1 Tm SOUTH AMBOY, N. J.t JTHI;'FM>AV, (K IQIU-K W. 'Vol. 75 No. 42 CITI Dial Service for South Charity Ball Plans Completed City Council Adopts Resolution to Further Amboy Set for Work of Planning Board on Shorefront Land Members of the city's r Roeeweli Street sufficiently to Sunday 3.01 A. M. fast body onanlmouUy a;Aop*ed enable them to use their gar a re*oluUorn art Tuesday's meet- at«*: oontlnoe the preaent Some «.10o telephones now tas; atrtborttln* the ctty to en- gravel road in fhe same man- •erred by the Sooth Amboy I ter Into an Mreetn-rnt with the ner;: or have the Housing Av manual telephone exebamg* a* Department of Comeervatkm thortty re-eJlcn part of the ei- tit Augusta Street will be con- »nd F/coaacnlr IWHotmient re- istlng fences. verted to dial operation at S:01 srardlns; thf future development CouDoUtnan VanDerveer sug a. m. Sunday. At (he same time, of the sborefront area. rested the City Engineer look a new telephone detarnation — The remrtutlon delegated the Into tbe matter and report back Parkway 1—trill replace th* looat I'lanarng Board to act on to the council. Councilman pretest e*chfcn*e name. * behalf of the vtty, and author Jankowskl added that the Ma- The 3:01 *- m. cntover hour tsvrd the Mayor to sirn the yor and Council should look In- wu selected, according to agreement, which will enable to tbe matter also, and come up VJcharA A. Robinson, lc\e- lUiem to receive aid trxnm the wtth some solution to the pro©-- pbone nuiiftr here, because state In tbe pUanlng lens, M <the resident* had been telephone traffic at that tint* promised some action a* tbavt fs at a minimum. •it was made known at the time. At tbm.t early boor, tf no moetln* thM tbe Ptamnlng A tetter was received fioro emergency calls are to 'prog- Board Is currently working; with the Publk Service Gas Compa- ress, cables oarryfn* wires to engineers to preaent a suitable ny requesting a permit to In- Booth Amboy 1 telepho«* will pfogram whlofa will meet with stall a g»s main alont Walnut be fevered .knocking the nwm- favorable resulta, and enable ml »srltcM»ardi out of opera- Streeit to connect into the new the city to make use of the Sacred Heart School. City Clerk tion. Almost simultaneously, i ahorefront area to the fullest thousands of wooden per*, Trlgfs reminded the members extent. tfaat the city haa In their pos- whkb now prevent the opera- The meeting also taw two tion of electrical switches In the session a bond pot up by the other resohrtton* adopted by Gw Comjmny to rnsure them a«w dial system, will be pulled the council ae a result of a re- from position and the complex khajt tbe streets will be restored apparatus will clk-k Into service. cent meeting of mayors from to their original condition upon the manictpaUttes wnnpristoc completion of the work. Tb« new dial service will en- Berren, Essex, Middlesex and able Parkway 1 subscribers to Union counties. One ot thesu The ©oftmil grasrtod pevsjsjjs. dial directly to a third of the ALL SET FOR THE BALL—The final commit- Mrs. Bowen Lawrance, general eonoerned the mfrnlntum age for •ton to tbe ProtooUon Engias) nation's €0 mtlrkm telephones Company to participate to a tee meeting of the Charity Ball Committee coaaumlng akohnUc bereiWes without the assistance of an chairman; Mrs. Frank Brennan, ticket la the &bate of New York. parade at Old Bridge oa Satur- operator. The dial able area In- of fhe Woman's Auxiliary of the South chairman; MrV Michael Polko, publicity day, October 1»UL cJudea noil of New Jersey, New einoe vany attempt* have Amboy Memorial Hospital wai held at th» chairman) Mrs. Arthur Dodd, ticket chair- teen made to raise tbe age Um- In reply to the councils sec- York City, and teleoted areas ond request for Mxoe aoUnm •«»«•* the United States. home of Mrs. Joseph Barcmowtkr on Par- man; Mrs. Edna Chase, president, Wom- M In New York, but to no avail, the resolution requested that a from toe New York and Letsr . Operators will continue to ker Avenue. Branch Railroad on the eee- fcandte assistance and special on's Auxiliary; Mrs. Joseph Baronowski, IpetWon be filed with the Legis- Shown in photo from left to right aroi financial chairman. latures of the SteAe of New ttnuatlon of a fence aionc the service oalhc »• we" •• <*"» **~ railroad tracks from Joton St. y*nd direct dialing ranee. Mrs. George Tooker, special award* York, Connecticut and New Jersey to appoint a TH-State to Uie •outberty boimdarry of The telephone eomp*ny hts tbe caty aiong the waterfront dsftrliwted more than 40,000 The ball will be held on Octo- supper during the affair. Mrs. Aim serving on the reneral Commission to study the prob- ber 