H •‘R-Ttv PAGE TWENTY-POUR WEDNESDAY, DEGEOIBEB 24^ 19W / lEttmbtg if^rald Avsnce Daily Net Prese Ron Student Doing The Weather Herald Cookbook Delayed 31^ U B Mixture o t snow, sleet, frees On Site Study PLAZA DEPT. STORE tag rain-ending by evening and The Herald’s traditional Christmas present to its Naaey BoOuto o t B Gerard becoming windy, cold with par­ S t ia one of 3S atudenta at Earl- (We Have A NoOea Ta Please) . 15,880 iManrljwtFr iEitpittim Hrraliii tial clearing later tonight U m OPEN TONITE subscribein, the cookbook—"Prom Your Neiflrhbor’s ham CtoUege in Ridunond, Ind. E. m m itJE IPKE. (Next te Papolar MU.) in teens. Ttammoew fidr, cold. Kitchen”—will be delivered a little late this year. dioaen to partlctpote in a win­ CUy of VWmto Chmnst Difficulties in printing: and bindinsr have ddayed ter term, off-campus atndy pro­ Piaza WM wb All Hi Friaais ami gram in New Tock City. YOU. LXXXIX, NO. 73 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. D EC EM B ^ 26, 1969 PRICE TEN CENTS this year’s edition and it will not be delivered until lUaa Sodano, a sophomore, the week of Jan. 6. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NalshbotB A Marry Ghriftaiaf aai To 11 m . W.H. Sodano. In New Totk, die TOYS — SLEDS SKIS The cookbook, which has been fidven to Herald A HaMiy Haw Yaar subscritei*s for the last ten years, is a cdlection of will attend a number of TOBOGGANS — HGtlBE SKATES the recipes that appeared in the weekly "Fr«n Your dramatic, art and musical LB J Always Storm Qoses BICYCLES — TRICYCLES Neisrhbor’e Kitchen” column during the year. presentaUons as part of the edu­ HOCKEY GAMES cational iwogram. .Bradley Field Herald co-publishers Th(»nas F. and Walter R. Nie program begins on Jan. Felt Job Too 3. WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. Winter’s Treacherous Side Slop Ovor And Lot Us Soy Ferguson and their families wish you a happy holi­ MERRY CHRISTMAS day season and offer the hope that the jo3rful peace (AP) — Ihtable to .keep up of Christmas may remain with us all thirough the Big’ For Him with a heavy snowfall and MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO. coming year. Rinas Joining growing snow drifts, offiosls 169 N . Main Si. at Moin'St. n e w YORK (AP) — Lyndon of BratSey mternational Air­ liOiiiiK photo Central State B. Johnson says be had no doubt port closed the aliCeM at 8 643-7111 — Mostnr Chorg* Plan Robert Rinas, tor seven years that he could have been re-elect­ a.m. today. Engaged ed If he ran for preaident far 1068 Leaves State, Nation Reeling Vernon senior department bead of the About _ 1,000 peraone Imd automotive shop at Howell Che­ but that he felt Ua Inability to Jammed'the air tenntaal — The engagement o t Mias Don­ unite the country would ulti­ ney Technical School, has been etiher waiting for flights that Winter’s treacherons na Lawrence of Mancheater to Property Owned by Town anointed to the faculty o t Cen­ mately prevent him from od- were poS^xxted or unable to Gary Lundberg of West Hart­ tral Connecticut State College, miitistertag the office to his sa- leave after (heir arrivals be­ side, coming in forms rang­ ford has been announced by her new instructors in vocational- tistactian. fore 8 a.m. ing from near-blixzard con­ pai«nta, Mr. and Mrs. George Valued at $11,477,384 technical sclKxria. In a CBS-TV interview with "We’ve had ten inches of ditions to • mixture of Lawrence of 87 Blue Rfdge Dr. He will teach and supervise Walter Cronkite taped last Sep­ snow and 86 mile per hour freeiing rain and snow, hit Her fiance la the aon of Mr. The property owned by the were: $28,000 tor construction Prior to his service at Cheney tember and scheduled for broad­ winds, and our plows cant Connecticut today. and Mrs. Arthur Lundberg of town, which indudes buildings work on St. Bernard’s Ter.; Tech, he was department head cast-tomorrow night, Johnson keep up with ft,” cm airport West Hartford. Snow accumulation from tha and land, is valued at |li,477,- $17,300 for the demoUUMi of the at the H. H. Ellis ’Technical discusses his decision not to run spMcesmon said. “’Ihe weath­ season’s worst storm so (ar . Mias Lawrence, a graduate of er burecui tMle us ft will keep 384, according to the audit re­ Henry Building, and $25,000 for School In Danielson. again In 1068 end calls his wife. waa expectad to be hatws t Manchester H'gh School, attends the addition to the Tklcottvllle A resident of New Britain, Lady Bird, "one of the wisest snowing until aboilt 4 p.m..