SPARTAN DAILyAu' thrspartandath ,.,111 VOLUME 125, NUMBER 54 Serving San Jose State University since 1934 N10 \ DAY, 1 )ECLN113ER 5, 2005 Jennifer Senftleben Apollo Sunshine CD review "Slumber Party" volleyball profile A&E Page 6 Opinion Page 2 Sports Page 3 Latino Students sweat author 'Tis the season Jose kicks off the at exercise event San holiday season with Proceeds to buy new equipment discusses Sunday morning's BY PATRICIA !BARRA Downtown's parade. 'It's been tautly easy tor Me. - his works Christmas in the Park will Lope/ said. 'Ts): taken a lot of Paoli 'pants of the 1 5111 an- dance classes in the past .- open through New nual Aerobicthon C \CR OM and Cardio WM. is a slow paced BY PATRICIA IBARRA remain danced their SiresS lor :tens try 111 MI1C11 hip-hop music Daily Staff Write Year's Day. hours Friday evening in Spartan is Used during the it (irking. Complex Central room 44. I opt:, said that a lot of herdance San Jose State University stu- About 200 people turned out background it as in ltip-hop. came dents and San Jose residents PHOTOGRAPHS BY for the event at 4 p.m and took FliTo aerobis s and the out to listen to author Luis Alberto Franasco Galvan of Mountain View takes his daughter SHAMINDER DULAI / DAILY STAFF part in various aerobic at iii it ic. lat/ereise act o. ales were faster Urrea on Friday night in the Dr. Isabella for a ride on the merry-go-round Sunday night For $4 they got a chanic lo pot pat ed and walls got participants Jr. Joint at San Jose's Christmas in the Park. Martin Luther King ticipate in cardio Itink lIt Lo aer eating by !laving them muse Library. objet. Jal/Ctilse and k ic klsismg all the place. book, Urrea's latest bestselling Carol Sullivan. the event coil I user'key ran. it tgged. did the grape- "The Hummingbird's Daughter." dinator and a kinesiology lei tin stile lilld squatted mans nines. tells the story of a young girl. stud that the proceeds ii ill he By this nine. litany it Ire cov- Teresita, who is the illegitimate used to purchase aerobic equip ered in sit eat and out it breath. daughter of a 14-year-old indig- ment for the department. 1.1111:1S11 there %s o. iletuty it %Saler enous servant girl and a womaniz- "Students get a chance to and Gatorade lot participants to ing man. Don Tomas Urrea. condition the hods and ii iii quench then thil .1 The event was sponsored by ith their Linn IS alld friends.- :ther the Ja//ercise tel is ay, Movimiento de Arte y Cultura SUMO ,111 said the ems% &t thinned out and about Latino American. as part of its VIII1 the pUrCthise Ot. their ad- Bin people remained Latino Writers Series. imssions ticket, part iensints were I )ius iii (,bitim. a junior major- It was co-sponsored by SJSU's entered into rattle to k.it a sa- ing in alt. said he it anted to get a Center for Literary Arts. riety of prues. in. I niang ioupons iiorkom 511 he dei itied to partici Several students and San Jose for Ben & Jerry s Ise cream. tickets pate in the esent and he took part residents waited outside in the cold to Ripley 's Believe It or Not, gift in the es nom stall to tonsil. to be let into the library. cert ilicates to Roberts Bookstore. a les a gt toil workout." Quinn By 7 p.m.. the time the event free month pass ai Pinnacle Fitness said t espected the esent to non- was supposed to start, only a hand- and various ttther pri/es. stili mut see people falling iii ci" ful of people sat in the room and Sonic people came to the event ls1)151 of the female ptutici- many chairs were empty. to relie% e sires,ir ,iii 11:1e 11111. pants had an easy time follow mg During this time, many of them -My. roommate asked me to the !noses. sihereas "untie Males bought their books and mingled join her." said Kim Lopez. an haI a 'tartlet 11111C. with fellow audience members. undeclared freshman "I thought 'soilie ill the people go really People began to trickle into that it sounded Ian .;11,1 N.21iyen. a junior to 229 after 7:15 p.m., rooms 225 Lope/. like mans other panic- following a problem they had gain- ipants. really got into the ssork- see AEROBIC THON, page 5 ing access to the library. out. especially the cardio funk According to Mitch Berman, the director for the Center of Literary Arts, some individuals had trouble getting into the library because the event was held after library hours and the doors were locked. Lecture to address Although some had trouble get- ting into the event, about 80 peo- ple turned out for the reading and and Islam answer session. women question and Some people came to the event YOUNG nut hived to get credit for their class. BY CHRISTINA their religion.