University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1985 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 1-17-1985 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 089, No 80, 1/ 17/1985 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1985 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 089, No 80, 1/17/1985." 89, 80 (1985). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1985/5 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1985 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~t?;rta 15 31~·~ 0r&~~ '0u,f1,ll 1<{8'5 a.Jl .. T!' ;' _,. •.. :--tt rG\r.·.. ··.. · ·:0 Vol. 89 ' 1•1•"· ... I Thursday, Januory 17, 1985 Lujan tells N.M. House.federal funds will be tight Education fund Former Gov. Apodaca elected regent president; bill introduced From Staff and Wire Reports SANTA FE-Beginning the day he's pleased by honor but not suprised by vote with an address from U.S. Rep. By Juliette Torrez Manuel Lujan, New Mexico Bouse members Wednesday introduced a Former Gov. Jerry Apodaca, t)urry of bills including a request for newly appointed to the Universi­ education funding totaling more ty of New Mexico Board of Re­ than $1.26 billion - not much less gents by his successor, Gov. than the governor's $1.4 billion Toney Anaya, was elected presi­ 1985 state-budget request. dent of the board at a Wednesday The request, House Bill 3, which afternoon me,eting. Regent Anne followed Lujan's address, was intro­ Jourdan of Hobbs was elected duced by Rep. Samuel Vigil, D-Las vice president. Vegas, as the Education;\! Approp­ Jordan made the rnotion to riation Act of 1985. It is co­ elect Apodaca president. Regent sponsored by Reps. Robert Hawk, John Pacz seconded the motion. D-Albuquerquc; Robert Corn, R· Paez nominated Jordan for the Roswell; and Murray Ryan, R· position of vice president, with Silver City. fellow Regent Colleen Maloof In a joint session heM in House seconding his motion. chambers, Lujan praised state legis­ Apodaca said he was not sur­ lators for their past efforts, but prised. "I was obviously pleased warned of national deficits totaling the four other regents selected $200 billion a year. me," he said. "It's a great pri­ •'That means the pressures for the vilege for me to be selected as federal dollars will be greater than president.'' ever before," he said, ''That also Paez was elected secretary­ means that the role of the state treasurer through the nomina­ Legislature is going to be increased, tions of Jordan and new Regent ,and your (the legislator's) chal­ Robert Sanchez. lenges arc going to be more diffi· "There is going to be a great cult.'' amountof interchange as· we try Lujan, who entered Congress 17 to mnve~ne.· 'Jnivei~'ity· for­ years ago, said partnerships between ward," said Sanchez. Wedncs­ federal and state government will be day'snteeting,.hesaid, was ·~ust a necessity in the coming years. a formality.'' Lujan also called for state-funded After much discussion, the re­ research, development and demon· UNM President Tom F11rer •nd the newly llppolntlldpresident of the Bo•rd oiRegeflts, Jerry gents approved contracting with stration projects to encourage the Apodoc•. location of new industries and the ~ontinulld on page 6 expansion of existing industries in New Mexico. Among his proposals was a "Spanish Colonial Research Cen­ Governor's speech conciliatory ter>~ for the University of New Mex­ ico, to be funded and operated t>y the National Park Ser.. ice. Because of the scale of research State Republicans commend Dem·ocrats efforts, the center would "become the focal point for the SOOth By Harrison Fletcher ployees than the 1983-84 Senate.'' a conservative coalition controlling anniversary of Columbus' impact on Lujan .added that he wanted to both chambers, Lujan said. the New World,' 1 ifappnwed by the ''compliment those conservative SANTA FE.-... State Republican With the help of Sen. Les Hous~ U.S. secretary of the interior, he Party leaders, commenting on Gov. Democrats who have put the best ton, 0-:Bcm., and three other Demo· said. Toney Anaya'sopening•day address interests ahe;~d of their party affi­ crats, a conservative coalition con­ The requested education measure and the election of Rep. Gene Sam· liaton this year tobring better, more trols the 42-.membcr Senate, and, seeks $49 .million for the . Depart­ berson, O-Lea, as House speaker, efficient government to our state. with Samberson's election, con­ ment of Education, $508.9 million stated that both .events reflect con­ "Tugether with these ·conserva­ servatives in the 70-member House for higher education and$709 .) mil­ servative attitudes strengthened dur­ tive Democrats, Republicans will should constitute a narrow majority~ lion for elementary and secondary ing