A Newspaper Devoted To lhe Community Interest Complete News Picture* Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week Voi, XXXVIII-NO. 14 , (fartmt CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 7f), TnM nifrM •< !nrt rim Mill PRICE TEN CENTS Board of Education Sets Public Hearing By 0 on School Expansion i;(,- is jiPtting more com- Tux Payments for i 959 jPll.1)11C /,trd every day. Any l.l,,:st will tell you that , tnnd old days" are gone, Hold Up Well, Comba Says iT O G C t ,,niM- At nearly every ,..,,,-you find a traffic light CARTERFT Tax oollof-tlonsjtion. the Ian office collected J ,\ nearly everyone is try- for 1P5S RIT holding up well and*40-62"01 ln back taxes cover- in brat you to the corner. wramb fltthr end of the first j!"" thf vear5 from 1951 to • • • 1 Details -.ix months nf this your nrej wise, tax collec- i:;r ;nod things in life are pretty close to those for the uons for the six months CARTERET — Another pub* .-,,; taken away from you. period of 1958. according meeting to discuss the prO"* ,„- i he running board of a amounted to 40.60, but this to Tnx Collector Alexander figure will be upped when the ised school expansion program i: When the autd makers Onmha. next Installment due August 1 111 be held by the Board ot ,,,,K,.d off the running Of the total 1959 levy amount- Is paid. ducatlon July 22 at S P.M. In ,,-d from your car,' they he High School Auditorium. U,J « hrRIK.TURK: Officials nf the United Roosevelt Savings and l,oan Association are pirturod above nt tl.e official ing to $2,709,881.62, taxpayers "Tax payments are running „.* off one of the moat rpm nlM h ld Mo rtl mornl h so far paid the sum of $1,200,- about the same as last year," In preparation for the meet* .:.irtable and useful items M...-I, " ? . ' " " »K •» ' <- sit* of thi- new $125,000 building which is next to the present offices. From left („ ;: m.uncf ftpewait and Samuel ( hociosh. directors; Sumner Moore, president: Daniel Ogden, chairman of the. board- (ii-orgc (Miamra 101.02 as of June 30. In addl- Mr. Comba added. ig, Stephen Skiba, board prtsU i ' •,i,ir well being. lent said, a conference will be : manager; I,oul» Vonah, vice-president; Emil E. Mudrak, »eeretary-manaKcr, and Frank Brown, director. Missing from the photo are Elmer K. Brown • * * »nd Emil Stremlajl, counsel; Aaron Rabinowitz, vice-president. wld next Tuesday by the board , ; .us not so many years th Murray Lelbowlti, archi* ;, \-.;en you could turn off Heavy Customs Duty Set Several clashes marked the . ,1,1(1 after getting tired 1 : ,' viiiR and Just sit on Contests Listed Youngsters -- They Thrive on Trouble St. Demetrius' egular meeting of the board . lid running board, On Parcels to Hungary ednesday night. Charge "Politics" -,:.. n on a s&ndwkh if you Most Kids Escape Unscathed, But This is More Than Can Be Said At Playgrounds Sunday School CARTERET Postmaster 10 per cent and on other items Thomas Deverin, board mem- ,n: nr along. You could re- for Frazzled Nerves of Parents .ester Sabo suggested today rates ranging up to 70 per cent xr, charged John Kolibas and „ quietly and dream about hat borough residents desiring of the value as determined by Joseph Lamb with "polltlcing." „ ,.,me and the kids. For Summer CARTERET—At a moment's tentatively wriggled through a pipe, for instance, is just the Holds Exercises o mall packages to Hungary the customs authorities of Hun- The latter had pledged to takt • * • CARTKRET _ Joseph Com- notice and_ with practically no grating; miraculously grows too right circumference to invite a ihould first consult the Post gary. politics out of schools when effort, any'of Carteret's young- CARTERET — The St. De- Hut running board came has announced the following large to be withdrawn. probing arm. 3ff|ce here. New yearly quotas have also hey ran at the last election. sters under 5 years of age can A deceitful lock, generally at- metrius Sunday School held its ,.,:idv for many things. contests at the various play- Most hair-raising among the Hungarian authorities have been established for the con- Deverin questioned If Kolibai drive the parents into hysterics tached to a bathroom door, ob- closing exercises in the Com-jiven notice that the exemption tents of gift parcels. If those moiu them wai the tool grounds for the 8ummer as kids who thrive on trouble are ind Lamb were "sincere" in jand provide Intricate problems stinately refuses to open from munity Center with a breakfast 'rom customs duty granted on quotas are exceeded, the Hun- m All you had to do It open follows: those intrepid souls who crave heir "no politics" claims. Said I for borough police to solve bythe Inside for the youngster adventure. And it is up to police served by the PTA, Sunday. sed clothing and prescribed hr wx and all the tool* were Week of July 13. Grant Ave- garian authorities may charge Jeverln: a combination of plumbing, who so easily locked It. to straighten things out. Mrs. Michael Huzar and Mrsmedicine. s in gift parcels will be duty at penalty rates, return hrp Now you have to look nue Monrt.iv 1 F.