- she said. -The "We are reading the book in my I way I learned Islam was very class," said Micaela Youmans, it Mosaic Cross Cultural clear, and I liked that. - junior majoring in English. "1 have The holding "I Don't Chase said she will talk about to do a write-up of the event for my Center si ill be a two -pan lei lure the rights granted to %%omen at paper." Understand.- (list ussion tin studs mg os er- the wake of Islam gi% en liy the Although Youmans was at the and misettnceptions ii is om- Quran. the Islamic hils 1,4)4. event for a class assignment, she seas and Pacifica wont and the prophet Muhammed. said that she really likes the book en in Islam. in the Union on Monday horn Muslims believe to be the and was looking forward to have in the Student to 2 IRpitu last ot the messengers ot God to Urrea sign her copy. from 12:45 the things that ale go- imutkind. "If he would just scribble his "With now insanc sill - ''Iltese rights ii tie 121 ell it hell name in my book. I'd be honored." ing on right bombers that think it it as 111111Cald Ill.- Chase said. Youmans said. cute said Mary 11111 Alum. -American Wothell. V. think, Before Urrea spoke about his religious,- a sophomore majoring ill lib- we're so liberated :Ind so %s ell book, an opening act took the stage. studies who is ostrilinating off. but we're still really strug- Nicolas Valdez from San Antonio eral the es ent. "I don't want peo- gling to make the same wage as performed pieces of a skit. ple to he left in the dark about a man for our job." Valdez played the accordion - Mtn said Middle Fastern and spoke in Spanish and English (Islam). Mosaic aims to encourage countries. such as Turks' s. do to incorporate the typical stereo- Vendors and amusement rides line the walkway between Plaza de Cesar Chavez and Second appreciation and not 1))1 lois true Islamic val- types he faced while growing up in Street Sunday for San Jose's Christmas in the Park. Although it began in 1950, this year marks the multicultural according to its Web ues ii loch allow is ['Men to San Antonio. 25th Anniversary for the holiday festival in its current incarnation. The park is open daily until midnight acceptance. sole, lit n property and fun He said that people called him through the rest of this year. site. The first half-hour lecture will businesses. a "Pocho" because he would try to inform students about the Global " l'hes 're just doing some- tit in with the crowd and attend pop BY LAUREN BOSCH festive and added to the Christmas ture of the parade." Student Network at San Jose thing cultural or political Mat has rock concerts. Daily Senior Staff Writer spirit that they seem to really try Since its beginning in 1981. State University, which, accord- nothing to do with religion. said A Pocho is a term used in for downtown." the parade has been a tradition in ing to its Web site, aims to pro- Amu. "These countries doo.i Mexico to describe a Mexican who Thousands of people crowded The parade, the largest of its San Jose that runs concurrently mote SJSU's study abroad pro- give women Islamic rights was either born or raised in the the streets of downtown San Jose kind in Northern California accord- with "Christmas in the Park." ac- gram. Amil said the practices ot United States. on Sunday morning as large he- ing to the IFEA, started early in the cording to the Parks. Recreation Christy Chase. a practic- these countries give the impt es The crowd roared when Valdez lium balloons, bands, floats and morning as onlookers enjoyed 90 & Neighborhood Services Web ing Muslim and an informa- slim that Islam Is a religion that played his accordion and per- local groups marched down the entries and 5,000 marchers. site. It started with Santa Claus tion technology manager at the oppresses women. formed his skit. street officially marking the start More than two dozen march- appearing on the roof of the Si. NASA-Ames Research Center It is a common misconception "Valdez was great with the ac- of the Christmas season. ing bands participated in a "Battle Claire Hotel, now the Hyatt Sainte in Mountain View.
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