3826 OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL6, of North Dakota, favoring the enactment of a dause in the Ha­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Kentucky waiian constitutiorr"forbidding· the manufacture and sale of in­ moves that the papers filed in relation to the election of a Senator toxicating liquors and a prohibition of gambling and the opium from . the State qf Kentucky be referred to the Committee on trade-to the Committee on the Territories. -n Privileges and Elections. ...... Also, petitions of citizensof Pembina., Cando, Hallson, and Cass Mr. STEWART. I hope that motion will not be pressed this County, N. Dak., against the Loud bill-to the Committee on the morning. I object to it now, if I have a right to object. Post-Office and Post-Roads. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. A single objection would not Also, petitions of Posts Nos. 2, 11, 21, 22, 33, and 41, Department of lie against the motion. · North Dakota, Grand Army of the Republic, indorsing the bill to Mr. JONES of Arkansas. I presume the Senator from Ken­ establish a Branch Home for disabled soldiers at or near .Tohnson tucky would have no objection to allow the motion to lie over on City, Teiln.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the i·equest of any Senator. I suppose he will not object to that Also, petitions of citizens of Rutland, Dell Rapids, and Ransom course. County, N. Dak., favoring the Grout bill relating to oleomar­ Mr. DEBOE. Let it go over, then, until to-morrow morning. garine-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator from Ken­ Also, resolution of the Trades League of Philadelphia, Pa., ap­ tucky withdraw his motion? proving the Senate amendments to the legislative bill respecting Mr. DEBOE. I withdraw the motion for the present. the Hydrographic Office, Navy Department-to the Committee on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The motion is withdrawn. Appropriations. FINDINGS OF COURT OF INQUIRY. By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of Merriam, No. 29, Woman's Relief The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Sen­ Corps, of Meriden, Conn., urging the passage of House bill No. ate a communication from the !::ecretary of War, transmitting, in 5475, prohibiting the sale of liquor in Army canteens-to the Com­ response to a resolution of the 30th ultimo, the original copy of the mittee on Military Mairs. minutes, proceedings, and findings of the court of inquiry pursuant By Mr. STEVENS .of Minnesota: Petition of the Shak~speare to the President's instructions of February 20, 1899, together with Club, of Minneapolis, Minn., in favor of the proposed national the final report of said court of inquiry and the action taken thereon. park in northern Minnesota-to the Committee on the Public The accompanying papers are very voluminous. '.1,'he communi­ Lands. cation will be printed, and, with the accompanying papers, re­ By Mr. SULZER: Resolutions of a mass meeting of citizens of ferred to the Comm~ttee on Printing. Coopertown, Wis., in favor of intervention in the interest of peace between Great Britain and the Orange Free State-to the Com­ MESSA.GE FROM THE HOUSE. mittee on Foreign Affairs. ·A messag~ fron;i the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J •• By Mr. WACHTER: Petition of 126 druggists of Baltimore, BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House bad disa­ Md., for the repeal of the tax on medicines, perfumery,. and cos­ greed ~o. the amen~ment of the .Senate to the bill (H. R. 4001) metics-to the Committee on Ways and Means. authorizmg the adJustment of rights of settlers on the Navajo By Mr. WARNER: Petitions of Methodist Episcopal churches Indian Reservation, Territory of Arizona; asks a conference with of St. Joseph and Mayview, Ill., urging the enactment of a clause the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, in the Hawaiian constitution forbidding the manufacture and sa!e and had appointed Mr. LACEY, Mr. CURTIS, and l\lr. STEPHENS of into~icating liquors and a prohibition of gambling and the of Texas, managers at the conference on the part of the House. opium trade-to the Committee on the Territories. The message also announced that the House had passed a bill By Mr. JAMES -R. WlLLIAMS: Paper to accompany House (H. R. 10449) making appropriations to supply additional urgent bill granting an increase of pension to Thomas Summers-to the deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June Committee on Invalid Pensions. 30, 1900, and for other purposes; in which it requested the concur­ rence of the Senate. