MORMON EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIP ISSUES & ART WAITING, England essay contest winner SUNSTONESUNSTONE by Lara Burton (p.16) CROSSING THE BRIDGE, Brown fiction contest winner by Alex Peterson (p.65) Kevin Christensen ON WAGGING THE DOG (p.6) J. Bonner Ritchie shares his Peacemaking Odyssey (p.56) HOW FOUND ART FOUND ME by Marylee Mitcham (p.62) Visit Carol Lynn Pearson in the Sunstone Gallery (p.40) NEWS Marjorie Pay Hinckley passes away; BYU professor argues biological basis for homo- sexuality; Apostle offers rare look inside the Quorum of the Twelve; Illinois regrets past persecution; New controversy over temple work for Holocaust victims; and much more! (p.75) May 2004—$5.95 Defending the Kingdom, Rethinking the Faith: How Apologetics is Reshaping Mormon Orthodoxy by John-Charles Duffy 2004 SALT LAKE SUNSTONE SYMPOSIUM 11–14 August • SHERATON CITY CENTRE HOTEL, SALT LAKE CITY oin us Wednesday 11 August when Sunstone welcomes MARGARET STARBIRD as this year’s Smith-Pettit Lecturer! Margaret's well-known books, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar and The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine were cited by J Dan Brown as major influences in shaping his bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. Raised Catholic, Margaret taught religious education for many years, was a Fulbright scholar, holds BA and MA degrees from the University of Maryland, and studied at Vanderbilt Divinity School. She travels extensively, speaking about Mary Magdalene and the sacred feminine in Christianity. Her latest books are The Feminine Face of Christianity and Magdalene’s Lost Legacy. The symposium will also feature its usual, varied fare of topics including panels and papers examining the many facets of LDS experience and history, reviews of the latest books, films, and television which touch on Mormon life, reflections on the Book of Mormon and other scripture, and much more. Make your plans early! Rooms at the hotel disappear fast. Watch for a preliminary program in the July SUNSTONE and at www.sunstoneonline.com. LOCATION: toll free (800) 325-3535 or, if local, (801) 401-2000. To guarantee Salt Lake Sheraton City Centre Hotel these prices, be sure to ask for the Sunstone Symposium room rates. 150 W. 500 S. Conference parking at the hotel will be $4 per day and includes exit Salt Lake City, UT 84101 and return privileges. This is the same hotel used for the 2003 symposium. VOLUNTEERS. Sunstone needs volunteer office help in the weeks HOTEL REGISTRATION. Enjoy the convenience of staying at the leading up to the symposium. During the conference, we also need Sheraton City Centre Hotel, the site of this year’s symposium. Special help staffing registration and sales tables and taking tickets. Volunteer conference rates are: $99 for single and double occupancy; add $10 hours may be redeemed for free session tickets, cassette recordings, per person for each additional person. Rooms fill up quickly, and you Sunstone T-shirts, back issues of the magazine, or lengthened sub- must make your reservation by 24 JULY 2004. For reservations, call scriptions. If you can help, please call Sunstone at (801) 355-5926. The Sunstone Education Foundation, Inc. • 343 N. Third West, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 phone: (801) 355-5926 • fax: (801) 355-4043 • email: <[email protected]> MORMON EXPERIENCE, SCHOLARSHIP, ISSUES, & ART MAY 2004 Issue 132 FEATURES 16 Lara Burton . WAITING: 2004 Eugene England Personal Essay Contest, Second Place Winner 22 John-Charles Duffy . DEFENDING THE KINGDOM, RETHINKING THE FAITH: How Apologetics is Reshaping Mormon Orthodoxy 56 J. Bonner Ritchie . A PARADIGM SHIFT FROM CONFLICT TO PEACEMAKING: A Middle East Odyssey 62 Marylee Mitcham . HOW FOUND ART FOUND ME 65 Alex Peterson . CROSSING THE BRIDGE: 2000 Brookie & D.K. SUNSTONE (ISSN 0363-1370) is published by The Sunstone Brown Fiction Contest Moonstone Winner Education Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation with no official ties to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Articles represent the opinions of the writers only. POETRY SUNSTONE is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, 11 Anita Tanner . RECIPE FROM A FAMILY FILE the Index to Book Reviews in Religion, Religion Indexes: RIO/RIT/IBBR 1975–on CD-ROM, and the ATLA Religion Database, published by 21 Terry J. Mulert . IN THE LOVE OF MAKE-BELIEVE the American Theological Library Association, 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Flr., Chicago, IL 60606 64 Ward Kelley . STANDING BELOW THE WATCHTOWER (e-mail: [email protected], WWW: http://atla.com/). 67 Susan Maurer . DIA DE LOS MUERTES Submissions may be on IBM-PC compatible computer discs (MS Word or WordPerfect format), or by e-mail attachment. 