W — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Dec. 7. 1987 flap: WateFbury ogtragid by. Fonda / page 5 I AucM on: G arage P GARS HOMES CONDOMINIUMS FOR RALE SALE R m S M i FONSM i m everything after VW Robbit 1976 for sole. FAMILY Room with MANCHESTER. Better Excellent condition for cottMdrol cotlino on- TAKE A LOOK liddled: Jets can’t handle the Dolphins / page 1 1 I so years / p a g e 3 than new. Spacious 2 ports. 649-5694. hanco the value and year old 3 bedroom, 1 '/i uie of thU 7 room. 3 bath Lydall Woods OLDS Sedan 1939. DrlgT- 84 Chtv CMpriCG sAJoe nol 6 cylinder flotheod, bedroom home located Condominium. Excel­ WfR. imm. MvifB *D4«0 on a buillne In Man­ lent condition, patio off 60,000 original miles, chester. Recent fur­ ru n s good, re cent dining area, garage, KARCtrtOAYl I ;iiAWRES1R'EE'! •6895 nace. partial recrea­ lust what you have PAINTI I BuelM, truck a . point, chrome, uphpjs- MANetICSTIR U .. • Floors like new k terv. A Cleon cor. S5000. S3RX7Mwr.tm *67 9 5 tion room and o 140' been looking for. Wefereneee. Openmae ter 11 biMffor ;,1«: Slump removal, i deep treed loti Offered $159,900. Century-21 e Spedeliting In older Boors aetlmatea. r m 742^758 Scott. ent end 1 ehBd egee *4,1 Pride taken In every )ob, In the S140's.. Blan­ Epstein Realty.o Heve pert ikne epeninoe *Me. 1 • Natural a sialnad flobfa NISSAN Sentro 1982. 2 »6 8 9 5 chard & Rossetto. provide bfeehtert. luneh . e we dol Quality l» our ' • NO waxtng anymof* door, 5 speed, A M -F M "W e’re Sellino sneehe. inalnoonoem. stereo. $2200. 647-0339 Houses*' 646-7482.0 ^ , 047-750^ after 6pm. MM1> LMMM SAVE- w mm L0T8/LAND PHONE; 647-BW R EASON ABLE R A TE S a ■♦ •.•♦. .e'e MANCHESTER. This FOR SALE •s * 82 Dlda Cutlaaa spacious and attrac­ LICENSED day core We eater to the TOYOTA Corollo 1980. 4 40MT *5295 tive 7 plus room Ranch MANCHESTER. Level, home has Immediate honte owner, fey SERVICES « door, outomotlc, 70,000 Isa pleasure to showl It opening for 1 child over FREE ESTIMATES ' 4'Trlmme8L, , miles. Excellent condi­ 84 Maro. Topaz .. m e cleared lots, city sew7 4 or, AT. N. AO *39 9 5 Is located In a desirable er/water. 27-30,000 and 1 1nfant. Planned f Felt a wilder tion. 11900. Coll 647-1632 IfflaurbrBtrr) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralb octivltles ond hot Fully ln$unii EXCAVATING BulldOMF |>. <lpesena».r offer 6pm. area of Manchester. square feet. 647-0246. ond Bockhoe services: 87 Sable‘Q8’ Large private yard. meol* Included. Easy Jteilverv,*' CHEVELLE 1972 for tor.Lotata *1 3 ,3 9 9 MANCHESTER. 3/4 acre off 1-44 Bifcktond Street 0 4 3 -0 7 74 Light urodlnii Stone ports. Coll between Has a walk out base­ and stump temoval. ment Ideal for In-law lot. Sewer, vrater, gas exit, 644-4128. 9om-5pm. 646-3004. 84 Chay Caprice available. Agen- prompt'? service of wen.,va.Mr *0480 T u G s d a y , Dec. 8,1987 30 Cents situation I Lots of reasonable rates. Cali V**............?t*v*‘ ***v^*?Av closet space. 2 firepla­ f/owner. 649-7440. Is advertising expensive? w A i m r a u N G , a « ■ s . i». You’ll be surprised new ’ John; 456-70S9. 07 Lino Contlnonta)^ ces. Let us show you WiiitRr Low MXlt I these and other fine economical It is to adver­ ami MINTING t features of this home. MORTOAOES tise In Classified. 643-2711. ^ InutnH Reterprtoat WARMCKMIOTNiin CLYDE 85 NIsaan Stanza _ $185,900. Realty World- TREE REMOVAL CHeVROLET-SUICK, INC. 4 Or. *o480 Sterfy Reffitide . 648-4431 Leaf mMng. ssrss** a Artee Frechette-Benolt. 646- R O U T E S3, V E R N O N 80 Line. Town Car 7709.O NO PAYMENTS |:SaiTMIeib-i4»>fSt1 eieefled. erww removal. Senior ‘World is watching’ as summit opens CUiMn Oiaeounie, tree eeti- _____ _ ______ 0^ 78 Bulok LaSebra *2905 MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ Up to 2 years. Kits your fi­ >.mmee. Fan raiia. tOyeereexpert- 4 1 2 1 4 1 9 1 0 ' S2 Century coue* *6195 65 Ford Eaoort .. m - room Ranch with tire- nancial difficulties ooodbye. enee.CeHefierSfU. • ■.*^8 •■."ssi.i Avoid foreclosure, catch up IB S O L O T E ^ 'Vr 4 0r,Ayto.Lewiiiltt *4ZeO placed living room, CARinEfITRV; as Cavalller wiaon *4495 -> ■ ■'9 - ■ By Barry Schweld on late payments such as first asChavelteier. *4995 87 Sable ‘OS' The Associated Press dining room with built or second morteoee or even REMOOEUROr" •14,299 In china cabinet. 12x20 outstanding credit card bills. CempMe hortM rMaha t quality work., ODD lobs. Trucking. TESTING as Century ear. *8995 • For Gorbachev and 1st floor family room modidnB. We •pMMHnl Frea Estlmaiea. 