If someone advertises Cor a worker, 1J you ar>- 1..... ig to buy a home and there's a possibility that it’s a soon, don’t ancii'. that you must wait job for you, FIND OUT ABOUT IT, foJ a w h ile Io n ",-r— l>.it in v estig a te th e re al SOMEBODY is going to get it. esf ite ads and i.hen you’ll KNOW. (INCORPORATED W ITH W HICH IP* THE COAST ECHOI VOL. XXIII. W h o j t N o jz.i, V- • flRCULATJOX BOOKS OPEN TO ALL B E L M A R , N. J., F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R it, 1914 CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL Price Two Cents LABOR DAY SPORTS GOSSIP ^ ™ S E I “ !OPENING OF INLET TERRACE CLUB YACHT CLUB RACES Burlington, N. J. A GREAT SUCCESS Mr. Dunham of Newark, who h is been The Sunday school of the Methodist n ■ greatest crowds of the spending the summer at the ISuen;i Vista church will have their picnic at Clark’s THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON sc,saw Jacoba again trim the Hotel, has returned to’his winter home. Landing tomorrow. They will meet at the church at 8.30 a. m. and go in Jackie in the afternoon yacht race on While attending the opening of t! Inlet strawrides and stages, Saturday, under the auspices of the WHITNEY WINS BIG 0 6 H .* m l Terrace Club, Mr. Dunham wa- one of Belmar Yacht club. Jacoba, piloted the unfortunate persons to be injured by The West Belmar school opened by koi'-oe Newman and owned by J. B. the giving way of the porch supports, Tuesday. There were 210 scholars en­ The Invitation Tennis Tournament a Huge Success; ‘ Cups Were Won Dy Dunlap and Barnett, flashed by the club a winner rolled which is a gain of about 15 over having suffered a broken leg. Di Hass­ la s t y ear. C. C. M itchell w ho w as so in f.he good tiaie of 2 hours, 27 min­ Society ; 1 ; '..'wu wt-rt outiir. ler, who has been attending him, reports successful last year is principal again Cynthia Hassler utes. In the morning race both the large i, timber 1 >ess t,hc\Lubor Day his condition very favorable. th is term . Jacoba and Jackie were left behind, sports' !<> fn—• ’ the Columbia Hotel, the Sussex finishing in the fastest aiidt” !-, ov.--‘ .VII- put through without Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius ( mklin Mr. and Mrs. Gravatt and family of time. Jagoba was second and tha of 12th ’avenue, have returned fter a Jamesburg spent Monday at the home Vixen breezed in third. The time of the draw t'ark- of William If. Curtis of West Belmar. two weeks’ trip in their moto boat the morning race was 2:19:40. The m ain ft-Vute o f tjhe contest was the to Atlantic City, Cape May and i inner- A REGRETTABLE MISHAP OCCURRED WHILE A BRILLIANT DANCE WAS IN PROGRESS LABOR DAV EVENING oeean swimming race, a distance ot two ous waterways. Edward Hutchinson of 417 Sixth ave­ blocks from Gordon’s Pavilion to the nue was taken suddenly ill while in “JACKIE” WIXS BELMAR Xew York, Friday and was removed to Columbia Hotel. There were five entries The Daughters of Rebecca lodj; gave Y . C. S E A SO X C l ’P their annual outing at. the Bai ;alow a hotel and Mrs. Hutchinson was sum­ in this event, which was easily won by The final race in the series of cup Grove on Wednesday. moned. It was feared an operation Ihe unfinished Club House and tho ports just at the edge of the dance Builders used temporary timber col- Norman Whitney in record time. would be necessary. He will be re­ six new perfect tennis courts of the hall precipitating twenty-two people i urnns to support the porch at this races that have been held by the Bel­ In the high jump Mr. Dane won with With the large crowds of ople moved to his home in Germantown as Inlet 1 errace CiUb were the center ol to the basement, some seven feet be- ^ point, where there was a temporary mar Yacht club this season was sailed soon as* his condition will allow it. attraction over the last week-end and ease, clearing the bar at the record height that left here on Labor Day ai 1 the low. Ihe veranda did not pull away j thirty foot span. These supports would on Labor Day, in the strongest wind unusually cold weather, Belmar ems on Labor Day. The Inlet Terrace from its foundation wall,g so it was!have been ample for an ordinary gath- of 5 feet I 1 inches. The pole vault was this summer. The boats were started to be as lively as ever. The registry boards made