ThunderwordTHE Highline Community College INSIDE May 6, 2010 Highline S&A budget may escape cuts Volume 49, No. 25 By ALISA GRAMANN Since the preliminary delib- decision?” When they have Staff Reporter erations have been completed, sufficient information and move groups are being informed this to deliberation, their mantra The budget allocations for week of how much money they changes to, “does it make sense the 2010-2011 Services and Ac- will most likely be allotted. to give them this amount?” tivities (S&A) Budget are going They will have the opportunity The S&A Budget gets di- to be very close to the budget re- to come before the committee vided among Highline’s clubs, quests that have been submitted. to ask questions or “plead their events and programs based on The S&A Budget is com- case,” as Mar said. size and needs. The committee prised of 10 percent of student The chairman of the S&A When the committee first makes sure that each group gets tuition that is dedicated to fund- Budget committee, Kevin Mar, goes through the budget to an- enough to be productive. ing things such as festivals, mu- said that the budget “is just a big swer questions, they ask them- “Different budgets are re- Softball team sic and athletic programs, the pile of money.” That pile con- selves “do we have enough playing through Thunderword and clubs. tains a little over $2 million. information to make a budget See S&A, page 19 the weather/P10 Keeping watch over the campus Federal Way mayor race heats up By CAITLYN STARKEY Staff Reporter Four candidates have de- clared their intention to run for Compost brings mayor of Federal Way under garden to life/ the new strong mayor format of government. P11 Councilman Jim Ferrell, Councilwomen Linda Kochmar, Councilman Mike Park and State Rep. Skip Priest have all declared there candidacy even though the filing date is not until early June. Last week, Rep. Priest, R- Federal Way, confirmed that he would forgo the legislative elec- tion in favor of the mayoral. This surprised many because Rep. Priest was a leading mi- Women In nority member in the House Action honored of Representatives. However, he has also served as a Fed- at ceremony / eral Way City Councilman and P14 council-elected mayor. Councilman Ferrell officially declared his campaign the day after Proposition No. 1 was Index confirmed to have passed. He Chuck Kibbie/ THUNDERWORD was the primary supporter of the Campus Life............2-3 Highline senior maintenance mechanic Will Chambers plays an important role on campus. measure which changed Federal Opinion.....................4 Way to a strong mayor format of Puzzles.....................6 government and spokesman for Arts........................7-8 the pro group Accountability Sports..................9-10 Mechanics maintain campus Comes to Town (ACT). His campaign kicked off on Home and Garden..11 April 20 and Federal Way is al- Health................12-13 By ANDREY PILIPCHUK recording a daily log for every- two-way radio contacts and eye- Staff Reporter thing done. protection is provided for every ready sprinkled with yellow and News.................14-20 “Safety is our main goal for mechanic at Highline that is on blue Vote Jim Ferrell for Mayor You may never meet them in everyone here at Highline,” the job. signs. “Ultimately it’s up to the Weekend Weather person, but the Highline’s main- said senior maintenance me- “We work until school clos- tenance mechanics keep the chanic Will Chambers. Every es and until everyone leaves people, but ballots are mailed school fixed and running. day, Chambers and his team for home safe,” Chambers said. Everyday is a new task for are ready for any emergency re- Most general maintenance See Mayor, Page 19 these guys and the goal is to sponse, fire alarms, power out- workers work a 40-hour week. inspect and diagnose problems ages, plumbing and electrical Some work evening, night, or and determine the best way to problems. weekend shifts or are on call for correct each job. “Our environment is [as] emergency repairs. A typical day for the me- safe as you make it and can be Highline has a team of five Mostly cloudy on Friday, chanics starts by checking all a little dangerous at times, but maintenance mechanics on showers on Saturday and the heating and cooling systems providing safety for everyone campus. showers on Sunday. campus wide; answering differ- is the main issue in our depart- Recently a new maintenance ent calls for assistance on main- ment,” Chambers said. For full forecast, see tenance; assisting contractors Safety equipment such as page 20. obtaining space permits; and hard hats, gloves, rubber boots, See Mechanics, page 19 Skip Priest 2 Campus Life The Thunderword / May 6, 2010 Bookstore rental program to begin in spring By