COVERING A H A P P Y TO W N SIUPS OX' HOUU0EL, MVDJSON H O L I D A Y MAftLBQJIO, MATAWAN •W l? T O A L L MMAW.UM BOROUCSi iifjnN w M cm fm W h YEAR — 26t!i WEEK NitMiiJ Editorial Aj*nci*Uoft MATAWAN, N, J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1962 Nfew Jtrsfijr A**o?Jal<oa Single Copy Ten Cfcnf* Downey Decides New Strathmore Sewer Plant Of MuUnvan Township Sewerage Authority Officials Insped To Recall Name Levitt Schooi W on't $e*fc Election Find Most Repairs As Township Mayor Already Completed Malawaa Township Commit1 t'e Mcmbtsrs; of i)ie M staw an 'I 0 ’ tj.an Daniel Downey vcstei day an­ ship ■ and tatf Dlrianii)^ nounced *1# lia» withdrawn h .s boaru > Sdtnrdyv in.spwiea ihe name for ronsiiieratlou as ms/o: M iaihm oie Jsi'boo;. coiwtruetcd by when th<* tp.vnship committee L e v i t t diwl Sons. Inc.. to m e e ts 10 nri>miU*, tor tliu new claim s or HajoM j. Oulan. presi- i ye Jan. 1 Mi Dov.noy hatj Beer dent of tlie iVUilawun Regional I •h i dqsignitsd By , tiifl Democratic Board of LMlucaiu/n. tno sclioo! . ^ ‘SxgcuM ve • C o m m itte e . !u. tha town*., needed mushing and repairs. ! p l ship. to.'. succeed .Norman Wood; a* The. -reHioual board at ms ‘mayor next year. rt'L’uUir m cotin” eom phured *,hat • < M r. Downey stated -'Du*, to, r.n- eMnri was t?emg made by tiie L _ foreseen personal oBligation* that til tirni to correct a -number of ! w ould Im p air lull resp o n siB ility to, repairs requcsicd bv the b.»ard Mr. 1 \\ the i!?»yorsh!p, I *m recalling my f L/olap said a list of corr<‘tf.K»ns \ V. natna from consideration." | was siM'.t to tne Levitt .firm Nov. s ! f a 't he committeeman added, ‘ I feel * and nothing aad wen don*.- :l? I that oneof nw colleagues will as­ i said ;»u» schoo! couUj r.ot Be uc- ‘ sume tliese duties with tho zeal that co p ied i.v tht; Board iu its pre.s iv Sho otfica demands. I have pledged s'ati*. "eve.i if il :nea;is g»«Ji; jny unlirnUcd support to the town- BacK U> tjonBje sessions. 1 jhip committee and the Democratic I h u s r u o o l o u a r d - d l r e c a ^ d a b.-' purty. as a committeeman." ic e k> th e l o w n s h i p C o i u n i l l t c i r a.-.h- i & imk iiu> township tv wtihhoio Uh* »s 1 »» v . Endorsed By Cluns si; uiiHf yf hnv m rtner cer:i5*caies ! Mi- IXiwtiev early this month ol oct;i:pancv ia Levju «utl .>oori | •. agreed to accept the endorsement StratBiroiT. - at • Maiav/an <k*VLWj- I & o( Ha comBined Democratic CluBs ment imhi v^pturs arn maou. ‘ In ths township to serve as mayor. List Sent l u Seciet.irv Ho had tho assurance ot votes By H ow ever, M ay or N o n n i n NV o o d two olher Democratic CluB mem- reported yesterday that too list re* Bera, Committeeman John Marz Operation of this treatment plant for sewage of tliu 1900-hoit.se | after me sale ef a Bend Ksuc next inoiitli to provide tor n firs; payment leered to By Mr. ‘ iJolan *.sas not r. and Committeeman-elect GilBert Levitt development Is now In charge ef the Matawan lownship Sewerage 1-eh. I. It tukesikes )ne full thnt. and one part-time operator tn iinmtlo the 1 sem to I.evit't and Son, 1ik\, liut }lickman to install him #3 mayor, Authority. Ownership w!U formally pass to the township sewerage Body I work of the plant Now it appears that either Mr. was a list compiled by A'fred .vuuiviiie, Building coimrittod chair- < Marz, a senior memBer of tho com­ man of the school Board, which ! M/l 11 , Cv,l 1 mittee, or Mr. Hickman will Be Five Petitions Out Ready On Route 36 indorsed as mayor By the »xecu- Larger Federal Aid For Sewers In wa* sent W. iho Board secretary, j \ U d l lU O l O dCllOO l Edward .1. .Scullion. Lanzaro Mayor, i tlv* commltte*. Mr. M an served Five petitions of nomination Advertisements for Bids to re­ Mayor Wood said when, ihu hi-i v I *» /T *>*_> as a memBer of tlio committee are out for the Malawan Regional construct thu section of Route ^6 spoction‘ v/a. made Saturday, al-j I A\ M fro m 1934 until 1900 a n d h ad Been Cliffwood; High School A Problem from Keyporl (o Keuii.vBurg aro Keuper Attorney| Board of Education’* annual most All lrems included ip com- commiltw chairman and mayor expected (o i*o out this week, It r election FeB. 3 In addition to the pltiin.9 ciiuinsr tho Levitt firm by for 25 years. Regional Served By Borough, But Is was confirm ed at tlu* S tnte High* Revaluation Cut Meeting Jan. 2 To two petitions of renoinlnatlons Mr. Dolan had Been taken care way Department office.