I' 1897. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.. 2023 . A letter from M. P. Kohlberg & Co .• importers of and dealers in in the Navy, from the 19th day of June, 1897 (subject to the ex­ leaf tobacco and cigars, of San Francisco, Cal.; aminations required by law) 1 vice Commander William H. Whit­ A letter from William Rehker, secretary of the Cigar Makers' ing, promoted. Local Union No. 248, of San Francisco, Cal.; A telegram of The. Feeny, secretary, of Oakland, Cal.; . CONFIRMATIONS. A letter of M. A. Roberts, secretary of the Alameda County Federation of Trades, of Oakland, Cal.; Executive n01ninations confinned by the Senate June 25, 1897. A letter from G. W. Perkins, president of the Cigar Makers' CONSULS. International Union of America, of Chicago, TIL; Edward H. Thompson, of Massachusetts, to be consul of the A letter of Harry Marks, recording secretary of the Cigar United States at Progreso, 1\Iexico. Makers' Local Union No. 228, of San Francisco, Cal.; Horace W. Metcalf, of :Maine, to be consul of the United States A letter of H. E. Dewey, president, and A. Vinette; sect·etary of at N ewcastle-on-Tyne, England. the Los Angeles County Council of Labor, of Los AngeTes, Cal.; William Jarvis. of New Hampshire, to be consul of the United A letter of F. J. Hepp, secretary of the. Cigar Ma:!rers' Local States at Milan, Italy. · Union No. 291, of San Jose, Cal.; . A letter of F. C. Ferris, secretary of the Cigar .Makers' Local UNITED STATES DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Union No. 332, of San Diego, Cal.; J. Otis Humphrey, of illinois, to be attorney of the United States Two letters of H. E. Martens, secretary of the Ci:;ar Makers' for the southern district of Illinois. Local Union No. 225, of Los Angeles, CaL; MARSHALS. A letter of G. W. Perkins, inte1·national presicle::1t of Cigar Makers' International Union of America, of Chicago, Ill.; and Addison Davis James, of Kentucky, to be marshal of the United A letter of G. S. Nicholas, of New York City. States for the district of Kentucky. Mr. CHIL'l'ON. I propose an amendment to the pending bill, Charles P. Hitch, of lllinois, to be mat·shal of the United States and ask that it be printed. for the southern district of Illinois. The VICE-PRESIDENT. It will be so ordered. Walter H. Johnson, of Georgia, to be marshal of the United Mr. PETTUS. I renew my motion that the Senate proceed to States for the northern district of Georgia. the consideration of executive business. COMMISSIO!\~P.S. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the Albert C. Thompson,. of Ohio: Alexander C. Botkin, of Montana, consideration of executive business. After seven;;"en minutes and David B. Culberson, of Texas, to be the commissioners to spent in executive session the doors were reopeneC. , and (at 5 Tevise and codify the criminal and penal laws of the United State~. o'clockand20minutesp. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE. Saturday, June 26, 1897, at 11 o'clock a.m. Charles Kingston, of Grover., Wyo., to be register of the land office at Evanston, Wyo. NOMIN A.TIONS. RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Executive nominations received by the Senate June 25, 1897. Frank M. Foote, of Evanston, Wyo., to be receiver of public moneys at Evanston, Wyo. DEPUTY AUDITOR. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE. George W. Esterly, of Minnesota, to be deputy auditor for the Richard Yates, of illinois, to be collector of internal revenue State and other Departments, to succeed James J. Willie, re- for the eighth district of Illinois. moved. COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION. POSTMASTER. George B. Billings-, of Massachusetts! to ce commissioner of George E. Smith, to be postmaster at Laurel, in the- county of immigration for the port of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, Sussex and State of Delaware. to succeed Thomas F. Delhanty, resigned. COMMISSIO:NERS TO EXAMINE AND CLASSIFY LANDS. SENATE. George A. Black, of Fairhaven, Wash., to be a commissioner to examine and classify lands withln the land~rant and indemnity SATURDAY, June 26, 1897. land-grant limits of theNorthern Pacific RaLroad Company in the Camr d'Alene land district in Idaho, vice John E. :McManus, The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. removed. Prayer by Rev. HuGH JoHNSTON, D. D., of the city of Wash­ Thomas A. Davis. of Malad, Idaho, to be a commissioner to ington. examine and classify lands within the land-grant and indemnity The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yestm:day's pro­ land-grant limits of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company in ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. TELLER, and by unanimous the Camr d'Alene land district in Idaho, vice Joseph T. Scott, re­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with. moved. DRAWBACK ALLOWANCES. William Ryan, of Rathdrum, Idaho, to be a commissioner to The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a cmnmunica­ examine and classify lands within the land-grant and indemnity tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response land-grant limits of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company in to a resolution of the 17th instant, copies of the evidence or state­ the Cceur d'Alene land district in Idaho, vice John B. Goode, re­ ments on which the drawback allowances contained in Circular moved. No. 102, of June 25, 1896., division of customs, were based; which PROMOTION IN THE :MARDI~ CORPS. was read. Second Lieut. William N. McKelvy, United States Marine MT. VEST. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. Corps, to be a first lieutentant in said c::>rps from the 20th day of The VICE-PRESIDENT. The absence of a quorum being sug.:. June, 1897 (subject to the examinations required by iaw), vice gested, the Secretary will call the roll. First Lieut. Thomas C. Prince, promoted. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an- swered. to their names: · ENYOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTE..~TIARY. Allen, Hawley, Morrill, Teller, Irving B. Dudley, of California, to be envoy extraordinary and AlliRon, Heitfeld. Pasco, Turner, minister plenipotentia-ry of the United States to Peru, vice James Berry, Hoar, Pettigrew, Turpie, A. McKenzie, resigned. Burrows, Jones, Ark. Pettus, Vest, Carter. Lodge, Platt, Conn. Waltkall, CONSULS. Chandler, McLaurin, Platt, N.Y. Wetmore, Frank C. Denison, of Vermont, to be consul of the United Clay. Mallory, Proctor, White. Fairbanks, Mills, Rawlins, States at Woodstock, New Brunswick, vice Grenville James, Frye, Mitchell, Sewell, resigned. Harris, Kans. Morgan, !::ltewart, Frank. Dillingham, of California, to be consul of the United The VICE-PRESIDENT. Thirty-seven Senators have answered S.tates at Auc!dand, New Zealand, vice John Darcy Connolly, re­ to their names. There is not a quorum present. signed. Mr. VEST. I move that the Sergeant-at-Arms be directed to PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. request the- attendance of absent Senators. Capt. George C. Remey, to be a commodore in the Navy, from The motion was agreed to. the 19th day of J nne, 1897, vice Commodore Edmund 0. Matthews, The VICE-PRES-IDENT. The Sergeant-at-.A.rms will execute ~omoted. · the order of the Senate. Commander William H. Whiting, to be a captain in the Navy, After some little delay, Mr. DEBOE, Mt. PRITCHARD, Mr. from the 19th day of June, 1897, vice Capt. George C. Remey, ELKINS, Mr. KENNEY, Mr. PERKINS, Mr. GRAY, Mr. WELLING­ promoted. TON, and Mr. MURPHY entered the Chamber and answered to Lieut. Commander Frederick M. Symonds, to be a commander their names. 2024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 26, The VICE-PRESIDENT (at 11 o'clock and 20 minutes~- m.). r~ghtsand_interestsof the United States in respect of the matters in this sec­ Forty-five Senators have answered their names. A quorum is tion ment10ned, and to take steps to foreclose any mortgage or lien of the to United States on any such railroad property. present. "SEc. 5. That the sinking funds which are or may be held in the Treasury Mr. ELKINS. I move that further proceedings under the call fC?r the se~mity ~~ the indel?tedness of either or all of said railroad compa­ be suspended. ~es may, m addition to. the mvestments now ~_~>uthorized by Jaw, bo invested many bonds of the Umted States h eretofore Issued for the benefit of either The motion was agreed to. or. all of said. comJ?a.nies, or in any of the first-mortgage bonds of either of The VICE-PRESIDENT. The communication from the Secre­ sal~ compameswhlCh have been issued under the authority of any law of the tary of the Treasury which was laid before the Senate will be Umted States and secured by mortgage cf their roads and franchi. es which by any law of the United States have bet:n made prior and paramount to the printed. with the accompanying papers, and referred to the Com­ mortgage.lien, or other security of the United State in respect of its advances mittee on Finance. to either of sa.id companies as provided by law;" and CHINESE EXCLUSION. Whereas certain first-mortgage bonds on the said Union Pacific Railroad Comp::myha>e matured, and the holders thereof have instituted foreclosure 'l'he VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ proceedings in se·veral of the United States circuit courts to foreclose the tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response liens created thereby and sell said railroad and all other properties and r igbt..s balonging thereto, and said foreclosure proceedings may, unless prevented to a resolution of the 17th ultimo, certain reports, etc., relating to by the President, proceed to final decrees and a final sale of all of said prop­ the alleged illegal entryinto the tJnitedStatesof Chinesepersons; erties be made: Therefore, which was read.
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