![All the Regular Features Plus and Much More Hatch Warren, Beggarwood](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
RaTHE bbiter RaTHE bbiter Issue 272 June 2020 All the regular features plus • GUINNESS WORLD RECORD • PINK PLACE NEWS • BASINGSTOKE VOLUNTARY ACTION and much more The Community Newsletter for Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and Kempshott Park The Rabbiter - June 2020 /RRNLQJIRUDWUXVWHG ORFDOEXVLQHVVIRU\RXU QH[WKRPHSURMHFW" :LQGRZV 'RRUV &RQVHUYDWRULHV 2UDQJHULHV *DUDJH'RRUV *XDUDQWHHG:RUN *UHDW3ULFHV )LQDQFH$YDLODEOH &DOOULSWRQZLQGRZVFRXN LQ J V W R D V N H % ï ï ï ï ï :K\QRWYLVLWRXUVKRZURRPLQ&KLQHKDP" ï ï ï :HKDYHORWVRIH[DPSOHFRQVHUYDWRULHVZLQGRZVDQG GRRUVZLWKIUHHSDUNLQJDQGDGHFHQWFXSSD 4XRWHç5$%%,7(5èIRUDSUHIHUHQWLDOTXRWH Printed on recycled or sustainably sourced paper using ecoprint-system4 by Greenhouse Graphics. Hampshire’s only EMAS accredited print center. 5DEELWHU$GYHUW5LSWRQ:LQGRZVLQGG The Rabbiter - June 2020 THE /RRNLQJIRUDWUXVWHG EDITORIAL How is everyone getting on? There is lots of walking and cycling, children enjoying Rabbiter home schooling and we have all discovered ‘zoom’. Family quiz night is becoming INSIDE THIS ISSUE an important way to keep in touch and entertained. The Rabbiter is pleased to ORFDOEXVLQHVVIRU\RXU THE congratulate the manager of the Portsmouth Arms, Richard Curtis, on continuing 6 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS to run his very successful quiz, raising over £40,000 for charity and breaking the WORKING HARD TO SUPPORT Guinness World Record for the longest marathon as a quiz master (see page 8 for Rabbiter QH[WKRPHSURMHFW" more details). Well done Richard! VULNERABLE RESIDENTS Sadly the Café in the Park is still closed and we are missing their wonderful home 8 PHILLIPS SOLICITORS baked cakes. A particular favourite is the Lemon Drizzle Cake – and we are pleased to feature the recipe for this on page 10. We are expecting a run on lemons in the local THE PORTSMOUTH ARMS BREAKS :LQGRZV 'RRUV shops and would love to see pictures of your bakes – please send your pictures to [email protected] and we will feature them on our website, www.therabbiter. WORLD RECORD &RQVHUYDWRULHV 2UDQJHULHV biz. Sainsbury’s continue to provide an amazing service to local residents with over 10 CAFÉ IN THE PARK RECIPE 400 orders being delivered locally every day (see page 14 for news from Sainsbury’s). *DUDJH'RRUV Although our Community Centre doors are now closed, the Association AGM will MY FIRST MEETING AT THE PROBUS still take place on Wednesday 10 June 2020 at 7pm. All members are encouraged to *XDUDQWHHG:RUN attend via ‘zoom’ – see page 16 for details. Without your support we will lose this 11 COUNCILLOR’S UPDATE amazing facility. BASINGSTOKE DEANE ROTARY I am enjoying my daily walk and particularly enjoy walking across Old Down. The *UHDW3ULFHV cowslips have been stunning this year – thank you to all the hard work by the Old CAN YOU HELP LOCAL GROWERS? Down and Beggarwood Wildlife Group for their continuing work maintaining our )LQDQFH$YDLODEOH open spaces (see page 18). 12 CLASSIFIED ADS A big thank you to the members of Beggarwood Bookworms Community for all their A JOB IN THE COMMUNITY (PART 2) help and support over the past couple of months. New friendships have developed as shopping has been organised for those isolated at home and prescriptions collected. 