December 2, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1683 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMEMBERING DELORES ‘‘DEE’’ The progressive mission of DeGraff Memo- When asked how he was able to make it PIPINO rial places the community at the center. Each through the dangers and challenges of war, day, those employed by the hospital work to Mr. Cecil said, ‘‘I took it one day at a time, HON. TIM RYAN advance the health of the community and pro- and I did what I was supposed to do.’’ Today, OF OHIO vide exceptional quality services to those in he can still vividly recall his experience, and is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need, paired with a commitment to education often reminded of his involvements by gazing Tuesday, December 2, 2014 and research that is accessible to all. The val- at a portrait of a Japanese officer whom he ues of the hospital are accountability, patient- killed in combat. However, it was Mr. Cecil’s Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today centered, integrity, and excellence. discovery of a map in the officer’s pocket to remember and honor the life of Delores M. The hospital has received national recogni- which outlined many of the enemy’s artillery ‘‘Dee’’ Pipino, 83, who passed away on Octo- tion as a Nurses Improving Care for positions that earned him a battlefield pro- ber 17, 2014 surrounded by her loving family. Healthsystem Elders Hospital for their excel- motion from private to corporal. Mr. Cecil also Dee devoted her life to her family. Her chil- lence in providing sensitive and exemplary earned a Purple Heart due to the injuries he dren, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren care for those over 65 years of age. sustained during battle. were her favorite topic of conversation and Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me to Mr. Cecil’s bravery and that of his fellow were her greatest source of pride and joy. As recognize DeGraff Memorial Hospital as the men and women in uniform secured our free- a lifelong resident of Poland, Ohio, Dee was 2014 Business of the Year for the Chamber of doms for future generations. He is truly an an active part of her community as a longtime Commerce of the Tonawandas. I commend outstanding American, a protector of freedom, member of the Holy Family Parish and the hard work of those employed by the hos- and an inspiration to us all. Fonderlac Country Club. Aside from being pital and their dedication to the health of our f dedicated to her home and her family, she community. was an excellent cook and baker, a great sew- f TRIBUTE TO ADVERTISING ing and interior design student, all while re- INNOVATOR JOE PHILPORT, PH.D. maining an avid reader. Dee’s three year bat- HONORING THE SERVICE OF MR. tle with cancer was exhausting, but she faced JAMES T. CECIL HON. DAVID SCOTT it with a resilient courage and strength that will OF GEORGIA remain an inspiration to all who knew her. HON. ANDY BARR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Preceded in death by her loving parents and OF KENTUCKY husband, Donald; four sisters, Anne, Mary, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Clara, and Janet; and her brother, Anthony. Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, She will be deeply missed and her memory Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- today I rise to offer a tribute to a leader in ad- cherished by her children Mary, Chris, Sam, ognize an outstanding individual, Mr. James T. vertising research and innovation—Joe and Joe; grandchildren Eddie, Deloran and Cecil of Lexington, Kentucky, for his distin- Philport, Ph.D.—who plans to retire at the end Donielle, Candace and Donald, Sammy, Gray- guished military service during World War II. of this year. son; great-grandchildren Luca and Dane. Al- Mr. Cecil served our nation in uniform from I have a special appreciation for advertising, though no longer with us Dee’s loving memory August 26, 1942 to September 15, 1945. based on my professional background. After will be cherished by all who knew her. We At the age of 19 years old, Mr. Cecil was earning an MBA from Wharton, I started an miss her. one of 70 young men from Central Kentucky advertising business in Atlanta, Georgia, rep- f who voluntarily enlisted as a private in the Ma- resenting major corporations and other clients. RECOGNIZING DEGRAFF MEMO- rine Corps with what was known as the Lex- Therefore, I know the importance of ratings RIAL HOSPITAL AS THE 2014 ington Platoon. Today, Mr. Cecil is the only when buying and selling media for advertising. BUSINESS OF THE YEAR surviving member of the original Lexington All parties benefit from the availability of a Platoon. trusted currency to measure audience. HON. BRIAN HIGGINS During the United States’ campaign to Dr. Philport led the development of a mod- achieve victory over the Axis Powers, Mr. ernized method to measure audiences for out OF NEW YORK Cecil entered the war by joining some of the of home advertising. