counter with .....I.:."'f"iin laminate. and Dr. Western See Western" pg. .... ......r» .......,.... Western continuedfrompg.lG yet-to-be-restored sitting room. plaid sora and pale-rust tweedy Pennsylvania. ern will stencil the upper partsin The couple bought a side-loading rug. Tworockers, a bar made Mark's nursery also looks the Victorian manner. The hand­ 11"0n stovetbat burns wood or frombarn wood and several toy cheerful, blending shades of hewn bannister upstairs has the coal. It's labeled P.D. Beckwith, boxes enhance the "lived-in brown, cinnamon, beige and yel- . original finish, Dr. Western said. 1916. look." 'low.Itrequiredonly nine months Generally, Mrs. Western was The 1895 Kimball upright piano The basement contains more of the dentist'swork-ahurry-up the "woodworkstainer," and she has.acorn-leaf ornamentation. A play space and a home for Me, job after the Westerns learned laid the bricksidewalkand patio. tin-sided pie safe is another gan's pet rabbit, as well as Dr. they were on the adoption list. She also wallpapered and did the treasure, One of the heirloom Western's workshop. Delicately striped paper re­ stripping, but said: "Idon't have clocks came from Mrs. West- On the second floor, both of the places the old enamel paint, and so much time now with the small ern'sparents, Maybelle and Rus- children's rooms have been re- a long bookshelf holds toys. The child." sell Hallberg (If St. Joseph. The stored, but the parents' bedroom baby cabinet was Mrs. West­ However, she is a Girl Scout carved settee and armchair with remains on the "todo" list. ern's, and the washstand and troop leader at EastAntiochEle­ red velvet seats were gifts from Megan's flowered room, with pitcher arefrom an earlierera. mentarySchool. Dr. Western's parents, Ann and blue-painted iron bed under the The couple'S green-papered The couple met at the Univer­ Paul Western. eave, took Dr. Western 2% years room has a queen-size bed that sity of Missouri-Kansas City be­ "We plan to restore the origi- to refinish in spare time. The Dr. Western built and a patch­ fore Mrs. Western attended the naIfioors and use a natural fin- woodwork and walls had been work quilt by Mrs. Western. Sev­ nursing school at Columbia. Dr. ish on the woodwork," Dr. West- solid blue, making the tiny room eral furnishings look old-rash­ Western, a Southwest High ernsaid. "We also want to have a dark. The original paint was ioned. For example, a roll-top School alumnus, completed den­ chandelier, Victorian wallpaper milk paint, which wa4difficult to desk was used by herfather from tal school at UMKC after the two and all antique furnishings." remove. The couple used steel 1942 to 1971 when he was a cattle were married. In contrast, the modernfamily wool on the floor, preferring not buyer for Armour & Co. in the St. Along with handyman proj­ room features two paneled walls to sandthe old linseed oil finish, JosephStock Exchange building. ects, he finds special satisfaction and two white stucco walls, Mrs. Western painted the dou- The hallways reveal interest- in two church assignments, he rough-hewn woodwork, a simu- ble bed, and she had eyelet ruf- ing examples of early-day car­ said. He leads the high-school lated brickfloor, .contemporary fled curtains made because the pentry. There is fir tongue-and­ youth group and teaches Sunday fireplace and big .windows•.The windowsweren'ta standard size...groove wainscoting .. 'below the school at Immanuel Lutheran child-proof decor includes a rust The oak dresser originated in painted yellow walls. Mrs. West. Church, 4244 Genesee St. RARE JOHNSON COUNTY FARM HOUSE ..]1-1' STARTS SECOND CENTURY s., OF EXISTENCE. Just East of Antioch on 72nd Street sits a wonderfully preserved example ofprairie elegance. Nestled in a tiny enclave of a'ncient trees andshrubs, the Chase Prairiehomeis' almost unchanged from its erection in 1869. It's new owners, Jim and Lyn Barrie, have proceeded carefullyJn their restoration. In an era of swift changes when old dence of Elijah Corneli Chase, which PUBLISHER'S landmarks are falling a prey to the stands at what was formerly known as NOTE wrecking crew to make way for the 7125 Antioch Road. Now that 72nd . new, it is refreshing and sa tisfying to street has been opened by the Elizabeth Barnes, in her series lovers of sentiment and traditionwhen developers, the number will be 7201 "Historic Johnson County" wrote of one of these is spared. Antioch Road. the Chase home in 1963. Her story Recently the announcement was The home stands on the 47acre tract was so masterly_ and informative made that one of these old homes, which is being developed Into home that Johnson County Homes & which has seen so much history of the sites by the builders, Wilmer Gardens reprints.her reporting as a area pass its doors, is to be preserved Holsinger and Charles Truders, They service to area historians. in much of its original condition, It is are pianning to use the old home as a the almost-one-hundred-year-old resl- ecntlnued on page-6 While the frontal appearance of the Chase home was left unchanged, Lyn and Jim Barrie gained needed rcom boy adding on at the east rear. Mr. Barrie used a novel touch in shingling the new chimney. 