■ CONTRACTOR IS RROTHER AT 40. SUPREMELY HAPPY Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1937— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Saturday Following Issue Registorials PROVINCIAL L. R. HUNTER MORAL REBIRTH NEEDED TO CUT ACCIDENTS OF ORDER IN ENGLEWOOD A plea for a moral awakening of the general public it needed to cut I DENVER CATHOUC down the huge and rising toll of automobile accidents, Dr. Claire L. Straith of Detroit told members of DENVER POST VINCENTIAN the American Medical association meeting at Atlantic City. In the last year, he pointed out, 38,500 Very Rev. John Ordinas Replaces Rev. John Thought Religious Life Would Be Dull, persons lost their lives in such acci­ dents, and 110,000 were perma­ Bonet, Who Has Been 111; Other Wearisome, but Discovers nently ^isabled. Neither laws reg­ REGISTER ulating driving nor engineering Changes Announced ' ' ' ' ' » ' ' • I I .- - . — ■ I ■■ — Opposite Is True designs for safer motor cars can The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. do so much as public opinion in cut­ For perhaps the first time in the history of Denver, a Life begins at 40 for L. Raymond Hunter of St. Louis’ ting down this toll, he declared. Time after time we have read provincial of a religious community is pastor of one of the VOL. XXXII. No.4S. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 24,1937. $2 PER YEAR parish in Englewood— a new life that is, for there is much in Denver papers about some city’s churches. It was made known this week that the of life behind him. After years of work as a contractor youngster’s being hit or killed by a Very Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., provincial of the American and a mining man, Mr. Hunter has found the peace and car. Often the accident is termed province of the Theatine Fathers, is the new pastor of St, joy to which he had looked forward for years— the peace ’ ’unavoidable.” Sometimes it is; Mother of 15 Has Sixth Set of Twins and joy that come only with the religious life. Mr. Hunter, again, we wonder. Cajetan’s parish here. We live in South Denver on Father Ordinas replaces the Rev. John'Bonet, C.R., who turned 40 this spring, has joined the Vincentian what would he called a residence who had been pastor here' a number of years and was Brothers at St. Mary’s seminary in Perryville, Mo. street. It is two blocks from a responsible for piuch of the prog- m: From there this week he wrote to his former parish business district, four from pop­ ress of the West Side Spanish priest, the Rev. Joseph P. O’Heron, pastor of St. Louis’ ular through streets. Since all the parish. Father Bonet was named church: “ So far as I am con- streets in the neighborhood are in SI. M in i's assistant pastor of Most Precious cerned, the whole world may know good condition, this particular one Blood parish,. San Luis. As he 1-''S *' that I have joined a religious or­ should not carry an undue bnden has been in ill health in the past der.” (Brother Lawrence Jeft of traffic. But cars speed by at 12020685 L few months, it was felt a less ar­ Englewood two months ago for 35 or 40 miles an hour and more. duous post might aid his recovery. the seminary but delayed the pub­ For weeks we were awakened at In the pastorate of Father Bo­ lic announcement of his entry into night by one particular speed de­ net, S t Cajetan’s spread its sphere roar of his car could be heard for religion until he was sure of the of influence to meet the demands stability of his vocation.) “ It S mon who went much faster. The of the large and sdfrtered Span- would be humanly impossible for blocks. ish-American population of the me to explain in words how well We have four very young chil­ city. In his term of office here contented and happy I am here. dren. The block is alive with them; Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel was I used to think that life in a reli­ suns someone counted 40 in a short opened for the Spanish-speaking gious order would be dull and 11 stretch of houses. It would need When the late Rev. E. J. Mannix residents of the North Side. He was pastor of St. Catherine's > \ <■ wearisome, but I find it the other a personal guardian for each child also saw inaugurated the Catholic way around.” to keep them all out of the streets. church, a Denver Catholic woman, Educational center in the Lincoln With more than 100 persons Mrs. Pearl Queen Holland, became from ten