Document generated on 09/27/2021 5:45 a.m. Études d'histoire religieuse A Current Bibliography of Canadian Church History Bibliographie récente de l’Histoire de l’Église canadienne Brian F. Hogan, Henry Mulhall, Laurence Colm, Margaret Sanche and Centre de recherche en histoire religieuse du Canada Volume 59, 1993 URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1006877ar DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1006877ar See table of contents Publisher(s) Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique ISSN 1193-199X (print) 1920-6267 (digital) Explore this journal Cite this document Hogan, B. F., Mulhall, H., Colm, L., Sanche, M. & Centre de recherche en histoire religieuse du Canada (1993). A Current Bibliography of Canadian Church History / Bibliographie récente de l’Histoire de l’Église canadienne. Études d'histoire religieuse, 59, B 1–B 86. https://doi.org/10.7202/1006877ar Tous droits réservés © Les Éditions Historia Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Canadensis This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit Inc., 1993 (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ A Current Bibliography of Canadian Church History Bibliographie récente de l'Histoire de l'Eglise canadienne Brian Hogan, C.S.B., University of St. MichaeVs College Henry Mulhall, University of St. Michael9s College Laurence Colm, Faculty of Library and Information Science University of Toronto Margaret Sanche, St. Thomas More College John Moir, University of Toronto Centre de recherche en histoire religieuse du Canada Université Saint-Paul NOTE: Within each section works are set out in alphabetical order under the name of the author. In Sections 5, 6, and 8, however, the arrangement is first alphabetical by subject, i.e., communion, place or person. Items are not repeated, but at the beginning of each section reference is given to relevant items in earlier or later sections. NOTEZ: Dans chaque section les ouvrages sont présentés par ordre alphabétique d'auteurs, sauf dans les sections 5, 6 et 8 où ils sont classés selon Tordre alphabétique du sujet, i.e., confessions, lieux et personnages. Le titre des ouvrages n'est pas répété mais au début de chaque section on renvoie aux titres qui figurent sous d'autres rubriques. — B 1 — Table of Contents / Table des matières Page 1. Guides / Tables 3 2. Sources 5 3. General Works / Ouvrages généraux 49 4. Church History: Philosophy, Principles / Histoire de l'Église: philosophie, principes 49 5. The Communions / Les confessions A. General / Généralités 49 B. Particular Communions / Confessions diverses 73 6. Regional History / Histoire régionale A. Diocese, Congregation, Synod / Diocèse, congrégation, synode 53 B. Parish History / Histoire paroissiale 55 7. Institutions 74 8. Biography / Biographie A. General / Généralités 75 B. Individuals / Individus 75 9. Religious Practice and Pastoral Care / Pratique religieuse et pastorale 77 10. Missions 79 11. The Church and the Arts / L'Église et les arts 80 12. The Church and Education / L'Église et l'éducation 80 13. The Church and Migration and Settlement / L'Église, la migration et la colonisation 81 14. The Church, Politics, Labour and Social Thought / L'Église, la politique, le travail et la pensée sociale 82 15. The Church and Society / L'Église et la société 83 16. Women and Religion / Les femmes et la religion 85 17. Ecumenics / Oecuménisme 86 18. Religion, Ethics and Health / L'Église, l'éthique et la santé 86 — B2 — 1. Guides / Tables Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec (Directory of). Toronto, ON: The Convention, 1990. Barker, John. "Bibliography of Missionary Activities and Religious Change in Northwest Coast Societies". Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 22, 1 (1988): 13-57. Bloomfield, Elizabeth and Gilbert A. Stelter et al. Guelph and Wellington County: A Bibliography of Settlement and Development Since 1800. Guelph, ON: Univ. of Guelph, Guelph Regional Project, 1988. Pp. 329. Codignola, Luca (Archives of the Propaganda Fide, Rome). "The Archives of the Propaganda Fide and the Early Colonial History of Canada". Paper presented at the Canadian Historical Association meeting, Kingston, 1991. See "Unpublished Papers", Journal of the CHA (1991): 310. Codignola, Luca. Guide des documents relatifs à VAmérique du Nord française et anglaise dans les archives de la Sacrée Congrégation de la Propagande à Rome, 1622-1799. Ottawa, ON: Archives nationales du Canada, 1991. Pp. 252. Codignola, Luca. Guide to Documents Relating to French and British North America in the Archives of the Sacred Congregation 'de Propaganda Fide* in Rome, 1622-1799. Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada, 1991. Pp. 250. Dean, Joanna & David Fraser. Women* s Archives Guide: Manuscript Sources for the History of Women. Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada, 1991. Dempsey, Hugh A. & Lindsay Moir. Bibliography of the Blackfoot. (Native American Bibliography Series; 13) Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1989. Pp. 245. Dictionary of Jesuit Biography: Ministry to English Canada, 1842-1987. Toronto, ON: Canadian Institute of Jesuit Studies, 1991. Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Index onomastique. Volumes là XII, De Van 1000 à 1900. Sainte-Foy, PQ: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1991. Filey, Mike. Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide. Willowdale, ON: Firefly Books, 1990. Pp. 286. Finson, Shelley. Women and Religion: A Bibliographical Guide to Christian Feminist Liberation Theology. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Guide des fonds et collections, Archives du Séminaire de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, PQ: Service des archives du Séminaire de Sherbrooke, 1990. Hamel, Brigitte. Index général de la Collection Recensement. Trois-Rivières, PQ: Copie Trois-Rivières, 1990. Pp. 274. Jones, Linda M., comp. Canadian Studies: Foreign Publications and Theses / Études canadiennes: publications et thèses étrangères. 3rd éd. Ottawa, ON: International Council for Canadian Studies, External Affairs Canada, 1989. Pp. 175. Lessard, Rénald. Copies d'archives d'origine française. Préparé par Centre d'archives de Québec. Pp. 488. O'Toole, James. Basic Standards for Diocesan Archives: A Guide for Bishops, Chancellors, and Archivists. Chicago, IL: Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists, 1991. Pp. vi, 85. — B3 — Pelletier, Marie. État général des fonds et collections conservés aux Archives du Séminaire de Nicolet. Nicolet, PQ: Les Archives, 1990. Pp. 391. Plante, Denis. Université de Montréal. Division des archives historiques. Guide du chercheur aux archives historiques. Montréal, PQ: Université de Montréal, Division des archives historiques, 1991. Reimer, Margaret Loewen. One Quilt, Many Pieces: A Reference Guide to Mennonite Groups in Canada. 3rd éd. Waterloo, ON: Mennonite Publishing Services, 1990. Pp. 54. Steckelberg, Warren D. "Lutheran Rites in North America: an Annotated Bibliography of the Hymnals, Altar Books, and Selected Manuals Produced By or For Lutherans in North America From the Late Eighteenth Century to the Present". ThM. thesis, Vancouver School of Theology, 1989. Stielow, Frederick J., Treanor, John J. and Timothy A. Slavin, eds. Two Hundred Years of Catholic Record Keeping in America: Current Issues and Responsibilities. Chicago, IL: Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists, 1990. Pp. iv, 113. Survey of Documents and Finding-Aid on Indian Residential Schools at Deschâtelets Archives in Ottawa. Edmonton, AB: Oblate Conference of Canada, 1991. (204, 10008 - 109 St., Edmonton T5J 1M4) Waldman, Carl. Who Was Who in Native American History: Indians and Non-Indians from Early Contact through 1900. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1990. Pp. 410. Watts, Heather M., comp. Guide to the Records of the Canadian Unitarian and Universalist Churches, Fellowships and Other Related Organizations. Halifax, NS: Archives Committee, 1990. Pp. viii, 301. — B4 — 2. Sources See/Voir. 6B. Edenwold, SK - Hordern - St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. A Genealogical Reference for the Monument Inscription of O.G.S. #—, Welland Jewish Congregation Cemetery: located on the North side of Lyons Creek Road, East of Regional Road 84, in the hamlet area of Cook's Mills, on lot 11, concession IV, former Crowland Township, now in the City of Welland, Ontario. St. Catharine's, ON: Niagara Peninsula Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1990.3 leaves. A Genealogical Reference for the Monument Inscriptions of O.G.S. #—, Miller II Cemetery. St. Catharines, ON: Niagara Peninsula Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1988. 4 leaves. A Genealogical Reference for the Monument Inscriptions of O.G.S. #4627, Doan's Ridge Cemetery: located on the South side of Ridge Road, East of Doan1 s Ridge Road, lot 12, concession 7, former Crowland Township, now in the City of Welland, Ontario. St. Catharine's, ON: Niagara Peninsula Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1990. A Genealogical Reference for the Monument Inscriptions of O.G.S. #4640, Shisler Cemetery. St. Catharines, ON: Niagara Peninsula Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1986. Pp. 4. A Genealogical Reference for the Monument Inscriptions of O.G.S. #4655, North Pelham First Presbyterian Church Cemetery. St. Catharines, ON: Niagara Peninsula Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1988. Pp. iv, 100. A
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