Connie we possibly top a year like that? Alabama Theatre organ playable. Ann Boyd, Sandra Cavnar, Travis Well, we've started out like we just Thanks to the many fine donations by Cavnar, Charles Durham , Alleen Cole, might. In January, Miss Cathy Hoff­ chapter members, we have collected Beatrice Fee, George Ferguson, Bruce man, a fifteen year old young lady enough money to take care of it. Rockett , Ray Straits and Riedel West. from Largo, Florida played a beautiful Hopefully, it will be operating soon. The year 1973 would seem a hard program , winning our hearts with her The fuel shortage threatened to year to follow. It began with all the performance and with her personality. cancel our February meeting, but those brave enough to try it made it with no trouble. If the situation doesn't become really critical, we hope to continue monthly meetings on the t;, - 2nd Sunday of each month at 9: 00 ~·sr A~s m t ON ~~ALAC½ij UUros1 A.M. at the Alabama Theatre in Bir­ mingham, with a work session on the ONEYll:i? AGO Saturday before. The Alabama Chap­ ter extends a cordial invitation to any HAPPY ATOS member to be our guest any­ BIRTHDAY time, either at the work session or the meeting. Anyone wanting to visit may verify the meeting by calling our chair­ man, Miss Riedel West, at (205) 674-7644 or write her at P.O. Box 86, Graysville, Alabama 35073. Norville Hall plays appropriate music as Danny Keil holds sign appropos to the occasion. - Y'all come! (Photo by Thomas L. Hatt er) ALLEEN COLE 44 THEATRE ORGAN APRIL, 1974 BEEHIVE good turnout proves members are in­ Thomas Celebrity organ. With a cathe­ terested in hearing an outstanding dral ceiling, the speakers mounted high The chapter election meeting was musician use her home instrument. giving beautiful tonal qualities, a roar­ held on November 18, 1973, at the The organ is a Gulbranson Rialto, ing fire in the fireplace, Ginny's com­ Arcade Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah. Model K with additional speakers. mand of the kitchen and Marie at the Newly elected officers are, Clarence Many members played during open organ, who could care if the weather Briggs, president; Darlene Walker, vice console time. Some of us heard Marie outside was frightful? president; secretary-treasurer, Maxine Peer for the first time and when quiet On the Ohio Theatre circuit, we V. Russell. Members discussed with descends during open console you were recently treated to a concert by great excitement, the installation of know something special is happening. Ashley Miller and Jim Leafe. Hector two pipe organs in the Salt Lake and President Frank Babbitt conducted the Olivera will play in March and Gay­ Ogden area. business meeting, including a discus­ lord Carter in early April. Mike Ohman and Calvin Christen­ sion of traveling to the convention in IRENE BLEGEN sen are installing a Wurlitzer pipe Detroit by bus as a group. A report on organ, in the "Pipes and Pizza", Salt the progress of rebuilding the Chap­ Lake City. They will need a great deal ter's Wurlitzer was presented by our CHICAGO AREA of help from the area members. It is man in charge, Willard Ebner. Dave The 1973 CATOE concert season beginning to take shape and looks very Billmire reported the best balance to concluded with a performance by Tom inviting and intriguing as one peeks date in the treasury and all of the good Gnaster on Nov. 29 at the Montclare into the windows. It has aroused a news plus the great hospitality of the Theatre. While only 22 years of age, great deal of interest and I'm sure Richards ' made for a very enjoyable Gnaster is a mature, solid musician. residents of the area will be delighted evening. Chapter members have observed his when this beautiful instrument begins Coshocton, Ohio is the new home growth and have remarked about how to emit it's wonderful sounds. of our ex-president and finest chapter orchestral his playing has become. This Walter Schofield and his family are organist, bar none, Mike Williams. Still was obvious in Tom's use of the 3/ 10 working hard on the installation of in the music business (Conn Organs) , Barton's reeds - especially for "The their Wurlitzer. Their new home was we wish him well in his new venture. Desert Song." His accompaniment for built with the pipe organ in mind, the While not too far away for an oc­ Two Tars with Laurel and Hardy plus center of attraction, with their beau­ casional visit, distance prevents perfect a sing-along rounded out the forty-first tiful home around the organ. attendance. It is our loss - we had public concert which CATOE has held. Members also discussed the recent "grown accustomed to his style" and The Montclare has a new organ crew visit of Mr. Gaylord Carter. He played miss it. headed by Bill Benedict. Gary Berg­ the accompaniment to silent movies at In February our meeting was held mark is in technical charge. Most the Arcade. Mr. Christensen told the at the home of Ginny and Ed Law­ people like the results of their work members that the movie and pipe organ rence. True to her word, Ginny's which makes this a fine sounding, music by Mr. Carter had been very promise was fulfilled. If she hosted, quick responding Golden-Voiced Bar­ successful and that he is hoping to count on poor weather! True to his ton. schedule more entertainment of this word, Ed had promised to do his best The chapter's Christmas social was type in the future. Mr. Christensen is a as program chairman and arranged not held Dec. 14 at the Pickwick Theatre. very ambitious man, running the only a Will Rogers silent movie fur­ Jack Olander presented a mixed pro­ Arcade Theatre and now installing nished by Willard Ebner, but also gram of popular and seasonal tunes. another organ in the "Pipes and Marie Peer as concert organist for the The new year opened for CA TOE Pizza." evening. Marie, who is a local church on Jan. 5 when Arthur Hollub, owner, The Beehive Chapter would like to organist, offered selections especially and Stan Zimmerman , staff organist, give special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J adaptable to the special features of the invited the group to hold its monthly Mack King who, with their son Krehl, hosted an ATOS meeting on August 26, 1973, and was somehow omitted from recent newsletters. At this meet­ ing members discussed the concern for the organ at the Capitol Theatre, whose owner had just died. He had been interested in the organ and very cooperative with the chapter members. So far, no decision has been reached by other members of the theatre group as to the future of the organ. MAXINE V. RUSSELL CENTRAL OHIO Our January meeting was hosted by Betsy and Bob Richards.
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