5*wi!i •N WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER n .l» U V •■•■:' The M rather Manchester Evening Herald Foreeaat ol t. a. Himthcr Biireeu 'PAGE 8XZTBEE > Average Daily Clrcolation For the Moatk o< Norvembef. 1S44 Much colder with cold wave to- Lieut. Col. Robert Hamilton for­ light; fair early tonight followed merly of this town and for some by Inrrcaoing rloudlneox; anow 9,016 Friday moming; lacreaslng winda. About Town months stationed at wards. Mass, is now overseas. Hit Member of tbe Andit wife, the former Mrs. FranK B eN M a< O ioelatlimi Manchester— A City of yUlage Charm Th«r# will b« no ioMlon In Busch, is visiting friends in Man­ •ctback tournament between tne chester. ____ '• lYS t o XMAS (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S St. Brldfet’a Men'e CTub »<^0»e MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECiEMBER 21,1944 Mias flo ra Pickles. Adverttalag oa Fago U ) K n lfh U o f Columbue tonight. Dep­ )L. LXIVn NO. 69 uty Grand Knight CorneUue R. Mr. and Mrs. John Picldes r f Holl lev of Campbell council announced itreet, a Etudent In the Store Open Every Evening Until 9 today. Play ia being elimlnatod Practical Arts and Le««*;»- University, has arrived home for »aw*aa*aeaai»aBa*iiea»aNiM»nmi**»wwaH th ii week because many of the ^vnsksgsgsiisass Ready for Nazi Counter-Attack piayera deoire to do their laet-mln- the Chrlstmaa vacation. Nazis Past Mali uto Christmas shopping. attle for Leyte 52x52 Fast Color Spun Rayop Thomas Weir, U * eolleotor for Capt. Wni. Brennan the South Manchester Plre Dis­ nu trict, said today that W per cent Draws Near End; o f the taxes in the district; are col­ Is Hom e on I..eave In Gain of 35 lected and that stetements are be­ inted Lunch Cloths ing mailed to the small balance of . I'' 'I dmtnquents. CapUln William L. Brennan, These cloths wash beautifully and iron who is with the Second Air Forces like a h a n d l^ h le f. n oral pattema in all Conquest Looms Zion church young people and color comblnailona. others Interested will go carolling supply and maintenance unit, sta­ $ 2 - 9 8 Up to Noon Tuesday ■, 9-.' ! this evening, starting from the tioned at Alamogordo, New Mex­ church at 7 o’clock^ TTiey will sing ico. arrived home yeaUrday on a ivocable Disaster De- j Will Attack at the homes of aged shut-ins M d leave.for the holidays. Capt. Bren­ icted for Nipponese ^ _ t t WJ Cut Liege-Baslogne-Ar- those who are ill; also at the Me­ Fine ^lalily i*ure Linen '% h morial hospital between T and S nan ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. ft in Mountainous; ^ 1 1 Top Soldiers o'clock. Carol leaflets will be avail­ William Brennan of 21 Mount Stimson Sees lon Road at Point HI able for those who desire them. Nebo Place. orthwest; Americans! ^ About 14 Miles South The Young People's Society is in He has been in the Armed Now Classed i charge. Forces for four years having been DishxTowels •’ighl to Within Mile! CjhlOa irOTtS Shorter W ar O f Liege Fortress; Two first enlisted in the 118th Observa­ if Juncture on Road. Working feverishly to halt the Nazi counter-attack. American engineers have mined joads and Deep Wedges Devel­ . The Mothers' Circle of St. Ann's tion Squadron in Hartford and has A practical gift that will give i. As Infantry of St. James's church will meet at If Nazis Fail gone up from “buck private" to of service. Red, blue and green C h ristm a i Americans Hope to Con oped as Massive Ger­ 8 o'clock tonight at the home of his present commission of captain. over large chacka. General Mac Arthur’s Head- Mrs. Patrick Peak, of .19 Park Ic ea- I He graduated from Manchester larters, Philippines, Dec. tinue Combined Raids photo from NBA telephoto). __________ ______________________ ^__________________ man F'ormations Pour street High school In the class of 1934 Couples Assertion With New ^Profile System' of and was employed by the Travel­ ,— (ff>)— American conquest Such as Joint Attack Into Wide Breach. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ubert, of ers Insurance Company before en­ MITTENS and rugged Leyte island— the Statemeht Germans’ Assigning Draftees Olive. Calif., have mailed their an­ tering service. He Is unmarried. Made Vpon Hankow. Super-Forts nual Christmas greeUngs to The Wool Filled ^tcome “will decide the fate British Intervention Ability to Launch Of­ Credited With Giving Paris, Dec. 21.