Wednesday, July 15, 2020 www.the-papers.com Serving Kosciusko County and important parts of Noble & Marshall Countiesunties Know Your Neighbor . 2➤ Speak Out . 3 Good Neighbors . 4 Vol. 50, No. 3 Milford (574) 658-4111 • Warsaw (574) 269-2932 • Syracuse (574) 457-3666 114 W. Market, Warsaw, Indiana 46580 6(59,1* 3(33(5 ³ $- %XHOOHUSLWFKHUIRUWKH7LJHUVSUH SDUHVWRÀUHDSLWFKGXULQJD:DU VDZ/LWWOH/HDJXHJDPHDW%RJJV 3DUN Warsaw Little League: PROVIDING A NEEDED OUTLET AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME 7H[WE\5$<%$/2*+ life,” she said in explaining the highlighted the importance of 3KRWRVE\0,.('($. board’s decision to launch the playing this particular sum- 6WDII:ULWHUV season. “The kids and coaches mer. “As always Warsaw Little wanted to play.” League is thrilled to provide a In a historic first, Warsaw She said Warsaw Little great family environment to Little League started its sea- League, which plays its games watch or play some baseball son this year long before Major at the 22-acre Boggs Park, “has when it is needed the most.” League Baseball takes the field been around since 1952 with a Even when the league’s com- July 23. very strong presence in the com- mencement was still iffy, the Following the pandemic- munity. The purpose of Little parents responded with opti- sensitive rules of Little League League International is to pro- mistic enthusiasm. “We offered International and state and lo- vide all youth the opportunity to free refunds of the fees paid cal quarantine guidelines, the play baseball, regardless of skill with no penalty — and ended league, this year hosting “36 level. Warsaw Little League up with two net players,” Clay teams and just under 400 kids,” also works with the high school said. commenced play June 15, ac- baseball program to show what Though the opportunity to cording to Kristie Maiers, the would be expected at that level.” join the current season is closed, league’s safety coordinator and Warsaw High School baseball the league will launch its fifth liaison with the international coach Adam Augustine serves year of fall baseball Sept. 13. organization. on the Little League’s board and “We’ll play at least until Oct. 18 “The kids and parents needed integrates the two baseball pro- or go until Oct. 25 if the weather an outlet, some way to try to get grams. stays nice,” he said. Fall regis- back to a normal routine and Tony Clay, league president, tration started Monday, July 13, with a fee of $75 per player. “We will have a cap on fees for families with multiple children,” noted Maiers. /,.( )$7+(5 /,.( 621 ³ -DUHG 6KDZ FRDFK RI WKH$WKOHWLFV The summer league is open to WHDPLQWKH:DUVDZ/LWWOH/HDJXHLPSDUWVDELWRIH[SHUWDGYLFHWRKLV children 4-16 born between Sep- VRQ$QGUHZ tember 2003 and August 2016 and includes tee-ball, games dugouts are closed with players the high school’s Tiger Field. with pitching machines and lining the foul line fences 6 feet The camp, open to incoming traditional games in three age apart and all equipment — in- third through eighth graders, categories. cluding baseballs — are sani- will focus on hitting, fielding The fall league is a “more ca- tized each night of play. Players and base running. Sessions will sual, instructional league,” said may only give high fives with be conducted by the high school Clay. “We will make it avail- their mitts after the games. coaching staff. able for anyone who wants to The concession stand is open Anyone wishing to volunteer play. We are thrilled the com- but only prepackaged goods are or donate to the league — “we munity came and supported the sold. During this hot summer, have never turned down a vol- program. They definitely had a “we have tons of ice cream bars unteer or donor,” said Maiers thirst for it.” and plenty of drinks,” said Clay. — may call her at (269) 806- The league is taking exten- The league is also involved in 6399 or e-mail warsawlittlelea- *$0( )$&( ³ +DLGDQ &DVVLG\ZKR SOD\V IRU WKH 3LUDWHV LQ WKH sive precautions against the a three-day summer baseball [email protected]. :DUVDZ/LWWOH/HDJXHH[KLELWVERWKMR\DQGFRQFHQWUDWLRQGXULQJDOHDJXH COVID-19 infection. Team cool- camp, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday For more information, visit PDWFK ers and snacks are prohibited, through Thursday, Aug. 4-6, at www.warsawlittleleague.com. 2 www.the-papers.com — the PAPER — Wednesday, July 15, 2020 KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR Rite Choice Foods ™ The right food at the right price Senior Citizens Discount Every Tuesday Receive 5% Off (Excluding Tobacco & Alcohol) PRICES GOOD JULY 16-22, 2020 LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1991 BY GARY MILLER YOU NEVER KNOW THE DISCOUNTS DAVE HAS IN STORE…CHECK OUT HIS LIMITED ITEMS IN STORE FOR DEEPER DISCOUNTS THAN ADVERTISED NON GUARANTEE ON ITEMS LISTED IN THE AD %(6748$/,7< AT THIS TIME DUE TO COVID-19 ,7(06)25 WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE %(6735,&(6 THIS MAY CAUSE ~ ALL ITEMS ARE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ~ CHECK OUT 'LVFRXQW 'DYH« OUR NEW WKH'HDOHU)LQGHUWKWK LOWER PRICESS ON WATER SOFTENER SALTSTS $9,'3+272*5$3+(5³/DXUHQ.OXVPDQLVDZHGGLQJSKRWRJUDSKHUDQGDOVRXVHVDFDPHUDLQKHUUROH DVPDUNHWLQJDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQVPDQDJHUIRUWKH.RVFLXVNR&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH3KRWRE\7LP$VKOH\ LIKE AND FOLLOW US ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE MEAT Klusman captures wedding $ 89 SWISS CHEESE HORNS 2 LB. ¢ precious moments with camera DRUMSTICKS 99 LB. BONELESS SKINLESS $ 89 %\7,0$6+/(< two art credits to get a honors ing ribbon cutting ceremonies, CHICKEN BREASTS 1 LB. 6WDII:ULWHU diploma, so when I was a sopho- meetings and event planning. She ALLA FROZEN 80/20 $ 99 more, I decided to take a film class also finds ways to promote local HAMBURGERH 1 LB. You may have seen Lauren and I just loved it,” she said. businesses and allow them to tell produce Klusman, with camera in hand, at While still in high school, she their story. Her photography skills GREEN GIANT $ 99 a wedding looking to capture just began taking the senior photos of are utilized at ribbon cuttings and IDAHO POTATOES 10 LBS. 3 the right moment on a day that her friends and thus began the also taking photos of new chamber DOLE $ 19 should be one of the happiest a photography passion. Eventu- members and photography of an- ICEBERG LETTUCE 1 EA. person will ever experience. She ally she started her own wedding niversaries of current members. GREEN GIANT ¢ not only is a wedding photogra- photography business. “We tell businesses how the BABY PEELED CARROTS 1 LB. 99 pher but also uses her camera Photography became a way chamber can help them,” she ¢ extensively as part of her job as for her to overcome shyness. “It noted. GREEN PEPPERS 99 EA. marketing and communications gave me an easy way to meet new For an example, there is the RED, WHITE & YELLOW ¢ manager for the Kosciusko Cham- people,” Klusman said. To Go Kosciusko Facebook page ONIONS 99 LB. ber of Commerce in Warsaw. She noted she is willing to go created in response to COVID-19 A 2012 graduate of Warsaw about anywhere to photograph a with up-to-date information busi- FRESH $ 99 Community High School, the wedding and only a few weeks ago nesses can use as a resource. BLUEBERRIES 1 PINT 2 daughter of Roger and Cindy traveled to South Dakota to do so. Klusman is also involved in the GROCERY Klusman, Klusman grew up in “This past weekend (June 13-14) I chamber’s ambassador program WELCH’S WHITE AND PURPLE $ 49 Winona Lake and was actively shot my 99th wedding,” she said. and works with Young Adult GRAPE JUICE 64 OZ. 2 involved in 4-H showing pigs Those looking for a wedding Professionals, an organization ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY $ 69 and doing general projects for 10 photographer will often find her showing younger people what TWIN PACK KETCHUP 40 OZ. 2 years. She also played volleyball work on Instagram and there are Kosciusko County has to offer. HELLMAN’S $ 99 and soccer in high school and was also friend referrals too. “I like She hasn’t forgotten the impact MAYONNAISE 30 OZ. 2 inducted into the National Honor getting to be with people on the 4-H made on her life and now ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY CHEDDAR & SOUR CREAM $ 19 POTATO CHIPS 1 Society. happiest day of their life,” she serves on the board of directors In 2016, she graduated from said, noting most of the weddings for the Purdue Extension Office in ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY - CHOCOLATE CHIP ONLY ¢ Indiana Wesleyan University with she has photographed have been Kosciusko County. “Four-H taught GRANOLA BARS 8.4 OZ. 99 a double major in photography in the Midwest, including Indiana, me leadership, responsibility and ORGANIC WILD HARVEST $ 19 and graphic design. Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. meeting timelines,” she said. MACARONI & CHEESE 6 OZ. 1 Originally Klusman had Klusman began working for the In her free time, Klusman MAXWELL HOUSE - ALL VARIETIES $ 99 wanted to be a computer program- chamber in March 2017. “Every enjoys spending time with family. COFFEE 25.6 OZ. 5 mer, but taking a course in film day is different and I meet a lot of She also attends Warsaw Commu- DAVE’S CHOICE $ 99 while in high school proved to be new people,” she commented. nity Church. K-CUPS COFFEE 24 CT. 2 a turning point. “I had to take Her duties include organiz- She lives in Winona Lake. PLOCHMAN’S ¢ MUSTARD 19 OZ. 99 $ 99 BIRD SEED 10 LBS. 3 CAPRI SUN $ 49 POUCHES 60 OZ. 2 DAIRY Amie - Cuddle Room - Barbee - Female, Bear - Male, Itchey - Male, Missy - Female, Rosie Pupp - Female, Female, Domestic Short Domestic Short Hair, Domestic Short Hair, Domestic Short Hair, Domestic Short Hair, Domestic Short Hair, DUTCH FARMS $ 19 Hair, Adult7 Large Cat Adult6 Large Cat Adult6 Large Cat Adult6 Small Cat Adult7 Medium Cat Adult6 Small Cat CREAM CHEESE 8 OZ.
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