Orissa Review * January - 2005 Gandhi and Subhas Chandra Bose Siddhartha Dash Mahatma Gandhi and Subhas Chandra Bose quarter of a century between these two foremost were two legendary personalities, gigantic in leaders of India's freedom struggle. their political moral and ethical stature. Both To Subhas Bose, Gandhi always of them were two worthy sons of Mother India. remained 'India's greatest man'. His In 1915, soon after his return from South Africa appreciation of the unique contribution of Gandhiji became the unquestioned leader of Gandhi was unequivocal. He recognised and India's freedom movement and Indian National admitted Gandhi as the undisputable, unrivalled Congress. He transformed leader of the masses. 'an unarmed, politically- Subhas had all praise for subjugated, dumb and Gandhi's unflinching illiterate mass of humanity patriotism, firmness in into a fearless, non-violent, character, love for truth etc. politically awakened, Infact, Bose bowed before resurgent militia. Verily out Gandhi's 'single hearted of dust, he made Indians devotion, his relentless into men'. Subhas Chandra will, and his indefatigable Bose, 'the stormy petrel of labour'. To Gandhi, Bose Indian Renaissance' was like a son whose 'self younger to Gandhi by 28 sacrifice and suffering, years who had resigned his drive, integrity and brilliant career in the much commitment to the national cause and the coveted heaven-born Indian Civil Service with capacity to bind all Indians into one people the resolute aim and determination to devote were unsurpassed.' himself entirely to the fight for India's freedom. Both Gandhi and Bose were totally The saga of relationship between Subhas honest men. They were internationalists and and Gandhi starts with Subhas meeting Gandhi humanists. They were secular in approach and on the very day (on 16th July, 1921) of his anti-racial in outlook. In whatever situations landing at Bombay. Their first meeting set the they were and whatever they were doing, their contours of the relationship over the coming minds were always diverted towards the 11 Orissa Review * January - 2005 liberation of their motherland. The whole life which was never before heard in the public of both the leaders was an epic struggle for from Gandhiji. India's independence. In fact, the life long The year 1927 brought Subhas closer to "Tapasya" of both, ended with the ultimate Jawaharlal Nehru at the annual session of the sacrifice of their very lives. Indian National Congress, which was held at Inspite of all these, there were glaring Madras. They formed the Independence of differences between Gandhi and Subhas and Indian League and under their joint effort, in political life both were posed against each resolution for 'Complete Independence' was other. Young Netaji was a firebrand nationalist passed. In the next year due to the opposition who believed in the tradition of Tilak and of Gandhi the resolution to reiterate the demand Aurobindo. Gandhiji, on the contrary, was a for Complete Independence could not be reluctant nationalist who belonged to the approved. Thus Bose's proposal was defeated. tradition of his mentor Gokhale and Tagore. In 1929 to separate Nehru from Subhas, Bose's strong revolutionary urge for the Gandhiji nominated Jawahar as the President emancipation of his motherland made him of Indian National Congress. The Mahatma was critical of many of Gandhiji's techniques. happy as he thought that Bose would be In 1920, at the age of 23, Subhas joined ineffective without support from Jawaharlal. the Non-cooperation Movement which was But Subhas a different stuff altogether, despite going on with all its fury in Bengal under the opposition both from Nehru and Gandhi leadership of Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das. declared 1929 to be the year of preparation He took prominent part in the agitation against for a massive civil disobedience movement. the Prince of Wales's visit. In protest against In the subsequent events that immediately the decision of Gandhi in calling off the Non- followed the same sort of ambivalence in the cooperation Movement as a sequence to the relationship between these two leaders are Chauri Chaura incident in 1922, Bose felt clearly discernible. Subhas praised Gandhiji highly dejected. In 1927, Subhas was elected for Dandi March and Salt Satyagraha (1930). as one of the General Secretaries of the Indian He wrote nostalgically 'The march of Dandi - National Congress. A British Parliamentary an event of historical importance which will Commission, known as Simon Commission rank on the same level with Napoleon's march was appointed, to fix up the exact status of to Paris'. He particularly admired Gandhiji India's Constitutional development. Indian success in involving women into the freedom leaders had long been thinking in terms of early movement. At the same time Subhas severely Dominion Status. For Subhas, the demand of criticized Gandhiji's participation in the Second Dominion Status appeared to be too short of Round Table Conference in London. Bose was his dream of full freedom. To the utter much perturbed by the way Gandhiji played astonishment of everybody he roared before his cards at the Round Table Conference. the Commission. 