Ä Newspaper READ THE NEWS With A WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST Constructive IN YOUR Seeks Investigation Policy WORLD The powerful Bluff Citjr-mnjd Shelby County Council cftaCirio VOLUME 29, NUMBER 20 Clubs warned Mayor Edmund jjr- MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS gill and Police Commissioner CiattiJ» Armour that "police brutality- and hrrrassment is leading to'i-Ufery grave situation" in Memphis-“tHai can be averted." An Irivestigs^dn of the police was requested. i • Farmer The warning came in a-formitof a letter, dated Sept. 24. it pointed out that police brutality has erupt- ed In predominantly Negro areas several times In the last several months. 'f The letter had reference to ¡in­ cidents that occurred on AnniedPt., in the Klondyke Area Aug. 12 ; on Bellevue Ave. in New Chicago Omar Carney Treated In Area on Labor Day, the beating of a 29-year-old man. victim' of . epi­ leptic spells, on Chelsea St, tSept. ' 12 and several others, Memphis For Face Cut The letter was signed by Rev.’A. Gladnoy. president of the organi­ A 36-year-old Negro farmer from near Brownsville, Tenn, zation: and tour members bl the claims he sustained a deep cut to his face when on unidentified executive commit tc: W[Ulaja-'-.H. white man struck him in the face while he was in Haywood Reed. Harvard H. Jackson, Jr, James T. Walker and Frank K; Kil­ County Courthouse last Tuesday morning. patrick. The (tenant farmer who identified Dr. E. M. Wilkins-.of 571 I Following is -the full text. of the himslf as Omar Carney wore a big St. letter: j." . patch of-gauze and adhesive /tape When Carney was asked Commissioner Claude Armour.. over his left che?k which he said was ilia man’s motive for strik­ Department ol Fire and FbllOe ' covered an inch and-half cut which ing him. he lowered his head, sup­ Honorable Mayor Edmund Orgill went to his cheek bone. Hi? said it pressed a sob and-slid with i’.rarj Memphis, Tennessee " ' " C- was inflicted by a stick, about threc- bathing his eyes, "t don’t know Slrs: and-half fecit long and about nn I've never done anything "o any­ During the past month our'atten­ inch‘and-half 'thick. He said it re­ body. I don’t know why lie li t me tion has been called to several' acts BLUFF CITY MEDICAL AUXILIARY MEMBERS PRE­ W. O. Speight, Sr., Mrs. Marie Adams, stand­ quired’ «two stitches to close the If T had harvmtrd my crop I of police brutality in predomlntly SENT SCHOLARSHIP CHECK TO STUDENT NURSE WQURd. He said he was treated by would leave from nround there I Negro areas. '■ ing at Miss Shaw's right; Mrs T. H. Watkins would rather leave than to be wliip- — Miss Yvonne Shaw, (fourth from the left), a In each case a citizen Was beat­ and Mrs. Arthur Flowers. Not seen on the pic­ .ped-up like this ror nothing." en so brutally that medical atten­ Junior at the E. H. Crump Memorial Hospital ture are Mrs. Leland Atkins who was scheduled Carney was then asked if he tion was necessary. In each case . Nursing School, is seen as she accepts a check to make the presentation, Mrs. Stanley Ish and p’anned to have a ■ John Doe" war­ police officers have swor,. that it frorn-Mrs. James S. Byas, president of the local rant issued for the man's urica’,. Mrs. Arthur Horne. He started -to cry and sold: "I’ve was necessary for them to use force Medteal Auxiliary, at a reception given in the Miss Shaw was given a full year's scholar­ got bo live there. I won't have him to protect themselves from .irate Nurses quarters at the hospital on Thursday ship and in addition will be given uniforms arrested because I'd be killed and citizens. Each incident Involved evening. Other members of the auxiliary seen I don’t want .to die." mass arrests and fines. for a year by the local Medical Auxiliary. When the cases came before the' (left to right) are: Mrs. C. M. Roulhac, Sr., Mrs, SOUGHT CHARTER Of Education Act The victim said lie bud cone to courts the officers were unable’to r. the courthouse to pick up a charter produce witnesses or proof „that WASHINGTON — One third of their statements were correct,'yet the eligible young people are failing for the recently organized Haywood to take advantage of the War Or­ County Welfare and Ctvfc League, they were not held responsible for iRI-STATE FAIR OFFICIALS PROMISE phans Education Aot due to a mis­ Inc., which was organized by Ne­ II any part of the infringement.. - understanding of the taw, the groes “to enoourage, promote and We are cognizant of tbe.'4nj^. Veterans Administration estimates. appreciate civic development of unrest between the -Negro citizens ' . VA states three major misconcep­ Haywood County”, as explained by of our city and.thB.Memphls^pifcb’ GREATEST SHOW IN FORTY-SIX YEARS tions: Atty. James