14 CHILDREN’S CORNER A special thank you to the member who runs a ‘treasure hunt list’ to fi nd all those items that shops keep running out of – fl our and yeast just to mention one thing SAINSBURY’S she manages to source and then deliver – an amazing lady. New members always 15 BOOKWORMS welcome to our bookclub – see page 15. Did you celebrate VE day? We had a great time in our road. Bunting was made and PINK PLACE NEWS displayed, tables and chairs laid in front gardens loaded with scones, cakes, tea and 16 COMMUNITY CENTRE Prosecco. Music from the 1940s was played. Social Distancing rules were respected by everyone and we all had a splendid time catching up with friends and neighbours 17 THE WARREN from a respectable distance. Unfortunately we are still unable to deliver the Rabbiter door to door but hope to 18 OLD DOWN AND BEGGARWOOD be back to normal in September. Meanwhile copies are available from Sainsburys, WILDLIFE GROUP the Co-op and Poundstretcher. The Rabbiter have a website where you can read the current edition and access previous editions. We are also on facebook https://www. 19 BASINGSTOKE VOLUNTARY ACTION facebook.com/therabbiter.biz/and here you can post pictures of your cakes and all your local news. SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING With all the talk about cake, we may need to do some extra exercise. Beechdown 20 RABBITER CONTACTS are now running FREE online classes to help us stay fi t and well – see page 13. The current emergency is going to have an impact on a lot of small businesses so please 21 FREEADS do support our advertisers whenever possible. 22 KEMPSHOTT CONSERVATION GROUP If you are spending some time having a good spring clean, remember that the Rabbiter has a page for free ads or you could advertise your items on our facebook page. HWB CYCLING CLUB Stay safe and well everyone. The Editor Printed by Greenhouse Graphics Ltd www.greenhousegraphics.co.uk • Heating installations • Breakdowns • Boiler changes/upgrades • Landlord Safety Checks • Servicing • Power flushing &DOOULSWRQZLQGRZVFRXN • LPG Gas installation/service • Water softeners LQ J V W R D V N H % ï ï ï ï ï Call Jamie Davenport 24hr - 7 Days a Week :K\QRWYLVLWRXUVKRZURRPLQ&KLQHKDP" ï ï ï Tel No: 01256 398611 Mobile No: 07876 687422 212273 :HKDYHORWVRIH[DPSOHFRQVHUYDWRULHVZLQGRZVDQG GRRUVZLWKIUHHSDUNLQJDQGDGHFHQWFXSSD An established, family run local business with 20 years’ experience 4XRWHç5$%%,7(5èIRUDSUHIHUHQWLDOTXRWH 3 5DEELWHU$GYHUW5LSWRQ:LQGRZVLQGG The Rabbiter - June 2020 All Seasons Window Cleaning Reliably serving the Hatchwarren / Beggarwood community for over 20 years Additional services include: • Driveway cleaning • • Cladding/signage cleaning • • Gutter/fascia/soffit cleaning • • Conservatory roof cleaning • • Pure water - no chemicals • Call STEVE on 01256 353727 Email: [email protected] Web: www.allseasonswindowcleaning.com www.facebook.com/allseasonswindowcleaninguk 6KRZHUKHDGV /RFDOWR+DWFK:DUUHQDQG.HPSVKRWW FRQVWDQWO\QHHG )('83:,7+ GHVFDOLQJRWKHUZLVH ZDWHUIORZZLOOEH FRPSURPLVHG SOUTHERN +$5':$7(5 WINDOW ,1<285+20(" 7KH\ZLOOVSUD\ OLNHQHZ INSTALLATIONS 7KH3HUIHFW6ROXWLRQ 6FDOHGHSRVLWVZLOO :LQGRZ 'RRU6SHFLDOLVW IRUPRQWDSV $7ZLQ7HF %L)ROG'RRUVá&RPSRVLWH)URQW'RRUV 1RFUXVW\VFDOH :DWHU6RIWHQHU GHSRVLWVRQWDSV² RQO\DTXLFNZLSH QHHGHGWRNHHS WKHPVSDUNOLQJ 7RSFODVVVHUYLFHDQGZRUNPDQVKLS YHU\LPSUHVVLYH 0U73KLOOLSV)DUQERURXJK¶¶ ´7KHVHUYLFHZHUHFHLYHGZDVH[FHOOHQW WKHSOXPEHUH[SODLQHGHYHU\WKLQJDQG LWZDVHDV\WRXQGHUVWDQG.HYLQUXQVD