ISSN: 0889-6194 Vol 10 No. 2 &3 Computer Use in Social Services Network Summer/Fall 1990 Networking: The Linking of People, Resources and Ideas Table of Contents About the Network .................................................................... 1 Services Available .................................................................... 2 CUSSNet Nodes ...................................................................... 3 CUSSN Disk Copy Service-latest disks .................................................. 4 COMPSYCH Mental Health Software Directory .........•..............•••.......•..•••.. 6 Counseling ................................................................................. 7 Clinical other) . ............. 12 Clinical diagnostic) . ............. 18 Testing other) ............................................................................ 22 Testing vocational) .......................... · .............................................. 24 Testing intelligence) . .......... ,. ........................ 25 Testing personality) .............................................. , ........................ 29 Social ..................................................................................... 35 Research Methods .......................................................................... 37 Statistics (computational) ............................ , . ... : ............................. 42 Statistics tutorials) ................................. ·~ ..................................... 48 Industrial organizational .................................................................... 51 Learning .............................. ,.................................................... 52 Cognition ......................... , . ...................................... 54 Sensation/perception ..................... , ................................................. 56 Physiological . .. .......................................... 58 General ................... _ .............................................................. 59 Developmental ........................................................................... 62 About the Network Computer Use in Social Sel'.VicesNetwork (CUSSN) is a The Electronic Network (CUSSnet) establishes local bul­ nonprofit association of professionals interested in exchang­ letin boards, national and local mail and file transfer, ing information and experiences on using computers in the downloading of public domain software, and access to sev­ human services.faiembers participate in the Network by: eral databases on human service computing. CUSSnet builds • Sending materials for the CUSSN Newsletter, such as: on FIDONET, about 6000 microcomputer-based local bul­ needs, mterests, hardware/software use, activities, re­ letin boards across the U.S. and in 9 continents. Contact your sources, ideas, experiences, computer applications, local com_puter store for a list of local FIDO/OPUS nodes. and events. Send either in printed or MSDOS format Commurucations are at 300-2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit • Distributing Newsletters at workshops and confer­ and no parity. Almost any computer or terminal and modem ences. (I will send newsletters to distribute or place on will work. Usually no fee is required. a resource table.) The Skills Bank allows members to locate/share specific • Holding local CUSSN meetings. CUSSN meetings in knowledge, skills & experiences. Contact Gunther Geiss, California, Baltimore and Israel have been successful. Adelphi U ., School of Social Work, Garden City, NY 11530. Network Dues: $15 individuals, $25 institutions (payable The Software Clearinghouse offers a computerized in­ in U.S. Funds). Contact Dick Schoech, Associate Professor, ventory of human service software. School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Arlington, Box 19129,Arlington, TX 76019. Special Interest and Area Groups are subgroups where networking is occurring. The Newsletter is published approximately 4 times a year and is sent free to all network members. A single issue is • Educators SIG, c/o Wallace Gingerich, School of So­ approximately 20 pages, a double issue is approximately 40 cial Welfare, U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, pages. Back issues are $5 each. WI 53201. The Disk Copy Service makes human services demos and • Hospital Social Services SIG, c/o Mike King, Director shareware available to members for a small processing fee. of Social Wk & Discharge Planning, St. Francis Hos­ Write for free listing of software and see inside this newslet­ pital, 100 Port Washington Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576. ter for newest disks. See also country contacts listed on the back cover. 