Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa 2017; 10 (4), s. 599–622 doi:10.4467/20844131KS.17.025.8408 www.ejournals.eu/Krakowskie-Studia-z-Historii-Panstwa-i-Prawa M. JULIA SOLLA SASTRE Universidad Autónoma de Madrid History of Constitutionalism in Spain (2000–2015): Controversies over a Bicentenary* Abstract History of Constitutionalism can show us how Constitutional law has “constituted” political realities all along history and Constitutional historians are among those who have the capacity to create more than one “constitutional history” that serves to build up very diff erent traditions and narrations on the origins of constituent elements. The Spanish constitutional history of last years is an exceptional laboratory to study all these processes and their implications that reach their peak when dealing with the “Cadiz constitutional experiment”. As a matter of fact, the readings that the diff erent historiographical currents did on this constitutionalism apropos its Bicentennial clearly reveal the diffi culties and challenges of the recent constituent history of a country undergoing continuous constitutional revision and renewal. Key words: Spanish Constitutional History, Spanish History of Constitutionalism, Cadiz Constitution- alism, Bicentenary of the Constitution of 1812, Spanish Constitutional Historiography. Słowa kluczowe: hiszpańska historia ustroju, hiszpańska historia konstytucjonalizmu, konstytucjonal- izm Kadyksu, dwustulecie Konstytucji z 1812 r., hiszpańska historiografi a konstytucyjna. 1. Constitutional history and Spain: How to address the issue? The fi rst question that struck me when I tried to set a balance of “Constitutional History” in Spain during the last fi fteen years was precisely which should the most appropriate approach be. Should I focus on a constitutional history of Spain, on the constitutional history in Spain or perhaps should I deal with a constitutional history from Spain? If we refer to a constitutional history of Spain, this means we should follow up on all national and international levels of all those works that have dealt with constitutional history of my country. If it is treated as a constitutional history in Spain, we would be re- * This paper is developed in the framework of the Research project of the Spanish Ministry of Sci- ence and Innovation “Tradition and Constitution: constituent problems of contemporary Spain” (reference DER2014-56291-C3-1-P). Artykuły – Articles 2-lamanie KS (4).indd 599 2018-06-29 12:48:48 600 M. Julia Solla Sastre ferring to the constitutional history produced in Spain, but also to the topics and perspec- tives of constitutional history that are of interest in Spain and do not have to be restricted to the country, but may also include various European or international constitutional experiences. If, however, we redirect it to a constitutional history from Spain, we are addressing our focus to the issues of interest for Spanish scholars or research projects, which are not necessarily confi ned to Spanish topics, but can cover any other context. In turn, we should also consider constitutional history studies carried out by “national scholars” and are published or developed in other countries. It is diffi cult to choose any of the three approaches, since all of them off er elements that should integrate a complete balance on Spanish constitutional historiography; so let us adopt another strategy: focusing on the two key elements that back up all three cases. First, the three perspectives are based on a certain understanding of the political space in which constitutional history is made. Against this background, either a constitutional history of Spain, or in Spain, as well as from Spain need a pre-comprehension of the political unity “Spain” to defi ne those prepositions. If Spain is considered as a current State with delimited borders, all three perspectives would easily be defi ned. But in this case, should we just be interested in the studies produced in Spain or by Spanish schol- ars, independently of their topic, that could be very far from Spanish constitutional his- tory? Should we ignore the non-Spaniards and not-made-in-Spain contributions to the Spanish constitutional history? If we intend to account for the state-of-the-art, should we be keen on the Spaniards constitutionalists, on the Spanish Constitutional History or on the Constitutional History of Spain, regardless of whoever produces it? Let us leave this matter open for now.1 Secondly, taking a further step, the view of the historian who makes a specifi c consti- tutional history on that space defi nes precisely the space on which constitutional history is made. Consequently, the diff erent historical approach transforms the former under- standing of the political space in which constitutional history is made into a certain un- derstanding of the political space on which constitutional history is made. In this sense, the former aspect regarded the who, whereas this second common aspect