PEAK-BAGGERS' GUIDE 2017 Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref

PEAK-BAGGERS' GUIDE 2017 Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref

PEAK-BAGGERS' GUIDE 2017 Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref. Points Me NORTH - WEST Marrawah - Sandy Cape Edith, Mount Arthur River Whyte River Lagoon 331093 2 Hadmar, Mount Arthur River Whyte River Lagoon 355087 1 Hazelton, Mount Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lily 267187 1 Helen Peak Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lagoon 302087 1 Lily, Mount Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lily 278158 1 Mabel, Mount Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lily 285122 1 Norfolk, Mount Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lagoon 297097 2 Sunday, Mount Pieman Lake Pieman Lagoon 345020 1 Vero, Mount Arthur River Whyte River Lagoon 370076 1 West Bluff Nelson Bay Norfolk Range Lily 264135 1 Arthur - Pieman Bertha, Mount Arthur River Whyte River Bertha 525277 2 Charter, Mount Sophia Murchison Charter 897913 1 Cleveland, Mount Arthur River Whyte River Luina 644098 1 Detention Peak Arthur River Rapid River Milabena 710574 1 Livingstone, Mount Pieman Lake Pieman Livingstone 559843 2 Meredith, Mount Pieman Lake Pieman Meredith 537965 2 Parsons Hood Pieman Lake Pieman Parsons 614839 2 Ramsay, Mount Pieman Lake Pieman Ramsay 709949 2 Central North-West Beecroft, Mount Sophia Murchison Pencil Pine 030969 2 Black Bluff Inglis Black Bluff Loongana 125104 2 Black Bluff Range Inglis Black Bluff Lea 111097 1 Claude, Mount Forth Fossey MountainsCethana 330063 1 Dial, Mount Forth Paloona Stowport 195421 1 Duncan, Mount Forth Paloona Riana 190390 1 Everett, Mount Inglis Black Bluff Loyatea 050205 1 Gnomon, The Forth Paloona Stowport 188413 1 Gog Range Forth Fossey MountainsGog 554040 1 Housetop, Mount Inglis Black Bluff Loyetea 070269 1 Loongana Range Inglis Black Bluff Loongana 122176 1 Lorymer, Mount Forth Paloona Kindred 201355 1 Loyetea, Mount Inglis Black Bluff Loyetea 126254 1 Riana, Mount Forth Paloona Riana 175377 1 Roland, Mount Forth Fossey MountainsCethana 386095 2 St Valentines Peak Inglis Black Bluff Parrawe 958207 1 Stormont, Mount Inglis Black Bluff Lea 174041 1 Tor, Mount Inglis Black Bluff Loongana 074126 2 Vandyke, Mount Forth Fossey MountainsCethana 381064 1 NORTH - EAST North - East Arthur, Mount St Patricks Perth Lisle 241302 2 Cameron, Mount Cape Portland Boobyalla Monarch 792626 1 Kerford, Mount Flinders IslandVansittart Kerford 153230 2 Leventhorpe, Mount Flinders IslandPrime Seal Leventhorpe 934635 1 Littlechild, Mount Forester Legerwood Blue Tier 815382 1 Munro, Mount Flinders IslandChappell Anderson 947304 1 Nicholas, Mount Break O'Day Douglas River Dublin Town 912003 1 St Patricks Head Break O'Day Douglas River Ironhouse 029968 1 Strzelecki Peaks Flinders IslandPrime Seal Loccota 911492 3 Victoria, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Victoria 702237 2 Young, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Victoria 799206 1 NE Highlands Albert, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Victoria 728219 1 Barrow, Mount St Patricks Perth Nunamara 348192 1 Ben Nevis Forester Ben Lomond Ben Nevis 522153 2 Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref. Points Me Blackboy, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Saddleback 733160 1 Byatts Razorback St Pauls Avoca Mangana 677971 1 Hamilton Crags St Pauls Avoca Giblin 566021 1 Legges Tor St Pauls Avoca Giblin 548017 1 