The Biographies of all IOC Members Part XVII Original manuscript by Ian Buchanan (t) and Wolf Lyberg (t), with additional material by Volker Kluge and Tony Bijkerk 319. | Cornells Lambert KERDELI The Netherlands Born: 19 March 1915. A keen swimmer, he swam each day with the young Dutch women who Rotterdam trained under the legendary "Ma" Braun. At the 1936 Olympic Games in Died: 8 November Berlin, he helped coach Rie Mastenbroek, the outstanding Dutch swimmer 1986, The Hague who won three golds and a silver medal atthose Games. Kerdel was also an enthusiastic skier and was President of the Co-opted: 15 June "Lowlanders" Ski Committee, ar organisation for countries such as Belgium, 1977 (until his death), Denmark, Great Britain and the Netherlands which did not have mountains. replacing Herman In this capacity he became a member of the NOC in i960 and a Vice- van Karnebeek President in 1965, succeeding Herman van Karnebeek as President in 1970. Attendance at He later followed van Karnebeek onto the IOC where he was Head of Protocol Sessions: Presentio, from 1982 until his death. He also served as Chef de Mission of the Dutch Absent 2 Olympic team in i960,196^, 1972 and 1976. A staunch supporter of the European Economic Community, he helped create the Coal Importers' Committee and served as Chairman from 195A to 1965. He died from cancer and was posthumously awarded the Olympic Order. This was presented to his widow by IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch at a ceremony in Wassenaar on 17thJanuary 1987. 320. | KIM Taik Soo | Republic o f Korea Born: io September A lawyer and a textile magnate, he was an active politician and was elected 1926, Kimhae, three times to the National Assembly. Politically, he was a fervent supporter Kyungnam of General Park but had shown little interest in sporting matters. However, Died: i7July 1983, after General Park's successful coup, things changed and Kim soon became Seoul President of the Korean Olympic Committee (1971-1979), President of the Korea Amateur Sports Association (KASA), President of the National Boxing Co-opted: 15 June Federation and Vice-President of the Executive Board oftheAIBA. 1977 (until his death), He was posthumously awarded the Silver Medal of the Olympic Order and replacing Chang Key the presentation was madeto hiswidow byJuan Antonio Samaranch during Young the IOC President's visit to Korea inSeptem beri993. Attendance at Sessions: Present 6 , Absent 1 3 2 1 .1 Shagdarjav MAGVAN I Mongolia A graduate of Philology fron the State University of Mongolia, he was Born: 20 August 1927, initially a secondary schoclrraster prior to becoming General Secretary of province ofZavkhan the Central Soviet ofTrade Unionists in 1965.Fromi978 to ic 3 i he was director and CEO of a porcelcin factcry He was elected asa Member cfParliament on Co-opted: three occasions. 15 June 1977 President of the National Olympic Committee (1969-1979) and of the Retired: Central Council of the Union for Physical Education and Szorls (1969-1978), 31 December 2007 he led the Mongolian delegation at four Olympic Winte-Games between Honorary Member 1972 and 199A and two Simmer Games (1972.1976). T_e lather of nine from 2007 children, he was a so awarded an honorary doctorate :y tne Mongolian Attendance at University for Physical Culture and Sport. Sessions: Present 39, Absenti 322. | Roberto Guillermo PEPER I Argentina Peper was a South America n -ecord holder in swimming and also enjoyed Bom: 27Junei9i3. success as a water polo player and in rowing He was a member of the Buenos Aires Argentinian freestyle relay team which finished sixth a: th ? 1932 Olympic Died: 3 July 1999. Games. Jeanette Campbell h s wife, was the first woman from Argentina to Buenos Aires take part atthe Olympics. She won a silver medal in the io d metres freestyle at the 1936 Games in Berlin. Their daughter Susana Peper competed in the Co-opted: 15 June backstroke and breaststroke atthe 1964 Olympic. 1977, replacing Mario Roberto had begun a sjccessful career as a stockbroker in igz+6 and Negri became Vice-Presicent of ttie Buenos Aires Stock Exchange end chairman of Retired: 31 December the Chamber of Stockbroke's. He had a number c-fdirectorshi as in Argentina 1988 and South American companies. Honorary Member In sports administration he was Secretary of the Argentine Sports from 1989 Foundation. He se*ved or the Commission for the htenazional Olympic Attendance at Academy from 1983 to 1988. Sessions: Present 15. Absent 0 32 3.1 German RIECKEHOFF SAMPAYO | Puerto Fico An immensely influential figure in the development of the organised sport Born: 5 February in Puerto Rico since 191*0. H e_ounded the national federations for football, 1915, Vieques equestrian, gymnastics, fralc hockey, rowing and roller horsey and served Died: 2 September as President of ma ny of thes^ federations. He