the November elections. government,. higher education and have a major say in the setting of schools. public schools. State GOP leaders also outlined A( a news conference early state policy," he said. priorities for the session, such as The appropriation would be made .. Clearly, he understands that last up of $959.9 million from. the Wednesday, Edward Lujan, state November's election was a mandate It has been 52 years since Repub• funding for the state correctional Republican Party chairman; Sen. Ucans have had working control of system, campaign laws, education, General Fund, $156.2 million from for a more streamlined, efficiently­ various other state funds and $150.9 William Valentine, R-Bem., Senate run state government that is paid for the Senate, and it is the firsttime in strengthening DWI laws and a slow­ majority floor leader; and Rep. the state's history that there has been down in growth in state government. million from federal funds. Robert Moran, R-Lea House Minor• with tax increases as a last resort," The General Fund portion of ity floor leader; each read statements said Lujan. uThe governor is mov­ whatever the Legislature finally pas­ thanking Anaya for the ..concilia· ing closer to Republican positions Anderson School of Management ses for educational funding would tory" nature of his address and com­ than he ever has before!' come from the budget it finally mending the Democrats who made Moran said that while the gov~ approves. The various state funds ernor's comments werell't com­ designates interim-dean prospects and federal fullds would not be Sarnberson 's 36~34 election pletely consistent with past stances, possible. accounted for under the general state he was "very encouraged to heat the Anderson School of Manage• associate dean and as acting dean for budget. ment faculty has designated both a semester, He is president of the Lujan said he was very pleased to Anaya's new themes of fiscal re~ The bill seeks more than $4.38 Associate ~an Rod Lievano and New Mexico Technological Innova­ see that Anaya is 'beginning to en· sponsibility and cooperatoR with the million for t\te New Mexico School Legislature ... Professor ·aay Radosevich as tion Ptogram Inc. and teaches an dotse economic policies that Repub­ ••aceeptableu prospe,9ts for interim entrepreneurial class. for the Visually Handicapped in licans have advocated "aU along." Commenting on Samberson's Alamogordo, more than $6.39 mil· narrow victory over last year's dean of the school. A committee appointed by the lion for the New Mexico School for With no rnenlion of a tax increase, speaketofthe House, Ray Sanchez, Dean J'el'fY Jordan. announced faculty will interview both Lievano the Deaf in Santa Fe alld $25.28 Anaya's address outlined what he D·Bem., Valentine said that ''this Monday that both Lievano and and Radosevich and wiU make a re· million for the Technical and Voca• called a "m()(!est"listofbudget in­ action reflects the prevailing atti­ RadoS<!vich were selected from an commendation to the administration tional Institute in Albuquerque, creases totalli~g $26.6 million, with tiude in our state that government internal list of five prospects in a later this month. DeaJ1 Jordan said Fot the state universities and col· the bulk financing the state's cottee­ should be more efficientt programs ••non-binding straw poW • of the he will leave his post Jan. 31. leges, it seeks: tional facilities and the Humah Ser­ should be . prioritized; and taxes ASM· faculty •.Professors William UNM Presdent Tom Farer will vices Oepartment. Corrections and should not be. increased,'' Peters, Avi Shama and John Emery make the final decision conceming IIUniversity of New Mexico: HSD are under federal mandates to As an example ofeffitiency under were also aJ1long the prospects cons· the interim dean appointment. $235.17 million. improve their facilities and services, conservative control, Valentine idered by th~ faculty. Afterwards. the Andersun School •Santa Fe Community CoUege: If Lievano currently serves as will begin the search to find a perma­ cited Senate employte hiring. $2.52 million. j The governor's entire: budget 'for associate dean artd as a professor in nent dean within the nexttwo years. ·t Althoughfinal figures are not in, •New Mexico State University: ,,' the fiscal year is $1.4 billion, which he said, "Current projections indi­ management~infortnatlon systems. Thl newly appointed interim dean $165.o:l million. is approximately $1 t4 million high­ cate that this Senate will. operate He has been at UNM for nine yeats. might also be considered as a pros­ er than current appropriations for with. about 26 r;erceru less em· Radosevich has also served as pect for the job.
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