Five Wise Virgins Journey of a Bride to perfection in Christ Nameetha Janardhan Five Wise Virgins Journey of a Bride to perfection in Christ Nameetha Janardhan 1 Copyright © 2018 Golden Gate Ministries All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder. The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity. Published by Golden Gate Ministries Cover designed by Amos Interactive Website: www.goldengateministries.com E-mail: [email protected] 2 PROLOGUE 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 UNDERSTANDING JESUS THE BRIDEGROOM 7 THE BEGINNING 8 INTIMACY WITH THE LORD 10 BONE OF MY BONE, FLESH OF MY FLESH 12 THE BRIDE 17 WHO IS THE BRIDE? 18 ETERNAL BRIDE 21 BECOMING A BRIDE 26 THE INFINITY GO BAG 27 FAITH 29 HUMILITY AND MEEKNESS 40 FOCUS ON LORD JESUS 46 FLESH AND BLOOD OF JESUS 53 DIRECTION MANUAL 56 HOLINESS 63 WHAT IS HOLINESS? 64 HOLINESS IN ATTITUDE 68 HOLINESS IN BEHAVIOR 71 HOLINESS IN CHARACTER 73 HOLINESS IN THOUGHTS 78 HOLINESS IN SPEECH 81 BRIDAL GLORY 83 THE HOLY UNION 84 THE BRIDE GLORY 87 THE LOVE TALES A SERIES ON ENCOUNTERS AND VISIONS 90 LOVE EXPRESSED 91 ROOM OF SACRIFICE 93 BIRTHED IN GLORY 95 PRAYER OF SALVATION 99 3 Prologue We are about to enter “The Glory Era”, where the Lord will reveal Himself in all His glory. Something that has not been witnessed since the creation of time. Amidst the gross darkness that has already crept in, The Glory Era will usher in a reverential holiness in the Church - both in Body and the Bride of Christ. Our time is running out and the Lord Jesus is coming back for His holy and pure Bride. Unfortunately, the Bride is not ready yet. By the mercies of God, we have been given a little more time to prepare, very little time. This book aims at revealing the heart of the Father God regarding the Bride that He promised Lord Jesus, before the foundation of the earth. In the Parable of the 10 virgins, 5 of them were wise and 5 of them foolish. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25 (NKJV) 1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to “ meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. 6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. Why were the 5 wise virgins prepared and the other 5 unprepared? The difference between the 5 wise virgins and the 5 foolish virgins is their undying, uncompromising love for their Bridegroom. The Bride who loves the Lord Jesus-the Bridegroom, with all her heart, all her soul, all her mind will stop at nothing but perfection in Christ. The 5 wise virgins loved their Lord so much that they took time to prepare. They were desperate for the Lord and nothing would hold them back from being with the one they love. 4 Literally nothing. When someone is so deeply in love, they leave no stone unturned. When a Bride is excited about being with the Bridegroom, madly in love, consumed with passion - no one needs to tell her to get prepared for the union. The Bride would naturally want to prepare herself, because it means the world to her. She cannot wait to be with the one she loves. Her soul longs for her soul mate - Lord Jesus. The process of preparation is not burdensome, but something that she is excited about. She goes about beautify herself, making herself perfect for the perfect Bridegroom. Cleansing, sanctifying, purifying herself. She does that, not because it is required of her, but because she loves Him. Now, if the Bridegroom is the King of Kings, then the preparation needs to be of that caliber. The royals have discipline and order. They need to maintain dignity and conduct themselves appropriately. Their character must reflect grace and glory of the King. If this is the norm of an earthly kingdom, how much more the eternal, Holy Kingdom of the Most- High God! This is the kind of preparation required of the Bride of the King of Kings - Lord Jesus. The 5 wise virgins understood their holy ordination and were prepared to meet the Lord Jesus. Becoming a Bride is a process and this book has the practical guidelines, along with examples, needed to enrich the Bride of Christ. Prayer: Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we bring before you the reader of this book. I pray dear Holy Spirit that you quicken their spirit and stir their hearts to walk worthy of their Bridal ordination. Help them dear Lord to be pure and holy and be ready like the 5 wise virgins, when the Lord Jesus returns to take His Bride. We give you all the praise, the glory and honour, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. 5 Acknowledgement I thank the dear Abba Father for His grace and mercies in revealing His heart to me, precious Holy Spirit for leading and guiding me and my beloved Lord Jesus, without whom I wouldn’t be alive to see this day. Heartfelt thanks dear Lord. My dear husband Jan, who has always supported and encouraged me, in love. Thank you for all that you are to me. Without you, life wouldn’t have been the same. You are the best and I love you! My children, Zion and Mahima, thank you so much for your support. You guys are a wonderful blessing to me! Thanks a ton Mom for being who you are! You have always been there for me and relentlessly believed and prayed for me. Thank you, Ma and I love you! All the saints of God who prayed for us and continue to pray for us, a heartfelt thanks. May the Lord bless each one of you abundantly. Special thanks to my mentor Pastor Immanuel Jacob, for years of patience and the hard teaching! You helped me understand the deeper truths of the word of God. I will be forever grateful to you pastor. All the glory, honor and praise be unto you dear Lord. 6 Understanding Jesus The Bridegroom 7 The Beginning Let’s rewind to the garden of Eden. Picture this - Adam, the first of all mankind is a new born, fully grown man. As he opens his eyes for the first time, the bright glorious light engulfs him, his eyes slowly getting accustomed to his present surroundings. He is staring at the triune Godhead, gathered around him, smiling, peering at him through the cloud of glory, with bright sparkling eyes. The triune God had made history that day - a one that would be recorded in the books for eternity. A very special day indeed. Adam instantly recognized the Father as He lunged forward to hug him - a proud papa’s son. Son of the King of Glory, soon to inherit a kingdom, which would birth the Bride for Christ. Adam embraced the Father’s lean, strong torso, His soft white beard rubbing against his face as felt His warm breath against his shoulder. The Father’s love filled his very being, as his heart leaped with joy. Little did Adam know how blessed and privileged he was, at that very moment. Lord Jesus then stepped forward, welcoming him with a hug, that burst into a million colors dancing around him. There was a beautiful whiff of celebration in the air, at the joyous occasion. Holy Spirit embraced him also in love, sending waves of uncontainable joy. The Angels danced and sang for they had witnessed the birth of a new King, a new era. Songs of worship and praise along with the harmonious sounds of all creation of God, produced a new strain of melody never heard before. The brilliant colors, melodious tunes, the majestic angels all seemed to Adam like he was a very special creation. As he was still trying to come to terms with the things happening around him, Papa summons. The whole creation suddenly turns into a silent spectator, in awe and reverence, allowing the Father to speak. Papa held a colorful, bejeweled, gold crown, with intricately laid precious stones designed with great love and care by the Father Himself.
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