was Presizent of the Puerto 1997, San Juan Rican Olympic Committee i 1 1977 and from 1981 to 1990. His parents were descendants of Germans who settlec on the island. Co-opted: isJune 1977 They were poor farmers but provided him with a gooc education at the Retired: 31 December Universities of Minnesota and Puerto Rico. He founded the weekly sporting 1990 newspaper E/Compeon, laterbecame sports edilor of La Democracia. Healso Honorary Member served as Presiden: of the Organising Committees for th 2 World Basketball from 1990 Championships in 1973 and the Pan-American Games ofi9T9. Rieckehoffwas Attendance at in Lausanne ready fortheic97 IOC Session when he fell II. Hewas rushed onto Sessions: Present 18, an ambulance plane with his wife and his son, but he died during the flight. Absent 0 JOH 1 I 2015 The Biograjhies of ad IOT Members 6 7 321*. | Philipp vo n SCHOELLER I Austria Born: 23 August 1921, Philipp Ritter von Schoeller came from the fourth generation of a Rhineland Vienna business family. In the Second World War he was a captain in a mounted Died: 6 May 2008, Cossack regiment. Later he studied national economy at the university of Vienna Innsbruck and in 19^8 became Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. After the death of his great m cle he became a partner in the family Co-opted: 15 June business group. This included the Schoellerbank in Vienna, founded in 1833, 1977, replacing Rudolf and also several companies prooucing sugar, bread and beer. He was Vice- Nemetschke President of the Austrian Industrialists (1967-1972,1980-1988), Chairman of Retired: 31 December the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce, Industry Section (1970-1990) 2000 and President of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris in 1982. Honorary Member Schoeller was Austrian show jumping champion in 1953 and a member of from 2001 the national equestrian team (1953- 1958). Also a keen yachtsman, he was Attendance at Commodore of the Austrian Club (197A-1978). Sessions: Present 30, His first marriage was to Ida zu Salm-Reiferscheidt-Ratz with whom he Absent 2 had six daughters. After their divorce in 1968 he married Countess Vera Bubna. 3 2 5 .1 Lieutenant-General Dadang SUPRAYOGI I Indonesia Born: 12 April 191^, A retired Army Divisional commander, he was a member of the Supreme Bandung, Jabor Advisory Council of Indonesia and a member of the People's Congress. In Died: 17 July 1998, his capacity as Minister of Production, Public Works and Power, he was Jakarta responsible for the construction of the 100,000 capacity stadium for the 6,h Asian Games in 1962. Suprayogi began his career as a sports official as Co-opted: 15 June President of the Swimming Federation of Indonesia (1952-198^). In 1971 he 1977, replacingSultan became Executive President of the National Sports Council and from 1977 to Hamengku Buwono 1981 he acted as NOC President. Retired: 31 December 1989 Honorary Member from 1990 Attendance at Sessions: Present ii», Absent2 326.1 Rene ESSOMBA Cameroon A surgeon by profession, he was the first native of Cameroon to become a Born: 6 April 1932, Professor of Medicine. Parallel to his brilliant career as a surgeon in France Mbalmayo and his home country, he was President of the Order of Doctors of Cameroon. Died: 31 August 1998, At the 1968 and 1972 Olympic Games he was the doctor attached 1o the Younde Cameroon team. He began his career as a sports official as President of the Cameroon Football Federation (1966-1972). He was President of the Caitral- Co-opted: 17 May African Football Union in 1968 and Vice-President of the African Football 1978 (until his death) Confederation (1972-1976). Attendance at Elected Vice-President of the Cameroonian Olympic Committee h 1968, Sessions: Present 21, he became its President in 1972. He served also as Secretary-General of the Absent 3 Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) from 1989 to 1993. Following his entry into the IOC in 1978, he was the NOC representative on the Olympic Movement Commission (1991- 199A) and was also a member of the Medical Commission from 1981. A few weeks after his unexpected death, the Salt Lake City scandcl broke following reports by a local TV journalist in November i998.The revelations severely affected the reputation of Essomba and led to disciplinary action against other IOC Members. Essomba's daughter had been amongstthose received large sums. In her case it had been to finance her studies at the American University in Washington. 3 2 7 .1 KIM Yu Sun I Democratic People's Republic of Korea A graduate of the Pyongyang Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Born: 2 February he became a Professor at his alma mater (1958-1969). He played lor the i932,Sinwon-Dong national football team for three years from 1955.
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