Markham Heights St Pauls Avoca Giblin 542039 1 Maurice, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Maurice 491270 1 Mensa Moor St Pauls Avoca Stacks 534961 2 Pavement Bluff St Pauls Avoca Mangana 623946 1 Ragged Jack St Pauls Avoca Stacks 487993 2 Saddleback, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Saddleback 634166 2 Scott, Mount Forester Ben Lomond Maurice 432275 1 Sphinx Bluff St Pauls Avoca Mangana 615927 1 Stacks Bluff St Pauls Avoca Stacks 572913 2 West Tower St Pauls Avoca Mathinna 693007 1 East Amos, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Coles Bay 073323 1 Daedalus, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Schouten 072132 1 Dove, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Coles Bay 079324 1 Elephant, Mount Break O'Day Douglas River Ironhouse 038917 1 Foster, Mount St Pauls Lake Leake St Pauls Dome737793 1 Freycinet, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Graham 075252 1 Graham, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Graham 086256 1 Henry, Mount St Pauls Lake Leake Henry 825674 1 Mayson, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Coles Bay 060316 1 Spion Kop Break O'Day Douglas River Fingal 864890 1 St John, Mount Break O'Day Moulting LagoonSt John 903741 1 St Pauls Dome St Pauls Lake Leake St Pauls Dome693754 1 Story, Mount Freycinet Great Oyster Schouten 058135 2 WEST West Coast Agnew, Mount Pieman Tully Heemskirk 527604 1 Black, Mount Sophia Murchison Tullah 805755 1 Cripps, Mount Sophia Murchison Charter 970959 1 Dundas, Mount Pieman Tully Dundas 732605 2 Farrell, Mount Sophia Murchison Tullah 866770 1 Geikie, Mount Sophia Eldon Tyndall 822524 2 Granite Tor Sophia Murchison Tullah 984785 2 Heemskirk, Mount Pieman Tully Heemskirk 483650 2 High Tor Sophia Murchison Tullah 929784 1 Huxley, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Owen 836335 2 Jukes, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 828298 3 Julia Peak Sophia Eldon Selina 834613 1 Julia, Mount Sophia Eldon Selina 809620 1 Lyell, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Gormanston 851436 1 Marble Bluff Franklin Frenchmans Gormanston 902479 2 Murchison, Mount Sophia Murchison Tullah 851704 3 Owen, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Owen 844383 1 Pearse, Mount Sophia Murchison Pearse 842046 1 Proprietary Peak Franklin Frenchmans Owen 826304 1 Pyramid Peak Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 830278 1 Read, Mount Sophia Eldon Dundas 788662 1 Rocky Sugarloaf Sophia Murchison Pearse 853033 1 Romulus, Mount Sophia Murchison Block 948846 2 Sedgwick Bluff Franklin Frenchmans Gormanston 823478 1 Sedgwick, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Gormanston 853487 2 Sophia Peak Sophia Murchison Tullah 926707 2 Sticht Range Sophia Eldon Selina 881604 2 Tyndall, Mount Sophia Eldon Tyndall 831565 2 Victoria Peak Sophia Murchison Tullah 902718 2 Walford Peak Sophia Eldon Tyndall 865560 1 Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref. Points Me West Jukes Peak Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 820283 1 Zeehan, Mount Pieman Tully Oceana 608568 1 Franklin - Gordon Agamemnon, Mount Franklin Princess RangeVera 079171 2 Clytemnestra, Mount Franklin Princess RangeVera 025176 3 Cracroft Hills Franklin Princess RangeMcCall 936036 2 Darwin, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 833209 2 Elliot Range Franklin Princess RangeLimekiln 948963 2 Emma, Mount Franklin Princess RangeVera 154153 2 Fincham, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 