'India shall be free, the only Gandhiji should have spoken, he felt, at the question is when'? For this bold statement he Round Table Conference, with a firm voice. incurred the displeasure of the Mahatma who In his treatise 'The Indian Struggle' which was rebuked Bose in the sharpest language such of published in November 1934 Subhas wrote, 12 Orissa Review * January - 2005 'If the Mahatma had spoken in the language of In the midst of the hostile situation Subhas dictator Stalin, Duce Mussolini or Fuhrer resigned the Presidentship of the Congress on Hitler, John Bull would have understood and 29th April, 1939, and immediately proceeded bowed his head in respect'. to form a radical party bringing the entire left In 1937, Gandhiji felt that Bose was a wing under one banner. In this connection, it force to be reckoned with and hence he should would be most appropriate to mention that - no longer be neglected. He was further Bose's innate devotion and respect for Gandhiji convinced that Subhas alone could be an remained as firm even though his path was instrument in the split of the Congress. Hence diverging. He clearly stated 'it will always be he decided to elect Subhas as the president of my aim and object to try and win his confidence the Indian National Congress even when for the simple reason that it will be tragic for Subhas was not a member of that party. In the me if I succeed in winning the confidence of 51st session of the Congress held at Haripura other people but fail to win the confidence of in 1938, Subhas was unanimously elected as India's greatest man'. the President. Unfortunately both for the Subhas had his 'last long and hearty talk Congress and the country, the alliance between with the Mahatma on 20th June, 1940.' He had Bose and Gandhi remained precarious. Subhas pressed Gandhi to launch the struggle taking not only condemned Gandhi's favourite advantage of the critical position of the British Charakha but gave a call to modernise India. in the Second World War. He told that it was He called upon the people to get united for an the most opportune time and it was impossible armed struggle against the Britishers. to think of any other situation in which India At the presidential election in January could start the struggle. Mahatma replied, 'why 1939, Subhas was vigorously opposed both by do you think that we cannot get better Gandhi and Nehru. Nevertheless, he has opportunities later on ? I am sure we will have achieved a decisive victory over his opponent many such opportunities. Whether England Dr. Pattabhi Sittaramayya, Gandhi's nominee wins or loses the war, she will be weakened by 1580 to1375 votes. Gandhiji openly by it; she will have no strength to shoulder the declared that Sitaramayya's defeat was his responsibilities of administering the country, defeat. He said that Subhas's references to his and with slight effort on our part she will have colleagues were unjustified and unworthy. He no alternative but recognise India's remarked that since Subhas had criticized his independence'. colleagues as 'rightists', it would be most The whole nation was aroused when appropriate on his part to choose a Subhas Bose made his spectacular escape on homogeneous cabinet and enforce his action. 17th January, 1941 (it was the day fixed for At the Tripuri Congress, Bose as the president his trial for sedition) while under house made a clear proposal that the Indian National detention at Calcutta and finally reached Congress should immediately send an Germany in order to lead struggle for freedom ultimatum to the British Government from outside. Gandhi, on his part, could never demanding independence within six months. It endorse Subhas Bose joining with the Axis was opposed by the Gandhian wing and Nehru. powers. Even outside India, Bose remained 13 Orissa Review * January - 2005 unshaken in his deep allegiance to Gandhiji. 'Father of our Nation, in this holy war of India's His praise and devotion for Gandhi were again liberation we ask you for your blessings and obvious in his broadcast on Gandhiji's birthday good wishes.' on 2nd October, 1943. 'The service which During 1945 and 1946, Gandhiji came Mahatma Gandhi has rendered to India is so to know a lot about the exploits of Subhas and unique and unparalleled that his name will be his Indian National Army. While addressing written in letters of gold in our national history the INA prisoners he paid unreserved tributes for all time'. in hailing Bose as 'Netaji'.
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