By PAUL CABBELL several troops had removed o f the Guardsmen vis-a-vis their On Tuesday one Guardsman reporters that the Guardsman EG Staff Writer their masks, told all o f the superiors and the police who was seen to lay down his rifle had felt faint and laid down his A crowd of approximately troops to remove them. Two were in command. The crowd and gas mask at Sproul Plaza in rifle because he felt that he was 5,000 demonstrators gathered Guardsmen facing the crowd began to disperse, smiling at obvious protest over the arrest going to be sick. yesterday afternoon at the began to weep, obviously the Guardsmen, offering to o f a student. The soldier was home o f Chancellor Roger moved by the changing shake their hands. Persons in immediately handcuffed and Heyns on the tension-filled UC attitude o f the crowd. the crowd shouted out, “ See placed in the rear o f a truck. Rally Today Berkeley campus. According to Shortly, the crowd became you tomorrow. Hope you had The National Guard A rally to express a Daily Cal spokesman, the aware o f the difficult position a good time.” Commander later told University-wide solidarity over crowd was flanked on two recent events at Berkeley will sides by National Guard troops be held today at noon behind wearing gas masks. the UCen. For awhile it looked as Similar rallies are being held though another violent at the San Diego, Los Angeles, confrontation was about to Santa Cruz, Riverside, Irvine, occur. Suddenly, a few and Berkeley campuses, where members in the front o f the students have voted or will crowd began to sing “ America vote to go on strike next the Beautiful.” Soon the entire Monday and Tuesday. crowd had picked up the song. The rally here has been The mood began to change called by a number o f from one o f imminent violence individual students who are to one o f general gaity and concerned with the issues at good will. Berkeley. Both these issues and Two National Guardsmen strategies for action will be removed their gas masks. The discussed. crowd cheered. Someone began to sing “ Row, Row, Row Your A t Sacramento, Professor B o a t.” Guardsmen and Owen Chamberlain, a Nobel demonstrators waved and ARMY HELMETS, EYE GUARDS, RIFLES, BILLY CLUBS, and especially gas masks have become a standard Prize winning physicist at smiled at one another. part of a policeman's equipment since the outbreak of violence at Berkeley last Thursday. Berkeley, led a group o f UC The police, seeing that —Liberation News Service photo by Pat Crowley (Continued on p. 7, col. 1) $18 Milnn EOP Aid Bill Proposed by Assemblymen EL GAUCHO Voi. 49 - No. 131 Santa Barbara, California Thursday, May 22, 1969 By PAU L DOUGLASS Both bills have come out of EG Staff Writer subcommittees and into the Two State Assembly bills full Assembly Education calling for more than $18 Committee for further study. million in aid to the The fact that the proposals Communications Board Picks Educational Opportunities are moving, said a committee Program (EOP) in California consultant yesterday, may be a higher education have emerged “ good indication” that they from recommendations from a will ultimately receive the Becca Wilson as New EG Editor necessary nine votes to get special committee’s study. seven students, one faculty them onto the Assembly floor. This quarter’s EL GAUCHO Miss Wilson, the first female Assemblyman Jesse Unruh member, and the Manager of Observers in Sacramento City Editor will be next year’s editor since Jan Shelton’s reign (D-lnglewood) is sponsoring an Public Information for the said the relative success o f EOP Editor-in-Chief. in the Fall o f 1966, later appropriation bill (AB2115) campus as voting members, appropriation bills, also now Becca Wilson was selected commented that while she was for $16 million to broaden with numerous ad hoc, floating in the Senate, is due to by Communications Board happy to have been chosen, she EOP at state colleges, junior non-voting members. This was student-professor testimony after a marathon five-hour was not completely surprised. colleges, and UC. the first time that four and lobbying in their support. session Tuesday night. She was The Board is composed of Assembly Speaker Robert individuals had applied for the This marks the first time appointed over former editor M. Monagan (R-Tracy) is editorship and Communica­ students have approached John Maybury, staff writer carrying AB2019, calling for tions Board members Gary Hanauer, and current $2.4 million to expand EOP at legislators and said, “ Look, deliberated for two-and-a-half Editorial Editor, John