4 July 24, 1975 TED GARRETT & ASSOCIATES 432-3546 /" OWNER WANTS FAST SALE 3 bClr ranch, formal dining and living rooms, woodhurning fireplace, family room, screened porch. Ted Garrett, Jr. 631·6927. VALUE PACKED RANCH WESTWOOD Owner financing available on this 2 bdrm., 1 ~ bath home, cenlral air, Only 5 minutes to the Plaza from this sharp 3 bdrm home. Newly decorated paneled family room, large fenced yard. Greg Garrett 4~2-8693. thruout. Fireplace, central air, shag carpet. $24,750. Ron Field 262-0780. s a Ir-s promotion offic e while Sarah Arnie' Chase Watson. Thoy are other Quakers, their destination tho construction is in progress. Eventually Helen Watson Eppler, Overland Park, Quaker Mission." it will bo placed on the market and and Robert Watson ofEdgerton, There Work AI Uw Mission onco again become' a homo, to stand is one gr~at·granddaughter. throe "He stayed some .timo at tho perhaps for another hundred years. groat-grandsons, and onr- grr-at-groat­ Misslon., whore hr- taught tho Indian The prescrvalion of the old mansion grandson. boys agriculture. H~ used to toll brings back many fond momorlos of "Elijah Cornell Chase was born In Intorcstmg tales of what happened tales related about the old Quak~r 1837 into a Quak~r family in there. It seems the Indian boys Were Mission which occupied 320 acres of Providence, RJ. His father was not overly fond of working. So, to the area's best land. The Mission Thomas Chase. His mother. was a reward them for a hard day in the buildings W0r~ located at what is now sister of Ezra Cornell. who later fields, he used to take them for a swim 6]st and Hemlock Streets. It was to founded Cornell University. in Turkey Creek, not far from tho Mission that in the late ]850's caine "As a young man, Grandfather was Mission." Elijah Cornell Chase. to teach sent by his Uncle Ezra to try to locatra Elijah Chase 10ft a revealing agriculture to tho Indian boys of the suitable place in Kansas for a account of OTIC' day at th(' Mission. school. university. He came to tho aroa in JR59, "Tho boys and girls," he wrote, Some of his descendants are still settling in -Walnut Grove (location seldom quarreled. The teacher never living in the area close by. Ono of these unknown). AU his provisions he punished anyone. But, when a boyar is a granddaughter of Elijah Cornell carried in his wagon. However, when girl would not mind in the schoolroom. Chase. Allene Chase Bell (Mrs..James neighbors began to borrow from him. he was sent in to me, and] set him to Glenn Bell). 10218 West 69th Street. he pulled up stakes and loft. H~ started work, and kept him there till he was Very close to her heart is the memory back east and got as far as Oskaloosa, ready to go back to school and behave _. of life in that old home. This is her own Iowa. While there he stopped at a himself. 'ccount of those who lived there. Quaker colony. Among those ho met "I remember one morning I had the -~ -f" "In tho 31'p3 around here are four was a young iady, Abigail Ellis. That boys working ln the garden. Peter grandchildren ofElijah Cornell Chase, put an end to his return back home, for Blackhoof sat sullenly on the fence. builder of the house. Two of them, John later the two were married. Their Whcn I handed him thi> hoe, he refused E. Chase and Allene Chase Bell. arc oldest son. Thomas, was born there.In to work. We made one round without the children of a son.Jesse Albert Bell. ]86] he decided to take his wife and son him, and my request was repeated. Two others are children of a daughter. to Kansas. He came with a group of cont~nue~ en page '4 6 July 24,1975 - 7fT' = refusing to fight (Quakers did not believe in war), he spent most of the time in jail in Olathe. "On the day of the Battle of Westport, the cannons could be heard boornlnz and the reverberations rattled j1....f>~-·}_ dishes on the shelves in the cabin: J 10100 Santa Fe Drive was a sad period of Kansas history, the Border Warfare, which left no farm or Mark I Bldg., Suite 101 family free of its terrors.
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