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. SENATE. The message further announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution; and they FRIDAY, Ap1ril 6, 1900. were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. A bill ( H. R. 205) granting an increase of pension to George C. Snvder· · THE JOURNAL, A bili (H. R. 240) granting an increase of pension to George W. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Wakefield; • ceedings, and having read the following entry: A bill (H. R. 434) granting an increase of pension to Jesse Smith; Mr. JONES of Arkansas presented the following credentials of J oseph C. S. A bill (H. R. 457) granting a pension to Clara L. Harriman; Blackburn, being a transcript from the journals of the proceeilings of the A bill (H. R. 493) granting a penaion to Fanny M. Hays; legislature of the State of Kentucky in joint assembly, showin~ the election of Mr. Blackburn as a Senator from that State for the term of six years, com­ A· bill (H. R. 1458) granting an increase of pension to John E. mencing March 4, 1901- Whinnery; Mr. DEBOE. Mr. President, I was not aware of the fact yes­ A bill (H: R. 1507) granting an increase of pension to William terday morning when the Senator from Arkansas presented the H. La Count; credentials of Mr. Blackburn. I desire t.o know if they are now A bill {H. R. 1754) granting a pension to Helen M. Hull; the subject of a reference. If so, I desire to move that they be A bill (H. R. 1800) granting a pension to LutheriaH. Maynard; rnferred t-0 the Committee on Privileges and Elections. A bill (H. R. 1890) to increase the pension of John Houk; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. After the reading of the J our­ A bill (H. R. 2203) granting an increase of pension to John M. nal is completed and it stands approved, the Chair is of opinion Garrett.; that a motion touching the credentials would be in order. A bill (H. R. 2397) grantin~ a pension to Eliza S. Redfield; Mr. PENROSE. I ask unanimous consent that the further A bill (H. R. 2681) granting an increase of pension to Calista F. reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Hall; . The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Pennsylva­ A bill (H. R. 2809) granting an increase of pension to Moses F. nia asks unanimous consent that the further reading of the J our- Woods; nal be dispensed with. Is there objection? • A bill (H. R. 2865) granting an increase of pension to Louis H. Mr. JONES of Arkansas. I prefer that the reading of the rec­ Gein; ord of the proceeding in relation to the credentials shall be com­ A bill (H. R. 2999) granting an increase of pension to George pleted. M. Brown; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objection being made, the Sec- A bill (H. R. 3021) granting a pension to Eliza H. Getchel; retary will proceed with thexeading of the Journal. · A bill (H. R. 3085) granting an increase of pension to William The Secretary resumed the reading of the Journal, and was Sheppard; . - interrupted by A bill (H. R. 3167) granting an increase of pension to Thomas . Mr. JONES of Arkansas. I have now no objection to the re­ H. Cook; quest of the Senator from Pennsylvania that the reading may be A bill (H. R. 3268) granting an increase of pension to James W. dispensed with. Kessler; Mr. PENROSE. I renew my request. A bill (H. R. 3635) granting an inc1·ease of pension to Timothy The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Pennsylva­ B. Eastman; nia aHks that the further reading of the Journal be dispensed with. A bill (H. R. 3640) granting a pension to Mary Pollock; ls there objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. A bill (H. R. 3694) granting an increase of pension to James Without objection, the Journal stands approved. Bottoms; A bill (H. R. 37'75) granting an increase of pension to Robert SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY. Boston; Mr. DEBOE. I now renew the motion t.bat those papers be re­ A bill (H. R. 3863) granting an increase of pension to Alfred ferred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Dyer; 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3827 ~ A bill (H. R. 4047) granting an increase of pension to James S. He also presented a memorial of the legislative committee of Jordan; . the Pennsylvania State Grange, remonstrating ,agf;tinst the passage A bill (H. R. 4655) granting a pension to Elizabeth C. Rice; of the so-called ship-su Q~y bill unless a corresponding bounty be A bill (H. R. 4681) granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth provided for on the exports of the staples of agriculture; which Keiff; ·· was ordered to lie on the table. A bill (H.
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