Formatted APPENDIX A - REPORT ON CORE AREAS OF WORK Carriageway Resurfacing Programme 1. Luton‟s highway network is an essential communication link that serves almost everyone everyday of the week and for a wide variety of reasons from simply visiting friends and relatives to vital business deliveries. Roads are an extremely valuable asset and in Luton their Gross Replacement Value is currently £470.25m. 2. In 2011/12 we delivered 33 resurfacing schemes and spent c. £1,500,000 of capital and revenue funding. However, with another severe winter in 2010/11 many roads had deteriorated further with the long period of freeze/thaw leading to the accelerated break- up of carriageway surfaces, with extensive cracking, crazing and potholes. 3. In addition in March 2011 the Department for Transport allocated £248,006 of Winter Pothole Funding to LBC following severe winter weather. This was used for large area road patching with over 28 roads treated. 4. Weather predictions for future years indicate an increasing trend for more exceptional weather conditions resulting in further pressure on already reducing maintenance budgets. Highway maintenance is increasingly a matter of managing the deterioration of assets. 5. The classified road (A, B & C roads) network is assessed annually using nationally developed criteria and the unclassified network is assessed every two years. Figures supplied to government show that we are currently only spending half of what would be required to maintain Luton‟s roads in their current condition. 361 resurfacing schemes have been identified following carriageway condition surveys of the road network. 6. Based upon results of the assessments, and referrals from area Highway Inspectors, Highway Services has developed a programme of work for carriageways which need immediate and significant improvement. The five-year programme addresses 104 of the roads in the worst condition. Although the conditions indicate work is required immediately the programme is based upon the likely available capital and revenue budgets and limited to 5 years. The level of deterioration is dependant on many variables and occurs at differing rates. As a result the condition of the network is under constant assessment, and the programme under review. 7. In 2012/13 it is recommended that £1,020,000 of LTP Highway Capital Maintenance funding should be allocated for this programme along with a revenue contribution of around £522,000. However, the revenue contribution is dependent upon the level of reactive maintenance required. In addition in 2012/13 it is proposed, if approved by Executive, to reallocate £500,000 from the Integrated Transport LTP Capital funding to this programme. The Carriageway Resurfacing Five Year Programme is attached as Appendix B. Area Studies 8. Good progress continues on the Area Studies programme. Introduced seven years ago, work has now been completed on 15 of the 25 areas; this is in-line with the stated aim of two areas treated each year. In 2011/12 approximately £360,000 of LTP, £160,000 of LSTF and £110,000 of Department for Transport “Links to schools” funding was spent on this area of work; completing both the Ashcroft and Sundon Park areas and continuing consultation and design in Stopsley and Lewsey. The reduction in Integrated Transport Capital Grant and the loss of the LBC capital funding element has slowed progress of this programme of work but it is still hoped to complete the outstanding areas within the timescale of the current LTP Implementation Plan 2011-2015. 12/6 9. As part of this programme we work closely with the local community to introduce a wide variety of traffic measures including 20mph speed limits, traffic calming, safety around schools, improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, waiting restrictions and, increasingly, environmental improvements. Only those measures supported by a significant majority of people responding to our consultation are introduced. 10. It is recommended that £120,000 of LTP and £65,000 of LSTF funding should be allocated to this work programme for 2012/13. In 2012/13 the emphasis will be on completing the Stopsley area, finalising a scheme for Lewsey ready for implementation spring 2013 and carrying out consultation/design for the remaining seven areas for a prioritised implementation on the ground from 2013 in order to meet the 2015 deadline of the LTP Implementation Plan. 11. A revised priority list for this area of work has been attached at Appendix C and this takes into account the latest available accident data. Taken from the priority list the programme of work for 2012/13 is as follows: - i. Stopsley – complete consultation/design with implementation summer 2012 ii. Lewsey Farm – complete consultation and design (for implementation spring 2013) iii. Limbury – consultation and design (for implementation summer 2013) iv. West Icknield – consultation and design (for implementation summer 2013) v. Bushmead – consultation and design (for implementation spring 2014) vi. Crawley – commence consultation vii. Putteridge – commence consultation viii. Wigmore – commence consultation ix. Bramingham – commence consultation Local Safety Schemes and Road safety Initiatives 12. A total of £41,500 of LTP funding was spent on this area of work in 2011/12 together with the accident investigation and assessment work to ascertain the proposed schemes for 2012/13. 