eMi - P a l CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL V o l. X X V I Denver, Colorado, April 21, 1955 N o. 8 Seniors Present 'Curious Savage' spring flowera «Jeck the Blesse«! Virgin'» altar awaltlng the May "Th e Curious Savage hy »John Patrick will he presente«! by Crownlng which will be held on the the senior dass this Sinulay, April 24 at s :]r> p.m. in Oscar .Mal«) first Frulay of May. Susan Jon«*s, Hall. Dress rehearsal for the Sisters of the city will he given at senior of homeroom 301. will hav«* 1:00 Saturday . the honor of crownlng th<* Blessod The play will be under the direc­ nibal; Colleen H o w a r d. Mrs. Mother. tion of Miss Mary Catherine Grace, Paddy; Kay Kelty. Lily Belle; head of the speech department. George Bivens. Titus Savage; ( ’llhn Stt,V (ÖHMl-hy«* Seniors who will take part in the Claude Thilmont. Samuel; Don ( ’uh-stjiff tnomber* uri* sayln^ play are Carolyn Maloney as Fan­ Yacovetta, Dr. Emmelt; and Paul- good-hyc to Hl-Pal untll next nie; Helen Claunts. Florence; Dan ine McBride. Miss Wilhelmina. September, \vh«»n they will take Frank. Jeff; Tim Broderick, Han- Production Managers ov«*r flu* M‘nl«»rH' j«b. Pat Moran will act as stage manager, and Nancie Shipp will be W e ciibs look up to the ttenior* Student direetor. Others who will am! h«»pv that. when we an* in Students Revise aid in the production of the play full |)»HH«*HMion <»f Ifi-ral. we can are Joan Alcorn and Sandra Sey- «Io the Job O-s well as you have CHS Constitution mour, lights; Mona Desmond. dom* It. Irene Kuhn and Donna Herrod, Revision of the Constitution props; and John Arko, Frank Ill-I’al Merlin Awanl «»f Cathedral is now in progress. Shoeninger, Bob Swift and Jim Williams, sets. Jackie Saindon, Hl-Pal recently rco.*iv«*«l A 11- Seniors husy dlsousslng last miniit«» plan» for "The Curious Savage” .Members «>f the Student Coun­ Nancy Sommers, and Mary Jo Jay American from th«* National Scho­ an*. I«*ft to right. Helen Claunts. Dan Frank. Tim Brodertck, Colleen lastic Press Association Judging O’ltoiirke, and Carolyn Muloney. cil. und er the «lirection <>t‘ Gov­ will be in Charge of costumes. is basod on news value and sources. ernor Rat Moran. have formed while Barbara Counts and Dolores Byers will be make-up artists. Jo new« writing an«l editlng. make-up. i'ommittees to «lo the work. special f*atur«-s. hcadllnes. and Ann Covey and Karen W etig have had Charge of Publicity for the typography. N.S.P.A. I» located at Dividing the Constitution into Spring Musical Recifa program. the Unlversity of Minnesota. four sections with a committee to work on each section is the plan of Humor«>us Plot CondolenciM The play is set in a rcst home. th«' Student Council. Chairmen who We wish to express mir deepesl The inmates are harmless and Reveals Ja/s' Talents have been chosen to head these »ympathy to Karen W etig and quite loveable. The plot centers Cathedral music students will von Dohnanvi. Frank, who is also groups are as follows: Kay Kelty, around a woman. Mrs. Savage, T. Rosa Baldwin. seniors of homo- Frank Jacobucci, Helen Claunts. present their unnual spring recital who is committed to the home. but room 301. K aren « falhcr an«! talented on the accordian and has and Carol Trainor. T. Rosa's moth«*r both «Jled r**- on May 15 in Oscar Malo Hall appenred in several assemblies and who is perfectly sane. The reason Convention M«*nibers for her being committed is that cently. The p«*rförmanc<* will begin at talent shows in the past. will play Other members of the Constitu- shc is the possessor of a large es- We also w Inh t<> express 3:30 and all are invited. th«* “Grande Polka De Concert” tional Convention are Dan Connor, tate of which she has full control, *vmpathy to Jerry llnnley. Only ad va ne cd students will take by Homer N. Bartlett. Kay Williams. Clarence Sturdi- but which is also wanted by her **«»ph»>more of room flve, u|>«m vant. Don Yaeov<*tta. Bill Lehman, children. th«» (I«»at!i of her mother. Tlu* part in this program, und, accord- Underclassmen who will present ing to Sisier Mary Rita, their piano solos are Karen Bowhay. Nancie Shipp, Mona Desmond. fueulty and studentn are offer- Barbara Counts. Arthur Ramponi, Ing their pmy«*rs for th«* n*p«»s<* music instructor. "Their abilities Mary Arm Madden, Sylvia Genaro. Donna Beaver. Joyce Gibson. AI of th«* nouJ.s of th«* parentn of ar«; of very high « alibcr " Thomas McConnell. and Elenita Seliaaf. Bill