focuses on the how, that simultaneously concerns the what, since the optics from which an object is contemplated defi nes it. In fact, of these two very well-known elements, undoubtedly the most decisive one is the latter: who makes history builds his/her story from a point of view that has two unavoidable features, as Carlos Garriga clearly showed us:2 First of all, our perspective is always external to what we study (because we are not part of the past nor can ever be part of it) and secondly, it always happens after in rela- tion to our object of study (because we contemplate it once it has happened and we know the further evolution of the historical episodes). These are the axes on which the work 1 I will not pay attention to an ulterior subdivision that is not absolutely peaceful, because it depends on what is understood by the discipline “Constitutional History”, and is the class of scholars who deal with these issues (historians, legal experts of various specialties, economists, political scientists, sociologists...). A consi- deration in this regard in M. Fioravanti, Sulla storia costituzionale, “Giornale di Storia Costituzionale” 2010, 1st sem., No. 19, p. 29–32; I. Fernández Sarasola, Aproximación a la historiografía constitucional Española [in:] Historia e historiografía constitucionales, ed. J. Varela, Madrid 2015, p. 109–152, esp. p. 132 ff . 2 For all what follows, C. Garriga, ¿La cuestión es saber quién manda? Historia política, historia del derecho y ‘punto de vista’, “PolHis” 2012, 2nd sem., No. 10, p. 89–100. Artykuły – Articles 2-lamanie KS (4).indd 600 2018-06-29 12:49:12 History of Constitutionalism in Spain (2000–2015): Controversies over a Bicentenary 601 of the historian is plotted. It cannot be otherwise: the facts are observed after they have occurred and from an external point of view.3 However, Garriga reminds us that one or the other may be given a boost by the his- torian: if the former is the priority, it will tend to consolidate the genealogy of the object of study; if, on the other hand, the latter is emphasized, the outcome would tend to build a fi eld of meaning that can frame such a legal experience.4 With this background in mind our author ends up concluding that diff erent historiographical approaches depend pri- marily not on academic specialities or on diff erent research fi elds, but rather on the point of view adopted by whoever writes history.5 If we assume the critical importance of the role of the historian in historiography building, then I reckon that the last two approaches proposed (constitutional history in Spain and from Spain) are the ones that best enhance this role. These two options, which I will refer to collectively as “constitutional history in Spain”, can show more clearly the path Spanish constitutional historiography has taken in the last fi fteen years. 2. Apparent order in apparent chaos: the bicentenaries If we focus on the constitutional history in Spain, there are many clues that can be traced back in order to form an overview of constitutional history in recent years. Again, the possibilities are many. One option, for instance, would be to follow the courses related to Constitutional History taught in Spanish universities and their contents, the degrees in which they are taught and the disciplines to which they belong; another strategy could be to analyse awarded or ongoing research projects concerning constitutional history;6 another possible element would be giving an overview on doctoral thesis dealing with this issue. Indeed, there are many data that can be tracked to obtain statistical results and extract from them balances and conclusions. I opted instead for targeting those publications most directly related to mono- graphs and relevant national or international journals that traditionally gather or can gather Spanish constitutional history. As an example, I refer to the monographies pub- lished by the “Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales”,7 or to periodical jour- 3 “The historian – Garriga states – is the sum of both [viewpoints]: he can only look «from after the event» and he must look «from outside it»”. Ibidem, p. 91. 4 “The confl uence of these two points of view, that only for argumentative eff ect’s sake can be considered in an isolated way, defi nes the epistemological status of the historian […]: a «later» point of view (from the past to the present, that builds genealogies), and an «external» point of view (from outside in, that builds «worlds», frameworks of meaning”. Ibidem. 5 Ibidem. 6 I. Fernández Sarasola reports some handbooks on constitutional history and some signifi cant research projects in Aproximación a la historiografía…, p. 138–152. 7 “Colecciones de libros del CEPC”, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Gobierno de España, http://www.cepc.gob.es/publicaciones/libros (access: 16.02.2018). Artykuły – Articles 2-lamanie KS (4).indd 601 2018-06-29 12:49:12 602 M.
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