MARCH 2018 Vol.19 No. 3 & An Insider’s Look at Both NYC TLC Regulated Industries Lea los artículos en español. LLAAMMEENNTTAABBLLEEMMEENNTTEE,, AA VVEECCEESS HHAACCEE FFAALLTTAA UUNNAA TTRRAAGGEEDDIIAA…… PPEERROO NNOO DDEEBBEEMMOOSS DDEEJJAARR PPAASSAARR EESSTTEE MMOOMMEENNTTOO SSIINN AACCTTUUAARR VViiggiillss HHeelldd RRaallllyy GGrreeeettss TTLLCC AAggeennttss HHoorrssee--DDrraawwnn ffoorr NNeeww FFHHVV AAttttaacckkeedd CCaarrrriiaaggee SSuuiicciiddee VViiccttiimm CCoommmmiitttteeee BByy MMoobb RRaammss TTaaxxii TAXI & LIVERY TIMES 2 • • MARCH 2018 TLC DRIVER SERVICES, INC. 31-00 47th Avenue All TLC Summonses Long Island City, NY 11101 DMV Traffic Tickets ((InsideInside the TLC Building-1st floor) 60-19 Roosevelt Avenue - 2nd floor Woodside, NY 11377 7 Train to Woodside-61st St Stop TTLCLC DRIVERDRIVER SCHOOLSCHOOL A dedicated team of lawyers Offering AALLLL Required providing the necessary expertise, knowledge and TLC Driver Classes experience to effectively represent all licensees – including drivers, vehicle owners & base owners – in The TLC Driving Institute was founded by industry the transportation industry. experts to provide the highest level of education for Black Car / For-Hire Vehicle (FHV), SHL and New TLC Taxi Drivers. It is also our mission to deliver the most convenient and accommodating classes Base Applications and programs in NYC. 718-729-4700 718-255-9500 It’s about time that you defend yourself and protect your DMV & TLC License! Gregory Gallo Attorney at Law We handle all 2244 HOURHOUR CLASSESCLASSES TLC and DMV DAYDAY && NIGHTNIGHT CLASSESCLASSES matters! CUSTOMIZABLECUSTOMIZABLE SCHEDULESSCHEDULES FINALFINAL EXAMEXAM TESTINGTESTING Our goal is to give you the best legal WHEELCHAIRWHEELCHAIR (WAV)(WAV) CLASSCLASS defense available and to keep your DEFENSIVEDEFENSIVE DRIVINGDRIVING COURSECOURSE (DDC)(DDC) license protected at all times. www.TLCservices.nyc [email protected] [email protected] • www.TLCdriver.nyc TAXI & LIVERY TIMES DON’T C OME B ACKMAR CEH 20M18 • P TY • 3 FROM THE AIRPOR TS EARDNo w nlEoadX theT CaRrmeAl Ap p MT oda Oy* anNd EY! the Carmel has t Pickups Most Airpor ervice of ANY Car S City in New York No Out of P ock et C os t Mor e T rips No Need t o Change Base Mor e MONEY Car & Lim e o CALL K OREN NO W: id S v w c d . l 212-6 62- 7393 r o OR C OME T O VISIT OUR B ASE A T W 36- 31 10TH S TREET , LIC (L ong Island Cit y), NY 11106 CarmelDriv er s@gmail. com * MUST OWN AN ANDROID SMART PHONE BA SE #B00 256 *MUS T BE AFFILIA TED WITH A LIVER Y B ASE. *30 Minut es T raining needed t o ge t s tart ed. TAXI & LIVERY TIMES 4 • • MARCH 2018 PUBLISHER’S PAGE & An Insider’s Look at Both NYC TLC Regulated Industries WHY DOUG SCHIFTER PUBLISHER: David Pollack E-mail:[email protected] 11 Edge Water lane TOOK HIS OWN LIFE Haverstraw, NY 10927 BY DAVID POLLACK Phone: 718-706-TAXI (8294) The brother of Doug Schifter, the career driver who took his EDITOR: Neil Weiss Email: [email protected] life at City Hall, was a guest on my radio show in February, 714 Crestbrook Ave. The Taxi Dave Show. Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003 “My brother wrote the truth,” George Schifter stated, refer - Tel: 800-723-9119/856-751-0656 ring to the manifesto Doug posted on Facebook, which detailed the downward spiral Fax: 856-751-0657 of a professional New York City driver over a period of decades. Doug said that work - CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: ing 40-50 hours a week in the 1980s morphed into working 120 hours, 7 days a week, Matthew Daus, Esq. the past few years. Larry Fisher Think about that number: That come out to 17 hours a day, 7 days a week. Meera Joshi George revealed that Doug would sleep in his car because the ride back to his Bertram Merling home in Pennsylvania every day would make it impossible to earn a living. He had Steven J. Shanker, Esq. an arrangement with an NYC cleaner, so his clothes always looked professional. Michael Spevack, Esq. Originally, Doug moved to Pennsylvania because the cost of living is so much ADV. SALES MGR./ART & DESIGN: lower there, than in the NYC Metro Area – but with fewer and fewer passengers, Michele Norton: 856-262-2368 even Pennsylvania’s lower cost of living could not save Doug financially, after his new GM engine failed twice. TRANSLATIONS: Doug criticized the current and past mayors, he criticized the TLC, and he com - The Language Center and NYC TLC plained that all the new drivers entering the industry meant the “pie” was being cut into smaller and smaller pieces, so that no one could earn a livable wage. Doug Copyright © 2018 by TAXI & LIVERY TIMES. All rights reserved. Neither this called it the “new slavery.” newspaper nor any part therof may be repro - Doug admitted that he could not afford health insurance, even though he had duced, copied, or transmitted in any form, an undisclosed illness, that he had maxed-out all of his credit cards due to his NEW without the express written permission of CAR engine breaking down twice, that he could not keep up with his mortgage pay - the publishers. The copyright is extended to ments, and said that he would rather be dead. the design and text created for advertise - ments. This publication is not responsible Doug called the response – or the lack of a response – by New York City and the for errors in advertisement beyond the cost State to the evolution of TNCs like Uber and Lyft “criminal.” What has happened of the space occupied by the error. Bylined as a result destroyed any shred of confidence remaining in every sector of the New articles represent the sole opinion of the York City transportation industry. writer and are not necessarily in accordance Except for the billionaire owners of companies like Uber, all of us are suffering. with the views of TAXI & LIVERY TIMES. This Publication reserves the right to limit or re - We have Black Car bases and Livery bases that have lost up to 60% of their drivers fuse advertising it deems objectionable. to TNCs like Uber. We have local car services going out of business and yellow cab TAXI & LIVERY TIMES is published monthly drivers who have migrated to TNCs, thereby reducing medallion values. When you at a subscription rate of $48 per year. add in all the new drivers, factor in dedicated bike lanes, paired with dedicated turn lanes, in conjunction with bus only lanes and truck deliveries, the aggressive tactics of TLC agents, and the “kangaroo courts,” the spirit of every professional driver – people like Doug Schifter – has been shattered. IN THIS ISSUE On my radio show, George felt it was important not to glorify his brother’s suicide – but when you lay out the facts, we can all understand why his brother felt so frus - Publisher’s Page ....................4 trated, so trapped, so overcome with despair. Now the Governor wants congestion pricing fees on all Uber, FHV and Taxi Editor’s Notes ........................6 fares. The irony here folks is this: If congestion pricing truly works, there will be even fewer fares for all the current drivers, and therefore less earnings. Don’t forget that over 2,000 new, non-yellow FHVs have been, and are still being registered with Dear Taxi Dave ......................12 the TLC every month! The current call to shut down the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) is Taxi News ..............................14 a knee-jerk reaction by drivers who do not know what else to do. What is really needed – immediately – is a ban or a cap on any more FHV vehicles being registered. Livery News ..........................15 The lower rates for fares that are being charged are nothing less than a race to the bottom, which is why I support a rate of fare increase. Features ................................17 We also need the NYPD to establish an ILLEGAL STREET HAIL TASK FORCE, working in conjunction with the TLC. If nothing changes, then who will be Fun & Games ........................19 left standing is obvious. What we do not need is each segment of the NYC trans - portation industry going off on their own path. TEAMWORK is the ONLY way for CByo Mmeemra iJsoshiio ner’s Corner ......23 everyone to get back on track and help fix this mess. I call on ALL SEGMENTS of the NYC transportation industry to work together and become successful again. BITy AMRatt hOewu Wtl.o Doauk s, ........................Esq. 24 Remember a quote by Franklyn D. Roosevelt: “Confidence… thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacred obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish perform - BDye Bfeertnrasmi vMer liDng riving ................26 ance. Without them we cannot live.” We must make our elected officials protect us unselfishly, in an honorable way. TByh Mei cThaexl Si pAevtatockr ney ................27 They MUST reinstate the confidence our industries once had. And we all must work together in order to be successful. TByh Lea rFry iFsishhber owl ........................28 Long live the memory of Doug Schifter! Directory ................................31 NYC Jazz Clubs & Venues ..32 News ......................................34 TAXI & LIVERY TIMES DriveYellowCab.comMARCH 2018 • • 5 Lowest 718-729-7777 Shift For more info see our ad on page 22 Prices BEST Prices in NYC! Come to US! ALL TAXI MANAGEMENT NYC INTERBORO MGMT. TLC license #: A0202 36-02 21st Street, Astoria 41-25 36th St., Long Island City, NY 11101 718 392-0520 Phone: 718-361-0055 TAXI DRIVERS WANTED! EDDIE’S MANAGEMENT CORP. Day & Night $pecial$ - FT / PT In Chelsea Manhattan - Steps To Subway! 40-08 24th. Street L.I.C. NY ••• 2015/2016 Prius Hybrids ••• 718-707-0072 No Deposit - Low Daily Rates TLC License # A0280 Call 917-374-8538 MEDALLIONS WANTED Immediate Start Is OK! (*Must have valid TLC driver license!) DRIVERS WANTED MEDALLIONS WANTED MEDALLION WANTED We Pay Best Price For Your Medallion CALL NYC TAXI GROUP ATM TAXI LEASING 50-01 69TH ST., WOODSIDE, NY 11377 718-253-3501 A#0343 818-486-5420, 718-433-9000 TLC#A0329 NYC WOR-710 & iHeartRadio Sponsorship Opportunity on The every Sunday 8:00 – 9:00PM.
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