their Company gave an invitation mixed like sliding down an old fashioned ering, but the turn out was tremendous won by Thomas Shepard over a field of house to house canvass Wednesday for double Tennis Tournament in which cellar door. The slide itself probably and all of the hundred:; seemed to en- with a rush and there was excitement large entries. Mr. Kelly carried off a Xilo H. Crego has been confii ed to the primary registration and found in twenty couples contested for cups. would not have injured anyone, but as ter and leave the ball room through thruout the entire race. In the morn- the first district 301 voters and in the The first preliminary elimination games people were thrown in a heap, piling large share of the honors of the day by his bed with a severe attack of icart this one door and the inner temporary ing’s race the Vixen, sailed by Edward second district 251, a total of 552 or were played Saturday morning and on one another, several people were supports w-ere insufficient. trouble. Anderson, led for eight .miles,, when winning a large number of events. The about 27 more than last year. afternoon—the semifinals were played shaken up and suffered from the shock. Early Tuesday morning the Inlet Laibor Day morning. Those playing One o,f the guests, Mr. Daniel Dunham, her boom broke, losing her a place. shot-put and the broad jum p were, tw o of The Hotel Columbia has closed with Terrace Company had a well known American Lodge, Daughters of Lib­ in the semi-finals wene, Hunter and President of the Fireman’s Insurance In the afternoon race the Sussex, tlie events won by Kelly. The 2-20 yard the most successful season. The new engineer who is a summer resident of erty, met Monday evening and had vo Leopold vs. Cook and Richardson, and Company of Newark, was badly injur­ sailed by Theodore Walsh, was in the dash was won with ease by Mr. Berk- manager, Miss Dolby, who also man­ Belmar inspect the building. He ad­ applications for the first degree. Richardson and Riley vs. Dunlap and ed. Mr. Dunham was walking out of lead for five miles, when her tiller ages a large hotel in Lakewood d ring vised that the type of construction heimer, and the 100 yard dash for men Hassler. The finals were played off in the hall onto the veranda with Mr. broke, and she dropped back to third the winter season won many fr.mds was regular in every respect and after was won by Canfield. The 100-yard dash The Red Men at their lodge veet- the afternoon. Dunlap and Hassler de­ Morrison C. Colyer at the instant the place. The winners for the two races in Belmar, and is deserving of un init- looking over the plans and specifica­ ing last night conferred the first de­ feating Hunter and Leopold in a hotly porch pulled away, these gentlemen were Jackie, Captain James Redmond, for boys was easily captured by Dane. ed credit in running-this hotel'in such tions reported that the finished product gree upon two candidates. the contested series of sets. Throngs therefore, had the longest and hardest first in both races, and Jagoba, Cap­ All the other events were interesting as a successful manner, as it has veil would be amply strong to meet any came to the Club while the tournament fall. Mr. Dunham being at the very tain Roscoe Newman, second in both. tli3 town a big boom and will b the requirement. Another building expert, well as exciting, and the closing of this Miss Winfield Robinson, and daugh­ was in progress, several hundreds bottom with several layers of human­ Captain Redmond wins the season cup. means of bringing people to this i sort a gentleman who has built scores of day of sports proved a wonderful success, ter ar? visiting George Heir. Seventh watched the games form the spacious ity on top of him. Mr. Colyer aided t.foit n e v er w ould o therw ise. big buildings in New York, advised all praise due to tlie worthy committee avenue, West Belmar, and Mr. Robin- verandas which overlooked the courts Mr. Dunham to arise. He leaned after going over the building, that 3on spent Sunday in town. and scores made themselves comfort­ against one of the concrete pillars in The new Asbury-Belmar Co ntry when completely finished according to NO CONTEST IN BELMAR PRIMARY in charge. able along the lise lines. A world of en­ the basement.
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