- 89 SPIRULA nr. 344 (2005) Tijdschriftartikelen Journalpapers R.A. Bank Malacologicalpapers published in journals. Sorted in the followingorder of succession: Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricat- ed at the family level) - Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomencla- ture (new cases - comments onprevious cases - Opinions). Withineach item, papers are ordered the alphabetically on name of thefirst author. FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY - Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali (2004): Molluskenfauna (Gastropoda et * BABA, K. (2004): The aquatic mollusc Acta Biologica, 80 [2003]: 175-177. Bivalvia) der Eifel und Manderscheid, fauna of river Tisza and its tributaries. Trento. Meerfelder Maar und Himmerod. - * A. Preferendum des und Flora in - Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarl- DAMERDJI, (2002): Fauna Rheinland-Pfalz, 10 berger Malakologischen Gesellschaft, mollusques gastéropodespulmonés ter- (2): 473-492. Landau. * 12: les de Tlemcen A. & P. MILDNER Drit- 19-29. Rankweil. restres pour plantes KOFLER, (2004): * BARON, D. (2004): M0ns Klint, Dene- (Algérie). - Mésogée, 60: 45-52. Mar- ter Nachtrag zur Molluskenfauna Ost- marken, een malacologisch paradijs. - seille. tirols (Mollusca: Gastropoda: * Jaarverslag Schelpen Werkgroep Delfz- GRABIJN, C. (2004): Malta 2004. - Bivalvia). - Berichte des NaturWis- ijl, 16: 15-16. Delfzijl. Jaarverslag SchelpenWerkgroep Delfz- senschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in * BOYCE, R. (2004): Phenacolimax hunt- ijl, 16: 6-8. Delfzijl. Innsbruck, 91: 129-155. Innsbruck. * G. * ed unsuccesfully in Worcestershire. - HOLYOAK, (2004): Recorder's LEEUWEN, S. VAN (2005): Schelpen - Mollusc World, 6: 14. London. report: non-marine Mollusca. Journal verzamelen op Thasso, Griekenland. - * DALFREDDO, C. & B. MAIOLINI (2004): of Conchology, 38 (4): 480-483. Lon- De Kreukel, 41 (1/2): 3-6. Diemen. * II popolamento malacologico di alcuni don. MARTINEZ-ORTI, A., M.T. APARICIO & * laghi trentini a confronto 70 anni dopo. KAPPES, H., K. GROH & C. RENKER F. ROBLES (2004): La malacofauna de 90 - SPIRULA nr. 344 (2005) * la Siërra de Alcaraz (Albacete, Espana). piemontese. - Bollettino Malacologico, HORSAK, M. & K. NEUMANOVA (2004): - Iberus, 22 (2): 9-17. Oviedo. 40 (5/8): 74-76. Distribution of Pisidium globulare * * MOORKENS, E.A. (2004): Non-marine MIENIS, H.K. (2004/2005): Notes con- CLESSIN, 1873 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Mollusca: new and notable records for cerningrecent and fossil Neritoidea, 31. the Czech Republic and Slovakia with Ireland. - Bulletin of the Irish Biogeo- On the alleged occurrence of Neritina notes to its ecology and morphological Dublin. LAMARCK in the characters. of graphical Society, 28: 189-198. zigzag Pleistocene - Journal Conchology, 38 * MORI, N. (2003): Macroinvertebrate Kere River outcrops, Santo, New (4): 373-381. London. * communities of karst springs in the Hebrides. - The Festivus, 26 (11): 144 ITUARTE, C. (2004): Sphaeriidae Julian Alps in relation to environmental (2004); 27 (1): 10 (2005). (Bivalvia) from Peruvian Amazon * factors. - Natura Sloveniae, 5 (2): 5-17. MIENIS, H.K. (2004): The molluscs of floodplains, with the description of Ljubljana. Nessana. - In: D. URMAN (ed.), Nes- Pisidium iquito new species. - The * PÉREZ-QUINTERO, J.C., M. BECH & J.L. sana. Excavations and Studies. I. - Nautilus, 118(4): 167-174. * HUERTAS (2004): Los moluscos de las Beer-Sheva, 17: 165-196. MARTfN, P.R. (2005): Discouraging * aguas continentales de la provincia de MIENIS, H.K. (2004): Appendix. Notes results in the search for the Patagonian Huelva (SO Espana). - Iberus, 22 (2): on a second collection of molluscs mussel Anodontites puelchanus. - Ten- 19-31. Oviedo. recovered during the excavations of tacle, 13: 10-11. * * PROSCHWITZ, T. VON (2004): Faunistiskt Nessana. - In: D. URMAN (ed.), Nes- MELNICHENKO, R.K., L.N. JANOVICH & - och - nytt 2003 snackor, sniglar muss- sana. Excavations and Studies. I. A.V. KORNIUSHIN (2004): Changeabili- lor. - Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Muse- Beer-Sheva, 17: 197-215. ty of the shells' morfometrical charac- * um Arstryck, 2004: 23-36. Göteborg. NADEL, D., A. TSATSKIN, M. BELMAK- teristics, peculiarities of ecology and * SEITZINGER, R.T. (2005): Schelpen ER, E. BOARETTO, M. KISLEV, H. MIE- reproduction of the species complex U. verzamelen bij het Balaton meer Hon- NIS, R. RABINOVICH, O. SIMCHONI, T. crassus (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the - garije Juli - 2004. - De Kreukel, 41 SIMMONS, E. WEISS & I. ZOHAR (2004): fauna of Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, (1/2): 7-12. Diemen. On the shore ofa fluctuatinglake: envi- 38 (3): 19-35. [Russian] * * TRIANTIS, K.A., M. MYLONAS & K. ronmental evidence from Ohalo II MIENIS, H.K. (2004): Additional infor- VARDINOYANNIS (2004): Contribution to (19,500B.P.). - Israël Journal Earth mation concerning the conquest of the knowledge of the terrestrial malaco- Sciences, 53: 207-223. Europe bu the invasive Chinese pond * fauna of the island group of Dionysades NIEDERHÖFER, H.-J. & G. FALKNER mussel Sinanodonta woodiana, 10. (Crete, Greece). - Journal of Concholo- (2003): Taxonomische und strati- News from the Netherlands, Belgium, 38 383-391. London. der fossilen and the Czech - 6 gy, (4): graphische Neubewertung Republic. Ellipsaria, * VAUPOHÈ, M. & F. VELKOVRH (2003): Molluskenfauna aus der Baren- und (3): 13-14. Pulmonata: * Slugs (Gastropoda: Karlshöhle bei Erpfingen (Schwabische MONTEIRO, J., I. RIBEIRO, I. SOARES DA Milacidae, Limacidae, Boettgerillidae, Alb). - Laichinger Höhlenfreund, 38 SILVA, L. BALDAIA & J. MACHADO Agriolimacidae,Arionidae) of Slove- (2): 145-193. Laichingen. (2004): In vitro synthesis of organic * nia. - Acta Biologica Slovenica, 45 PETRONIO, C., P. ARGENTI, L. CALOI, D. matrix in primary culture cells from the [2002] (2): 35-52. Ljubljana. ESU, O. GIROTTI & R. SARDELLA outer mantle epithelium of Anodonta * C. L'excursion d'au- Villafranchian mol- - 33: 3- VILVENS, (2005): (2004?): Updating cygnea (Unionidae). Haliotis, tomne de la S.B.M. dans la région de lusc and mammal faunas of Umbria and 13. Paris. * Custinne et de Celles. - Novapex, Latium (central Italy). - Geologica NAGEL, K.