YHU\SURIHVVLRQDOFRPSDQ\µ :LGH5DQJHá6XSHULRU4XDOLW\á/RZ3ULFHV 0UV$[IRUG%DVLQJVWRNH :LQGRZVá&RQVHUYDWRULHVá5HSDLUV 3URXGPHPEHUVRI :HDUHDORFDOIDPLO\UXQEXVLQHVVRIIHULQJNQRZOHGJHDQG H[SHUWLVHZLWKDIULHQGO\DSSURDFK Where reputation matters Covering Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and surrounding areas .HYLQ*RRG\ $XWKRULVHG á 7HO_0RE 7ZLQ7HF'HDOHU NJRRG\#XNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN_ZZZXNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN ZZZVRXWKHUQZLQGRZLQVWDOODWLRQVFRXN 4 The Rabbiter - June 2020 &KHIWUDLQHGDWWKHSUHVWLJLRXV/HLWK V6FKRRORI)RRGDQG:LQHQRZZRUNLQJORFDOO\ (YHQWFDWHULQJ IRUGLQQHUSDUWLHVELUWKGD\VFDQDS«VFRUSRUDWHOXQFKHVIXQHUDOVDQGPRUH FRQQLH#FDOLFRIRRGFRXN__FDOLFRIRRGFRXN WŽĐƚŽƌ;,ĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞͿ>ƚĚ ŶĚLJWĞĂƌĐĞϬϭϮϱϲϴϰϭϮϬϰ ,ŽŵĞΘ^ŵĂůůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐW͛ƐΘƉƌŝŶƚĞƌƐƐƵƉƉůŝĞĚ͘ WƌĞƉĂŝƌƐΘƵƉŐƌĂĚĞƐ͕>ĂƉƚŽƉƐΘĞƐŬƚŽƉƐ͘tŝƌĞůĞƐƐ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ͘sŝƌƵƐΘDĂůǁĂƌĞƌĞŵŽǀĂů͘EĞǁWΘdĂďůĞƚ ƐĞƚƵƉ͘ĂƚĂΘŵĂŝůƚƌĂŶƐĨĞƌĨƌŽŵŽůĚƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ ƉĐĚŽĐ͘ŚĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞΛďƟŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͘ĐŽŵ ,#,#-3$-3$// /)-*21(-,0 -+.21$//-!*$+0-+.21$//-!*$+0 /($,#*6./-%$00(-,/($,#*6./-%$00(-, *0$/3("$0%-/!20(,$00*0$/3("$0%-/!20(,$00 ,#'-+$,#'-+$ ..*$(..*$( #0$12.1/#0$12.1/ (,(,&(,(,& "02..-/1(/20/$+-3-3 *+*+ (*(* -+.21$/.$/%-/+-+.21$/.$/%-/+ ,"$(002$0(/$*$00,1$/,$1,"$(002$0(/$*$00,1$/,$1/-/- #!#! ,#,# /#/#44 /$/$-%14-%14 /$,01/$,01 **** 1(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/11(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/1 1$1$3$3$//-1'-"-1'-" *./-%$00(-,*./-%$00(-, * 6/0$5.$/($,"$ $$** -/-/02..-/1"02..-/1" ,#-3$/. /)/)0-*21(-,0"-2)0-*21(-,0"-2) 5 The Rabbiter - June 2020 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS WORKING HARD TO SUPPORT VULNERABLE RESIDENTS The Basingstoke and Deane Community Hub has taken over 1,200 calls from vulnerable borough residents following the launch of a new coronavirus helpline. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is working in partnership with Hampshire County Council, Basingstoke Voluntary Action (BVA) and community and voluntary groups to ensure that those most at risk can stay inside their homes and receive deliveries of food and prescribed medication during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Coronavirus Hampshire Helpline has been set up for residents who are at higher risk from the virus, are self-isolating and do not have access to any help from family and friends to register for support. The helpline is available seven days a week, from 9am to 5pm by calling 0333 370 4000. Basingstoke and Deane Community Hub, through a wide range of community and voluntary groups and volunteers across the borough, has been able to purchase and deliver food packages, collect medical prescriptions from local pharmacies and signpost residents in need to other support available. Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Partnerships Cllr Simon Bound said: “These figures show ;,=;%-8 how important this vital work is to provide urgent support to vulnerable residents across our borough and I would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers working hard to support residents most in need. *3686)%81)28# “We
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