ANO INDEPENDENTU VOICE FOR THE TLESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES July 11, 2014 | Volume XII, Issue 5 Pro-LGBT Candidates Face Off in Howard County BY STEVE CharING members helped sway his views towards tions submitted via online and It’s not often you see a Republican and a supporting marriage equality. He said fair- social media. No live ques- Democrat tout their pro-LGBT bonafides ness and equal rights are his main priori- tions from the audience were during a political debate but that’s exactly ties as taught by his father, and these val- solicited. The questions cov- what happened at a PFLAG-Howard Coun- ues transcend political parties. “I had been ered housing and develop- ty forum in Columbia on July 8. It was the the only Republican to show up at PFLAG ment, redevelopment, transit, first post-primary forum of the campaign in picnics,” he pointed out. budget economic develop- the county. Watson also asserted her relationship ment, employment, and hous- Republican Allan H. Kittleman, a former with PFLAG and the LGBT community ing for low-income residents, state senator who is vying to succeed Ken ever since she was on the county’s school tax rates, county services Ulman as the next county executive, and board. Her son was a classmate at school needing investment and at- his opponent, Democrat councilwoman with the transgender child of a member of tention, education and com- Courtney Watson, shared their visions for PFLAG and encouraged Watson to sup- mon core, environment, and the county on a wide swath of issues. port trans rights. As such, she helped the promotion of renewable In a civil discussion, both candidates craft a county-wide non-discrimination bill energy, infrastructure for elec- contrasted their views and records in front based on gender identity in 2011. tronic vehicles, and transpar- of over 60 people in attendance. Kittleman Both candidates squared off on issues ency. Each candidate offered reminded the audience of his longstanding that PFLAG facilitators Heath Goisovich their own perspective on these Republican Allan H. Kittleman and Democrat relationship with PFLAG and that several and Sean McGovern selected from ques- —continued on page 3 Courtney Watson credit: Steve Charing extremely proud and excited Australian Gay Rugby Team in Sporting First to be making history. For me, I’m amazed by how my life Australia’s first gay rugby union team (the invited to play a curtain-raiser ahead of a labies” as well as the NSW Waratahs. He has come full circle. Just two years ago I Sydney Convicts) made history July 6th professional game (the first time was at a is also a strong supporter of the Bingham was afraid to come out of the closet to my when they became the first gay rugby team French soccer game in 2006). The Syd- Cup Sydney 2014 and said, “Sport is such teammates, now I’m playing against them in the world to play as part of a profes- ney Convicts, which play in a mainstream a beautiful thing and in this day and age, on a gay rugby team as part of a profes- sional match. In fact, it’s only the second rugby competition, played against Mac- there should be no discrimination at all. Af- sional sporting event.” time in the world that a gay team has been quarie University ahead of the game be- ter getting to know some of the boys who David Whitaker, president of the Con- tween the NSW Wara- play for the Sydney Convicts, they’re really victs said, “Our team is very excited and tahs (AU.S.) and good fellas and we want to help them as proud to be the first gay and inclusive the Highlanders (NZ) much as we can. Hopefully the fans also rugby team to be invited to play as part of at Allianz Stadium. get behind the boys and show their full a professional sporting match. Often dis- The event was part of support, to end discrimination in sport and crimination and homophobia is based on wider efforts by both raise awareness about the Convicts as a stereotypes that gay people are somehow organizers of next team and what they stand for.” weak and they can’t play tough sports like month’s Bingham Cup Jason Fowler, a player with the Sydney rugby. We hope this game helps to chal- as well as Australia’s Convicts, played with Macquarie University lenge these misconceptions while also professional sports to (the team the Convicts are playing) prior to raising awareness that homophobia in help end homopho- joining the gay and inclusive rugby team. sport is still a major issue and gay people bia in Australia and Many of his former teammates at Macqua- often still feel unwelcome.” around the world. rie University didn’t find out he was gay Nick Farr-Jones is one of the most Nick Phipps plays until he played against them as a Sydney successful