* Ilift&iftAYSi 1941 IMOUN&'O^ ¦* iaal Rmwk " •Mlmi* V , / % •t Nit OD Sptwfiy %i C i hi r raDaifrldgo Flald RRR and pi—- mMarhifw mi *tku participate in a aacond M-G- 'Spread will Air Force Officials Thin' M Haws of tha Day ralaaaa fol- lowing of tha nowsreel wagmmMmwxm fom rw*ut return Group, craw to tha post or Mar 10 for m»sMLite» rwwit pictures, according to ;^y«||if th* additional 98881 litLkrut OR. Frederick, pub- Speeds Up Expansion MM par- as njuidpon Service iSWipMii'ii *— A a a - lic relations officer. ;tiiTiirm^r the pictures taken by M- Hall, Mount Motion mSErnT*** G-M from May 10 to 26 of the 30th Pursuit Squadron and iti '30,000-Pi lots-a-Yea r Program Swamps Small-Trained Personnel it 7 o'clock, the • . Mtaßklf planei are now being _ will In- Bell P-30 RT PAUL HARRISON [jp|ii|>Mkfrtikmint released. ' SSi buffet supper at 10 and MAXWELL FIELD, Ala. May fitting to the music of Sellridge s—That tribute te the RAF by tgMV swingsters under leaves for its new station a series Winston Church about so radio parties is planned, D|o of Sgt. Tom Som- of squadron many owing so much to so few pi diroctioh climaxed by a group affair later —could be applied pretty well Bator* the SSth Pursuit Group in the spring to our own air corps these days. Because it’s a tremendous job that must be done by smaller m I and smaller groups of veteran Radio Programs flying officers and technicians in hope the swift expansion of avia- gy j amplitude modulation stations tion training. This is' headquartars of the WWJ..946ke WXY*..l27oke WJLB. .HOOka WJBR. .149tke Southeastern Training Dis- WIE. Hike CKL W. OOOke WEXL. .1140ke trict, which will contain nine basic and advanced schools plus FREQUENCY MODULATION STATIONS seven civilian-operated Army- supervised elementary schools. OSD 44.5 megacycles W4tD megacyeles ~— If 44. t stage — Nearly all are in some of fii.iHr ,- ipM B-Bducatio nal operation, making busi- : |m n BynboU: C-Gommentotor D-Dramm this the "noil*: HOOD OP THC JVurenilt Jf-Nasic PPolitical R-Retiffious est flight training region in the Matsrvtew States. Naturally there NCOS" ' T-Talk VTarietie* United * with Key-Regees . / ¦ T* just haven't been enough Air p.m. to 1:00 o.m. Corps officers to staff tha mush* This Evtninf—s rooming program nor enough MSB, m. WJLB—Miwlr: Labor Talk WEXL—Newscast veteran to carry on WwXJJrn mechanics WEXL—Antek Cwaniak-V WJR—Blond to-D WXTB—Raymond 1:M M Oram the normal schedule of mainte- wfmrnA P. Swtnc-C Theta stabby Ifttfs ptames, which s»2S£!Flrf« WWJ—James Melton IsU P. R. nance. State CU.W, Am; Muzte look ttke ssrertfclHg oat of an Saw WJE—Those We Love-D WXTB Jlngtos-M But they all say proudly that WJSS S»w Am WXTE—I Love A t are the enor- Myotery-D WSXL—Donee Musto there have been no compromises ¦massif mi[lllllt] IttfS P. M. moasly trainers by ’ CMLW—Happy Joe-M U|WJ. .Prod Wartag-M with safety and scarcely any intricate >. P. of L. flying is MS R. VJSI-A. WJR—Amos *n’ Andy-D with efficiency. Harder, longer which Instraaft Briefs CKIW Melorty Interlude WJIB PhUhannonlca-M WXTB—Mows Am taught at Maxwell Field, Ala. ffILS-sJr. «bowboet-J Labor Talk CKLW—National News work is the answer, with no U>CKM For a stadeat shat inside, they * 1 itis r. m. f;IS P. M. WJBK—News complaints about overtime or Br tli AiwiliflBrin mmiS saataifei Hopper WWJ—Evening Melodies WJLB—Wrestling; New* every maneuver 3 WJB »m<s I simulate sort es (A )—Four fisher- Afwipfi.mi.imf—-••¦wiaa^ multiplicityof jobs. talked with * MONROE WXTR-Jlud Ehaver-C WJR—Lenny Roe#-11 WEXL—Geo. X. Sofcotoky-C and air condition. •Y#w CSLW-fIM Turf Club CKLW—News 1S:1» P. M. one squadron commander who i men found a body identified as . Wlast—Popular Rhythm* WJBK—Musical Review WWJ—Dance Mueto Sports Talk WJK—Lenny until that morning had figured Corps are being assigned Frank Tomakowski of Detroit jha r. r. WJLB Rom Resolve approximately VM P. M. WXTB—flymphonotto-M he couldn’t possibly spare an- to the Air Corps to take care of off Raisin Point, SShdeiTlUlo Inn WWJ—Voice of Firestone-C CKLW—Britain Spooks other officer or non-com. But three miles southeast of Monroe “mwininoiTi WXYR-Dax to Hevtew WJR—Gay Ntneties-V WJBK—Dance Time the purely military, administra- CBLW—nmeboll WXTE—True or Palse-I WEXL—Musical Program he had just got an order to send tive jobs at fields. During lunch in Lake Erie. Coroner Earl Lit- CKLW—Hon. J. L. Ralston-T MRS P. M. almost half of his trained per- tle said- he believed the body Wlf££rrfilas stone WJBK—Melodies WJK—Musical at the Officers’ Club here, I WEXL—Dence nodes -M WJLB—Ukrainian Hour WXTE Banco Musto sonnel as the nucleus of anew chatted with majors and captains had been in the water about 9:4S P. M. CKLW—Radio Newsreel being in Georgia. sar.a WJBK—Unemployment school started and lieutenants of cavalry, coast four months. 