Africa Policy Journal A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication Spring 2020 Staff Brice Ngameni is the editor-in-chief and was part of a team of advocates of the Africa Policy Journal. Brice is a who litigated on public interest issues Cameroonian citizen who immigrated touching on the bill of rights, inter- to the United States to further his pretation of statutes, and the enforce- studies. He graduated from American ment of constitutional provisions. She University in 2012 with a bachelor of is also a certified professional medi- science in business administration. He ator. She plans to focus her studies then went to work for Citigroup for a in administrative law & public policy, total of six years, during which he rose constitutional and human rights law, to the position of assistant-vice pres- international law, foreign compara- ident within Citi’s Export and Agency tive law, and jurisprudence and legal Finance division. In that capacity, Brice theory. She has always been interested helped several African governments in addressing issues on policy devel- and corporate clients of Citigroup raise opment in Africa, politics, governance funding for important infrastructure and society in general in both Kenya or capital expenditure programs. Brice and other African countries. is passionate about the development of energy infrastructure in Africa and Guy Adam is the co-managing edi- its nexus with sustained and inclusive tor of Africa Policy Journal. He was born economic growth across the continent. in Darfur, located in the western part In his spare time, Brice enjoys watch- of Sudan. He was forced to leave his ing soccer, reading classic African country after the war broke out and novels, and playing basketball. Brice ended up in Israel, where he attended also enjoys mentoring teenagers from college and eventually made his way disfavored economic backgrounds. He to the United States. He studied at the served as a mentor for Catholic Big College of County in Chicago, majoring Sisters and Big Brothers. in political science and international law. In August of 2017, he arrived Hanan Hassan El-Kathiri is the at Harvard University and remains co-managing editor and a master focused in international human rights of law candidate at the Harvard Law and criminal law. He quickly joined School (2020). She holds a bachelor Africa Policy Journal, where he met of laws degree from the University of some amazing people. Guy is heavily Nairobi, Kenya, a diploma from the involved in on-campus activities and Kenya School of Law, and is an advo- is currently co-managing the Africa cate of the High Court of Kenya hav- Policy Journal, drawing people’s atten- ing been admitted to the bar in 2016. tion to issues of the continent. Before joining Harvard Law School, Hanan actively practiced constitu- Ameze “Mez” Belo-Osagie is the tional, commercial, civil, and crim- senior interview editor and a first- inal litigation. She has been engaged year student in a JD/PhD program in a number of high-profile consti- split between Harvard Law School and tutional litigation matters in Kenya Stanford’s Department of Political 4 Africa Policy Journal Science. Mez was born in Boston to issues around economic transformation Nigerian and Ghanaian parents, and and its implications for social justice, grew up between Lagos, London, public sector reform, and the resur- and Accra. She graduated cum laude gence of national development plan- from Yale with a dual distinction in ning in Africa. Awab holds a bachelor’s political science and African stud- of science degree in electrical engineer- ies. Later, she completed her National ing from University of Khartoum, and Youth Service in Nigeria, working for a master’s of science degree in African J.C Wylie Strategies & Solutions, a development from LSE. security-focused think tank, and vol- unteering at the Legal Defense and Dawit Gessese is the senior partner- Assistance Project. In her free time, ships editor and a joint degree JD/ she enjoys African literature and MBA candidate at Harvard Law School pop-social science podcasts. and Harvard Business School. Before starting graduate school, Dawit was Michael Gwala is the communications a private equity investor at Advent editor. He is a master of laws student at International based in Boston. He has Harvard Law School. He is an advocate also worked in investment banking at and a member of the Johannesburg Bar Lazard in New York and spent time in South Africa, where he hails from. working in growth equity investing Michael is a former clerk to Justice in Southern Africa. Dawit was born in Edwin Cameron at the Constitutional Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to par- Court of South Africa. Prior to convert- ents from Ethiopia and holds a bach- ing and becoming an advocate, he was elor’s degree from the University of an attorney and a transactional lawyer Pennsylvania. for a number of years. As a transac- tional lawyer, he was made a