\r doughnut carpentry or locksmlthing. "There has been more politics The "tester" class of young- In justice to the kids, too, John Gorechlad were co-chair- terminated, effective with par- the parcels to origin, or con- on this board in the last four il iner — the front seat, eating; Washington School, Reports at Police Headquar- sters accounts for a large num- men els postmarked July 16, 1959.fiscate the contents for sale in Monday, 2 P.M. bubble gum despite the' complications in - months than in the history of ,iu seat or the trunk for ters show that some small ex- ber of dally complications. This which they are involved, an Duty on used clothing sent lieu of duty. contest; West Carteret, Mon- Father John Hundiak intro- the school system " ploratory arm got stuck tn the consists of kids to whom any amazingly large number emerge to individualidil s will be at the day, 3 P.M, watermelon eating: duced the guest speaker, Mrs The Carteret Post Office ha A motion by Mr. Kolibas to challenging opening of a metal kind of opening is an immediate unscathed, which is more than Catherine Mortsea who spoke ate of 60 per cent, on tables of annual quotas for all mploy Morris Brown, Perth. U. S. Metals, Tuesday, 1 P.M., pipe. challenge to be answered with can be said for the frazzled scribed medicines at the rate of items. * fellow could drive near balloon blowing; Parkview, on living the life of«a Christian mboy, as attorney to help the An adventurous foot haslfInner,"armViegTpire'hydrant nerves of their parents. • favorite fishing hole or Tuesday. 2 P.M, pie eating;) Prizes were awarded to the }oard with its school expansion «::r\im. «t on the running Shorecrest, Tuesday, 3 P.M.J following children for their out- program, seconded by Mr. Lamb board and rig up all his costume parade; Park, Wednes- standing knowledge: Rose Marie was voted down by 7 to 2. HU June Weddings Nearly Symchlk, Richard Phillips, Vacation Bible Merit System ti'klc HP did not need to day, 1 P.M., doll contest for isTakin salary would be 15,000. St. Elias Feast Mary Carol, Wmbleuskl, and All other members of the: m :iun trouble In bringing girls, basketball throwing for Double Those in 1958 Raymond Zazworsky were pre board opposed the nomination. «i'i:ic a folding chair. boys; St. Joseph's, Wednesday. CARTERET — A large up- School Slates For Police to sented with a check by the PTA; Deverin reminded Kolibas and 2 P.M., doughnut eating. Stevens Course swinr trend in the marrlaie Set for July 19 Victor Lisnycz], Donald Harrow Lamb of their promises to save Week of July JO: Grant Ave CARTERET—Charles Riedel, rate Is reported by Mm. Ann :'-..:<• WAI coHnw stout S Picture on Page 21 Kathleen Melnlck ,»nd Sunday Program Be Inaugurated the taxpayers' money. He »W ••!.; mi » runnini board Monday 1 P.M, bubble 22 whlttler Street, Is one of BO Qrcgor, registrar of vital nue, CARTER1# ~*. IJie annual Karmonocky will receive: 'CARTERET — The Carteret a number of attorneys should ••:: H friend, tmokthg, or gum contest; Washington high school teachert of mathe-i statistics. CARTERET — A merit sy Feast of at, Efias will be held week's stay at the U.W.T. Re- Baptist Church Vacation Bible be interviewed to ascertain ,:;:::,.' a drink, which had School, Monday 2 P.M., water- matics and science who is tak- Carteret recorded almost tern is to be Inaugurated fi Sunday, July 19, beginning sort Camp in Glen Spey, New School will hold its closing ex- whether a qualified one could melon eating; West Carteret; ing a six-week summer pro-! twice as many marrlaget last members of the Carteret Polli ,,•:.:.•:,, a feeling all Its rith a low Mass in the church York from the PTA; Justin ercises next Sunday night at be obtained nt a lower fee. Monday, S P.M., balloon blow- gram at Stevens Institute of month as for the month of Department. vi d.stinct from porch alt- it 7:30 A.M. The affair forl Baumgarter of Avenel and Johr 6:30 o'clock. More than 100 Stephen Skiba. president of ing; U, S.
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