states in attendance, the Watch as we may— and our hearts park district for the Mexican fam­ For years L. Raymond Hunter summer session of Loretto Heights flop over every time we hear a interested in the progress of the ilies of that area. Just before cherished the ambition to enter a car speed by— some one of the parish. She knew of the plans of he left the city for his new ap­ religious order, but he had obli­ college opened Monday morning, the late pastor for a new church gations that kept him from for­ June 21. It will be concluded July (Turn to Page U — Column 1) pointment, the building of a chapel and she determined to furnish a at the educational center was saking the world for the religious 30. memorial altar when it was com­ started.. life. Mr. Hunter was an orphan Students pursuing th e 24 Priest Going to pleted. Father Mannix died be­ boy reared by his g;randmother, courses being offered by the col­ fore his plans for a new St. Cath­ Father Ordinas was pastor of Mrs. Jane McCauley, one of St. lege come from California, Colo­ Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Scout Jamboree erine’s could be realized, but the Louis’ oldest parishioners. When rado, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, work was accomplished by his suc­ Antonito, one of the largest par­ the orphan came to manhood, his New Mexico, Nebraska, Arizona, ishes in Southwestern Colorado, cessor, the Rev. Dr. D. A. Lemieux. .g:randmother was already an aged Texas, and Alabama. The ma­ The Rev. Willard Berberich, before his appointment to Denver. C.SS.R., assistant at St. Joseph’s This week. Father Lemieux an­ woman, and the orphan boy in jority of those enrolled are reli­ The new appointments came from gions. parish, left Thursday to attend the nounced that Mrs. Holland made m turn cared for her who had pven the superior general of the order, A new instructor has been added national Boy Scout jamboree in provision in 1935 for a trust fund V him a home in his youth. the Very Rev. B. Caldentey, C.R., to the summer faculty since pub­ Washington D. C., June 30 to of $2,000 that is to be applied who once labored in the Theatine Two years ago, Mrs. McCauleyi July 7. Father Berberich was toward a memorial altar for her­ died at the age of 87. Brother lication of the last list. She is parishes in the southern part of Sister Mary Lua from Santa Fe, chosen to represent the Cath­ self and her husband. Lawrence disposed of all his world­ the state. who is teaching Spanish. olic scouts of the district by Mrs. Holland died last year. ly belongings after his grandmoth­ Changes affecting other Thea- Guest speakers are to be a fea­ the Rev. Barry Wogan, diocesan Some time ago, the parish became Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fifield of Putnam, Conn., would «eem to have little competition when it comet er’s death and this spring left to tines in this district are as follows. ture of the school. The first per­ director of Boy Scout activities, possessor o f' the fund. Father to twins. In their 13 years of married life, tjiey have had 15 children, 12 of whom, are twins. Mrs. Fifield join the Vincentian Brothers at The Rev. Bernard Rotger, C. R., it shown above with the newest pair, not yet named. son to address the students will be and Chief E. E. Skinner of the Lemieux said that the income from from assistant at Sacred Heart Perryville. There he has found all the joy to which he looked for­ the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, who Denver district. Bishop Urban J. the trust will be used for Masses parish, Durango, to assistant at St. will talk Wednesday, June 30. The Vehr gave his consent to the ap­ for Mrs. Holland and her husband Cajetan’s, Denver. ward for many years. 3 Nurses Spend Full Time in Parish Schools Before his departure for St. others have not yet been an­ pointment. until the altar is installed in the The Rev. Michael Mas, C.R., nounced. Accompanying Father Berberich completed church. He also plans from pastor of Sacred Heart par­ Mary’s seminary in Perryville, on the trip is Leo Kleinschnitz, a temporary plaque to be erected ish, Durango, to pastor at Our Lady Broker Lawrence was well known scoutmaster of the Boy Scout troop in the church in commemoration of Guadadlupe parish, Antonito. SCHOOL HEALTH WORK in Arapahoe county as a building Women’s Retreat at St. Joseph’s parish. of the gift.
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