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bloodiest battles of the Pacific and continued In 2002, he became chief executive officer Tuesday, December 2, 2014 to fight until the Empire of Japan signed the of the Traffic Audit Bureau (TAB). In those Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Japanese Instrument of Surrender on board days, out of home media was measured by recognize DeGraff Memorial Hospital as the the USS Missouri on September 2, 1954. traffic counts, or how many people were likely 2014 Chamber of Commerce of the Tona- Mr. Cecil was a member of the first wave of to pass by a billboard or a bus shelter. wandas Business of the Year. This award is U.S. forces that stormed the islands of Saipan By early 2010, guided by Dr. Philport’s lead- especially relevant this year, as DeGraff Me- and Tarakan. He was delayed entering the ership, TAB introduced a new ratings system morial is celebrating 100 years of service and battles on the island of Okinawa for one day that measures audiences that actually see out care to Western New York. due to a Japanese kamikaze plane striking the of home ads. DeGraff Memorial Hospital is a Kaleida naval ship he was aboard and causing him The modernized TAB Out of Home Ratings Health Facility that has served the Tona- and his fellow service members to abandon provides detailed information about audiences, wandas and the Northtowns since 1914. A ship. Astonishingly, after floating in the shark including age, gender, and ethnicity. major employer in North Tonawanda, the hos- infested waters for about 45 minutes, Mr. Cecil This sort of information is important to those pital has 70 inpatient beds to provide nec- was rescued by a nearby U.S. naval vessel. buying media, the customers. Mr. Speaker, I essary services. On June 20, 1944, during fierce combat on have been a longtime billboard customer, so DeGraff’s versatility in health services is the islands of Saipan, Mr. Cecil received these types of improvements in audience known throughout the region. The hospital is shrapnel wounds throughout his body caused measurement are important to me personally. equipped to provide medical, surgical, and di- by an enemy’s exploding artillery ordinance. The ability to collect and analyze vast agnostic services to both inpatients and out- Because of a severe concussion that left him amounts of data offers benefits in the effi- patients. In addition, long term residential care unconscious, Mr. Cecil was believed by his ciency of communicating messages. We all is offered through a Skilled Nursing Facility, comrades to be dead. Miraculously, Mr. Cecil know the need to balance the use of data with and special rehabilitation units are available recovered and courageously returned to the respect for privacy. As a former advertising for patients that require extensive recovery battlefield, fighting until the Marines took con- executive and as a buyer of advertising, I ask through acute and subacute care. trol of the islands. my colleagues to join me in commending Dr. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Dec 03, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02DE8.001 E02DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2014 Joe Philport for his contributions to the adver- The Zonta Club of the Tonawandas was tive efforts on affordable housing. Rick is tising industry and to wish him well in formed on April 15th, 1931, by founding offi- keenly aware of the need for more affordable retirement. cers Mrs. Helen Annis, Miss Althea Wilson, housing in our nation and has said, ‘‘Some- f Miss Emma Barnard, Mrs. Lillian Dickson, times Congress gets the Tax Code right,’’ re- Mrs. Benjamin Rand. Their Charter Members ferring to the Affordable Housing Credit. He at- IN RECOGNITION OF MRS. PENNY were Pauline VanVorhees, Marian Strum, Mar- tributes the bipartisan support of the program LUKENBILL’S SERVICE TO MAR- garet McNerney, Catherine Rowley Lautz, to the fact that the tax credit truly goes to SHALL COUNTY, INDIANA Clara Collins, Grace Eaton, Rena Hilton, and those it purports to benefit, not investors or Edna Sutton. developers of affordable rental housing, but HON. JACKIE WALORSKI The mission of the Zonta Club is a world- the actual tenants of these housing develop- OF INDIANA wide network of executives and professionals ments.
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