2(Th at 8:30 p. m. at the Edna Chase will be In charge of committee are: Mrs. F. Rey- lem and make such recommen- tbe railroad again notified tbe copies of a special directory to elty that It would be impracti- b« used in conjunction with the IrrJnirton House, Inrlniton. the reception fotnmld'ee. nold*. Mr*. Doris Robinson, dation* as they deem neces- Mrs. Bowen L/awrance *s gene- Others on fhe committee are: Mrs. Robert Halloran, Mrs. Syl- cable for them to comply. The evtover. The new book, which mrr. railroad suggested and felt that also lift* the Clifford 4 and 1 ral chairman, wit* Mrs. Walter Mrs. Arthur Dodd and Mrs. via Sahara, Mrs. Robert Wbtife, The other resoration dealt tbe honing authority could tx~ telephone numbers for Soofh Peftetfcm as co-chairman. Frank Brennan, tickets; Mrs. Mrs. Kit Carpenter, Mrs. Denis with the Pnbtte HeaHfc Conn, Rlw telephones. supplements Musfii will be furnisher) br George Tooker and Mrs. And- Ry*n. tend tbetr fence to the dMdred <JU of the State of New Jersey. tooatton. tbe current Middlesex County Sandy Jerome and his orches- rew Peterson, ineclal award*; Tickets an aiin • available In that tho munlcrpaUUM In- directory which should be re- tra., while the noted chef Latils Mrs. Michael Paiko. punHcfty: frtm any member of the «osn- TOlred "petition the Council to Councilman House rose s*>- tained for refwewoe on calls Luethhold has been enfmred if* Mrs. Joseph Baranowskl, fin- nrtttee. extend their deadline for re- nmtly, and stated "we are not to otber points. Iprepare and serve the ane*. cjaremeirtai to acquire tanttary geittog anywhere wtth tbe rall- During the p»«t month, tele- sand tills or Incinerators for ro»d." In relation to thetr re- phone users unfamiliar with fartoafe disposal from July 1, «a*rk* aboutt tha Housing Au- dial operation have been In- IMS to July 1, I960, thority, be added, "tbey oaat rfmcied to Wa use. However, Both resolutions were adopt- extend flulr fence beyond tbe Robinson offers these reminders ed at the mayors' meeting held IftmrU of their property." far e»Jls to most New Jersey on September 25th at Union. N. Howe again Insisted, that pointer. J., and it wu requested that all some aotkra be taken to protsus W»K for dial tone Wore at- municipalities involved adopt a the ehUdren that frequently tecnptlng to dial. stmllwr resolution, and forward cross-the tracks along tbe wm- DUl the first two letters of a copy of such resolutions to terfront area. He requested tbe eontrai office name, the tbe N J. State League of Mu- that a tetter be sent to ttoe centr*) of«« numeral, and In order to aot on ; Pubttc Utilities Commhslon to then the four digits of the de- them at their fortbeoffiing con- an effort to force the railroad stred number, and party toe ! v«ntlononn IIn Atlantic City. to do something about tbe con- letter. If any. dltlon. By virtue of a copy of a let-- Afer a dutenssVm by mem- Be eswrful not to confuse »e After ier read from tbe State High- ben of the council, It waa a- Number Zero with the Letter O, way Department addressed to greed that tbe matter be ban- nor the Numeral One with the County Traffic Coordinator died by the city attorney, who Utter I. CorneHus Wall, the city was wlD agsin talk with railroad of- notified that as a result of their ficials. If no favorable result Is reojueat, ten 6000 watt alumi- obtained, then M be taken up YUM Drive Report num lights will be erected on wHn the Public Utilities Com- Route 35. from Raritan Road mkMlon. to Washington Street in the An offer of 180.00 from My. Shows Progress very near future, with the cost Fred Muady of t«7 Oatberlns €. Le*lte Hatchclpr. general borne solely by the State. •M. waa received at tbe meeting cbainu*u uJ U»e. vjil member- The letter was gratefully re- for Lot 80 in Block «1. Tbe let- ship drive of the local P R R ceived by members of the coun- ter was referred to the ctoalr- YMCA Deported thai to dale 544 cil, and Councilman Jankow- man of taxes for further study. new member* were enrolled and* sfci expressed the council's ap- A letter of thanks was receiv- the ca«h contribution total wa* preciation to Councilman Irwin ed from offkWls of the First 11710. The driven goal U 11Q0 House for his persistent efforts Methodist Church on John St. Members and 14009. to bring about this action. 1 for the cHy * action In comply- The chairman was very en- The new lights, along with ing with a request to correct tfctuiaatlc in hl» report In that blinker and flasher lights- now distorted sidewalk In *he vicin- the tlvlf organisation* and in- present in that location on Rt.
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