2 Services Available Vendor/Consultant Contact Person Services California Planet Pre~ Anne Breuer Consultants and developers for schools, group homes, P.O. Box 3477 (714) 650-5135 residential facilities, and human service providers. Spe­ Newport Beach, CA 92663-3418 cialist software for Quality Assurance, Case Manage­ ment, Behavior Management and Human Rights Docu­ mentation, Consent Decree Litigation Review, Adaptive ~ehavior assessments, School Psychologist Report Writ­ mg. Florida Community Service Council of Carole L. Dowds A full range of consulting and technical support in the Broward County, Inc. CIE automation of Social ancfHuman Services. Systems in­ 1300 South Andrews Avenue Progrnmmer/Coordinator clude Agency Inventory/Directory Production, Informa­ P.O. Box 221377 (30:>J524-8371 tion & ""Referral, Client Case Management, Mental Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335 Health Client Tracking. Personal computer and mini­ computer versions available. Indiana Master Software Corp. J.B . Love, Fund-Master development software features 8604 AllisonvilleRd., Suite 309, Vice President of Sales donor/prospect tracking, online inquiry to demograP.hic Indianapolis,IN 46250 (317) 842-7020 and/fedge/gift records, account selection capabiliry, wor processing interface, labels, campaign analys1s1 pledge processing, and more. Fund-Master runs on IBM PC's & compatibles, Data General Desktop and MV series. Single-and multi-user versions are available. New Hampshire ECHO Consulting Services,Inc., Loren Davis Director of Complete Human Service Software Systems including Box540 Marketing (603) 447-5453 cli_e!}tinformation and tracking, accounting, and fund Center Conway,NH 03813 (800) 635"-8209 ra1smg. New York King Associates,LID. Michael A King, D.S.W. Producers of AMIS - flexible off-the-shelf software for 215 Shoreward Drive (516) 487-599) hospital social work and discharge planning departments. Great Neck, NY 11021 Consultation on using s_preadslieet and word processing programs. are also avaifable. Wisconsin In-House Information Systems, Kim House, President MIS consultants to local governments and public service Incorporated. 1540 Blaine (414) 637-2093 a_gencies. Informa~ion syst(?mSqesign fr9m initial defini­ Racine, WI 53140 tion to programmmg specifications to rmplementation. Hardware and software purchasing recommendations, training, system documentation ancfMIS budgeting. In­ dependent of hardware and software vendors Toronto, Canada Human Services Jim Armstrong, Ph.D., Developers of specialized information management sys­ Informatics Ltd. (HSI) President tems which enable human service agencies to manage 600 The East Mall, 2nd F1oor John MacNeil, M.S.W., caseloads service transactions, human and fmancial re­ Toronto, Ontario M9B 4Bl V.P. & Sales/Marketing sources. This integrated software package has a unique Canada (416) 622-8890 query ability and permits users to ensure quality care and contain cost~Jn a constant basis. Requirements: IBM or compatible ~286, Xtrieve. Compatible with SYST AT and SPSS for more sophisticated statistical data analysis. Service Listing Announcements: Interested vendors/consultants should send payment along with their description. Rates are as follows: Under 15 words, $11!'per year . Under 30 words, $28 per year. Under 45 words, $10 per issue or S34 per year. Under 60 words, 12 per issue or $40 per year Space Advertisements: Advertising space is available in the CUSS Newsletter at the following rates: one eighth page !Done lssue = $15 one half page in on~ issue.= $45 one full page i~ one i~ue = $75 one fourth ~ge m one issue = $25 three fourtlis page m one issue = $60 two full pages m one issue = $120 Advertisers must furnish a copy ready ad. If the ad will be run for four issues, a 25% reduction in cost is granted . Mailing labels: Mailing labels are available at the cost of 10 cents per label CUSSN Newsletter, Summer/Fall 1990 3 CUSSNet-CUSSN's Electronic Network Overview The electronic component of the Computer Use in Social Services Network (CUSSNet) establishes local bulletin boards, local and international mail and file transfer, conferencing, and repositories of electronically available information. CUSSNet builds on a 6000 + local bulletin boards (FIDO, OPUS, etc.) around the world which automatically exchange information. Usually no fees are charged except for long distance mail. If a BBS carrying the CUSS Net conference (echo) exists in your city, dial it up and follow the directions. Before calling long distance to a node, you may want to learn to use a BBS by calling a free local node. To locate a local FIDO or OPUS BBS, ask your local microcomputer dealer. You can use a local node to send mail and pick up whatever CUSSNet information your local BBS operator will get for you. Communications are at 300-2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Almost any computer or terminal and modem
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