captains in Wallabies’ history. Wallaby Nick Phipps with Jason Fowler (Sydney Convict) for the Australian na- Convict. “Playing at Allianz is a once in a He’s also chairman of NSW Rugby and and Donovan Baker (Macquarie University) tional team the “Wal- lifetime opportunity and the entire team is —continued on page 3 —continued on page 10 2 t BALTIMORE OUTLOUD JULY 11, 2014 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM CRISEan IS USING MusIC TO InspIRE OTHErs – continued from page 1 NEWS // LOCAL Pro-LGBT CandIdaTES FacE Off IN Howard CounTY – continued from page 1 mental health crisis units need to be part issues, which generally differed from their of the solution. opponent. Kittleman responded that the LGBT Kittleman said, “I’m a leader who can community needs to be part of the conver- work across the aisle,” when asked how sation. “I will form an LGBT advisory com- he could work with a predominantly Demo- mittee, which will meet regularly to keep cratic county council. “I’ve worked along- me as county executive informed of all the side Democrats on marriage equality and related issues,” he said. Kittleman also gender-identity non-discrimination, among wants a similar group to work with the po- other issues.” lice. He cited his work on passing Grace’s Watson stated that the quality of life in Law as an important step in combating Howard County is something she would cyber bullying, especially against LGBT want to continue. “I want my administra- youth. tion to be an extension of the Ulman ad- Watson pointed out that PFLAG has al- ministration,” she explained. “But I am my ready done excellent work with the police own person and there were areas that Ken department. She added that “the school and I disagreed on. I’m more fiscally con- system is putting out guidelines and train- servative than the county executive.” ing materials for all teachers and adminis- The question of LGBTQ homelessness trators regarding trans kids.” was raised pointing out that LGBTQ youth In his closing remarks, Kittleman pas- comprise a disproportionate percentage sionately defended his extensive work of homeless youth in the county. Watson on marriage equality in the legislature indicated that 32 efficiency units for the and around the state on Question 6 and homeless are underway. She added that denounced those who allege that he just organizations, such as Grass Roots and made a single vote on the issue. t AusTralIAN GaY RUGBY TEam IN SporTING FIrsT – continued from page 1 and Inclusion Framework” and challenged sporting organizations around the world to do the same. The second historic initia- a Bingham Cup Sydney 2014 Ambassa- tive was launching the first national and dor. He said, “NSW Rugby is proud to be international study on homophobia in sport a long-time supporter of the Sydney Con- involving researchers from six universities victs and their efforts to tackle homopho- from Canada, U.K., U.S.A, and Australia. bia. Rugby is very committed to making The study, called Out on the Fields, has our sport welcoming to everyone, regard- already collected the stories and experi- less of their sexuality. I hope this historic ences of over 5000 LGBT people world- curtain raiser will help us continue to send wide. Researchers hope more people will a strong message that there is no room for take part in the study, which can be found discrimination of any kind in rugby, both on at Outonthefileds.com. and off the field.” Australians are receiving strong inter- As part of the event, Allianz Stadium national praise and recognition for their ef- aired a 30-second anti-homophobia TV forts to change sporting culture. Les John- advertisement during the Waratahs/High- son is vice-president of membership with landers game featuring some of the most the Federation of Gay Games, the world’s well-known athletes in world sport. This largest LGBT sporting organization. “This includes Mitchell Johnson (cricket), Ryan is only the second time we’ve heard of a Harris (cricket), Harry Kewell (football), gay team being invited to be part of a pro- and Alessandro Del Piero (football). fessional sporting match and it’s a first for This historic curtain-raiser is one of a gay rugby team. We applaud rugby and three history making initiatives led by Australia’s other major sports for being the Australian organizers of Bingham trailblazers and for strongly supporting our Cup Sydney 2014 to tackle homophobia community. The historic initiatives being in sports. In April, they organized a joint led by Australians are significant develop- commitment by every major professional ments in the worldwide effort to end dis- Australian sport to eliminate homophobia.
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