'Road to Zanzibar' CSLW-4Wody CKLW—Assumption Col- Intorludo Program And now he was grimly doubl- infantry. lege-T * artillery, engineers and s.a r.n WJBK—Nears Am MSI P. R. ing the duties of the few veter- WWJ—LowoU Thomas WJK—Dance Orch. But nobbdy at the table wore BATLE CREEK— (/P) The World Today WSXL—Polish Varieties ans who would be left. Continues at S:fS P. M. WJBK—Musto wings. body of Pvt. Worley Mosley, 22, Jewel WWJ—Dr. I. Q.-I ii.es P. M. Another officer, newly assign- Midalght-D by Kennedy-C It seemed heartening that each a of Dony, Ky., attached c2£w~2££l CKLW—**Amazing Mr. WWJ—News ed to Georgia, told me native Crosby, Hope, Lomour WJBK—Auto Worker* Hour Bmith"-D WJK—Jam Klnx-C a field in of these officers, realizing the Anti-Tank Company, 10th In- WXTE—Music You Want has these to WJR—Lux Radio Theatro-D that he now official vital importance of Air Corps fantry from Eagle Starred in Comedy MS P. R. WXTB—Drama Behind CKLW—Mows Reporter designations: engineering officer, was recovered WWJ-Ty*i Sport Review the Nows WJBB—Botpourri-M expansion, to be Lake at Fort Custer Sunday. WJLB—News inspector, operations Loaded with swift-paced gags WJR Bleven eon News WJBK—ltalian Hour technical detached from his of Mosley over a WJLB—Polish Boor WEXL-MbonllsM officer, adjutant to the com- dived the side of and several brand new hit wxra-yuric. Hom# M S:IS P. M. 1I:1S P. M. the service in order to relieve rowboat and his body failed to tunes. Rhythm, WWJ—Danm manding military WXTB—Wake Up Music offeier, intelli- some flyer for technical duties. to the surface. Paramount’s new comedy with tngjfaus America-! WJK—Peaceful Valley-M gence and public relations offi- return S:St CKLW—Britain Kpasks-T In the first World War, one told music, “Road Zanzibar,** P. M. cer. to 4 isie p. r. WWJ—Showboet-V WJLB—Plano Musto me, pilots were sent into combat* Although they are sbort-haqded, officers at Maxwell Field, opened night Berk"-T CKLW—News Am 1I:R P. R. At Gunter Field, where a state To- IONIA—(>P)—A few hours aft- last at the Jewel WWJ—'•After S:W P. M. WWJ—Don PaMo Orch. after 29 hours of solo flying. Ala., say proudly that there are bo compromises with safety, ISIS P. R. Time CKLW—lnterlude hospital building has been made day, at Maxwell Field er he escaped from the lonia Theatre. Starring Bing Crosby, (he World CKLW—Walts cadets few with efficiency. Here eadets tarn in detailed flight plans WWJ Rina of S:4S P. M. WJBK-Danm Time into a military headquarters, a flying hours a State hospital, Clyde Clark, 17- Bob Hope Dorothy Wfß.fcslde q< fcporto CKLW—Child WaHaro-T WJLB—Morn. Bdtttoa-R average 103.2 before starting a cross-country trip, as part of 30-week advanc- and Lan\pur, r captain dozen dif- year-old trusty was captured WSXL—Tad Zajsc-V U:M P. R. with half a month, and their course here ed training course. three of the screen’s best enter- mStSSm a2S2* S:SS P. M. CKLW—Ted Ftorlto Oseh. ferent jobs finds it especially ap- Primary, basic Sunday at Saranac. He was com- l&fftorSnr WJR— Rimer Davle-C llsIS P. M. lasts 10 weeks. tainers, the film is easily one propriate that his office is a 30 handicapped by having to pause plenished by adequately trained mited to the hospital a year ago of IN P. H. WJR—Danm Musto and advanced courses total along VIUhSSm WWJ—Contented Hour-M WXTB Dltnco Muate former padded cell. weeks; and even after that they to train newly-commissioned pi- mechanics who know how to do from South Haven. the funniest that has come mm ornii tsr-t WJB—Guy Lombardo-M WJBK—Danm Musto STILL ROOM FOR double, triple-checking Ml * R. WXTB—Pameus Jury IS MIDNIGHT get specialized education with lots assigned them. Within a few the and this season. WWJ—Studio Pmtura TAPE pursuit rigidly specified Triato-D ARMY RED tactical units. weeks, new members of so in the main- HASTlNGS—<dP)—Officials of scintillating WJBK— News; Muate CKLW—Orch.
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