70 Frank S. Palmisano III. DROUGHT Submissions should not exceed 8,000 words and must be accompanied by a signed letter giving permission for the COLUMNS manuscript to be filed in the Sunstone Collection at the University of Utah Marriott Library (all literary rights are retained by authors). Manuscripts will not be returned; authors will be 6 Kevin Christensen . YEA, YEA, NAY, NAY: On Wagging the Dog notified concerning acceptance within ninety days. 10 Dan Wotherspoon . FROM THE EDITOR: “A Real Fight” SUNSTONE is interested in feature- and column-length articles relevant to Mormonism from a variety of perspectives, news CORNUCOPIA stories about Mormons and the LDS church, and short reflections 12 Vickie Stewart Eastman. ALL THESE THINGS SHALL GIVE THEE and commentary. Poetry submissions should have one poem per EXPERIENCE . :Tale of Two Sisters page, with the poet’s name and address on each page; a self- addressed, stamped envelope should accompany each 13 Brian H. Stuy . THE REST OF THE STORY . :Shaky Stick submission. Short poems—haiku, limericks, couplets, and one- liners—are very welcome. Short stories are selected only through 14 Moyne Oviatt . TWENTY YEARS AGO IN SUNSTONE: Silent, the annual Brookie and D. K. Brown Memorial Fiction Contest Simple, Equal (submission deadline: 30 June 2004; $5 fee per story). F OOD EPORT Letters for publication should be identified. SUNSTONE does 15 Jana Riess. O G R : Praying and Slaying not acknowledge receipt of letters to the editor. Letters addressed 40 Michael Schoenfeld . SUNSTONE GALLERY: Pioneer to specific authors will be forwarded, unopened, to them. 68 D. Jeff Burton. BRAVING THE BORDERLANDS . :Dealing With SUNSTONE will not provide subscriber addresses to mail list solicitors without permission. Traditions and Policies Send all correspondence and manuscripts to: 71 Elise Eggett . TURNING THE TIME OVER TO . :Moving On SUNSTONE 72 Edgar C. Snow Jr.. LIGHTER MINDS: Writing the History of Pets and 343 N. Third West Salt Lake City, UT 84103-1215 Other Animals in Mormondom (801) 355-5926 80 Richard L. Bushman. AN OLIVE LEAF: To Tell It All fax: (801) 355-4043 email: [email protected] website: www.sunstoneonline.com UPDATE United States subscriptions to SUNSTONE are $36 for 6 issues, $65 for 12 issues, and $90 for 18 issues. International 75 . Marjorie Pay Hinckley, wife of President Gordon B. subscriptions are $48 for 6 issues; $89 for 12 issues; $126 for 18 Hinckley, passes away; Illinois apologizes for 19th issues. All payments must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. All international subscriptions will be sent via surface mail. century persecution; BYU professor argues biological Bona fide student and missionary subscriptions are $10 less than basis of homosexuality; Controversy continues over the above rates. A $10 service charge will be deducted from refund amount on cancelations. temple work for Holocaust victims; Rare, candid look inside the Quorum of the Twelve; John D. Lee statue Printed by A “Green” Shop constructed, then scrapped; and much more! Copyright © 2004, The Sunstone Education Foundation. Cover Design: Jeff Hale All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. SUNSTONE YEA, YEA NAY, NAY That said, I still found the articles very in- Founded in 1974 PHOBIA BY ANY OTHER SCOTT KENNEY 1974–1978 teresting. But, particularly interesting to me ALLEN D. ROBERTS 1978–1980 NAME—FLASHBACK was Ralph A. Olsen’s article, “A Malay Site for PEGGY FLETCHER 1978–1986 DANIEL H. RECTOR 1986–1991 Book of Mormon Events.” One reason for this LINDA JEAN STEPHENSON 1991–1992 ELBERT EUGENE PECK 1986–2001 H, YES: THE 2004 COMMENT OF is that, several years ago, I independently put Editor A Sheri Dew, president of Deseret Book forth the same idea myself. I didn’t do the ex- DAN WOTHERSPOON Publisher Company and best-selling biographer of tensive research that Olsen has apparently WILLIAM STANFORD Church President Gordon B. Hinckley, that done, but I find his logic and data quite com- Associate Editor CAROL B. QUIST she could barely stomach (i.e., felt nauseated pelling. He certainly makes a much better case Managing Editor at) seeing a photograph of a returned LDS for his argument than any of the apologists at JOHN HATCH missionary and his male partner being civilly FARMS do for theirs. As a proponent of Section Editors PHYLLIS BAKER, fiction contest married in San Francisco, each holding one Occam’s Razor (which Olsen cites in his end- SCOT DENHALTER, Cybersaints ALAN AND VICKIE EASTMAN, Righteous Dominion of their adopted daughters (SUNSTONE, notes), I find Olsen’s proposition is far more HUGO OLAIZ, News/Update March 2004, 73). “parsimonious” than the convoluted mental DIXIE PARTRIDGE, poetry MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, women’s studies And yet, after expressing comments such gymnastics required to accept a New World MICHAEL SCHOENFELD, Sunstone Gallery DARRON SMITH, The Long-Promised Day? as this publicly and privately, social conserv- location for the Book of Mormon. Olsen refers ALISON TAKENAKA, Margin Notes atives bristle today when they are called “ho- to himself as “an old chemist meddling in hal- BRAD WOODWORTH, book reviews Editorial Assistants mophobic” by “so-called liberals,” and insist: lowed ground.” I must say that as an old geog- NATHAN BANG, JOHN-CHARLES DUFFY ERIC JONES, HUGO OLAIZ, WILLIAM B.
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