-O. (2004): Observations on Société 61 (1/2): 12-13. Romana, 36 [2000-2002]: 369-387. the reproductive period of the freshwa- * WILLING, M. (2004): Field meeting Roma. ter mussel Potomida littoralis (Union- New Forest - 22 report: Ponds, near Brock- idae). Iberus, (2): 1-8. Oviedo. * enhurst, Hampshire 12th June 2004. - BIVALVIA NIENHUIS, J. (2004): Onkruidmossels. * Mollusc World, 6: 22-23. London. ARAUJO, R., I. GÓMEZ & A. MACHOR- Young and Beautiful against Old and * ZEISSLER, H. (2004): Ein weiterer DOM (2005): The identity and biology Ugly. - Jaarverslag Schelpen Werk- Beitrag zur Molluskenfauna des of Unio mancus LAMARCK, 1819 (= U. groep Delfzijl, 16: 18-19. Delfzijl. * Gothaer Krahnberges in Thüringen elongaulus) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in O'BRIEN, C.A., J.D. WILLIAMS & M.A. the (Mollusca: Gastropoda et Bivalvia). - Iberian peninsula. - Journal of Mol- HOGGARTH (2003): Morphological vari- Abhandlungen und Berichte des Muse- luscan Studies, 71 (1): 25-31. London. ation in glochidia shells of six species der Natur * D. ums Gotha, 23: 87-90. Gotha. BARON, (2004): Massale sterfte van of Elliptio from Gulf of Mexico and Unionoïden. - Jaarverslag Schelpen Atlantic Coast drainages in the south- FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES Werkgroep Delfzijl, 16: 21-22. Delfzijl. eastern United States. - Proceedings of * * BALAKRISHNAN, M., C.J. YAPP, J.L. CADÉE, G.C. (2004): Corbicula flu- the Biological Society of Washington, THELER, B.J. CARTER & D.G. WYCKOFF minea (MÜLLER, 1774) (Bivalvia, Cor- 116 (3): 719-731. Washington. * (2005): Environmental siginificance of biculidae) eaten by oystercatchers. - ROE, KJ. & P.D. HARTFIELD (2005): Basteria, 68 (4/6): 87-90. Leiden. a new of freshwater and ratios of mod- Hamiota, genus * CONROY, J.D. & D.A. CULVER (2005): mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the ern land-snail shells from the southern Do dreissenid mussels affect Lake Erie Gulf of Mexico of the south- - drainages great plains of North America. Qua- ecosystem stability processes? - The eastern United States. - The Nautilus, ternary Research, 63 (1): 15-30. Wash- American Midland Naturalist, 153 (1): 119(1): 1-10. ington. 20-32. * BALAKRISHNAN, M., C.J. YAPP, D.L. * FISCHER, W. (2004): Beitrage zur Ken- GASTROPODA MELZER & J.L. THELER (2005): Pale- ntnis der Molluskenfauna Österreichs ACHATINIDAE oenvironment of the Folsom arcaheo- * VIII. Zur Verbreitung von Corbicula MIENIS, H.K. (2005): Blister pearl for- logical site, New Mexico, USA, fluminea(O.F. MÜLLER 1774) (Mollus- mation in Achatina albopicta. - Triton, approximately 10,500 yr B.P. as ca: Bivalvia) und Microcolpia daude- 11: 25. from inferred the stable isotope compo- * bartii acicularis (FÉRUSSAC 1821) OTCHOUMOU, A., K. N'DA, H. Dosso sition of fossil land snail shells. - Qua- (Mollusca: Gastropoda) im Donaugebi- & D.K. KOUASSI (2004): Inventaire de ternary Research, 63 (1): 31-44. Wash- in Niederösterreich sowie Bemerkun- consommés et végétaux sauvages par ington. gen zu Unio und Pseudanodonta africain Archachantina * (Mol- 1'escargot géant GIUNTELLI, P. (2004): Variabilita del- lusca: Bivalvia). - Nachrichtenblatt der ventricosa (GOULD, 1850): préférences 1'ornamentazione in Theodoxus pictus Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen alimentaires. - Haliotis, 33: 15-22. (Neritidae) del bacino terziario ligure Gesellschaft, 12: 15-18. Rankweil. SPIRULA - nr. 344 (2005) 91 * W.F. A further - SIRGEL, (2004): note on tropoda, Bithyniidae).
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