Colby Free Press Monday, December 19, 2005 Page 7 Regents ask lawmakers TV LISTINGS to help boost nursing program sponsored by the TOPEKA (AP) — The board that oversees public higher education in COLBY FREE PRESS Kansas wants lawmakers to ap- prove a five-year, $10.6 million It’s in the mix of things to be consid- program to boost nursing school ered. But the problem is we have a little ex- WEEKDAYS DECEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 26 enrollment by 250 students annu- “ ally to counter the state’s shortage tra money and lot of extra demands . .” of health professionals. Derek Schmidt, 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Legislative leaders say while it’s KLBY/ABC Good Morning Good Morning America Martha The View Million- News a good idea, money will be scarce Senate majority leader, H h Kansas aire KSNK/NBC News Cont’d Today Live With Regis Paid Paid during the session starting Jan. 9. R-Independece L j and Kelly Program Program “It’s in the mix of things to be KBSL/CBS News Cont’d News The Early Show The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the considered. 1< NX Restless “But the problem is we have a K15CG BBC Yoga Body Caillou Jakers!- Barney- Teletub- Mister Dragon Beren. Sesame Street ing the upcoming legislative ses- versity of Kansas. d World Electric Winks Friends bies Rogers Tales Bears little extra money and lot of extra sion will be finding money to meet “There is a national, interna- ESPN SportsCenter Sports- Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter Sports- Varied NFL Live Fast- demands,” Senate Majority Leader a state Supreme Court mandate for tional, shortage of nurses. It’s a O_ Center Center break Derek Schmidt, R-Independence, lawmakers to spend more on pub- seller’s market. This is an approach USA Movie Cont’d Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs said Thursday. lic education for kindergarten that will certainly make a big dent.” P^ TBS Saved Saved Saved Saved Dawson’s Creek Movie Becker Becker The Board of Regents on Wed- through 12th grade. Ed Hammond, president of Fort P_ by Bell by Bell by Bell by Bell nesday unanimously voted to seek House Taxation Committee Hays State University, said the WGN Chang- Believer Happy Happy Hillbil- Hillbil- Rockford Files Matlock Magnum, P.I. legislative approval for a plan to Chairman Kenny Wilk, R-Lansing, school was prepared to increase by Pa ing Voice Days Days lies lies TNT Angel NYPD Blue NYPD Blue ER ER Judging Amy hire more nursing faculty members, agreed the nursing school proposal 50 percent, to 60 each year, the QW acquire new classroom equipment is a good idea but added: “I would- number of nursing students it ac- DSC Paid Paid Paid Paid Varied Programs and create a loan program to help n’t put a check mark with it being cepts. QY Program Program Program Program students obtain the master’s degree completed anytime soon.” Under the proposal, $5.7 million A&E Varied Programs City Confidential Q^ needed to teach at public nursing Kansas’ shortage of health care would be used in the program’s first HIST Varied Programs schools in Kansas. professionals is driven by the state’s year. That includes $3.1 million for Q_ “Highly qualified applicants are aging population, a slump in nurs- medical equipment, $1.8 million NICK Oddpar- Oddpar- Spon- Spon- Dora the Go Blue’s Backyar- Dora the Lazy- Max & Dora the being turned away from Kansas ing school enrollment at Kansas for faculty salaries, $750,000 for Rl ents ents geBob geBob Explorer Diego Clues digans Explorer Town Ruby Explorer DISN The Higgly- Ein- JoJo’s Doodle- Charlie The Koala Varied Programs Ein- nursing programs,” said Cindy colleges and universities, and facilities and $135,000 for student R] Wiggles town steins Circus bops & Lola Wiggles Brothers steins Hornberger, nursing dean at Wash- higher salaries in other states. loans. FAM Kong- Spider- Power Power Movie Varied Programs Step by Step by Full Full burn University. “All nursing pro- The plan to boost enrollment has Ongoing costs of the nursing R_ Series Man Rangers Rangers Step Step House House grams are now at capacity.” HALL New Morning The Waltons The Waltons Little House on the Little House on the The Waltons backing from the Kansas Board of school expansion would be $2.8 SW Prairie Prairie The proposal responds to the Nursing, the Kansas State Nurses million in the second year. Legislature’s call for a strategy to Association, and public colleges About $2.1 million would be raise nursing school enrollment by and universities with nursing pro- needed over 10 years to finance the 25 