. v - V 'i' V f t tmsw , imtt VOL. XL No. 79 HONOLULU, T. H., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1905. SEMI-WEEKL- Y, WHOLE 273G V1DA ASSAULT POSTQFFICE M GRASS FIRES CASE OCCUPOj M L !P0RT THREATENING SUPERVISORS May Come When the Troopship Brings the Lt.-C- ,1 McCandless Block Body of ol. of Is Is Done. Baldwin. University California Saved, Mr. Lucas Intemperately Champions Other Parts of A new building to be built by Mc After a pleasant voyage from Naga- but the Brown Adam's Gambling Or- Candless Brothers on King and Bothcl saki, the big white army transport streets will afford room for tho post Sherman arrived ln port last ovenlng State Suffer. office. The plans have already been shortly before eight and moored along- dinance Now Effective. drawn and only the approval of the side Naval Dock No. 2. The troopship Postofflce Department is necessary to will resume her voyage to San Fran- make a change certain. , cisco today at 3 p. m. The building now planned by Archi- The voyage was without Incident (Associated Press Cablegrams.) tect II. L. Kerr will be two stories and save, for th.Qdeath of threo persons. Tbo Vida assault case caused the main flutter at tlio meeting of the Board , . BERKELEY, October io. Tho grass fire which has been basement, but constructed so the One wfCSTJohiyMcCann, an employe of Supervisors last night. " that cf addition of a third story may be made the Civil' Government at Manila. He threatening the buildings of the University of California is now Adams wanted Special Officer Henry Vlda suspended for thirty days for ifts died 0, at any time. Contracts for leases In October af,ter a" long Illness, under control. There arc fires throughout California due to dryness on Townscnd and this raised a .wordy war having been brought aboard at Manila assault the new structure have already been of the vegetation. languago and worse temper played a promi- signed for part of Us capacity, as on a stretcher. His wife nnd three of the factions In which Lucas' bad and o nent part. soon as the final specifications are fin- sons, tho eldest not yet five years of Tho upshot was that tho charges preferred by Townscnd will he investigated ished bids will be nsked. age, are aboard. The others wore a TROUBLE IN HUNGARY. by a committee of four. "Tho building will havo a frontage soldier and a member of tho crew,.' immo--dlat- soldiers Adams' gambling ordinance passed tho third reading and goes into o of 140 feet on Bethel street," said Mr. Twelve wero loft behind at 'given effect. J. A. McCandless yesterday. "It will Nagasaki. Orders had been for to on September BUDAPEST, Octobor 10. Tho DIot assembles tomorrow. Tho political sit- Tho ubiquitous blanket warrant as usual wasted an unseemly amount of bo two stories, unfaccd stone, and a tho vessel sail at noon 2G the understanding uation is chaotic. It is rumorod that Qonoral Forjorvary is to bo premier. time and in this connection somo spicy correspondence from local litcr&tcurs was basement. It will be built strongly and that was when most people There is roport xead. enough to support a third story. In of tbo went ashore a that it is planned to impeach tho cablnot. the day before During: night It looks as if tho days of tho blanket warrant aro numbered, for a test caso fact, the Joists will be In place and the or ders came-fro- m tho depot quartermas is In plain sight. One never knows, however. tho only thing needful will bo to raise the walls and the roof. ter toJlspatch tho vessel shortly after Present were: Chairman Smith, Su- - Moore thought that Trent's request TREATY tPPECTIVE. "Wo havo postofflce two daylight. Several of tho officers and nf i.nrn-- A.inma RunflrviHnrs should receive some attention. Ho offered the would not have aBked for the Increase big rooms ln thlB building. The plans lae'mbcrs of tho ship's family upcnt Cox, Archer, Lucas. Moore; Sam John- - ,. h,s c,erk dd nQt de3erve ,t for this are drawn. The department most of the night passing tho word WASHINGTON, October 10. Tho peace treaty botwoon Japan and Russia eon, Acting Chief Deerlng, Eugene Flre After some taIk, ln wl,cn Adams has not yet definitely signified whether around town and routing passengers becomes effective when signed without waiting for a formal exchange Devauchelle, Deputy County Attorney strongly" opposed the proposed It will nccept them or not." from hotels and other places, but about County Attorney Douthltt, crease, tho communication wns placed The new build- vot- - McCandless Brothers a dozen wero left. Clerk Kalauokalanl, Clerk Bultandeau. !n fl'e without action, Moore alone ing will be quietly ornamented. It is lng ln the negative. Several