930237 2 Flat Bluff Franklin Frenchmans Collingwood 011311 1 Frenchmans Cap Franklin Princess RangeVera 035195 7 Lyne, Mount Franklin Princess RangeVera 026124 3 Madge, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 945282 1 Mary, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 997277 2 Maud, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Darwin 968255 1 McCall, Mount Franklin Princess RangeMcCall 949080 1 McCutcheon, Mount Franklin Princess RangeMcCall 905081 1 Philps Peak Franklin Princess RangeVera 062177 4 Pine Knob Franklin Frenchmans Loddon 053206 1 Princess Range Olga Dohertys Lancelot 036852 2 Propsting, Mount Franklin Princess RangeMcCall 967071 1 Raglan Range Franklin Frenchmans Owen 990343 1 Seal, Mount Franklin Princess RangeWarnes 070072 2 Sharlands Peak Franklin Princess RangeVera 056190 2 Sorell, Mount Franklin Princess RangePhilips 796188 3 South Darwin Peak Franklin Princess RangeEngineer 833164 1 Strahan, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Teepookana 776223 2 Wards Bluff Franklin Frenchmans Loddon 070278 2 White Needle Franklin Princess RangeVera 057185 1 Macquarie - Elliott Bay Discovery Olga Dohertys D'Aguilar 851867 1 Innes Peak Olga Dohertys Innes 849784 1 Lee, Mount Olga Dohertys D'Aguilar 850814 1 Lewis, Mount Olga De Witt RangeMoores 937699 2 CRADLE - ST CLAIR Cradle Back Peak Sophia Murchison Pencil Pine 048916 1 Barn Bluff Sophia Murchison Cradle 103801 4 Campbell, Mount Sophia Murchison Cradle 143877 1 Cradle Mountain Sophia Murchison Cradle 126845 4 Emmett, Mount Sophia Murchison Cradle 153819 1 Inglis, Mount Sophia Eldon Will 066783 3 Kate, Mount Sophia Murchison Pencil Pine 131921 1 Little Horn Sophia Murchison Cradle 136857 1 Remus, Mount Sophia Murchison Pencil Pine 011902 2 Pelion Achilles, Mount Sophia Eldon Achilles 150651 3 Canning Peak Sophia Eldon Achilles 005650 1 Doris, Mount Inglis Eldon Cathedral 206645 1 Oakleigh, Mount Mersey Eldon Rowallan 201713 3 Ossa, Mount Inglis Eldon Achilles 196639 4 Paddys Nut Inglis Eldon Achilles 176656 1 Pelion East, Mount Inglis Eldon Cathedral 225655 2 Pelion West, Mount Sophia Eldon Achilles 150682 5 Perrins Bluff Sophia Eldon Achilles 142633 3 Pillinger, Mount Mersey Jerusalem Rowallan 274702 2 Proteus, Mount Sophia Eldon Achilles 107696 1 Thetis, Mount Sophia Eldon Achilles 168649 3 Du Cane Peak 1:100 000 1:50 000 1:25 000 Ref. Points Me Acropolis, The Sophia Eldon Du Cane 220568 4 Byron, Mount Nive King William Olympus 220463 2 Castle Crag Sophia Eldon Du Cane 249596 4 Cuvier, Mount Nive King William Goulds 191468 3 Du Cane Range Sophia Eldon Du Cane 213585 1 Eros, Mount Sophia Eldon Dome 195580 1 Geryon North, Mount Sophia Eldon Du Cane 215581 5 Geryon South, Mount Sophia Eldon Du Cane 216578 8 Gould, Mount Sophia Eldon Du Cane 213524 4 Guardians, The Sophia Eldon Dome 189525 3 Horizontal Hill Sophia Eldon Dome 188514 2 Hyperion, Mount Sophia Eldon Dome 199590 3 Macs Mountain Sophia Eldon Dome 156566 3 Manfred, Mount Nive King William Goulds 188487 3 Massif, Mount Mersey Eldon Cathedral 223601 4 Minotaur, The Sophia Eldon Du Cane 210532 1 Nereus, Mount Sophia Eldon Dome 116583 4 Parthenon, The Sophia Eldon Du Cane 213548 1 Walled Mountain Sophia Eldon Dome 186563 2 Eldon - Cheyne Alma, Mount Franklin Frenchmans Loddon 146298 2 Arrowsmith, Mount Nive King William Arrowsmith 235263 1 Beehive, The Nive King William Arrowsmith 229281 1 Calders Lookout Nive King William Arrowsmith 215274 1 Camp

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