* lit Tren­ Mr, Wood, the present mayor, already filed, those turned In Located In Township, Status Queried of and had Been repaired. Under Down State Aid Bring Many Chongo* and Committeeman Henry Tvapna- to Edward J. Scullion, Board sec- ton yesterday, Tho <^onfltructiun tho clrcutr.slu.tces, Mayor Wood Involves a 20-loot widening, most­ gen, split with the comBined Demo­ rotary, are for Alfred H. Man­ Sowers tor the Cliffwood area o f1 A conference wiil Be held on the said, liw saw no reason for the MarlBoro Township Board of Ed- Committeeman Joseph A. Ltiru cratic cluBs luit January and voted ville, IncumBent, seeking r»- Matawan Township came a Bit I revised rates early In January, then ly on (lie north side of Ihe road* township to withhold occupancy ucaiion has introduced a Budget of xaio will Become muyor and Via* way lu the Keyport section hut with RepuBlican Sigmund Kowal- election to the one place open In nearer lust night when Thomas L. | a puBlic hearing on them wiil Be certificates h‘. the development. $'W}».01170 fo r the lSJfj!l-ijj school ce n t P. K euper, AnBury P ark , prosf shifting to lhe south .side of tho •ki to gain ft majority 3-2 block (he (xnoiipfc. and Carmen Guzzo, Opie, Rod Bank, of tho C. J. Kup- j held Bofore tha month la out, Mr. year. $111,5:10.20 more than the Bud* locator of Monmouth County, will roadway In t h » Union Bonrh- In the five-member committee seeking <- ' ! vilon to one of the I per. New Market, engineering I Geisc announced. Mr. Moran noted j get foi this yoa*' |!,e or-u'nt io Becoma township attorney when tMf Knrhuit Township section. Tha two seats, plus the I firm, consultants. Informed tne there wus a FeB, 1 dateline on the I ho ruised hy iocf’i *»r; ; . \ .. S?7-«,- MarlBoro Township Committee re« phuih nre laid out for tlie widen­ Call For Bids On filing ef a vacancy (rom (he town­ towushio Sewerage Authority a | new rates as that is the dale (or 21R.70, or 52H.OM.2H nu.re thau ihe organizes Jan 2 at 8 p.m. Thli ing from one side* ta thts other ship. grant o! as much as ob p e r cent i L e v I 11 occu p an cies In S trath current year. There has heen $47,­ was confirmed By Mr. Luwro‘0 Legion Offers to uvuld tlie ukinj; of properties Mr. Scullion said there was iio of cost could Be oBtained By seek- j innro to reach thu 5fiU mark, the 500 taken from free balances this tills morning with respect to tlm us much as possiBle. Route 18 Project way ol knowing If the live peti­ I mg aid of ini't-e tederal rifjem-ies i numBer nt which tha Authority is y e a r a s a g a in s t $*10,00(1 I a s i y e a r . taking over of control in Ihe town* tions In circulation to Be returned As for the reconstruction of Six Hospital Space I Suen aid hud Been limited to 30 I committed to make a first pay- The board was in* by a decrease ship By tho Democratic parly Before the deadline nf 4 p.m. this Corners, Kevport, it whs m ated To Completa New I per cent or S250.000. whichever w us! ment fiom a saie of Bonds for the in state aid from tlv* 1U0 per cent w hich ends m an y y e a rs of uum*. afternoon were from thc township nt tho High w a y Dupartuu'nt Contacts County | thu lesser, through one agencv. ] purchase of the Strathmoie plant. Widening Program valuation. Thera is (l!2<U2it less tij lorrupted RepuBlican rule. (Jcoign or the Borough. office? thnt there are “minor heielofoie. | To Purchase Total Issu- ba received from Ti onion than in r*. C reavy and W alter S. Dunn v/iH Civil Defense Unit Mr. Guzzo was prulsctS al the rev isio n s’* to he ninth* fro m thu Tlu* S* it t* Highway IVparui'ent j This was Brought out otter Iona | m ,, Moran Indicated tl'at he had tlie current school >enr> Be sworn in as commiu-'enien Ifl last Board meeting By tlie resl- j .mapped luyout given out some today tailed for bids Jim .
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