German steamships wero ln PEACE IN SIGHT. Stenographer John Aea, .,.. to be rather plain outwardly, with a L A Tnurston wrote on behalf of main entrance, on side of which Nagasaki awaiting the embarkation of Sheriff Brown, H. Blrbe, Audi- - Commission, recommending either prisoners I'arker, ' tho Park will be Btores, with plenty of show Russian who had been re lor Blcknell, E.i W. Quinn. that Knplolanl Park be given the bene-- window exposure. leased and ordered returned to Russia. sweepings. OIIEISTIANIA, October 10. Tho Storthing has accepted the Karlstad The minutes of the last meeting were t of street The basement will be open, with an Lieut. Col. W. P. Tucker, Pay De I The clerk was instructed to notify alleyway whole length. will partment, Is the senior officer aboard. Agreement. approved. ! Its In this read and the Park Commission, that they could There aro aboard 93 first class passen- due ty be the pressroom of Tho Star, which Ten dollars salary ,mv(J n the 8Weep,ng8 theyl wanted If gers, 129 second cabin passengers, 247 County Attorney Rex Hitchcock, was , will also occupy a couple of rooms on take them from South 8t the first floor. enlisted men (army nnd navy) In the approveu mm o.ucu pm. 'where they would be left for them. steerage, 5G discharged soldiers, 60 for , Architect Kerr Is now busy testing A material and supplies demand, Tmjrston to 20 NEW YORK LIFE'S HAWAIIAN was L A drew attention the materials and making out tho specifi- civilians, general prisoners; ship's $41, account of County Treasurer, near 189 paid. ,bad condition of Wnlkiki road cations. officers, crew, etc., are all told, mak- approved and ordered Knplolanl Park. ing a grand of 711 persons $108.55, account The cost of tho building Is estimated total aboard A similar demand for suggestion a strip. ot.grass, In- LICENSE MAY BE ANNULLED or- .His that at $45,000. ' V the Sherman. This number also County Auditor, and fin laid flown In tho contfr of the road cludes ten stowaways. dered paid, as were tne following ma- planted therein, was referred supplies demands: and tiecs The bodji of Col. W. II. Baldwin. terial and to the Committee on Roads and Commissary 317.SG Improvements Department, who died In County Clerk's offlco Bridges. fine Manila recently, is being back to office C3.25 taken The New York Life Insurance still County Attorney's Territorial Treasurer Campbell wrote tho States. Accompanying tho remains undecided. It depends on what t The following amounts were approv- that tho treasury had nothing to do nro Mrs. Baldwin and family. be Investigated by tho Ter- find to be the exact facts." paid: with tho Issuing or rescinding of lodging-- Mnjnr Acting ed and ordered HOTEL w. K. Wright, 7th Infantry. ritory of Hawaii. On tho strength of Attorney General E. C. Peters house mom w licenses, calling to at brother-ln-ia- er Material and supplies, keepers attention ot refused to state anything further than 51.55 police regulations In the premises. Hugh Rodman, U. S. N., formerly certain facts laid before Insurance of parks at that his office had been consulted In 2.GG7.00 The license referred to was that of tached to the the Road department Honolulu Naval Sta Treas-ur- er house on King street, near Llllhu Commissioner and Territorial matter and was engaged In looking up Road material and supplies, the begun tion, Is en route to tho States on orders. gam- Work wns yesterday ln laying ell-e- 254.50 street, used by Charley Moore for Cnpt. F. A. J. Campbell In behalf of a nt the law on tho Subject. Walalua out new J, Morrison, 20th Infantry, material and supplies, bling purposes. the Moana Hotel park. The who has been to One of tho highest officers of tho Road Po- attached the Japa a rigid examination into tho com- Koolnuloa 102-8- The matter was referred to tho two remaining buildings on tho prem- nese armies In Manchuria, is en route Territory made tho following plain un- Road material and supplies, lice Committee. ises were disposed of at auction for to tho War College. ' pany's methods of doing business haB official statement: Koolaupoko 74.71 Chang Chow asked tho Board for an Orb Welch, formerly with "Tho charges brought against tho appropriation for a Chinese Interpreter $92 and by today they will have been Ilustaoe been instituted by both the Attorney Now on Police: & Co., and afterwards with tho Rapid York Life Insurance Company nro Committee li. the police court. removed. General and the Treasurer. such as to demand Instant investiga- supplies G1C.58 Earth is being prem Tjanslt, returned from Manila to re- Material and t Referred to Public Expenditures earted Into the tion.
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