Hankins. state colleges only. (Continued on p. 7, col. 1) hours before arriving at their decision. When asked about plans for Mae West and Clark Gable Flicks next year, Miss Wilson noted, “ We have a large number, an exceptionally large number, o f Shown Saturday for I.V. Corporation graduating seniors and staffers who won’t be returning next A benefit showing o f Town Meeting will be held at students, and all Isla Vista year to work on the paper. “ Klondike Annie,” with Mae the theatre. Persons involved in residents, to bring questions This means that almost every West and “ San Francisco,” creating a legal basis for the and suggestions. They said they position is open and that with Clark Gable will be held corporation will initiate want to find out “ who we are, students interested and Saturday afternoon at the why we came to this town, experienced in journalism will Magic Lantern theatre to raise why we want to improve it, BECCA W ILSON be more than welcome.” funds for the newly formed and what our motives really Isla Vista Community are.” Improvement Corporation IVCIC was conceived and is (IVCIC). still headed by real estate Want to Be 'People’? The organization is a broker Art Bergerson, A.S. non-profit corporation of President Paul Sweet, and students and “ student- Robert Borsodi, who owns Try Saturday’s Agape Borsodi’s coffee house. In oriented” citizens, whose Come out o f your shell and be “ people!” addition, Chris Christensen, purposes are: Take part in an Agape this Saturday at 8 p.m. on the • to raise funds for the Stop ’n Go Market franchise beach below El Embarcadero. operation o f residential owner, Russell Royston, Magic Sponsored by Interfaith Forum and St. Mark’s Church, Lantern theatre Manager, and properties in Isla Vista; the event will feature an interpretive dance o f prayer by • to handle these properties Gary Gray, an employee at Marsha Campbell o f the Drama Department. Borsodi’s, will participate in efficiently and to the benefit One o f its main goals, according to the organizers, is to the Town Meeting. o f student renters; and help everyone “ break down barriers between blacks and The main objective o f the • to use accumulated assets whites and between whites and whites.” to improve residential PAUL SW EET group will be to obtain leases Its purpose “ is to recognize those fears that we all have; properties, to diminish rents, to apartment buildings with to recognize the lack o f peace that we A L L share” and to discussion on the “ questions options to buy later. These and to finance projects for attempt to overcome them. upgrading the Isla Vista that pertain to our mutual apartments would then be “ Agape” (three syllables long) is a Greek word meaning community. future.” improved and rented to “ love” in the sense o f love o f mankind, as opposed to Eros, Organizers of the students at rates lower than are The following Saturday or sexual love. afternoon, May 31, an open corporation encourage currently charged. PAG E 2----EU GAUCHO---- THURSDAY. MAY 22. 1969 “3 SHADES OF BLACK” — TICKETS NOW BEING SOLD Three 1 Act Plays by Black Play- AT THE LIBRARY 11:00 to 2:00 writes. Sat. May 24th, 2 Perform- p.m. Also at the Door. Students CAMPUS KIOSK ances 1:30 and 8:30 p.m. $1.00, General Admission $2.00. THURSDAY MEETINGS to attend the Chancellor's Review contact Sunne, 968-9772 between ST VWRK5 CENTS? 12 noon Woodwind Ensemble, at 4 p.m. in the Campus Stadium. 5 and 6:30 p.m. O UCen P.L. CHRISTIAN BOOK DISCUSSION OCB FALL ACTIVITIES 5 12 noon Fishing and Hunting A discussion of how the The scheduling meeting t v Fall 5 Club, SH 1112. Christian faith can be made activities will be held Wednesday, AGAPE — People to People Celebration — "Sig Ep" O 3 p.m. Recreation, Old Gym. meaningful will be held tonight at May 28, at 3 p.m. in UCen 2275. 3:30 p.m. Karate Club, RG. 7:30 p.m. at 6745 Pasado. Mike All groups planning Fall events Beach, Saturday May 24th at 8:00 p.m. "Let us o 4 p.m. Fencing Club, RG Woodruff will discuss “Escape must file a tentative scheduling 2320, Electric foil and From Reason,” a highly original form in the OCB Office before break bread together — sing — and break down some c epee practice today. book In which Dr. Francis Monday, May 26, and must attend walls!" A 4 p.m. Young Democrats, Schaeffer traces the way in which the meeting on May 28. U Cen 2284. art and philosophy have reflected KCSB PROGRAMS 4 p.m. A&L lecture, “Does the dualism in Western thinking OPERATION KEEP COOL CONTINUES § Missile Defense Make 8:15 p.m.
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