— (^P)— The Herald staff and local friends. For­ the Greater East Asia Chungking, Dec. '21—{/P)— U. 8. fensive Is Significant. Best of Manpower. German counter - offensive merly residenU of Village street GLOVES1 ar,” Japan’s Premier Koiso has driven 35 miles into Bel­ they moved tc California In May airmen will bomb every Japanese- Raid Plants kid Dec. 12— neared %ccom- In Greece Attacked o f 1938, and every Christmas since For Active Sports or Dress Wear! held supply port on the China main­ Wsshlngton, Dec. 21—(^ — War Washington, Dec. 21—(iF)—Take gium beyond Malmedy, cut­ A REMINDER! Satine Covered ^ f f s fishment today. “The battle then have sent a card, illustrating land with “ the maximum tonnage ting the Liege-Bastogne-Ar- Medium Weight Capeskin .. ..$3.98 pr. J rapidly drawing to an end, an- Secretary Stimson said today that it from Lieut. Gen. Ben Lear, the California flowers, frulU or scen­ At Mukden Ion road at a point about 14 ery. The one received today pic­ When Yon More Warm wool filled puffa make a real prac­ Pigtez Slip-ons....... ............ $2.98 pr. Lunced Gen. Douglae MacArthur of bombs and the greatest number Lord ^Faringdon Says § 0 y|etg Pu sll if the German counter-offensive Infantry today Is well past iU tures the new union station of Los tical gift. Printed aatlne In cedar, looe and Van Raalte Fabrics.....................$1.00 pr. lo jnonths and a day after he re- of planes which can be obtained," falls it definitely will shorten tbs stepchild days and now ia getting miles south of Liege fortress, Imed to the Philippines Oct. 20 Mutiny Might Arise supreme headquarters dis­ Angeles completed at a cost of 11 INSURANCE blue. n $ f ^ 8 Wool Mittens.......... .. .$1.00-$1.25 pr. MaJ. Gen. Robert B. McClure, U. 8. in to 60 Participate in not only the moat but the best of million dollan, serving the needs »th amphibloue force*, landing chief of sUff la the China theater, u Among Troops Used closed today. Field Marshal of the Soutliem Pacific, Union Pa- Fire • Th^i - ABtomobile Wool Glovefl.......................$1.50-$1.09 pr. Leyte's east coast. Eiiemv Back He coupled with this assertion manpower. said today. Daylight Strike at however, the statement that the Karl von Rundstedt's massive clflc and Santa Fe railroads. Its Runny Mittens, Wool Lined .. .$2.25 pr. No Opposition on Ground He told correspondehts the To Quell Gvil Strife. A new “profile system" of as­ winter rush across Allied lines of or Fiimiture Germans’ ability to launch signing draftees is credited. architecture and landscaping is of I On Mindoro island—Tokyo ra- Americans hoped to continue com­ Industrial Targets in communication bad developed in­ Pius 20% Tax. huge offenisive is significant. He The Array, seeking to meet the Spanish type. 52x52 Prelaiindered Fait Color said the Yanks sought to cov- bined raids such a* the Joint at­ 111 Slovakia to two deep wedges aa massive CALL Manchuria Today. London, Dec. 21.— (/jP)— said the Nazis had penetrated changing condition# aa the war up “ reverses'' on Leyte by tack on Hankow by B-29s and formations of from five to six sn*- Miss Bernice Juul of the Weldon Lord Faringdon, assailing i Allied territory for distances rang­ swells Into the full offensive stage, Lulting to the China sea side of planes of the U. 8. 14th A ir Force mored divisions and eight to nine Beauty Salon, entertained her Op­ and Chinese-American composite Washington, Dec. 21— (JP)— Su­ Britain’s intervention in' ing from five to 20 miles. put aside, several months ago, the Infantry divisions pour.d into a erators at a Christinas diimer par­ ALEXANDER ke Philippine* seven days ago— Battle With Battered Sector Loosely Held original system of supplying the wing. • . _ „ per-Fortresses in substantial force Greece, declared today mu­ wide breach under the conceal­ ty last nis^t at the Sheridan Res­ Lunch Cloths here was no enemy ground ac- Stimson. in his weekly review of ground forces with men almost SI.4- vity and his air action w m Urges Chinese Evacuation today pummeled industrial targets Nazi Garrisons on Out ment of fog and cloud. taurant. Mrs. Michael Zawistow- JARVIS The Chungking radio appealed to tiny might arise among Brit- j the war- given at a news confer­ entirely on a numerical basis. ^ ht." today’s <ommunlque said, in Mukden, Manchuria. Drive Toward Sedan ski, a former member of the staff, 98 ALEXAITDEB STREET Smart bright floral and fruit deaigna In { Chinese to evacuate Immediately ish troops detailed to quell i skirts o f Kassa and ence, said the Germans chose for Under this system, a quota was waa also preaent line raiding planes were downed. Up to 60 B-29a of Major Gen. their stuck a sector 'which had fixed for ground torces -chiefly The second deep wedge had O flee 4111 BcsMeiioe 7978 all colors. 1 Irrevocable disaster was de­ the principal cities af occupied civil strife there.
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