F. Estes of Vance Ave., 80S Department, such acts' tof ..police to whose office Carney came. brutaiity'and harassment w? LOUISE PROTHRO, NOTED I though away in .school tor graduate completing arrangements for its (a) Many of the eligible young Carney, who gave his address ns OMAR CARNÇY, yfight, is explaining to Atty. James F. Estes, how ing to a very grave sltuatlSpilh^t HOME ECONOMIST, WIILL study, Prof. Roddy is keeping in annual display and broadcasting people fail to think of themselves Route 1, Box 5-A, Stanton, which he was betjtpri liy’gn;unidentified white man. — (Staff Photo) can be averted. We do not qqtoiww •FOOD DEMONSTRATE * close touch w ith all phases or fair studios in the General Exhibits as orphans while one parent is liv­ is about 12 miles from Brownsville, tinlawfulness by.. citizens. V(ei'feet Livestock exhibits activities through his assistant Building, and plans to. hppndeast ing. But the law regards the child­ explained the• incident thusly: With registration for farm, in-— manager, Julius S. Mebane, voca­ the “Cane” Jive Program dally ren of e. parent who died from a "I saw C. P. Boyd, executive sec­ (Continued On Page Eight)ta duiilrial, and teducational exhibits tional agriculture teacher at Mount from 3:30 p. m. until station sign- war-time service-connected injury retary of the League, earlier that exceeding that of any previous year, Pisgah High School, Cordova.. off time Friday, Saturday, ¡and or illness as orphans even with the morning. When I told him I was <the 46ih Anntial Expps’.tioh.of the Five buildings will be utilzed Sunday, October 9-llith.'Othèf;féii5'i Other parenlt alive. going to town, he asked me to otep Funeral Rites For 17934886 Tri-Stste Fa'r-’Associaition promises this year for Trl-St-afe Fair ac- lures of WLOK in this building will byUJ itheIU1U courthouse and»Will* pickJJ.ua up14}J theU11U .., ’ to top .all . previous a, praraotfons . flvitles.. They, include the,livestock J nolude.. byrecording, JMVBCChgfito,. JÖWita---of-*ho. organization which Knf Agriculture Buiid'ng, Gener­ arid several’spiritual singing groups, marrlarrled__________ oftlmes cpiisIdSThStiiseivCsr________ he left there Saturday io be regls- three-day exposition will get un­ al Exhibits Building, Woman’s' Tri-Sbaite Vacuum Cleaning Com­ no longer eligible for the education­ (tered. Membenliivolveif der way Friday, Oct. Sth and eon- Building, and the Casino : where pany, of 1583 Madison Avenue, in al privileges.. Yet marriage has no When I got fco the courthouse t'riue through ithe following Sun­ this year the Dick (Cane) Cole connection with Orgill Brothers, will bearing upon eligibility under, the between 11 and 41:30,1 went to rhe day. October lllth at the Mid-South Platter Party, will be staged. occupy en entire section of the War Orphans Education Act. registrar’s office and I asked a Fair' Grounds. TALENT SEARCH, General Exhibits Building to dis­ (c) Some eligible children believe woman, who wag a clerk whai I In Miami Fighl 3 Farm exhibitors will bring their SPELLING TOURNEY play dazzling models of stereo Hi- ithat they may pursue training only wanted. She 'told 'me tha't it would produces from nearly every, coun­ WDIA Radio Station will spon­ Fidelity players. Specialized and at the college level under this law, be $5. After I paid her and she Miami — (UPI) — A white etod ty tof East Arkansas, West Tennes- sor tor the ith rd consecutive year requested musical selections wdll be VA pointed out ithalt institutional gave me the. .charter, I stuck in a Negro man, members of a group , see, and North Mississippi, A. and Its Invitational Spelling Tourna­ played by the sponsors of this dis­ training may be pursued for various advocating peaceful opposition to my back pocket and started out of Edward R. Kirk treasurer of In, the newspaper ..., beenuse he ®.-State University, NtahylH#, and ment and ithe WDIA-TRI-Stàte play for benefit of fair paitrions. occupations in the vocational and the office. segregation, swapped punches yilth.. Alcorn Slat® College, Alcorn, Miss., Fair Talent Search in the Wom­ More than lifty commero.al ex­ technical field. “Just as I started out of the Union Protective Life Insurance was buried yesterday. a white customer at a downtjlm.’ Wil, highlight 'the livestock show. an’s Building. This building will hibitors will be on hand in the Furthermore, an otherwise eli­ door, a stocky whiilo man. about Company, 368 Beale St. will not For the last 15 years, Mr. Kirk -lunch counter here Monday, - . Their fine breed of dairy oattie also be the scene of the annual General Exhibits Building includ­ gible orphan who serves in the five feet-five, inches, weighing attend the World Series.
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