-^ one-half toot near the coast, Ftarayth School for Dental Hy­ port just filed by Lutz and 2 School. Rinas received hls BS and MS and certainly the most trusted and then we might get sleet where high tides were also Keller. gienists in Boston. Mr. Lund­ Receipts taken in at the of­ In vocational-industrial educa­ counselors I’ve had." She did and freesing rain. I guess torecast, to a toot tn taterior berg, a graduate of Ccnard The wmounlt Is baked on fice of the town clerk were tion at OCSC, and Is pursuing a not want him to be a candidate we’re closed indefinitely," he areas. High Schott In West Hartford figures given by the assessor’s higher than the previous year, sixth year of study in this field last year, he said. added. Arriving the day after Christ­ and tile Uatverslty of Hartford, offtce and includes $10,622,664 ’Ihe dosing come at al­ mas, Um storm was a mtxad totaling $62,601 as compared to at the University of Connecticut. He also relates tiiat after he la employed in the underwriting in buildings and $964,820 in land. $60,679. ’Ihe increase was at­ most the same time as the blessing: It extended tha holi­ department of Pactory Insur­ The buildings listed were: announced his decision not to diutdown of Kennedy Ihter- tributed to It being the first fiill run again Sen. Robert F. Kenne­ day vacation to tlva days for ance Co. in Hcutford. He has Administration building, $86,- year the conveyance tax was In national Airport In New Yorit many and cama when schools recenffly returned from active 200; Memorial Building, $280,- force. dy visited him tor a “very City, which often divuts and post offices were eloasd. duty with the U.S. Army Re­ 700 ; 8<hools, $0,130,040; parks, ftteodly oonveraation" and told fligMs to Bradley in bad But air ssrvlce was halted and A sharp decrease of $10,487 1 him, "You’re a very courageous serves. $428,000; sewage treatment weather. tha mass of holiday staaon was noted in receipts at the of­ and very dedicated man." The wedding Is planned for plant, $844,800; firdwuse, $168,- fice of the building inspector. "The terminal is Jammed travalars hsd to x«ly 6 Hm's the summer of 1971, 660; garages $40,600, and Ver­ Police department receipts Johnson said he never wanted wUh people, I guess tbeyTl on tieaohsroui driving or tern non Haven, police biMlding and were also down to $0,888 from to be preaideiit of the United ive to wait it out," the alr^ to delayed puMIc ground eeir- Pleats accept this old-faihioned Vernon Center Kindergarten, $11,187. the prevtous year. This Steie States and would have left* ^ I>ort spokesman said. lee. with for a cheery, wonderful About Town $171,230. was attributed by the auditon 1064 Democratic nomination Numeroue buslneesea re­ open tor the best man—“I as- Bridgeport Airport was holiday teaton . along Other town property and its to a decrease in oollectlona'froin open "but we haven’t had mained cloaed today when faoed Muned it would be Bobby Ken­ with a warm "thank you." Manchester Barracks, World value: Ecker Farm, $20,680; parking tickets. fills ysttr any flights yet," a spokes- with (he problem of abeentea- War I Veterans, and its Auxil­ other land, $60,200; Industrial In Vietnam nedy or Hubert Humidurey"— ntan said. The idows were Ism and delays ceused by iary will have a Christmas par­ Park, $78,900, and Valley Palls Marine Opt. Robert O. Yetx, except that Lady Bird persuad­ travel proMema. sUsss ed him to run. attempting to keep the ty and luncheon Sunday at 2 Road land, $16,024. son of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam E. Brldg^xxt runways open de­ PhlUp Heerea, the sUle'n hank­ p.m. at the VFW Post Home. During the year the appro­ In 1968 he stepped out of the spite a dtange from snow to ing commlsMooer, ordored CARTER CHEVROLET CO.. INC. Yetz Sr., 81 Charter Rd., Rock­ office because Mrs. Johnson 1300 ICAIN S m B E T MANCKEarTER Members are reminded to bring priations, as approved at the ville, was proniotod to Ms pres­ w M hts sf freesing rain as the coastal banks to stay cloaed today tst- hot food dishes and grab bag annual town meeting, included ent rank while serving with the urged him to, he said, and be­ storm moved nearer at mld- der a new enabling law that gifts. $4,881,824 for the Board of Edu­ cause “I was convinced that moming. placea that power tn Ms hands Firsrt litorlne Aircraft Wing In there were forces in my own cation and $2,639,203 for general Vietnam.
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