part- Shaan Mavani is an interview edi- ner at one of the leading law firms in tor and a mid-career master of pub- South Africa at the tender age of 24. lic administration candidate at the He also spent a year working in the Harvard Kennedy School. Shaan has M&A department at Skadden Arps broad experience across the public, Slate Meagher & Flom in New York— private, and international develop- during which time he was admitted as ment sectors, most recently serving as an attorney and counselor-at-law in senior director and senior advisor to the State of New York. the CEO at the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency in Addis Ababa. Awab Elmesbah is the online editor of Before this, he worked with the Boston Africa Policy Journal and master of pub- Consulting Group and the Royal Bank lic policy student at Harvard Kennedy of Scotland Group. He has a master’s School. Before that, Awab worked as a degree focused on peacebuilding and TV associate producer for a Sudanese development in Africa, and an under- media production company and as pol- graduate degree in mathematics. icy and research coordinator for Center for Development and Public Policy in Daniel Oyolu is an interview editor Khartoum. His areas of interest cover and a JD candidate at Harvard Law 5 School. Daniel was born in Toronto, Mediation Competition in Brazil and Ontario, to Nigerian parents and grew Vis International Arbitration Moot in up in Houston, Texas. He studied Hong Kong. He is currently an oralist Spanish at Bates College and studied on the Jessup International Law Team. abroad in Cuba, Spain, and Brazil. He He has work law firms in New York, worked as a program coordinator at Washington DC, and Paris. He has the Berkman Klein Center for Internet worked at High Commission of Canada & Society, a research center explor- to the UK, the Ministry of Trade of ing how the Internet is impacting and Nigeria, and an international NGO in changing the world. He also worked South Africa. Prior to Harvard, Jacob as a fellow on Ayanna Pressley’s his- earned his bachelor’s degree in politi- toric congressional campaign in 2018. cal science from McGill University and He loves traveling, new music sug- his master of science degree in global gestions, trying new restaurants, and governance & diplomacy from the learning languages. University of Oxford. Leah Coates is an interview edi- Hezekiah “Hez” Shobiye is the lead tor and an MBA candidate at Harvard publication editor with the Africa Policy Business School. Before starting grad- Journal. Hez is a public health profes- uate school, Leah was a consultant at sional who is passionate about increas- Bain & Company in Boston, Nigeria, ing access to quality and affordable and Ethiopia. She also worked in pri- healthcare for all. Prior to coming to vate equity investing at Emerging Harvard, he worked as an advisor to Capital Partners in Nairobi, Kenya, the Born Free Africa Foundation sup- and spent time at Actis in London sup- porting the Nigerian federal health porting fund strategy initiatives. Leah ministry’s plan to eliminate mother- was born in Colonial Beach, Virginia, to-child transmission of HIV, and most and holds a bachelor’s degree in recently worked with PharmAccess global development studies from the Foundation in the Netherlands to University of Virginia. explore provider-contracting strate- gies for a new State Health Insurance Jacob Omorodion is an interview edi- Scheme in Nigeria. His professional tor and a Nigerian-Canadian third- experience spans across several coun- year law student at Harvard Law tries including Nigeria, Switzerland, School. Along with being an interview the Philippines, and the United States. editor at APJ, Jacob is the president of In 2012, he co-founded Promenade the Harvard International Arbitration Youth Initiative, a nonprofit that has Law Students Association and a class empowered more than 2,500 Nigerian marshal of the Harvard Law School youth with skills for entrepreneurship, Class of 2020. At HLS, his main areas leadership and responsible citizenship. of focus have been public interna- In 2014, Hez won the Nigeria-America tional law, alternative dispute reso- Partnership Award for his passion and lution, and international arbitration. contribution to social change. He is an Jacob has competed for Harvard and alumnus of the Global Health Corps won awards at the CPR International and Carrington Youth Fellowships in 6 Africa Policy Journal the United States and Nigeria respec- currently pursuing her master of public tively. He earned his doctor of public policy degree at the Harvard Kennedy health degree from Boston University. School. Prior to HKS, Jenny worked for the United Nations Development Bulelani Jili is a publication edi- Programme in the Rwanda coun- tor and PhD student with the African try office, where she designed and and African American Studies and implemented programs that sup- Government departments.
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