percent. grams. loan initiative, which would bind WEEKDAYS DECEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 26 Labor studies indicate demand in “It is a proactive approach to recipients of a master’s degree in the state for registered nurses could what is potentially a very critical nursing to teach in a Kansas nurs- grow more than 30 percent by 2010. problem for the state,” said Karen ing school in exchange for forgive- 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Among the biggest demands dur- Miller, dean of nursing at the Uni- ness of $5,000 annually in loans. KLBY/ABC All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Judge- Judge- Judge Judge News ABC Wld H h Brown Brown Judy Judy News KSNK/NBC News Inside Days of our Lives Passions The Jeop- The Ellen News NBC L j Edition Insider ardy! DeGeneres Show News KBSL/CBS News Bold, As the World Turns Guiding Light Dr. Phil Oprah Winfrey News CBS No firm figure on oil refuge 1< NX Beautiful News K15CG Reading Lions Varied Programs Clifford- Maya & Arthur Post- Cyber- Zoom Busi- WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- as vague as they may be — to their the price of oil and the cost of de- d Rainbow Red Miguel cards chase ness dent Bush calls it the most promis- advantage. Some of the rhetoric has velopment — including compli- ESPN Varied Programs 1st & 10 NFL Live Rome- Around Interrup- SportsCenter ing source of untapped oil in little bearing on reality. ance with a slew of environmental O_ Burning the Horn tion USA Movie Varied Programs Movie America and the key to greater en- “There is considerable uncer- restrictions likely to be imposed to P^ Cont’d ergy independence. But how much tainty regarding both the size and protect the area’s abundant wild- TBS Cosby Cosby Steve Steve Drew Drew Yes, Yes, Home Home Seinfeld Seinfeld oil is there in Alaska’s Arctic Na- quality of the oil resources that ex- life. P_ Show Show Harvey Harvey Carey Carey Dear Dear Improve. Improve. WGN News Magnum, P.I. Da Vinci’s Inquest Cosby Cosby Moesha Moesha Home Home tional Wildlife Refuge? ist” in the refuge, according to an A 1998 U.S. Geological Survey Pa Show Show Improve. Improve. Nobody really knows for certain. analysis by the Energy Information assessment still used today con- TNT Judging Amy Law & Order Law & Order Alias Charmed Charmed As a Christmas week fight rages Administration, the government cluded it’s almost certain there are QW in Congress over whether to allow agency that tracks energy statis- at least 5.6 billion barrels of recov- DSC Varied Programs The New The FBI Files 48 Hours: Hard It Takes a Thief Cash Cash QY Detectives Evidence Cab Cab drilling along the narrow coastal tics. erable oil and possibly as much as A&E American Justice Varied Programs City Confidential strip of tundra 200 miles north of the Even more uncertain is how 16 billion barrels (a 5 percent like- Q^ Arctic Circle, both sides are trying much of the oil will be worth going lihood) beneath the refuge’s 1.5 HIST Modern Marvels Varied Programs to use the refuge’s oil estimates — after. That will depend largely on million-acre coastal plain. Q_ NICK Go Lazy- Rugrats Teenage Varied Programs Spon- Drake & Grown Danny Rl Diego Town Robot geBob Josh Up Phantom DISN Higgly- JoJo’s House of Lilo & Varied Programs Kim That’s- Sister, Phil of R] town Circus Mouse Stitch Possible Raven Sister Future FAM Family Family Boy Mts. Boy Mts. Full Full Ground- Ground- Gilmore Girls 7th Heaven R_ Matters Matters World World House House ed-Life ed-Life HALL Matlock Matlock Little House on the Little House on the M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H SW Prairie Prairie TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News Ent. Accord- Rodney Barbara Walters Special: Heaven, Where News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live H h (CC) Tonight ing-Jim (N) (CC) Is It? How Do We Get There? (CC) (CC) (N) (CC) KSNK/NBC News Wheel of Deal or No Deal (N) Name Is The Law & Order: SVU News The Tonight Show Late L j Fortune (CC) Earl Office With Jay Leno (CC) Night KBSL/CBS News Friends NCIS Kill Ari (iTV) NCIS Kill Ari (iTV) 48 Hours Mystery News Late Show With Late 1< NX (CC) (CC) (Part 1 of 2) (CC) (Part 2 of 2) (CC) The birth of Jesus. (CC) David Letterman Late K15CG The NewsHour Nova Spies That Fly Teens Behind the Frontline (CC) BBC Hard- Charlie Rose (N) d With Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) (DVS) Wheel (CC) World ware (CC) ESPN Sonic Bowl Mania College Football: New Orleans Bowl -- Arkansas State vs.
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