JOSH BECKER dents face when purchasing to rent virtually every book in way, we will work to improve Staff Reporter textbooks,” said Bookstore stock. on it,” said Nole. “[We] hope Manager Laura Nole. “The rent- The books can be returned at that it makes it easier for stu- Highline Bookstore will soon al cost will be much lower [than the end of the quarter by mail or dents to purchase the necessary offer a new rental program for buying a book] and we hope it by returning them directly to the tools they need to succeed at Strong winds rip textbooks. is an added customer service to bookstore. Highline.” trees out from roots S t a r t - Highline students.” To use the new program, a Some students say that they’d ing Summer “We still believe the best student will need to access the be willing to give the program a Quarter, the value is to purchase a used book store’s website. Because of soft- try. “If it saved me money than Two trees fell down Monday H i g h l i n e and sell it back at the end of the ware limitations and the need to of course [I’d try it],” said one afternoon, May 3, near Building B o o k s t o r e quarter,” said Nole. But some track each book and customer, student who wished not to be 29 after a strong wind pulled the will offer a students simply cannot afford to the program will also be limited identified. trees from their roots. rental pro- buy even a used textbook.” to students with credit cards. Other students aren’t as will- The trees blocked the walk- Nole gram for al- While other college book- Eventually, software up- ing to try the rental program. way to and from the bus stop, most every textbook in stock. stores offer a limited selection grades will make the book rental “No, I would not [try the pro- and also blocked the second- The program is intended to of rentable books, the Highline program much more accessible. gram],” said another student floor ramp on the northeast cor- “lessen the sticker shock stu- Bookstore will allow students “Once the program is under who also didn’t give their name. ner of Building 22. The trees were later removed from the pathways. lita Ezeonu, dean of instruction Bathrooms found and an adviser to the Asian Pa- cific Islander Club. decorated with graffiti “We are made up of 19 per- cent Asian Pacific Islanders at Graffiti was found in the sec- Highline, so it is important for ond-floor restroom of Building us to learn a little more about 26 on Monday. the history, culture and topics Campus Security notified the that are presented to provide Facilities Department to clean Asian Pacific Islanders a perspective that folks might up the graffiti. celebrate in May now know,” she said. The suspect is still unidenti- fied. The Asian Pacific Island- Online Broadcast of Graffiti is a growing problem ers Club will share and explore that Campus Security would their culture in a series of events Globalfest available like to get help from Highline on campus this month. students, faculty, and staff to Asian Pacific Islander Month The International Leadership watch out and report graffiti as will feature speakers, film pre- Student Council will be show- soon as they spot any. sentations, musical performanc- ing a live online broadcast of the es and a luau. GlobalFest 2X10 stage show. The series began on Monday In order to watch the live Security forces man with a presentation, “The Asian broadcast, you must first down- to leave campus Pacific Islander Dialectic” by load the Flash Player at www. community leader Bob Santos. macromedia.com/go/getflash- A man was asked to leave The series continues today player, but most computers al- campus on Friday, April 30. with a presentation on “Today’s ready have the player installed. He was at the Library when Mom and Pop Business: Break- Second, you must go to a security guard said he was on ing Barriers Through Entrepre- www.highline.edu/stuserv/in- the permanent admonish list, neurship.” The presentation ternational/thunderworld/glo- will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in and told the man that he had to balfest.htm on Saturday, May 8 Chuck Kibbie/THUNDERWORD leave campus due to a past ac- Building 7. to watch. Other events this month in- A group of students looking out at the Library plaza from the sec- tion. At 7:15 p.m. click on the play ond floor of the Student Union. The man cooperated with se- clude: arrow inside the black box. If curity and asked what he could •The film Chinese Holly- you click play before webcast The award offers 15 full-time The deadline for applying for wood, Movie Friday, in Build- do to get off that list, and later begins, you may need to refresh tuition waivers for students with the tuition wavers is Wednes- ing 7, at 12:30 p.m.
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