83 Regal 4*. *6995 85 Dlda Calala Keep your heme free and roome end UteherM. Homs repairs. You Bast^lnmto ti$t! WASHINGTON - President his wife, Raisa, it’s glitz, E with bay window over­ clear without liens and at- knaive. Call.,Doug home It, w f do It. Free at Olde dare 4 w. *7795 •6995 Reagan gave Soviet leader Mikhail ecmmercW work. ~ looking private yard , 'ReaiMMHpRetee- '] glamour and pomp tachmenes. Bad credit or ■wed. reteenew. N : astlmotas. Insured. 643- at Camaro eoua# *8495 Gorbachev a red carpet summit E and a brand new kit­ late payment not a problem. 0304. Ratfon Tasllsg Sanrlet • From human rights chen with cherry ca­ S 4 S 4 1 S # .. at Pontlao Trent Am *10,795 MORIARTY welcome to the White House today binets, ceramic tileand Swiss Conservative ’ ............................ V ^ asChav. Aatrovwi *10,195 and said "the world is watching" as to AIDS, demonatratlona new appliances, 1 car G r o u p HANDYMAN .... ............Vgl'J"' as Chevy Caprtoa 4 ar. *8495 BROTHERS they sign one arms control treaty in Washington garage. $149,900. D .w . Nova t dr. and bargain over a second, more 1•454-4404 o r m i Heme Improvement - 86 *8495 • Across town, a Fish Realty. 643-1591.0 Peinttne - Well Poaerlne - extra S6 Camaro Z2S *13,995 301 CtntBT St. ambitious pact. 1-454-1336 ................................ ... meeting of the beat and BOLTON. Spacious3bed­ Tiling • Light Carpentry • 87 Spaolrum t dr. *8495 Manchtstar, C T Gorbachev, received with full room Raised Ranch Coll military honors, said the two men Ilka naw. Spade tr Chavana 2 dr. *5495 brightest minds with 1st floor family BARRY SCANLON 643-S135 must strive to "undo the logic of the C APARTMENTS In oldar floors, i .J^lh I • Predictions of retifl- room, dining room, at 646-2411 ter eetlmote arms race” during three planned FOR RENT or stalnad. No wax ryour 872-9U1 catlon, caution against C den and recreation coii643»ilimt John Varfatlle, TRUCKS/VANS days of summit talks. room on lower level. 'iod, m m FDR SALE The nationally televised welcom­ euphoria Well maintained home M A N C H ES TE R . Good lo­ . ^5 > 5c' cation. 2 bedroom IROC Z281987.4,000 miles. ing ceremony on the White House with monv energy fea­ — ttorha on p e g * 7 tures Including 3 sky­ opartment-2nd floor, T-top, phone hook-up, FORD Pick UP 1963. Runs South Lawn was a prelude to the lights. $183,900. D.W. wall to wall carpeting, loodedl FOctory war­ great. $800 negotiable. first ot five private talks between Fish Realty. 643-4060.D appliances. No pets. TV/6TERE0/ PETS AND GARS CARS ranty. Pristine condi­ Phone 645-8303. the superpower leaders. The cen­ EAST Hartford. Trodl- Security and lease. QD APPLIANCES E 3 SUPPLIES FOR SALE m FDR SALE tion. $14,500 or best MISCELLANEOUS terpiece of the summit, arranged tlonal 3 bedroom Co­ $485. Call 643-1595. offer. Phone John 526- for early afternoon, was the signing chatted as a fife and drum corps EAST Hartford. 1 bed­ 3072 anytlma.D AUTOMOTIVE lonial In "Sunset HEAVY Duty HofpoInt 2 PUPPIES. Shepherd- DODGE Caravan S E1984. PLYM OUTH Ouster 1973, of a treaty to ban intermediate- dressed in Revolutionary era uni­ Estate". An excellent room. $435 monthly /Husky cross. Great 64,000 miles. Excellent 6 cylinder, 2door,outo- range nuclear weapons. forms paraded past them. plus utilities. Dn bus speed washer and Kel- FORD LTD 1976. Many 8x16 Cor hauler. Heavy family neighborhood. vlnotor'dryer, $125 femperment. Great condition. Leased new motlc, 53X100 miles, 1 Reagan and Gorbachev both used Once the nationally televised line. 568-1054. owner, good condition. new ports, extra tires, duty, dual wheel with A covered porch, sten­ eochjCaH64^MM^^ holiday presents I $50. Caravan, must sell this the colorful ceremony outside the ceremony outside the White House ciling and built In one. Best offer. 647- $825/ best offer. 646- A M -FM Cassette. $750. broke set up available. 0 MANCHESTER. Quality was over, Reagan was to escort china closet are lust 2 bedroom, heat, hot 0801. 1774 after 6om. 742-7748. 8900. 742-8750 Scott. White House to hall the medium- MACHWERY range missile treaty and look Gorbachev into the Oval Office for some of the fine feo- water and all applian­ AND TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS tures of this home. ces Included, air condi­ FOR SALE forward to possible agreement on the first of five scheduled negotiat­ D.W. Fish Realty. 643- tioning, quiet, on bus­ reducing long-range strategic wea­ ing sessions on arms control, CRAFTSMAN motorized 4060.g_________________ line. Ideal for middle, TEE Shirt transfers. Ap­ pons by 50 percent.
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