ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 51 ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 European People’s Party Rue du Commerce 10 Map of Europe B-1000 Brussels One Europe. Our planet. Your Party. epp epp epp european people’s party european people’s party european people’s party ICELAND REYKJAVIK EPP CONGRESS ZAGREB EU COUNTRY 2019 NON-EU COUNTRY Not visible on this Map: Guadaloupe (F) / Guayana (F) / Martinique (F) / Mayotte (F) / Réunion (F) / Curaçao (NL) FINLAND NORWAY HELSINKI / Bonaire (NL) / Sint Maarten (NL) OSLO / Azores (P) / Canary Islands (ES) ESTONIA SWEDEN TALLINN STOCKHOLM LATVIA RIGA IRELAND DUBLIN LITHUANIA DENMARK VILNIUS COPENHAGEN www.epp.eu NETHERLANDS AMSTERDAM BELARUS MINSK UNITED POLAND KINGDOM GERMANY WARSAW LONDON BERLIN BELGIUM BRUSSELS CZECHIA PRAGUE UKRAINE FRANCE KIEV PARIS LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG SLOVAKIA BRATISLAVA AUSTRIA VIENNA SWITZERLAND HUNGARY MOLDOVA BERN BUDAPEST CHISINAU SLOVENIA LJUBLJANA CROATIA ZAGREB GEORGIA ROMANIA TBILISI BUCHAREST BOSNIA & SERBIA Get Social with us! HERZEGOVINA BELGRADE SARAJEVO ARMENIA KOSOVO* YEREVAN twitter.epp.eu SPAIN SAN MARINO PRISTINA MADRID SAN MARINO BULGARIA MONTENEGRO SOFIA PORTUGAL PODGORICA LISBON facebook.epp.eu ITALY ALBANIA F.Y.R.O.M. ROME TIRANA SKOPJE youtube.epp.eu GREECE flickr.epp.eu ATHENS linkedin.epp.eu MAROCCO CYPRUS RABAT NICOSIA LEBANON MALTA BEYROUTH VALLETTA epp.eu instagram.com/epp ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 MEMBER PARTIES 49 ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 MEMBER PARTIES 50 + Associate members ° Observer members Who we are Non-EU Countries = Partners IE Fine Gael / FG / Family of the Irish AL Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë+ / PDSH / Democratic Party of Albania Forza Italia / FI • Hayastani Hanrapetakan Kusaktsutyun° / HHK / Alternativa Popolare / AP / People’s Alternative AM Republican Party of Armenia epp Unione di Centro / UDC / Union of the Centre european people’s party IT • Zharangutyun° / Heritage Popolari per l’Italia / PpI / Populars for Italy Partito Autonomista Trentino Tirolese / PATT / Trentino Tyrolean Autonomist Party Аб’ядна́ная грамадзя́нская па́ртыя Белару́сі • Abjadnanaja hramadzianskaja partyja Biełarusi° Südtiroler Volkspartei / SVP / South Tyrolean People’s Party / АГП • AHP / United Civic Party of Belarus BY Партыя Беларуская Хрысціянская Дэмакратыя • Partyja Bielaruskaja Chryscijanskaja Demakratyja° Welcome to the European / БХД - BCD / Belarusian Christian Democracy Party LV Vienotība / Unity Рух “За Свабоду” • “Rukh “Za Svabodu”° People’s Party (EPP), the / ПАГА . MFF / Movement for Freedom Tėvynės sąjunga - Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai / TS-LKD / Stranka Demokratske Akcije° / SDA / Party of Democratic Action LT political family of the centre- Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats Hrvatska demokratska zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine° / HDZ BiH / Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina BA right. The EPP is committed Get Social with us! Hrvatska demokratska zajednica 1990° / HDZ 1990 / Croatian Democratic Union 1990 LU Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei / CSV / Christian Social People’s Party Партија демократског прогреса • Partija demokratskog progresa° / ПДП • PDP / to a strong Europe based twitter.epp.eu Party of Democratic Progress Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за on a federal model that relies MT Partit Nazzjonalista / PN / Nationalist Party • Vnatrešna makedonska revolucionerna organizacija – facebook.epp.eu MK македонско национално единство Demokratska partija za makedonsko nacionalno edinstvo+ / ВМРО-ДПМНЕ • VMRO-DPMNE / on the principle of subsidiarity. youtube.epp.eu Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity NL Christen-Democratisch Appèl / CDA / Christian Democratic Appeal Through the promotion ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა • Ertiani Natsionaluri Modzraoba° / ენმ • ENM - UNM / United National Movement flickr.epp.eu GE ევროპული საქართველო - მოძრაობა თავისუფლებისთვის° • Evropuli Saqartvelo – Modzraoba Tavisuflebistvis/ European Georgia – Movement for Liberty of the social market economy, Platforma Obywatelska / PO / Civic Platform linkedin.epp.eu PL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe / PSL / Polish People’s Party = / LKP / Lebanese Kataeb Party the EPP aspires to achieve LEB = instagram.com/epp / LFP / Lebanese Forces Party a prosperous Europe. Partido Social Democrata / PSD / Social Democratic Party Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova° / PLDM / Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova PT Centro Democrático e Social - Partido Popular / CDS-PP / Democratic and Social Centre - People’s Party MD Partidul Acţțiune și Solidaritate° / PAS / Action and Solidarity Party Partidul Politic Platforma Demnitate şi Adevăr° / PPDA / Dignity and Truth Platform Political Party ME Bošnjačka stranka +/ BS / Bosniak Party Partidul Naţional Liberal / PNL / National Liberal Party Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România / RO • RMDSZ UDMR / Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania = / RNI / National Rally of Independents • MA Partidul Mișcarea Populară / PMP / People’s Movement Party = / Istiqlal Party Høyre+ / H / Conservative Party NO Kristelig Folkeparti° / KrF / Christian Democratic People’s Party Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie / KDH / Christian Democratic Movement Most-Híd SK Magyar Közösség Pártja • Strana maďarskej komunity / SMK • MKP / Party of the Hungarian Community SM Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese ° / PDCS / Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party Spolu Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség • Савез војвођанских Мађара • Savez vojvođanskih Mađara+ / RS VMSZ • CBM • SVM / Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Slovenska demokratska stranka / SDS / Slovenian Democratic Party Српска напредна странка +/ SNS / Serbian Progressive Party SI Slovenska ljudska stranka / SLS / Slovenian People’s Party Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei Parti démocrate-chrétien Partito popolare Nova Slovenija – krščanska ljudska stranka / N.Si / New Slovenia - Christian People’s Party CH • • democratico+ / CVP • PDC • PPD / Christian Democratic People’s Party Всеукраїнське об’єднання “Батьківщина” • Vseukrayins’ke Obyednannya Bat’kivshchyna° / ES Partido Popular / PP / People’s Party Batkivschyna / All Ukrainian Union “Fatherland” UA Український демократичний альянс за реформи° / УДАР • UDAR / Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform Об’єднання «Самопоміч»° / Samopomich/ Self Reliance Європейська Солідарність° / ES / European Solidarity Moderata samlingspartiet / MOD - Moderaterna / Moderate Coalition Party SE Kristdemokraterna / KD / Christian Democrats KOSOVO Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës° / LDK / Democratic League of Kosovo ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 01 Contents This publication is up-to-date as of January 2020. However, political situations are changing constantly, and the epp information in this publication is bound to change. Please visit our website at www.epp.eu for current information. european people’s party 02 22 36 06 WELCOME Foreign Affairs to the EPP FOCUS! EPP CONGRESS 38 ZAGREB 2019 Communications w 30 04 Farewell President 40 Joseph Daul 28 Structure and Decision-Making Bodies Resources 44 06 European Councils 29 41 - EPP Summits Political Assembly Headquarters / Highlights Internship Programme 08 Summit Highlights 30 42 Member Associations European Committee EPP Annual Review 2019 of the Regions This publication is produced 12 by the European People’s Party. Heads of State 44 Date of issue and Government Wilfried Martens Centre January 2020 31 Editor in Chief Council of Europe / for European Studies Christian KREMER OSCE / NATO / Euronest Editors 15 Eva PALACKOVÁ Ministerial Meetings 46 Matteo ALBANIA Who is Who Design & Production 32 www.beyond.brussels Working Groups / Events Printing Company 18 Dereume European Commission 48 Photos Member Parties European People’s Party, European 34 Commission, European Parliament, EU Elections and Partners European Committee of the Regions 21 Download this publication European Parliament Campaign www.epp.eu Questions about this publication 51 [email protected] Map of Europe Printed with the financial support of the European Parliament. 02 ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Welcome to the EPP epp european people’s party “PROTECTION, CONSERVATION, PRESERVATION, THESE ARE KEY WORDS IN THE POLITICAL VOCABULARY OF THE EPP. THE YEAR 2019 DEMONSTRATED THAT OUR CITIZENS CAN COUNT ON US TO PROTECT OUR PLANET AS WELL AS OUR VALUES. GIVING PEOPLE A SENSE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY, DEFENDING CIVIC LIBERTIES, THE RULE OF LAW AND DECENCY IN PUBLIC LIFE – THIS IS WHAT RESPONSIBLE CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY IS ABOUT”. DONALD TUSK EPP PRESIDENT “IN 2019, THE EPP WON AGAIN THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS. EUROPEANS RENEWED THEIR TRUST IN US AS THE ONLY BALANCED, REASONABLE AND EFFECTIVE POLITICAL FORCE IN THE EU. WE HAVE NOW AN EVEN GREATER RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS OUR CITIZENS. IN A POLARISED EUROPE, WE REMAIN TRUE TO OURSELVES, COMMITTED TO OUR VALUES AND LIVING UP TO THE MISSION OF SERVING PEOPLE THROUGH OUR ACTIONS”. ANTONIO LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ EPP SECRETARY GENERAL ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 WELCOME TO THE EPP 03 Welcome to the European People’s EPP also experienced electoral success this of the judiciary and increase the fight against Party (EPP), the political family year when Krisjanis KARINS delivered a stable corruption. Throughout the year, the EPP of the centre-right. The EPP’s government for the Latvian people, after commended the work of Michel BARNIER successful negotiations spearheaded by UNITY, who maintained the unity of the 27 Member roots run deep in the history and Kyriakos MITSOTAKIS became Prime States and reached fair and balanced
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