13. Local Safety Schemes are investigated in a data led manner with the locations with the worst accident problems being treated first. This should ensure that we reduce accidents by the greatest amount with the limited funding that is available. Eight priority areas (four clusters and four routes) have been investigated. 14. During 2011/12 a scheme was introduced at the Vauxhall Way/Crawley Green Road roundabout to improve driver lane discipline on the approach and through the roundabout. Minor safety related modifications were carried out at previous schemes in line with the recommendations of road safety audits. 15. In addition, the use of average speed cameras to reduce casualties on the A505 Dunstable Road (from Skimpot Road to Chaul End Lane) has been investigated along with the phased conversion of the existing wet-film traffic safety cameras to digital imaging. 16. It is recommended that £200,000 of LTP funding should be allocated to this work for 2012/13. A priority list for this area of work is attached at Appendix D. 17. The enforcement element of the traffic safety cameras in Luton is self-funding through speed awareness workshops and therefore, in line with the LTP3 focus on promoting road safety education, training and publicity to influence road users‟ attitudes and behaviour. Formatted: Position: Horizontal: 9.52 cm, Relative to: Page, Vertical: -0.04 cm, Relative to: Paragraph 12/7 18. Publicity campaigns aimed at motorcyclists, drivers (drink drive, watch out for motorcyclists, young drivers), cyclists and pedestrians have been carried out through 2011/12. The majority have been in partnership with the other members in the Bedfordshire and Luton Casualty Reduction Partnership. 19. The Revenue Support Grant will be used for the following in 2012/13: - Education, Training and Publicity (ETP) Project Estimated cost Speed (including safety cameras maintenance, speed indicator £58k devices, publicity) Bedfordshire Police Accident data recorder £8k Pedestrians (education, training and publicity) £20k Motorcycles (education, training and publicity) £15k Car drivers and occupants (education, training and publicity £28k including Belt up for Life and Responsible Road User) Work Related (education, training) £5k Events (publicity) £8k Evaluation £15k Safer Routes to Schools Challenge 20. During 2011/12 £25,000 was spent on this programme of work (excluding work around schools in our Area Studies work programme). Work was completed for Rabia Girls and Boys Schools and Grasmere Nursery. 21. Applications have been received from Downside Primary, Pirton Hill Primary and Tennyson Road Primary for the Safer Routes to School Challenge for inclusion in the 2012/13 programme of works. 22. It is proposed that £50,000 should be allocated to this work for 2012/13, with the following schools to be treated. School Estimated cost Wigmore Primary School £20k Downside Primary School £20k Pirton Hill Primary School £5k Safer Routes to School Challenge initial investigations and minor £5k safety around schools works 23. The Safer Routes to Schools Challenge remains open to bids from schools for future works. LSTF funding is being used to keep the School Travel Advisor until the end of March 2015 with the possibility of employing an assistant also LSTF funded. LBC will continue encouraging schools to have active travel planning and take part in the Formatted: Position: Horizontal: 9.52 cm, Relative to: Page, Vertical: -0.04 challenge process. cm, Relative to: Paragraph 12/8 Pedestrian Schemes (including School Crossing Patrols) 24. In 2011/12 a total of £140,000 of LTP and £75,000 of LSTF funding was spent on a wide range of pedestrian facilities (excluding work carried out within the Area Studies programme). This includes c. £30,000 on introducing flush kerbs/tactile paving at many locations and junctions; these are delivered on an on-demand process until the funding is used. Requests come from a variety of sources such as correspondence, Officers, Councillors and Ward Forums. 25. As part of the on-going programme of School Crossing Patrol improvements works were carried out the sites on Havelock Road, Calverton Road, Portland Road and Beechwood Road. On Beechwood Road a raised table type road hump was installed to assist the patrol at this particularly busy site. 26. The large junction of Toddington Road with The Avenue was reduced in size and the pedestrian refuge upgraded to improve the walking route to Leagrave Railway Station. A pedestrian refuge was also installed on Humberstone Road at its roundabout junction with Oakley Road. 27. The street scene/footway improvement for the Marsh Road shops was completed, with the length outside Nursery Parade up to the new Lidl entrance upgraded to the same standard; this included new seats, cycle parking and trees.
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