Shipp. Donna Chigli- C.HS. Post Grads th««M* *«t«identn. S«*»lor* Taking Part Garcia. They are to play "Danse ano, Bernie O'Neill, Donna Mackeli, A|h»I«»jjI«*h Ronald Silva. Sandie Seymour, Thrce senior pianists who will Hongroisc" by Paul DuVal, "Mala- C/ioose Colleges Jackie Saindon, M ary Ellen Dünn. Our apolögi«»» to K«*rineth Gil- take part in the y«*arly recital for guena” by E r n e s t o Locuona. Claude Thilmont, EliZabeth Haves. l«*tte. whose name di«| not appear the last time are Joan McDonald. <irmluution is alinost h«*re "Shadows of the Night" by Irving Joan Koehler. Coleen Vechazone. as a member of the band in th«* Margie Somers. and Frank Jaco- Podeska. "Country Gardens" by Carol Hurliman. Bob Leach. Joan again, am! soon the seniors will March issue of Ili-Pal. Kcnneth bu« «,i Joan will play C. Koelling's Alcom, Jeannie Scheer. Harriet be hukling C.H.S., Iheir leaeh- was among the three that re- "Flying L«?a ves," while Margie will Perry A. Grainger and "Dawn Roberts. Ray Stringer, Paul Doug­ ers. and classmal«*s good-bye, •*na« te«l th«* tabl«*au of the Minute present "Rnphsody No. 1" by Ernst Dance" by Paul Bliss, respectiv«*ly. las. Butch West. Joan McDonald. Sonic will go to th«» College or Men in the Parochial Music Fes­ Vocal Solos tival. Karen Wetig. and Dick Marquez. university of their choiec. Carole Ann Perry, sophomore of Eh'ction Approaehlng Congratulation» In asking the twelve seniors with Sodalists Plan homeroom three. will sing Sig­ Elections are approaching; a cau- highest scholastic averages about Congratulations to Bob Alcom . mund Romberg’s "Serenade” and cus will be held soon to select the their choices in Colleges, many dif­ T>0, brother of Joan Alcom. senior Flotow’s "Like a Dream." from candidales for next year’s officcrs ferent answers were received. of honieronm 301. Bob placed first May Devotions the opera "Marthu." Carole will be in the Student Council. The fresh- Susan Jones, the top Student of in Orutorical Declamation In th«* man dass and all other newcomcrs Daily May «levotions in the accompanied by Margie Somers. the dass of ’55 with a 94.4 aver­ State <*oll«*g«* spcech meet h«*l«l at will be apportioned in the two par- age. has applied for admittance at «•«»urtyard, World Sodallty Day al Karen Ipsen. the only V i o l i n i s t l^iretto Helghts. ties, Constructive and Co-opera- Seattle University. Seattle U. is Regis. May Crown Ing . thes*» on th«* program, will play F. A. tive. and elections will be held tun by the Jesuits and Susan will Guardian* to Be I)Ktrihiit«'d activities ar«* foremo.st in the minds Franklin’s "Meadöw Queen." Mary early in May. Candidates for Gov­ know if she is accepted by May 15. The *tu«l«*nt t»«Kly ar«* flll«*«l of Sodalists ns May approachos. Ann Madden will accompany her. ernor and Lt. Governor must have wlth *u*p«*n*«» as tliey awalt the Karen W etig has asked for ad­ World Sodnlity Day will be held Mr. Forrest FishePs Chorus and an average of 85'T and the ap- mittance at Greeley State Teach- iirrlv&l «*f the 1055 (»uartllan. lf at Regis May 8. Representatives Mr. Lloyd Bovven's band are also proval of two-thirds of the faculty. ers College. Karen rates scond in recelved «»n time, the Guar«llan from all sehools will attend. An making plans for their spring Norninees for other positions must her dass with a 93.4 average. will b«» dlstrlbuted May 6. orutorical writing contest will be fcstival. It will be held during fulfill the same requirements ex- Girls Choo.se Lorett«» held in eonjuncUon wlth th«-* pro­ the «‘vening of May 24. in Oscar I>ay» Are cept that an 80Tr. scholastic aver­ Betty Lou AllegranZi with a 93.1 gram. Malo Hall. Don’t everyone jump for joy. but age will satisfy. average, Margie Somers with a nave you looked at the ralendar Again this ycar May «levotions 92.5 average. Mary Ann Richards lateiy? Ther** are only 28 days of will be held every mornlng in the showing a 92.1. Joan Alcorn hold- school left for Ui«* underclassmen courtyard. Each mornlng oiu* ing a 90.8 average, and Joan Mc­ and 24 for the seniors. The days homeroom will be in Charge «>f the Alumnus Öfters Challenge Donald with a 90.4 average have are going by faster than you think. program which will be attended by "A ll of v«u will play a very feil, and that it is up to us to do all made inquiries at Loretto Make thes«* last few days count! tlu* entire Student body.
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